02-27-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, February 27, 2006 6:30 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS PARTICIPATION INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the January 23,2006 meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Staff updates on the following: Athletic user and light fees City Council Subcommittee for WISD Relations meeting on March 27, 2006 Bridge at Sage Creek 8 (near Riverway Park) Prepare for the joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board March 21,2006 Requested property information from December 2005 meeting Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights Anne Hiney's Award from the NRPA Southwest Region Newly appointed Board member,Frankie Delgado ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into E ve Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will ►.rt n t �� r 6tQ�d in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meet' a AS , 'tlNs 24th day of February, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.04e lie texas Ge, sttpent Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is also liokted�o.the ty pf WJie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us role Ehrlich,Ci Secretary 'ei �''•.......'.o p5``e� Date N hce Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair aldiettibe ign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 27, 2006 Item Number: 2 Department: Parks and Recreation (Staff Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: February 23, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $N/A Exhibits: 1 Subject Staff updates on the following: Athletic user and light fees City Council Subcommittee for WISD Relations meeting on March 27, 2006 Bridge at Sage Creek 8 (near Riverway Park) Prepare for the joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board March 21, 2006 Requested property information from December 2005 meeting Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights Anne Hiney's Award from the NRPA Southwest Region Newly appointed Board member, Frankie Delgado Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will update the Board on the following topics: Athletic user and light fees City Council Subcommittee for WISD Relations meeting on March 27, 2006 Bridge at Sage Creek 8 (near Riverway Park) Prepare for the joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board March 21, 2006 Requested property information from December 2005 meeting Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights Anne Hiney's Award from the NRPA Southwest Region Newly appointed Board member, Frankie Delgado Approved By Initial Date Department Director N/A city Manager N/A Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Park Board Members From: Michael B. Sferra, Public Services Director Date: February 21, 2006 Re: Real Estate Parcels At the January 23, 2006 Park Board meeting, the board asked staff to investigate three properties that might be suitable for acquisition. The first property is located on West Brown Street across from Birmingham Elementary School. I phoned the contact information on the "for sale" sign and spoke to Tom Grunnah. He said the site is 1.845 acres and was recently sold to a new owner. The parcel is priced at approximately $402,000 which is nearly $5 per square foot. He said the owner is currently interested in selling the parcel for development of retail office space but might also be willing to consider offers from other interested parties. The second parcel is adjacent to Olde City Park and is owned by the Kansas City Railway (KCS) Company. Please see the attached drawing that shows the KCS parcel directly above the bold-outlined parcel. I contacted KCS, sent them the Collin County Appraisal District information that was presented at the January 23, 2006 Park Board meeting, and have made two follow up phone calls. KCS has not responded to my inquiry about whether they would be willing to sell the land. The third parcel is located south of the KCS parcel, is owned by Collin County, and borders State Highway 78. Please see the bold-outlined parcel on the attached drawing. The Collin County representative said the county would be willing to sell the parcel to the City, but that the City must first purchase the above-mentioned adjacent KCS parcel in order to become the adjacent land owner. He also said the county parcel is approximately 0.33 acres and would sell for approximately$4.00 per square foot or $57,499 total price based upon similar recent sales. In addition, he said the KCS parcel is approximately 0.20 acres, and would probably sell for $4.00 per square foot for a price of approximately $34,848. Based upon that information, total anticipated cost for both parcels would be nearly $92,347. Collin County suggested that I contact the First Baptist Church (FBC) because they are currently in the process of purchasing a similar parcel from KCS. I am in the process of contacting the FBC and will be able to provide additional information at the February 27, 2006 Park Board meeting. It is worth mentioning that Collin County will again be accepting application for parks and open space grants later this year. Although the county has not yet announced a date, grant submittals are usually due in July. With the approval of the City Manager, and after identifying the appropriate source of matching funds for the grant, staff would be willing to prepare and submit an application to the county that involves the acquisition of both the county parcel and the KCS parcel. 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"'' '..,..,,,..,,•E�X S• •ING'•R•IGHT-OF• WAY.1.1NE .,'� - 2 > o i . EASEMENT W -..E,XISTI 0 7 8 . O Ho - •• , - • t .o MAP:: R.P.1'eRR, RIGHT OF"WAY` IN "' 'M SoV) I-7 %. iAD�IT1`0 . .•. d h �'� 'i I OCK 6>IN 04';•*.:.. /)...: ..". .-'..* ._. /..•••'. AILHOAD-., f '' g , • • .•, • .if , ' ASIOITION.,J s ...,•R-.... ,: -,..14-4. y, ,,AD 3Y . • f CITY OF WYLI, Jo TRUETT SURVE 9V. 44 Z. Sep A - g o o Aim • GRAPHIC SCALE • t1tc 0' 50' 100' 200' A PLAT OF A SURVEY OF A 9.0787 A( (395,467 S.E.) TRACT OF LAND IN T --- S.B. SHELBY SURVEY ABSTRACT NUVBE 7"— - --- THE E•C. DAVIDSON i IRv Y ARRTRnr� r 1,11 IN Survey on Ball Field Light Charges as of 2-8-2006 City/location Charge per hour Houston, Texas $8.00 Wylie, Texas $8.00 Lubbock, Texas $10.00 Cleburne, Texas $10.00 Jacksonville, Texas $12.50 Irving, Texas $15.00 Pearland, Texas $17.00 Mansfield, Texas $18.00 Lukfin, Texas $20.00 Georgetown, Texas $20.00 Carrollton, Texas $20.00 Baytown, Texas $20.00 Dallas, Texas $24.00 Longview, Texas $25.00 Alvin, Texas $25.00 Grapevine, Texas $25.00 Conroe, Texas $25.00 Waco, Texas $30.00 Woodlands, Texas $30.00 These fees are based on input from TAAF members. TAAF is the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation. 02/20/2006 15:10 9725485555 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PAGE 01/01 EXHIBIT "B" B . 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