01-23-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, January 23, 2006 6:30 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS PARTICIPATION INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the December 19, 2005 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon the naming of park roads at Founders Park to Jerry Wayne Combest Road and at Community Park to Lanny Earl Hale Road. 3. Consider and act upon concept plan from TXU Energy regarding property at Hwy. 78 and Brown/Eubanks area. A presentation will be made by Dallas Cothrum, a TXU consultant. 4. Consider and act upon a request from the Cub Scout Pack 1049 to have a fundraiser at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on February 25, 2006. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Staff updates on the following: Follow up to Joint Work session with the City Council from January 10, 2006 Review requested property information from December 2005 meeting Review Joel Scott Park improvements requested from December 2005 meeting Memo regarding Herzog Development on FM 544/McCreary Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into Executive Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20th day of January, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is also posted to the cityiofiaylie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us .‘„( O F /,1;° a. le 1 h,City Secrets _ (( • = Date No e Remove r � _ "AL The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchairiccessible. Siplifterptetatie or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by conapiwIlag.City Secrefary's,fffice at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. .....• � ''°°°° NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, January 23, 2006 6:30 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS PARTICIPATION INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the December 19, 2005 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon the naming of park roads at Founders Park to Jerry Wayne Combest Road and at Community Park to Lanny Earl Hale Road. 3. Consider and act upon concept plan from TXU Energy regarding property at Hwy. 78 and Brown/Eubanks area. A presentation will be made by Dallas Cothrum,a TXU consultant. 4. Consider and act upon a request from the Cub Scout Pack 1049 to have a fundraiser at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on February 25, 2006. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Staff updates on the following: Follow up to Joint Work session with the City Council from January 10,2006 Review requested property information from December 2005 meeting Review Joel Scott Park improvements requested from December 2005 meeting Memo regarding Herzog Development on FM 544/McCreary Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into Executive Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20th day of January, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is also posted to the ityiataylie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us �•• °:� � 31acc le 1 h,City Secreta _ • S A •j • = Date ce Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchairgcces . t i sible1`'(terptetatiiti or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by conastigthg•City Secrefary's jffice at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. ., 1- s. '''����/E,i�E V+;,0%' CITY OF WYLIE Item No. Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: January 23, 2006 Originating Department: Public Services Prepared By: Michael B. Sferra Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: January 18, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 114 AGENDA SUBJECT: Discuss and consider making a recommendation to the City Council that south entrance road to Founders Park be named Jerry Wayne Combest Road and the entrance road to Community Park adjacent to the Library be named Lanny Earl Hale Road. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A SUMMARY: On October 14, 2003, City Council approved Resolution 2003-16(R) resolving to name two streets in Wylie in memory of two residents killed in the Vietnam War. The names are Jerry Wayne Combest, and Lanny Earl Hale. To date,the intent of the resolution has not been fulfilled. At the January 10, 2006 joint work session with the Park Board and City Council,the consensus was that Council was receptive to the idea that the south entrance road to Founders Park and the entrance road to Community Park adjacent to the Library be named in memory or these two individuals. In order to assist toward the fulfillment of Resolution 2003-16(R),the board should consider making a recommendation to be forwarded to the Council that the south entrance road to Founders Park be named in memory of Jerry Wayne Combest and the entrance road to Community Park adjacent to the Library be named in memory of Lanny Earl Hale. These park entrance roads are not currently named. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ 1 CITY OF WYLIE Item No. 3 Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: January 23, 2006 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: January 18, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon concept plan from TXU Energy regarding property at Hwy. 78 and Brown/Eubanks area. A presentation will be made by Dallas Cothrum,a TXU consultant. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: The Board viewed the proposed layout of the new transfer site at the August 22, 2005 meeting. There have been some minor changes to the plan that Mr. Cothrum will address when he makes his presentation to the Board regarding the dedicated parkland at the site. The Board approved the concept plan for the new transfer site at the November 28,2005 meeting. Dallas Cothrum has taken the recommendations approved by the Board in November 2005 and has incorporated them into a new concept plan. Mr. Cothrum is now brining back the revised concept plan for review and approval by the Board. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ 1 tA CITY OF WYLIE Item No. Ciry Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: January 23, 2006 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: January 18, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Vendor registration form AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon a request from Cub Scout Pack 1049 to have a fundraiser at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on February 25, 2006. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Mrs. Hux notified the staff at the BP Community Center that their Cub Scout Pack would like to have a raffle or silent auction of cakes at their event in order to raise funds for their pack. Staff has worked with many groups such as Pack 1049 and does not foresee any problems with this event. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: City Manager: \ 1 Pat.i&Recreation CITY OF WYUE PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF GROUP.ORGANZATION.IMMVIDUAL.ETC. EVENT INFORMATION Name J 1 1049 Location e.�,V 1,js�� / Address 1 1 :�1 c }` r��c� ;.C� Date(s) b r I! t O1.0'f c ro lam' Phone No. D.-c^�i-i 1_' ?) 1 t /c7 Start Time /} (1�'"' Alternate Phone No. c t `�t,4 -✓t3 End Time p Contact Person NameO 1 14-1 A(, Number of Individuals Vending ltemSS Address[ X) t-rn l�t►` �ojt . Target Audience � -t t-4611.1 I L t_ a U Anticipated Number in Attendance at Event q�--�` Phone No.O�rt_. Alternate Phone No. LI - 11 9507 Specific hems to be Sold CaK€b• MO� Emergency Contactr Name 1e _Jl 1�-.f 3 r� 1 ( b l e a �_,"� Address 9 -~f1 t € 1 q��ccr i 1=' � Q dont':�%.(A. 1 r Ct-. Phone No. � ' Jrif L€ (i4'r of \c OuJC. Th. Alternate Phone No. ' "\. "_ l'E; opt Lodi i cc Helpful Infomtation The City of Wylie has an exclusive contract that allows the sale of only Pepsi products within ail park, recreation, community center facilities,and other city facilities. If food is prepared on-site or if food is prepared off-site and brought to the location to be sold,the vendor must contact the City Inspections Office at 972-442-8150 in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products. An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states:It shah be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sett or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars,tobaccos,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center faddy;provided,however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,wares, and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city. CITY OF WYLIE Item No. Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: January 23, 2006 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: January 18, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 4 AGENDA SUBJECT: Staff updates on the following: Follow up to Joint Work session with the City Council from January 10,2006 Review requested property information from December 2005 meeting Review Joel Scott Park improvements requested from December 2005 meeting Memo regarding Herzog Development on FM 544/McCreary Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Staff will update the Board on the listed activities above. • APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ 1 Synopsis of the meeting between the Park Board and Council ✓ • On October 14, 2003, City Council approved Resolution 2003-16(R)to name two streets in Wylie in memory of two residents killed in the Vietnam War. The names are Jerry Wayne Combest, and Lanny Earl Hale. To date, the intent of the resolution has not been fulfilled. The consensus was that Council was receptive to the idea that the south entrance road to Founders Park and the entrance road to Community Park adjacent to the Library be named in memory or these two individuals. At the next board meeting, the board will make a recommendation to be forwarded to Council that the south entrance road to Founders Park be named in memory of Jerry Wayne Combest and the entrance road to Community Park adjacent to the Library be named in memory of Lanny Earl Hale. These park entrance roads are not currently named. • On the issue athletic fee and light fee rates, the consensus was that staff should gather information and develop at least three rate structures for the Board's review and recommendation to Council. The goal for the light fee is to recover one-half of the City's cost for electricity. The various rate structures for athletic fee and light fee should include consideration of an adult fee; resident vs. non-resident; an after 10 p.m. surcharge; and 1{ incremental increases of the fees. CFL • On the issue of developing sanctioning criteria for the athletic leagues, it was suggested y� that staff undertake the following measures: investigate what other cities are doing; ask the City Attorney to check on liability issues that might be related to the City's sanctioning of athletic leagues; and contact the WISD and ascertain the rates charged by WISD to both sanctioned and non-sanctioned leagues. This information should be forwarded to the Board for consideration and recommendation to the Council on further action. A suggestion was made that the leagues should be told to"police themselves", but this was countered by another suggestion that the City should refrain from becoming too deeply involved in telling the leagues how to conduct their own business. irThis next issue was related to the concessionaire contract and athletic leagues. The City has a contract with Jolly Trolley for concessionaire services at Founders and Community Parks until February 2007. The owner of Jolly Trolley has indicated that he wants to terminate the contract as of January 1, 2006. Staff is currently reviewing the termination procedure. When the current concessionaire contract was awarded, staff perceived that Council had a desire to award the contract to the athletic leagues; however, Jolly Trolley submitted the best proposal and was awarded the contract. In a meeting with the City Attorney, the Attorney stated that the City could limit the future solicitation of proposals from only the local athletic leagues if the City so desired. On the concessionaire item, the direction was that staff should not limit itself to receiving proposals from only the athletic leagues and that staff solicit RFP's from the general public. • The final item was a discussion of the recently acquired Wells property. It was agreed that this 253 acre tract of land should be developed with a vision for future. If municipal buildings are to be placed on the property, care will be taken to make the buildings fit harmoniously into the tract. There was some discussion that certain portions of the property might be set aside and preserved in their present state and condition. • Finally, it was agreed that another joint session be held prior to the annual budget cycle. Page 1 of 1 count Number: 13670 Click on the map to get a zoomable version with more layers. 2152989 437423 437281 437245 I 448732 4487A 448778 448787 8888: 4 MARBLE 17566 2526951 437414 437405 437227 437218 co449161 5042 443504 442925 442854 442845 442729 443489 442863 442T47 449170 u, m 443522 442916 442872 p' 442765 756 a449269 449189 449116 • 443540 442907 i7 442783 449232 1971203 443559 442890 442881 Z 442809 1449214 449223 449198 OAK 1989905 4 I443096 442943 443176 443112 44951 13620 443121 449321 443568 2021697 442952 443167 449330 13611 443087 442961 443158 12652 449349 205695 13602 19868 8 443078 443149 449358 449376 13595 12 /7' ELL • 443069 442970 1539927 449410 449394 4948 443050 442989 443648 442998 MAST S 443041 13670 r 450103 13700 450130 45000 ,3 450201 450112 1960315 0,635m450194 Z 4500] ��� 2565136 450265 450210 152004150229 450158 w 45002 255683 450185 0 1386 1611508 450247 45003 450309 m 450238 1611492 1450167 450176 45004 BUTLER 1611394 437851 445913 446208 439779 439920 450363 2557386 ' -- 1611401 445922 439939 2108022 437860 446217 439788 4 36 2557389 450354 2557388 437879 m 536101 439797 439957 1611429 CALLOWAY 437888 2529 } 251593 61 437887 445959 446235 439966 1447 `� 439804 11' 443229 443185 446244 439975 2518587 443318 445968 5 U 437904 446253 439813 439984 567405 Q 443210 2nn6F77 4454477 446267 439822 439993 httn•Hai c talenPtiica cnm/cai_hin/mancprc,7mnrlp=itpmnnprvRrmanvv=chanPeRrhnfffr=1nnnR,nlavPr=P 1?/?11/?nni COLLIN Properties Page 1 of 3 COLLIN CAD Property Information COLLIN Short Account Number: 13670 Long Account Number: R-2271-001-0010-1 Owner's Name KANSAS CITY RAILWAY COMPANY and Mailing TAX DEPARTMENT Address PO BOX 219335 KANSAS CITY, MO 64121 Location BALLARD AVE WYLIE, 75098 Legal TARA SELENE CALDWELL, BLOCK 1, LOT 1 Description Taxing Entities Code Name 2005 Tax Rate CWY WYLIE CITY 0.695000000 GCN COLLIN COUNTY 0.250000000 JCN COLLIN CO COM COLLEGE 0.089422000 SWY IWYLIE ISD 1.817000000 EXEMPTION INFORMATION Exemption Code Exemption Description Data up to date as of 2005-12-09. PROPERTY VALUE INFORMATION 2005 Certified Exemptions (See Below) Improvement Value SUBJ To HS $0 Other Improvement Value $0 Land Acres 0.9833 — Total Improvment Value $0 Deed Date 04041994 Deed Volume 94- Land Market Value $171,332 Deed Page 0096329 AG Productivity Value Land $0 Agent Code 0 Total Market Value $171,332 * 'New' means that this property was added after the values were prepared. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=13670 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 2 of 3 IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Imp. ID State Category Descr LAND INFORMATION Land ID State Category Size-Acres Size-Sqft 29314 COMMERCIAL 0000000000001.000000 0 DEED HISTORY eed Seller Name Buyer Name Deed Deed Deed ID Date Vol Page 445362 ATCHISON TOPEKA& KANSAS CITY RAILWAY Apr 4 94- 0096329 SANTA FE COMPANY 1994 CERTIFIED VALUE HISTORY Tax Year 2004 2003 2002 Improvements Land Market $171,332 $107,083 $107,083 Ag. Land Market TOTAL MARKET $171,332 $107,083 $107,083 Land Ag. Use 10%Limited Adjustment APPRAISED $171,332 $107,083 $107,083 Exemptions Special Exemptions http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=13670 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 3 of 3 For prior years' history, please click here SB 541 , effective September 1, 2005, provides that appraisal district websites cannot display photographs, sketches, or floor plans of an improvement to real property that is designed primarily for use as a human residence. Likewise, aerial photography of residential property will also be unavailable unless the photo depicts five or more separately owned buildings. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKev=13670 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 1 of 3 COLLIN CAD Property Information COLLIN Short Account Number: 2589095 Long Account Number: R-6820-000-0550-1 Owner's Name COLLIN COUNTY and Mailing 210 S MCDONALD ST Address MC KINNEY, TX 75069 Location Legal ABS A0820 SHELBY, SAMUEL B, TRACT 55, 5.376 ACRES Description Taxing Entities Code Name 2005 Tax Rate GCN COLLIN COUNTY 0.250000000 JCN COLLIN CO COM COLLEGE 0.089422000 SWY WYLIE ISD 1.817000000 EXEMPTION INFORMATION Exemption Code Exemption Description EX TOTAL EXEMPTION Data up to date as of 2005-12-09. PROPERTY VALUE INFORMATION 2005 Certified Exemptions (See Below) Improvement Value SUBJ To HS $0 Other Improvement Value $0 Land Acres 5.376 =----- Total Improvment Value $0 Deed Date Deed Volume Land Market Value $0 Deed Page AG Productivity Value Land $0 Agent Code 0 Total Market Value New* * 'New' means that this property was added after the values were prepared. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2589095 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 2 of 3 ''""4"4"4"i I .. # kkkys,r-+Y-r?..,,a+wM?' *'{Rn? '!3eN�T'k"F�* MS £"a' �rA,. ., •✓.c e �..p� 5.,. 4 \"*'Mn MR ^'»kFAKm xko . 4'Y:m. .vrh'*iMSaM•N`. �' w- e wa"TSY Y Msw''aaw - ems" R IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Imp.ID State Category Descr LAND INFORMATION Land ID State Category Size-Acres Size-Sqft 1854784 EXEMPT(COUNTY) 0000000000005.000000 0 DEED HISTORY L Deed ID Seller Name Buyer Name Deed Date Deed Vol Deed Page CERTIFIED VALUE HISTORY Tax Year 2004 2003 2002 Improvements Land Market Ag. Land Market TOTAL MARKET Land Ag. Use 10%Limited Adjustment APPRAISED Exemptions Special Exemptions For prior years' history, please click here http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2589095 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 3 of 3 SB 541, effective September 1, 2005, provides that appraisal district websites cannot display photographs, sketches, or floor plans of an improvement to real property that is designed primarily for use as a human residence. Likewise, aerial photography of residential property will also be unavailable unless the photo depicts five or more separately owned buildings. htto://www.collincad.ore/collindetail.oho?theKev=2589095 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 1 of 3 COLLIN CAD Property Information COLLIN Short Account Number: 2589096 Long Account Number: R-6820-000-0660-1 Owner's Name WYLIE INDUSTRIAL COURT DEV LTD and Mailing CIO COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE CO Address 108 MARBLE ST W WYLIE, TX 75098 Location Legal ABS A0820 SHELBY, SAMUEL B, TRACT 66, .023 ACRES Description Taxing Entities Code Name 2005 Tax Rate GCN COLLIN COUNTY 0.250000000 JCN COLLIN CO COM COLLEGE 0.089422000 SWY WYLIE ISD 1.817000000 EXEMPTION INFORMATION Exemption Code Exemption Description Data up to date as of 2005-12-09. PROPERTY VALUE INFORMATION 2005 Certified Exemptions (See Below) Improvement Value SUBJ To HS $0 Other Improvement Value $0 Land Acres 0.023 Total Improvment Value $0 Deed Date 09132005 Deed Volume 6016 Land Market Value $0 Deed Page 950 AG Productivity Value Land $0 Agent Code 0 Total Market Value New* * 'New' means that this property was added after the values were prepared. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2589096 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 2 of 3 IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Imp.ID State Category Descr LAND INFORMATION Land ID State Category Size-Acres Size-Sqft 1854785 UNDEVELOPED 0000000000000.000000 0 DEED HISTORY Deed ID Seller Name Buyer Name Deed Date Deed Vol Deed Page 911948 COLLIN COUNTY WYLIE INDUSTRIAL COURT DEV LTD Sep 13 2005 6016 950 CERTIFIED VALUE HISTORY Tax Year 2004 2003 2002 Improvements Land Market Ag. Land Market TOTAL MARKET Land Ag. Use 10%Limited Adjustment APPRAISED Exemptions Special Exemptions For prior years' history, please click here SB 541 , effective September 1, 2005, provides that appraisal district http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2589096 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 3 of 3 websites cannot display photographs, sketches, or floor plans of an improvement to real property that is designed primarily for use as a human residence. Likewise, aerial photography of residential property will also be unavailable unless the photo depicts five or more separately owned buildings. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2589096 12/20/2005 Page 1 of 1 count Number: 2098716 Click on the map to get a zoomable version with more layers. 15U413U 1831110 1831085 1831561 1504256 2504253 KATHY 2504255 1831129 1831138 1831156 1831183 2504150 1831281 1831263 1831236 521066 VICKI 16E0933 1831307 1831352 18313 529009 1963172 2117371 2117372 tit BROWN BROWN C7 w 13 364 1 1283 vii 13355 13357 1•1GATEWAY 424561 O 13365 • 2098715 1960043 w 2098716 1874038 071295 13360 13358 V 13366 616503 1616488 16789 1616460 ,.,,j3 1927696 1927721 1616512 1617281 1618' NICK ELVILLE'_1927598 1616521 1617290 1618155 1616567 1927428 1616674 16165: 1618137 171261 1927222 1616647 1617316 1618 1927240 1616610 1617325 1618128 16I82; 161659. 1617334 1618119 1927213 1927259 )71283 1927071 1616683 1616718 1618100 1280 1927268 1927464 1616745 617 .15422 1618: 1927080 1927384 1927473 1272 1927099 1616807 `� 713 1927375 1927482 1617263 q' 1319 1927106 1927366 1927491 1_ 161676 1617254 • 1618440 1618 )7132lll 1927115 1927357 1617245 I927507 1616843 + 7132 1927151 1927348 1616861 1617236 4 1618663 1618 1927516 1616:4:: 1617227 1852 1927142 3927339 1927525 1616932 1616898 1617218 1618075 0'RE F OAK 1618707 16187E httny Hui c taxnetiica enm/csri-hin/mancerv9mculey=item nierv&manxv=chanecRr..hiiffer=1 OOORr.nlaver P 17/70/7005 COLLIN Properties Page 1 of 3 COLLIN CAD Property Information COLLIN Short Account Number: 2098716 Long Account Number: R-4401-00A-0020-1 Owner's Name ENVISION MANAGEMENT INC and Mailing 5121 MARBLE FALLS LN Address PLANO, TX 75093 Location Legal SUMMIT PRIVATE SCHOOL,BLOCK A,LOT 2 Description Taxing Entities Code Name 2005 Tax Rate CWY WYLIE CITY 0.695000000 GCN COLLIN COUNTY 0.250000000 JCN COLLIN CO COM COLLEGE 0.089422000 SWY WYLIE ISD 1.817000000 EXEMPTION INFORMATION Exemption Code Exemption Description Data up to date as of 2005-12-09. PROPERTY VALUE INFORMATION 2005 Certified Exemptions (See Below) Improvement Value SUBJ To HS $0 Other Improvement Value $0 Land Acres 1.845 =_ Total Improvment Value $0 Deed Date 10272005 Deed Volume 6044 Land Market Value $104,478 Deed Page 0608 AG Productivity Value Land $0 Agent Code 0 Total Market Value $104,478 * 'New' means that this property was added after the values were prepared. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2098716 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 2 of 3 •••. uu]'. .S3G'.wnmes,.o-SNr4 :+,r. 3a th v s ..rnKrek*.4te:A.wa+G,..,yr*r'n whi4vs ...,. „mrAm-*. .ki.w . ,..`c-,-M,et✓y.3c`vxxaa+ dX .. 4 ssu.,'=w;vtiu. hx.Y v{?4?� 9Yk'x:` '+4'M 9..✓„-'r �V,. ii2�'. x'u`xM'sN:.`Y'k't ,x N r kk.*fm &"s ;d.:9 "-wane M-y+ 4.g.:VpY0.AwgS'p4M ...rv-:Y *fii".'i' R "M +Y p,'W{,*2.W+mkh*h`Cnwfi M ai ✓ "N a` ,Tx.'$._' 'xz +�h ..:%-nx Y.eN fr.`n,ef9>azM.2Nr1. �.'''Ati'imrvv:+3nS;bt s vu. h aimcrnk'L'aak'an� �:nrih.ay..Jm... a ..eaed4#'Yef1b-4#�., IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Imp. ID State Category Descr LAND INFORMATION Land ID State Category Size-Acres Size-Sqft 148075 COMMERCIAL 0000000000002.000000 0 DEED HISTORY '"eed ID Seller Name Buyer Name Deed Date Deed Vol Deed Page )096025 GLASSCOCK BRIAN D& WYLIE BROWN ST LTD Sep 27 2001 01-0127034 5019-577 612230 JONVITCH INC GLASSCOCK BRIAN D& Mar 13 2000 00-0025526 4626-648 CERTIFIED VALUE HISTORY Tax Year 2004 2003 2002 Improvements Land Market $104,478 $52,239 $52,239 Ag. Land Market TOTAL MARKET $104,478 $52,239 $52,239 Land Ag. Use 10%Limited Adjustment APPRAISED $104,478 $52,239 $52,239 Exemptions Special Exemptions http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2098716 12/20/2005 COLLIN Properties Page 3 of 3 For prior years' history, please click here SB 541, effective September 1, 2005, provides that appraisal district websites cannot display photographs, sketches, or floor plans of an improvement to real property that is designed primarily for use as a human residence. Likewise, aerial photography of residential property will also be unavailable unless the photo depicts five or more separately owned buildings. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=2098716 12/20/2005 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Park Board Members From: Michael B. Sferra, Public Services Director Date: December 29, 2005 Re: Herzog Development on FM 544 At the December 19, 2005 Park Board meeting, the Board asked if Don Herzog was aware of and willing to pay the required parkland dedication fees for his proposed 186-acre development on the south side of FM 544 and west of Regency. I forwarded the question to Renae' 011ie of the City Planning Department who, in turn, contacted Mr. Herzog. Mr. Herzog stated that he is currently attempting to re-zone the property. If successfully re-zoned, the property will be sold in separate parcels and final platted by various individuals who will eventually develop each parcel. The parkland fees will be the responsibility of those individuals who submit final plats. The above scenario complies with our current ordinance that requires that parkland dedication fees be paid at the time of final platting. NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 10, 2006 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired,that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the December 6, 2005 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider and act upon approval of Resolution No. 2006-01(R) establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the official newspaper for the City of Wylie. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) C. Consider and act upon approval of Change Order No. 2, and No. 3 to Site Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $15,847.00 for the removal of debris and tires from the job site and for the revised connection for Alanis Drive to SH 78.(C.Holsted, City Engineer) D. Consider and act upon Change Order No. 20 to Site Concrete in the amount of$46,850.73 for the construction of a retaining wall along SH 78 from Sta. 591+60 to Sta.595+20. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) E. Consider and act upon approval of a Preliminary Plat for Greenway — 78 Addition, generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of S.H. 78 (Tracts 43, 42 & 4). (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) F. Consider and act upon approval of a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Independent School District, Wylie High School #2, generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) G. Consider and act upon approval of a Final Plat for Woodbridge Addition Phase 12. Subject property being generally located northeast of Woodbridge Phase 9 at the intersection of Lost Highlands Lane and Highland Meadows Drive. (M.Manson,Assistant City Manager) ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION AND ACTION Tabled Item from 12-6-05 Motion to remove from table and: 1. Continue a Public Hearing and consider and act upon Ordinance No. 2006-01 approving a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for mixed uses, including retail and residential of varied densities. ZC 2005-19. (M.Manson,Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The subject property is located south of FM 544 and west of Regency Business Park Addition. The property totals 186.56 acres and is divided into three(3)parcels by the rights-of-way and easements of major utility transmission uses. Tract 1 is 61.746 acres in size, Tract 2 is 68.995 acres, and Tract 3 is 55.820 acres in size. The property is traversed in an east-west direction by an undevelopable 150 feet wide right-of-way of a major electric power transmission line (approximately 9 acres). The request proposes to divide the property into three major use areas. Tabled Item from 11-14-05 Motion to remove from table and: 2. Continue a Public Hearing and act upon Ordinance No. 2006-02 approving certain revisions to the residential and nonresidential development requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary Planning and Zoning Commission will consider Article 5 at its January 3rd meeting. Articles 3, 4 and 5 should be considered as a complete package. However, because publication and notification of the requested amendments to the Zoning Ordinance has been completed in accordance with State Law,some action is required by the Council at the current meeting. The Council should convene the hearing and allow any citizen comment,and then table the item and continue the Public Hearing at the January 24th meeting to allow Articles 3,4&5 to be considered as a complete package. Public Hearing 3. Consider and act upon approval of Ordinance No. 2006-03 amending Ordinance No. 2005-25 to include the addition of two tracts of land in a Planned Development(PD)district for commercial uses, generally located in the southwest corner of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and Parker Road (F.M. 2514). ZC 2005-21 (M.Manson,Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The proposed request is to include two additional tracts of land into the previously approved PD 2005-25, and does not alter any uses as outlined in the approved conditions of the Planned Development District. Tract 7, Block 1 being 1.002 acres in size and Tract 8, Block 1 being 1.000 acres in size. With the addition of these two tracts, the entire Planned Development District now totals 4.140 acres in four separate parcels,west of Country Club Road(F.M. 1378)and south of Parker Road(F.M.2514). 4. Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the Scheduling and Financing Plan for the 2005 Bond Program. (M.Roath, City Manager) Executive Summary On November 8, 2005, the citizens of Wylie approved seven (7) propositions, which included the entire Bond Program presented to them. With approval of the Bond Program,the City Administration began working to develop a Scheduling and Financing Plan. Attached hereto are Memorandum No. 05-136 and Attachments A and B, which proposes a Scheduling and Financing Plan for the 2005 Bond Program. 5. Consider and act upon Ordinance No.2006-04 setting a date,time,and place for the City Council to conduct a public hearing to consider the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan. (C.Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary Approval of the ordinance sets a date for the public hearing to discuss the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan. The public hearing is the first step in the process to update the City's existing water and sewer impact fees. The impact fee advisory committee will be meeting at a future date to discuss the proposed fees and make recommendations to Council. 6. Consider and act upon award of a contract for the construction of the Creekside Two Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank to Landmark Structures, Inc. in the amount of $2,759,000 and recoup the construction cost through impact fees. (C.Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary On February 10,2004 Council awarded a design contract for the 2 MMG Creekside Elevated Storage Tank. The City's Water Distribution System 10-year Capital Improvements Plan indicates that the construction of the tank should occur in 2005/2006. The water impact fee update also includes the Creekside tank in the impact fee calculation. Upon completion of the new elevated tank, the City will have the necessary capacity in elevated storage to better serve our current water customers. However,additional water system improvements will be necessary to maintain our current level of service and meet the needs of the projected growth of the City. The proposed elevated storage tank will be constructed to provide better pressure to the higher elevations in the northwest portions of the City. A site for the tank has been identified and has been dedicated to the City by the developer of the Creekside subdivision. The City's water distribution system will be split into two separate service zones with interconnects to feed between the two systems in emergency situations. 7. Consider and act upon Resolution No.2006-02(R)endorsing Expansion No. 1 of the Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary On February 10, The Phase II Preliminary Engineering Study for the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant recommends the construction of Phase II take place in 2006 due to the high growth rate of Wylie and Murphy. A copy of the draft report is attached. NTMWD has requested the City adopt a resolution of support for the expansion. 8. Consider and act upon acceptance of the resignation of Mary Johnston and the appointment of a new member to the Library Advisory Board for the unexpired term of January 2006 to July 2006. (R Orozco,Library Director) Executive Summary Article VIII, Section 2C of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to appoint a Library Board. The Board shall consist of seven (7) citizens who shall be qualified voters who shall serve for a term of two (2) years with three (3) members' terms expiring in even-numbered years and four (4) members' terms expiring in odd-numbered years. Mary Johnston was appointed to the Library Board for a two(2)year term expiring July of 2006. Ms.Johnston,who has served very faithfully on the Board,has recently submitted her resignation from her appointment to the Library Board due to an increase in professional and family commitments(see attached communication). 9. Consider and act upon acceptance of the resignation of Jess A. Calhoun,Jr.and the appointment of a new member to the Construction Code Board for the unexpired term of July 2004 to July 2006. (J. Bray,Building Director) Executive Summary Article VIII, of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to create,establish or appoint as may be required by the laws of the State of Texas or this Charter, such boards, commissions and committees as it deems necessary to carry out the functions,and obligations of the city. Jess A.Calhoun,Jr. was reappointed to the Construction Code Board for a two(2) year term expiring July of 2006. Mr. Calhoun, who has served very faithfully on the Board since 2002, has recently submitted his resignation from his appointment to the Construction Code Board due to relocation(see attached letter). READING OF ORDINANCES TITLE & CAPTION APPROVED BY COUNCIL AS REQUIRED BY WYLIE CITY CHARTER,ARTICLE III,SECTION 13-D. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001,eLseq, Texas Government Code,to wit: Section 551.072. To deliberate the purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property generally located at: • Right-of-Way for the Ballard Avenue Paving Project WORK SESSION Joint work session with Park and Recreation Board • Development of the newly acquired 253 acre tract at FM1378 and Brown • Naming of Streets(Resolution No.2003-16(R)) • Concessionaire Services • Revisions to the athletic fees,light fees,and development of criteria,and other league issues ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,Council may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should Council elect to convene into Executive Session, those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 6th day of January,2006 at 5:00 p.m.as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted to the City of Wylie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442-8170. CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Park Board Members CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz, Assistant Park and Recreation Superintendent From: Michael B. Sferra, Public Services Director Date: January 4, 2006 Re: Topic Notes for January 10, 2006 Joint Session To better prepare the Board members for the upcoming joint work session with the City Council, staff has prepared topic notes for the four items that should be discussed at the meeting. The first item, related to street naming, was discussed during the October Park Board meeting and still remains unresolved. The second issue concerns issues related to the athletic leagues and WISD. The third issue concerning concessionaire services, arose during the first week of January 2006 and also may have some impact on the athletic leagues. The last item concerns development on the Wells property. ITEM 1 On October 14, 2003, City Council approved Resolution 2003-16(R)to name two streets in Wylie in memory of two residents killed in the Vietnam War. The names are Jerry Wayne Combest, and Lanny Earl Hale. To date, the intent of the resolution has not been fulfilled. The board discussed the issue and concurred that, if Council was receptive to the idea, at the next board meeting, the board would make a recommendation to be forwarded to Council that the south entrance road to Founders Park and the entrance road to Community Park adjacent to the Library be named after these two individuals. These park entrance roads are not currently named. Is Council receptive to the idea of naming these roads in memory of the two residents? t4,00-4 tOwit Ot^^^A- Park Board Attendance July 2003-June 2004 Date E.Garner D.Chesnut I.Holmes A.Hiney D.Willey F.Delgado L.Bowles/J.VanEaton as of 2/2004 Dates July P P P P P P P July 28,2003 Aug. NP P P P P P P August 25,2003 Sept. P NP P P P P NP September 22,2003 Oct. P P P P P P NP October 14,2003 Nov. NP P P P P P NP November 3,2003 Dec. P P NP P NP P NP December 1,2003 Jan. P P P P NP P NP January 26,2004 Feb. P P P P P NP P February 23,2004 March NP P NP P P P P March 22,2004 April P P NP P P P P April 26,2004 May May 24,2004 June June 28,2004 Ivan Holmes resigned effective April 30,2004. Updated MAY 5,2004