11-28-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, November 28, 2005— 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:30 with the following Board members present;Anne Hiney,Brandi Lafleur, and David Willey. Board member Benny Jones arrived at 6:35. Board members Eugene Garner and Ronnie Rogers were absent. Staff members present were Bill Nelson,Parks Superintendent,Robert Diaz,Assistant Parks Superintendent,and Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the October 24,2005 meeting. Board Action Board member David Willey made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member Anne Hiney seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Garner and Ronnie Rogers absent. 2. Consider and act upon concept plan from TXU Energy regarding property at Hwy. 78 and Brown/Eubanks area. A presentation will be made by Dallas Cothrum,a TXU consultant. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz discussed the general location of the proposed substation and introduced Mr.Dallas Cothrum to the Board. Req uestor Comments Mr.Dallas Cothrum with Masterplan Consultants addressed the Board and discussed the concept plan from TXU Energy for the property located at Hwy 78 and the Brown/Eubanks area. Mr.Cothrum discussed parkland to be dedicated to the City of Wylie should the plans for the TXU substation be approved. Mr. Cothrum stated that this was a concept plan because a request for zoning change would have to be filed. Mr. Cothrum stated that the property would be buffered on all sides and that TXU would provide some paved parking as well as trash receptacles for the park area. Mr. Cothrum stated that eight foot tall chain-link fencing with barbed wire would be surrounding the equipment area of the substation. Board member Anne Hiney requested to know if any specific type of screening or landscaping would be established to separate the equipment area from the park area. Mr. Cothrum stated that it might be possible to plant landscaping as a visual barrier but that he would need to discuss Minutes—November 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 • the issue with TXU. Mr. Cothrum expressed the need for the Parks Department to maintain the area should landscaping be installed.Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson suggested planting cedar trees and installing an irrigation system to keep trees properly watered. Mr. Cothrum stated that the concerns and suggestions of the Board were reasonable and he would discuss them with TXU and report back to the Board. Board Action Board member David Willey made a motion to approve the concept plan. Board member Anne Hiney seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Garner and Ronnie Rogers absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 4. 4. Playground rules and regulations. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz explained that some signs had recently been installed to reiterate park rules and regulations. Board Discussion Board member Anne Hiney expressed her concern regarding park rules and regulations. Ms. Hiney stated that there have been problems, particularly at Pirate Cove, because of pet-owners who have allowed their pets to be loose in enclosed park areas. Chairman Chesnut stated that a ruling should be established to address the problem. Board member David Willey suggested waiting to see if the newly installed signs address concerns and reconsidering at a later date if they do not. The Board agreed to wait and reevaluate the issue at a later date. 5. Staff updates on the following:Bond propositions status,Construction status on Olde City Park,Eureka,and Riverway Parks. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz discussed the approval of all items in the bond election. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the Board with updates to current park development projects. Mr. Nelson stated that both Eureka and Riverway Parks were basically completed; Olde City Park projects would soon be underway; funds were approved for development of a portion of Joel Scott Park; a walking trail would be installed along the utility easement at Westgate and Ann; and lighting would be installed at the tennis courts and Pirate Cove. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move back to Item 3. 3. Prepare for the joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting on January 10, 2006. Board Discussion Chairman Chesnut discussed the joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Mr. Chesnut stated that issues concerning the Wells property, league sanctioning and W.I.S.D. should be discussed at the scheduled meeting. Mr. Chesnut requested that staff provide the Board with a map of the Wells property. Minutes—November 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz suggested that the Board request direction from Council to determine the role that they would like the Board to take regarding leagues and fees. Mr. Diaz suggested that the Board consider the issues that they would like to present to Council and prepare to discuss them at the next Board meeting. Mr. Diaz suggested that staff meet with some of the league representatives to discuss issues and to receive feedback from them. ADJOURNMENT Board Action With no further business, Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05. The motion was seconded by David Willey. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Garner and Ronnie Rogers absent. rj.. D\niel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman SUBMITTED BY: Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary Minutes—November 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3