11-28-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, November 28, 2005 6:30 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS PARTICIPATION INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the October 24, 2005 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon concept plan from TXU Energy regarding property at Hwy. 78 and Brown/Eubanks area. A presentation will be made by Dallas Cothrum, a TXU consultant. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Prepare for the joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting on January 10, 2006. 4. Playground rules and regulations. 5. Staff updates on the following: Bond propositions status Construction status on Olde City Park,Eureka,and Riverway Parks ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into Executive Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meetin 0�9+0 Steil, n this 23rd day of November, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 al I ex /4'soito nment Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is also-`�rbsted' o tlie' 4 )Vylie Website at www.ci.wylic.tx.us /0, -2" 25 Carole Ehrlich,City S retary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is WheNiaikt9cess interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by CierittiipitiOatteNeity Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. CITY OF WYLIE Item No. Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: November 28, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: November 22, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon concept plan from TXU Energy regarding property at Hwy. 78 and Brown/Eubanks area. A presentation will be made by Dallas Cothrum, a TXU consultant. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: The Board viewed the proposed layout of the new transfer site at the August 22, 2005 meeting. There have been some minor changes to the plan that Mr. Cothrum will address when he makes his presentation to the Board regarding the dedicated parkland at the site. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: N O • \ EXISTING SUBSTATION \ 1.25 AC. �' ♦ • • • 41(44. TRACT 2 PROPOSED. i " Y INDUSTRIAL ZONING x ! 36,778 AC. \ c' \ • , x , x , xx , xxxxxx � x x x x x x x x x x x x ♦. , xxxxxxxxxx \ i . xxxxxx , xx , \ I 111111lYY/III���NI1�/ x . . , , x x . x x - • M x , x x " x , x x x x x x x " ' ^ ' ^ ^ " " " x ZONING EXHIBIT MAP TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY LAVON SUBSTATION WYLIE, TEXAS PNIP/110 IRA x x , , x x1 0x x x. x x x x , , x , , x x , x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x LOPIZONICIA Glair xxxxxxxxxxx , xx , xxxxxxxxxx , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11215 NET TatltR■,V0.OUR OOD " xxxxxxxx , xx , x , xxxxx , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RU)711-7777 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , xxxxxxx , xxx , xxx , xxxxxx ale)74FKnrat x Plilt BROWN ROAD 11111111,111 t 01 IIINui ins ��QQ 1la 3 ppp5g �p�� PROPFATYIA °R M1ME ZONfN"" pIg • i ,,,:,=::,,::..; „ . .., .. .,„_,_,:,.:1 ,0 - ‘ , ,i,„,,,„, g . , • 'EN pppppSEp// •c*' p1EEM SPACE '_ -=_-_-- 100' moat�p��I1T \. 1• ��04.#V �IIi +i�11 ..:',::::::,/ 0 - • v. \,\ \ 0* - • '44 ;-++ *•'••ji'�i ,,��; r i% i ir Ai- .,:.!:.cilk.v.4 ,\.• -.--..o. -wilk..;... „,,,....v ,..,t,,, ,,...,, ,.\ ._:„.,,.__,:.,, ,,„..,,,,=,,,: : ..8 __,,,_ . s,_ v...,.::::,ok.,....v..... - ... -,"_,...,. Iv, 1 , it,..N... - 1.',Viligi ,,,,y, ....... .‘__\ V . ._._,_____. . . . .4_ palm . '`-fir � . - g Ji iL BROWN ROAD [PROPERTY NEI C MIA I CITY OF WYLIE Item No. 3 Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: November 28, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: November 22, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: n/a AGENDA SUBJECT: Discussion Item- Prepare for the joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board meeting on January 10, 2006. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Over the past few months staff has worked to secure a joint meeting with the City council to discuss various issues. The November and December meetings will be an opportunity for staff and the Board to brainstorm and organize an agenda to present to the City Council. Items that need to be addressed are joint uses of WISD and City facilities, league sanctioning issues, various fee changes (athletic fees and park pavilion rental fees), and locations for new facilities that were approved in the bond package. This will also be an opportunity for the staff and Board to add any new items that might need to be discussed other than the items listed above. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ \ CITY OF WYLIE Item No. `7 Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: November 28, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: November 22, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Discussion Item- Playground rules and regulations. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Due to some complaints by residents signs will be placed at the new Pirate Cove Playground addressing various issues. Most of the rules listed in the signs were made in reference to the updated ordinance that the Board had been working on for the past year, Chapter 78-Ordinance 2005-37. Board member Anne Hiney, wanted to discuss at the November meeting the rules and regulations specific to not only the Pirate Cove Playground, but all playgrounds in the city. She emailed staff the following, "...You referred to the rules that are needed most for the permanent signs. That's what I'd like to discuss. I'm probably a bit over protective of Pirate Cove, but I think some of the same issues exist at all the playgrounds. Food, smoking,pets, hours of use. We may have all the regulations already in place to cover all that can be done to protect the areas, but then again we may not. " Attached to this agenda item is the example of the sign we are placing at Pirate Cove Playground. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: 1 Park Rules Per Ordinance 2005-37 Park Hours: 6am to Midnight Pets must be on a leash Clean up after your pets No glass containers No Alcohol - Please keep food items near the picnic area Please use litter receptacles Thank you for keeping Pirate Cove Playground safe and clean! wo#8771 City of Wylie 2-24 " x24 " white coro w/ black lettering IGS 972-494-6199 CITY OF WYLIE Stem No. Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: November 28, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: November 22, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: n/a AGENDA SUBJECT: Discussion Item- Staff updates on the following: Bond propositions status Construction status on Olde City Park, Eureka and Riverway Park RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Staff will update the Board on the listed activities above. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ 1 City of Wylie Parks and Recreation De • artment Memo To: Parks and Recreation Board Members Front Robert Diaz,Assistant Superintendent CC: Mike Sferra, Public Services Director Bill Nelson,Parks and Recreation Superintendent Date: 11/22/2005 Re: Requested Items At the last regular meeting in October various Board members requested the following items: new park location maps, maps to current park locations to give to the public, and citizen survey results from the last Parks and Open Space Master Plan. Due to the staff map technician in the Planning Department being on vacation, the new park location maps will hopefully be completed for the December meeting. Brochures have been included in your packets for distribution as needed to the public(this will be updated soon also). Each member also has been given the disk with the complete Parks and Open Space Master Plan. The disk includes the entire document with maps. We decided to provide all the Board members with the disk so as to save on copying the entire document. Each member should be able to get any information they need and print out what they are looking for. Staff will have a hard copy of the document at the meeting and will take requests to print specific areas if needed. If you have any questions let me know. I hope all of you have a great holiday weekend and I hope to see you on Monday. Thanks. 1