02-27-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, February 27, 2006—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Board Member Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:30 with the following Board members
present;Eugene Garner,Daniel Chesnut,David Willey and Brandi Lafleur.Board member Benny Jones
was absent. Daniel Chesnut arrived as Anne Hiney was calling the meeting to order.
Staff members present were Mike Sferra,Public Services Director,Bill Nelson,Parks Superintendent,
Robert Diaz,Assistant Parks Superintendent,Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary and Beth Zoucha,
Public Services Secretary.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked anyone present to address the Board to come forward and
state their name and address and limit their comments to five minutes.
Citizen Comments
Lori James residing at 404 Graham Ln., Wylie, Texas addressed the Board to request that if a pavilion
was to be built at Joel Scott Park that it is built in close proximity to Birmingham Elementary School so
that the students would be able to use the pavilion during school hours. She presented pictures of the area
behind the school where the PTA would like the new pavilion to be placed. She stated that an original
shade structure had been destroyed by vandals and that the students were not allowed past the concrete
park path during school hours,also the school has limited shade for students.
Eugene Garner asked what size pavilion they were requesting to be built. Ms.James stated that would be
something the Park board could decide but expressed that it be at least 20 x 20 the size of the original
Daniel Chesnut asked who took down the original pavilion. Ms. James stated the PTA removed the
original awning due to the damage done by the vandals.
David Willey asked if the School District has been contacted regarding the pavilion and cost sharing.
Ms. James stated that the school district had not been contacted but the PTA had$3,500.00 set aside for
a new pavilion they would be willing apply towards the new pavilion.
Daniel Chesnut asked what type of structure they were looking for. Ms. James stated they would like an
open air pavilion similar to the Friendship Park Pavilion.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the January 23,2006 meeting.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member Eugene
Garner seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board member Benny Jones absent.
2. Staff updates on the following:
Athletic user and light fees
City Council Subcommittee for WISD Relations meeting on March 2,2006
Bridge at Sage Creek 8(near Riverway Park)
Prepare for joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board March 21,2006.
Requested property information from December 2005 meeting
Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights
Anne Hiney's Award from the NRPA Southwest Region
Newly appointed Board member,Frankie Delgado
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz updated the Board on athletic user fees and lighting fees.
Mr. Diaz gave the board a cost comparison on the lighting fees and stated he would supply the Board
with a comparison on athletic user fees by the next Park Board Meeting.Daniel Chesnut asked about the
cost to operate the parks to determine fees.Mr. Diaz explained the process used to determine the current
usage fees.Eugene Garner asked if staff would have back up information detailing kilowatt per hour cost
for lighting. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson explained that that Park Division did have back up
Public Services Director Mike Sferra informed the Board that the WISD relations meeting will be held
on the same evening as the next Park Board Meeting. Anne Hiney volunteered to attend the WISD
relations meeting with Mr. Sferra.
Public Services Director Mike Sferra updated the Board on the Sage Creek 8 Bridge. Mr. Sferra said the
bridge was changed to a roadway section and would be built next to Riverway Park. Mr. Sferra also
noted staff had worked with the Developer to move the roadway section as far from the park as possible.
David Willey asked if it would still be close to the playground. Mr. Sferra said that yes it would be close
to Riverway Park and Sage Creek Phase 8 Park playgrounds. Daniel Chesnut asked if the sidewalks
would still be included. Mr. Sferra explained that yes there would be sidewalks on either side of the
roadway section.
Public Services Director Mike Sferra offered that the Board should take the Sage Creek 8
Bridge/Roadway section issue to an upcoming Planning and Zoning joint meeting. The Board requested
a date and time for the next Planning and Zoning meeting. Mr. Sferra relayed that Assistant City
Manager Mindy Manson would like information on how Parkland Dedication Fees are established.
Daniel Chesnut expressed concern that the Park Board recommendations are not being relayed to the
Planning and Zoning Board when the item goes for their discussion or approval. Board discussed
different approaches to working together with Planning and Zoning.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Public Services Director Mike Sferra updated the board on Property information. Mr. Sferra informed
the board that the property on West Brown is 1.845 acres and would cost approximately $405,000.00.
Mr. Sferra stated the two other parcels located near Olde City Park are owned by KCS and Collin
County respectively, and in order to buy the Collin County parcel, the City must first purchase the KCS
parcel. Mr. Sferra informed the Board that staff is in the process of trying to contact KCS representatives
to discuss the KCS parcel which is 0.20 acres and estimated to cost approximately$35,000.00. Total cost
for both KCS & Collin County parcel is estimated to be approximately $92,347.00. David Willey
inquired about the possibility of buying the Collin County land with Park Grants. Daniel Chesnut
inquired about the funding for the purchase of the KCS and Collin County property. David Willey asked
if the Parks Department needed to put together a grant application package for the acquisition of the
property. Mr. Sferra would look into putting together the application.
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson gave updates on progress at Olde City Park and Founders Park. Mr.
Nelson stated Olde City Park progress is that Comcast has buried all their piping and next week TXU
will remove their poles. Mr. Nelson informed the board the next step would be to send the picnic
pavilion out for bid. Mr. Nelson stated the progress on Founders Park lighting; the Poles should be set
next week.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz recognized Anne Hiney for receiving the award from the
NRPA Southwest region. Mr. Diaz stated that Ms Hiney will be recognized during the opening
ceremony at the national conference this year.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz reported that Frankie Delgado will be returning to his seat
on the Board when he returns from Active Duty.
Board Discussion
Daniel Chesnut asked staff if there were any updates on the concessionaire for Founders and Community
Park. Mr. Diaz responded that we had contracted a new vendor. Mr. Chesnut asked if the new vendor
would have a better presence. Mr. Diaz responded that yes he would.
David Willey asked if any action would be taken with respect to the pavilion presentation. Mr. Sferra
responded that the issue would need to be decided between the City Manager and the WISD
Superintendent. Staff will brief the City Manager on the Board's concerns in regards to the pavilion.
Public Services Director announced that Beth Zoucha, Public Works Secretary would be taking Rachael
Hermes' place as Park Board Secretary. The Board thanked Rachael for her time served on the Board.
Board Action
With no further business, Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35
Board member David Willey seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board
member Benny Jones absent. '
Dani 1 Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
Minutes—February 27,2006
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Be oucha, rk oard Secretary
Minutes—February 27,2006
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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