03-27-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, March 27, 2006 6:30 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS PARTICIPATION INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the February 27, 2006 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Planned Development-Hood Track. Presentation will be made by Tim Coltart of the Skorberg Company. 3. Consider and act upon making a recommendation to send a communication to the City Council concerning the use of TXU Electric Delivery Company easements for the construction and operation for the hike and bike trails and other park and recreation facilities and amenities. Presentation will be made by Bill Harper of TXU Electric Delivery Company. DISCUSSION ITEM 4. Discuss athletic light fee and timeline for athletic/user fee review. 5. Staff updates: Joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board April 4, 2006. Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights. ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into Executive Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 24th day of March, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas qwrill lent Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is alsoposted to ��t" et `� �'� y,Website at www.wylietexas.�ov I LI:__,,.....F7 .. :C.: C_-� Carole Ehrlich,Ci Secretary 1 � 3 � 1. s �• 7 Date Note Removed •The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair acelat S{S ''SI t ��``` �� $��tp? or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting+rla CrtyI 01.1 office at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. 7; Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 27, 2006 Item Number: Z Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: March 22, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Planned Development-Hood Track. Presentation will be made by Tim Coltart of the Skorberg Company. Recommendation Motion to recommend or deny the proposed parkland dedication in the Planned Development-Hood Track. Discussion The Skorberg Company is presenting a Planned Development containing parkland dedication to the Parks and Recreation Board named the Hood Track located on FM 544 and Alanis Drive on the southeast side of the City. This proposed development is approximately 61.28 acres with a proposed 159 lots. The amount of parkland dedication for this proposed development is 8 acres meeting the existing requirements of 5 acres per 100 homes. A presentation regarding this development will be made by Tim Coltart of the Skorberg Company. The Planning and Zoning Commission is meeting about this development at the April 4, 2006 meeting. The developer is requesting a recommendation at this meeting from the Parks and Recreation Board to bring forward to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in April. 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'r �' e. am t a Y �' QR a�"k,. //1/1 Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 27, 2006 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Michael Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: March 21, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon making a recommendation to send a communication to the City Council concerning the use of TXU Electric Delivery Company easements for the construction and operation of hike and bike trails and other park and recreation facilities and amenities. Recommendation Motion to recommend that the Park Board send a communication to the Wylie City Council concerning the use of TXU Electric Delivery Company easements for the construction and operation of hike and bike trails and other park and recreation facilities and amenities. Discussion On Friday, March 17, 2006, Mr. Bill Harper, Manager for TXU Electric Delivery Company (TXU) communicated to the Public Services Director that TXU was reconsidering their position on allowing municipalities to use their transmission line easements for hike and bike trails and other park-related infrastructure. Staff is currently working with TXU to allow construction of a hike and bike trail in the vicinity of Joel Scott Park as part of a Collin County parks and open space grant. Approximately 1,700 linear feet of eight-foot wide concrete hike and bike trail is proposed to be located in the TXU easement which has been dedicated by the developer as park area. The four acre (+/-) park area contained in this TXU easement is located north of the existing Joel Scott Park and begins at Ann Drive and continues in a southwesterly direction 265 linear feet past Westgate Way. TXU will allow the City to construct the eight-foot wide concrete hike and bike trail within their easement upon execution of an Encroachment on Easement Agreement. Attorneys for TXU are currently reviewing the City Attorney's comments regarding the agreement. Mr. Harper stated that the hike and bike trail related to Joel Scott Park might be the last improvement that TXU would allow the City to construct within its easements. Section VII, A (High Priority Items), 1 of the City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan states: "Develop Hike/Bike Trails throughout the City of Wylie . . . and where practical, utilize . . . utility easements." Accordingly, the City has accepted park land dedications that include TXU easements with the intention of developing hike and bike trails within these easements at some point in the future. In addition, the Wells property is crossed by a TXU easement. Should TXU place restrictions on development of park-related Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 infrastructure within their easements, development of the Wells property and other City park land could be hindered. Other tracts of land that contain TXU easements, such as the Bruner tract located near the intersection of Pleasant Valley and Sachse Road, are poised for development, and TXU's reconsideration of the use of its easements could affect whether or not the City would be willing to accept the easements as part of the required park land dedication. If the land is accepted, the City may not be able to develop it. However, the City would be responsible for the maintenance of the TXU easement, i.e., mowing, which is a long-term benefit to TXU. If the City does not accept the land, and at some point in the future TXU again allows park-related development to occur within the easements, the City would not have the opportunity to make such improvements without first acquiring the land. As of this writing, staff is not aware of TXU's decision regarding the use of their easements, as this matter is currently being discussed within the TXU organization. Also, staff is uncertain if TXU's decision would affect other municipalities that are currently in experiencing periods of high growth, development, and park land acquisitions similar to what is occurring in Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Park and Recreation Board CITY OF 1/WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 27, 2006 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: March 22, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 3 Subject Discuss athletic light fee and timeline for athletic/user fee review. Recommendation N/A Discussion From the joint meeting the Parks and Recreation Board and the City Council had in January 2006, direction was given from the City Council to the Board to review the athletic light and user fees. Parameters were specified at the joint meeting regarding each of the fees i.e. resident fees and non-resident fees, adult fees vs. youth fees. Staff will be presenting each of the fees for discussion with the Board according to the following timeline: Parks and Recreation Board Meetings March 2006 Review Athletic Light fees April 2006 Review Athletic User fees May 2006 Final review of both fees,recommendation for athletic league representatives review June 2006 Invite each league representative to the Board Meeting to discuss and review proposed fee structure July 2006 Vote on final recommendations of fees to be forwarded to City Council August 2006 Worksession between the Board and City Council on recommended fee changes City Council vote to deny/approve fee changes Athletic Light Fees-Included with this Agenda Report is a breakdown of the lighting costs for both Founders and Community Parks. An approximate cost for lighting based on current information is $25.56 per hour. The current fee for lighting charged to individuals and groups reserving an athletic field is $8 per hour Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 per field. At the joint meeting in January 2006, City Council directed the Board to try and look at the mid-point for cost recovery regarding athletic light fees. Based on that direction with the information provided above our current mid-point for cost recovery is $12.78. Staff has also included the current and proposed athletic field light fee in comparison to other cities in Texas for the Board's review. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Survey on Ball Field Light Charges as of 2-8-2006 City/location Charge per hour Houston, Texas $8.00 Current fee Wylie,Texas $.00 Lubbock, Texas $10.00 Cleburne, Texas $10.00 Jacksonville, Texas s Proposed fee Wylie,Texas Irving, Texas Pearland, Texas $17.00 Mansfield, Texas $18.00 Lukfin,Texas $20.00 Georgetown, Texas $20.00 Carrollton, Texas $20.00 Baytown, Texas $20.00 Dallas, Texas $24.00 Longview, Texas $25.00 Alvin, Texas $25.00 Grapevine, Texas $25.00 Conroe, Texas $25.00 Waco, Texas $30.00 Woodlands, Texas $30.00 These fees are based on input from TAAF members. TAAF is the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation. Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 27, 2006 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: March 22, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Staff updates: Joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board April 4,2006. Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights 1 Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will update the Board on the following areas: -Joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board April 4,2006. -Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager