05-22-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Monday, May 22, 2006 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Eugene Garner Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Beth Zoucha Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.ii'llie/cvas.gor within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: n'u't.ivvlietcxas.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 27, 2006 and April 24, 2006 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon a request from the following group to sell items at the Summer Concert Series: Lions Club of Wylie. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Athletic user and lighting fees with Wylie League Representatives. April 24,2006 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 4. Staff updates: Parks and Recreation proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Proposed joint Planning and Zoning workshop for June 2006. Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 19th day of May, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gor. Carole Ehr tch CitySecretaryr ' = Date Notice Removed _-___ /E TEX`\�` i,r�rntitutt�� Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 22, 2006 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: May 18, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon a request from the following groups to sell items at the Summer Concert Series: Lions Club of Wylie Recommendation Motion to recommend approval for the Lions Club of Wylie to sell items at the Summer Concert Series. Discussion This non-profit organization has discussed with staff the possibility of selling items as fundraisers for their organization. This organization did not contact staff prior to the list for the April meeting being submitted, so their request is being placed on the May meeting agenda. Staff has not finalized the specific items to be sold but proposed items would be glow-in-the-dark items such as necklaces. Staff has worked with this organization previously and has no problems in the past. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 7 CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF GROUP.ORGANIZATION,INDIVIDUAL,ETC. EVENT INFORMATION Name Lions Club of Wylie Location Wylie Community Park/Founders Park/Dowtown Wylie Date(s) June 1,2006 through July 2006 Start Time 7:30pm End Time 9:30pm Contact Person Name Robert Diaz Number of Individuals Vending Items Multiple Address 2000 Hwy.78 North Target Audience all ages Phone No.972-442-8197 Anticipated Number in Attendance at Event 3-500 Alternate Phone No. Specific Items to be Sold Emergency Contact Name Mulitple items i.e.cotton candy,glow sticks Address Phone No. Alternate Phone No. Helpful Information The City of Wylie has an exclusive contract that allows the sale of only Pepsi products within all park, recreation, community center facilities, and other city facilities. If food is prepared on-site or if food is prepared off-site and brought to the location to be sold, the vendor must contact the City Inspections Office at 972-442-8150 in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products. An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale, vend, peddle, sell or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars, tobaccos, cigarettes,fruits, candies, goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center facility; provided, however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations, firms or corporations, or the agents of any person, or organization, firm or corporation, or employees of any person who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city. 7; Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 22, 2006 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: May 18, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discuss athletic user and lighting fees with Wylie Athletic League Representatives. Recommendation N/A Discussion From the joint meeting the Parks and Recreation Board and the City Council had in January 2006, direction was given from the City Council to the Board to review the athletic light and user fees. Parameters were specified at the joint meeting regarding each of the fees i.e. resident fees and non-resident fees, adult fees vs. youth fees. Staff will be presenting each of the fees for discussion with the Board according to the following timeline: Parks and Recreation Board Meetings March 2006 Review Athletic Light fees COMPLETED 3-27-06 April 2006 Review Athletic User fees COMPLETED 4-24-06 May 2006 Final review of both fees,recommendation for athletic league representatives review June 2006 Invite each league representative to the Board Meeting to discuss and review proposed fee structure July 2006 Vote on final recommendations of fees to be forwarded to City Council August 2006 Worksession between the Board and City Council on recommended fee changes City Council vote to deny/approve fee changes Staff will presented changes to the Athletic Light Fees at the March 2006 meeting. Included with this Agenda Report is a breakdown of the lighting costs for both Founders and Community Park. An approximate cost for lighting based on current information is $25.56 per hour. The current fee for lighting charged to Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 . i individuals and groups is $8 per hour. At the joint meeting in January 2006, City Council directed the Board to try and look at the mid-point for cost recovery regarding athletic light fees. Based on that direction with the information provided above our current mid-point for cost recovery is $12.78. The Board discussed recommending to the City Council a rate of$13.00 per field per hour in order to maintain cost mid-point. Staff is presenting the user fees at the April 24, 2006 meeting. There is a variety of ways cities charge user fees. The primary ways are through a user fee for each participant or an hourly per field fee. There is also differing views on resident and non-resident status in regards to user fees. Some cities are exclusive to residents only while some charge varying fees for each user group. The more the policy varies the more intently staff will need to be when implementing new policies. Staff has prepared a fee comparison sheet for varying cities around Texas and attached some of the differing policies they offer. The Board will need to focus on what fees they feel would be most appropriate and how these fees need to be structured. Per the request of Board members at the April 24, 2006 meeting staff has invited Wylie League Representatives to the May 22, 2006 meeting to get their input regarding user and lighting fee changes. Staff has presented the various issues regarding changes that could be made to both of the fees. Due to the range of options presented and options presented at the joint Council and Board meeting from January 2006 the Board found it necessary to meet with the Wylie Sports Leagues earlier than the current timeline stated. This would then give the Board ample time to review all of the issues and make a clear recommendation to the City Council on any changes. The following Wylie League Representatives have responded to the invitation to attend the May meeting: Wylie Youth Soccer Association, Wylie Baseball Association, Lake Cities Girls Fastpitch Softball Association,Wylie Youth Competitive Football Association, Wylie Adult Softball Association, Wylie Basketball Association, and the North Texas Adult Soccer Association. Wylie Volleyball Association declined the invitation to the meeting. The purpose of having this forum is for the Board, league representatives, and staff to begin to discuss all aspects of any fee changes and their effects to league play. iv, ‘ st‘114/6ca -Att Writ VOX 40'e teeP t/. 1414 A(41+ 4c&. chved. bizA 1-46.4./ 116" LkaC I Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager IiIiiip!àl Our Mission.. $ Illy41 II'Alailitgli .to be responsible stewards of the public trust, Arai ,asaamaa to strive for excellence in public service,and ■' to enhance the quality of life for all. el:rr , ae,,,p? May 1, 2006 To the Wylie Athletic League Representatives: The Wylie Parks and Recreation Board began discussing changes to the Athletic Light and User Fees at a joint Board and City Council work session in January 2006. At the joint meeting the City Council directed the Board to work with staff on researching the possibility or need to change the fees and then bring back a proposal to them for review. These options were presented at the joint Board and City Council meeting in January: Athletic Light fees- > Make the Light fee recover 50%of the actual cost for light usage Athletic User fees- > Creating a Resident user fee and a Non-resident user fee ➢ Creating an adult user fee and child user fee > Creating a user fee based on the time of use i.e. use before and after 10:00 p.m. The Board began reviewing both of the fees at their March and April regular meetings. Due to the various options presented at the meetings the Board has directed staff to invite the Athletic League Representatives to their May °t'*"- 2006 meeting. This meeting would give the Board, staff, and leagues an opportunity to begin a dialogue and gain insight on any potential changes to the fees. If you will not be able to attend, you may send another person representing your organization to the meeting. You may also choose to send a written response which I can forward to the Board. Please RSVP to the meeting or send a written response to me by Monday, May 15, 2006. The May Parks and Recreation Board meeting will be held on Monday, May 22, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers Conference Room at the Wylie Municipal Complex(next to Wal-Mart on Hwy. 78). I have attached to this letter, information on light and user fees from other cities. If you have any questions feel free to email or call my office. Thanks, Robert Diaz Assistant Superintendent Parks and Recreation Department 972-442-8197 office rdiaz(a�ci.wylie.tx.us 2000 Highway 78 North • Wylie,Texas 75098 • (972)442-8100 • Fax(972)442-4302 User Fee Comparisons Wylie $4 per player,per season (residents and non-residents) Mesquite $5 per player,per season-resident $15 per player,per season-non-resident Colleyville $5 per player,per season-resident $10 per player,per season-non-resident Denton $3 per player,per season-resident(for enhancement fund only) $5 per player,per season-non-resident(plus $3 enhancement fee) Allen Co-sponsored league-$4 per field per hour(2 hr. minimum) Resident co-sponsored league-$4 per field per hour(2 hr. minimum) Non-resident-$30 per hour per field(2 hr. minimum, $50 deposit) Woodlands They reserve fields to residents only. They charge $5 per field per hour. Garland They don't charge any fees for league usage;they have each league perform maintenance on their facilities per Facility Use Agreements. Facility Use Agreements for Garland,Allen, Colleyville, Mesquite, and Denton are included with the above information. Survey on Ball Field Light Charges as of 2-8-2006 City/location Charge per hour Houston, Texas $8.00 Current fee Wylie,Texas $8.00 Lubbock, Texas $10.00 Cleburne, Texas $10.00 Jacksonville, Texas $12.50 Proposed fee Wylie,Texas $12.78 Irving, Texas $15.00 Pearland, Texas $17.00 Mansfield, Texas $18.00 Lukfin, Texas $20.00 Georgetown, Texas $20.00 Carrollton, Texas $20.00 Baytown, Texas $20.00 Dallas, Texas $24.00 Longview, Texas $25.00 Alvin, Texas $25.00 Grapevine, Texas $25.00 Conroe, Texas $25.00 Waco, Texas $30.00 Woodlands, Texas $30.00 These fees are based on input from TAAF members. TAAF is the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation. Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 22, 2006 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: May 18, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Staff updates: Parks and Recreation proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Proposed joint Planning and Zoning Commission workshop for June 2006. Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will update the Board on the following areas: Parks and Recreation proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Proposed joint Planning and Zoning Commission workshop for June 2006. Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. Page 1 of 2 PARKS DIVISION FUNCTION > Founders Park- installation of a new concrete sidewalk and temporary gravel The Parks division of the Public Services road/parking lot which all lead to the Pirates Department is responsible for the development and Cove Playground. maintenance of parks, landscaped roadway areas, and other public rights of way, including areas Objectives for FY 2007 located on SH78, F.M. 544 and the Municipal Complex. > Continued improvements to athletic and other park turf areas with the use of better PROGRAM NARRATIVE quality rye seed and pre-emergent herbicides. The Department receives supplemental funding from > Twice a year Cleanup-Greenup to the 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund found in 4B Parks. increase recycling and reduce the cost and amount of trash going into the landfill. Accomplishments for FY2006 > Continue performance of quality > Installation of three "Welcome" masonry maintenance to the City's parks, open signs, one each on F.M. 544, Hwy. 78 spaces, playgrounds and landscaped medians and one on Ballard Ave./78 areas. coming into downtown. Major Budget Items > First year of contract mowing of medians and ROW'S. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2003-2004 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 Personal Services 525,783 650,740 645,900 648,190 Supplies 63,825 79,760 79,400 118,310 Maintenance 51,733 44,530 44,930 61,150 Contractual Services 211,026 250,130 245,630 268,150 Capital Replacement 42,010 54,730 54,730 51,620 Capital Outlay 1,025 336,030 332,870 - TOTAL $895,401 $1,415,920 $1,403,460 $1,147,420 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING LEVEL 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Parks Superintendent 31-E 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Field Supervisor 13-N 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crew Leader 11-N 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Lead Chemical Applicator 8-N 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Service Technician Opt. 8-N 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Maintenance Worker 7-N 7.0 9.0 7.0 7.0 Seasonal Worker PT 0.0 0.75 0.75 0.75 TOTAL 9.0 11.75 12.75 12.75 511 PARKS DEPARTMENT FY2007 Request Personnel Non Personnel Number Request Cost Cost 1 MAINTENANCE WORKERS(2) UPGRADE $ - $ - 2 MAINTENANCE WORKERS(2) NEW PERSONNEL $ 2,600 3 SERVICE TECH/OPERATOR UPGRADE $ $ 4 LEAD CHEMICAL APPLICATOR UPGRADE $ $ Total $ - $ 2,600 $ 2,600 5-19-06 10:54 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET -T NO: 511 PARKS 100-5511-51130 OVERTIME 27,000.00 100-5511-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 2,600.00 100-5511-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,750.00 100-5511-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 13,830.00 100-5511-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 8,500.00 100-5511-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 700.00 100-5511-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 36,500.00 100-5511-52380 CHEMICALS 9,500.00 100-5511-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 47,900.00 100-5511-52550 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PARTS 7,400.00 100-5511-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 32,350.00 100-5511-52620 BOOKS 300.00 100-5511-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 12,550.00 100-5511-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 2,000.00 100-5511-54210 STREETS & ALLEYS 36,000.00 100-5511-54250 STREET SIGNS & MARKINGS 5,070.00 100-5511-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 7,000.00 100-5511-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 17,700.00 100-5511-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,850.00 100-5511-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 900.00 100-5511-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 900.00 100-5511-54910 BUILDINGS 3,000.00 100-5511-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 157,450.00 1-5511-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 2,250.00 -5511-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 6,000.00 100-5511-56180 RENTAL 14,050.00 100-5511-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 6,510.00 100-5511-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,200.00 100-5511-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 120,000.00 100-5511-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 125,000.00 100-5511-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 59,500.00 100-5511-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5511-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5511-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5511-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 TOTAL: 767,260.00 GRAND TOTAL: 767,260.00 4B PARKS > Purchase and installation of four soccer goals and DIVISION FUNCTION upgraded litter receptacles citywide. > Purchase of one athletic field topdresser, one The 4B Parks is responsible for the development and aerator and one six-foot riding mower. maintenance of parks. This is a division of the Public Services Department. Objectives for FY2007 PROGRAM NARRATIVE > Joel Scott Park improvements which include a picnic pavilion, landscaping, irrigation and site The 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund, 4B Parks, is a amenities. supplemental cost-center to the General Fund's Parks > Purchase of two trucks, one athletic field vehicle, Department. The sales tax revenue is restricted by two riding mowers and one trail sweeper State legislation to improving the appeal of the City as attachment. a place to live,work, and visit and promoting economic development. Major Budget Items Accomplishments for FY2006 > Installation of lighting for eight tennis courts at Founders Park. > Completed initial phase of 8ft. concrete hike/bike trail at Valentine Park. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2003-2004 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 Personal Services 219,224 239,280 238,930 260,090 Supplies 960 - - - Maintenance - - - - Contractual Services 16,732 84,020 84,020 - Capital Outlay 64,151 6,528,080 6,527,530 260,400 TOTAL $301,066 $6,851,380 $6,850,480 $520,490 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING LEVEL 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 Asst. Parks Superintendent 28-E 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Field Supervisor 13-N 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Maintenance Worker 7-N 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 TOTAL 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5614 PARKS DEPARTMENT FY2007 Request Personnel Non Personnel Number Request Cost Cost 1 JOEL SCOTT PARK IMPROVEMENTS $ $ 120,000 2 ONE(1) PICKUP TRUCK 1-2 TON EXTENDED CAB $ 20,000 3 $ 28,000 ONE(1) UTILITY TRUCK 1 TON EXTENDED CAB 4 ONE(1)ATHLETIC FIELD(S) VEHICLE $ 14,000 5 TWO(2) RIDING MOWERS-6FT. $ 22,500 6 ONE(1)TRAIL SWEEPER ATTACHMENT $ 4,500 Total $ - $ 209,000 $ 209,000 5-19-06 11:02 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 'T NO: 614 4B PARKS 112-5614-51130 OVERTIME 11,500.00 112-5614-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 2,210.00 112-5614-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 104,675.00 112-5614-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 48,000.00 112-5614-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 41,000.00 112-5614-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 15,325.00 TOTAL: 222,710.00 GRAND TOTAL: 222,710.00 RECREATION-5521 DIVISION FUNCTION As a division of the Public Services Department, Recreation is responsible for creating, implementing, Objectives for FY2007 and supervising recreational activities. These activilies include Wylie Wave Summer Youth > Maintain quality level of entertainment for the Program and youth/adult athletic programs. summer concert series and Wylie Independence Day Celebration. PROGRAM NARRATIVE > Continue to work with Wylie ISD on maintaining quality summer programming I.e. Wylie Wave, Accomplishments for FY2006 track, and tennis. ➢ Ircreased funding for the 4th of July event in > Add support funding for the full-time Recreation order to upgrade the entertainment. Added Specialist Position. elements for the event such as bounce houses. ➢ Include outdoor movie nights throughout the ➢ Added two fall concerts. year. ➢ Maintain current level of service for all existing programs i.e. seniors, Wylie Wave, Texas Amateur Athletic Federation Programs. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2003-2004 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 Personal Services 52,927 177,830 177,380 80,720 ' ' Supplies 13,045 30,600 29,600 26,600 Maintenance 555 4,500 4,430 3,250 Contractual Services 46,168 139,400 139,400 155,300 Capital Outlay 15,101 1,500 1,380 - TOTAL $127,796 $353,830 $352,190 $265,870 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING LEVEL 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Site Supervisor 9-N 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Asst. Site Supervisor 7-N 0.15 0.15 0.30 0.30 Program Leader 5-N 1.80 1.80 2.55 2.55 TOTAL 2.10 2.10 5.75 3.00 5521 RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY2007 Request Personnel Non Personnel Number Request Cost Cost 1 Recreation Specialist ( I $ 5,300.00 Personnel costs in 5615 budget 2 Outdoor movies $ 15,000.00 Total $ - $ 20,300.00 $ 20,300.00 5-19-06 11:03 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET r NO: 615 4B RECREATION 112-5615-51110 SALARIES 0.00 112-5615-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 3,000.00 112-5615-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 1,500.00 112-5615-58150 MOTOR VEHICLES 65,000.00 TOTAL: 69,500.00 GRAND TOTAL: 69,500.00 RECREATION-5615 DIVISION FUNCTION ➢ Add funding for a full-time Recreation Specialist Position. As a division of the Public Services Department, ➢ The Recreation Specialist position will provide Recreation (5615) is a part of the overall Recreation support for current programming levels and add Division Budget Recreation (5521). Recreation more recreation programming at the B.P. (5615) is funded by 4B Sales Tax revenue and is Community Center. used a supplemental cost-center to the General > Improve overall customer service (i.e. facility Fund Recreation (5521) budget. reservations and recreation programs) at the BP Community Center. PROGRAM NARRATIVE ➢ Provide more transportation opportunities for seniors. Accomplishments for FY2006 > Funded salary and benefits for the full-time Recreation Supervisor. ➢ Funded the salaries for the part-time Building Monitors at the Bart Peddicord Community Center. ➢ Funded vehicle replacement costs, fuel, and maintenance for the Recreation Division van. Objectives for FY2007 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2003-2004 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 Personal Services Supplies Maintenance Contractual Services Capital Outlay TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING LEVEL 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Recreation Supervisor 26-E - - 1.00 - Building Monitor Part-time - - 1.75 - TOTAL 5615 RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY2007 Request Personnel Non Personnel Number Request Cost Cost 1 Recreation Specialist 23E Non-personnel costs are in 5521 budget 2 14 passenger ADA accessible bus $ 67,500.00 Total $ - $ 67,500.00 $ 67,500.00 5-19-06 10:59 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET T NO: 521 RECREATION 100-5521-51110 SALARIES 0.00 100-5521-51130 OVERTIME 5,000.00 100-5521-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,200.00 100-5521-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 200.00 100-5521-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,500.00 100-5521-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 1,000.00 100-5521-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 14,500.00 100-5521-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 2,500.00 100-5521-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 3,000.00 100-5521-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 250.00 100-5521-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,000.00 100-5521-54910 BUILDINGS 2,000.00 100-5521-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 162,500.00 100-5521-56080 ADVERTISING 6,000.00 100-5521-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 4,000.00 100-5521-56180 RENTAL 1,800.00 100-5521-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 5,000.00 100-5521-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,100.00 100-5521-56990 OTHER 3,000.00 100-5521-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,700.00 100-5521-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1,500.00 100-5521-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 9,000.00 TOTAL: 232,750.00 GRAND TOTAL: 232,750.00 PARK ACQUISITION &IMPROVEMENT FUND 5622-Central Zone DEPARTMENT FUNCTION ➢ Olde City Park- Acquisition of additional open space,site grading, removal of overhead wiring, The Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund installation of underground drainage system, resources are derived from the payment of fees sidewalk removalfinstallation, picnic pavilion obtained as part of the development process.Fees are purchase, picnic pavilion/concrete slab/electrical accepted in lieu of parkland dedications to the City.For installations, irrigation installation, park I.D. sign administrative purposes, the City is divided into three and site amenities. park zones. The accumulated funds are available for ➢ Installation of irrigation and lighting at the the acquisition,development,and improvement of park Community Center's new parking lot. land within the zones from which they are collected. 5623-East Zone PROGRAM NARRATIVE ➢ None budgeted. The Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund is utilized Objectives for FY2007 by the Park Department with input from the Park and Recreation Advisory Board for the betterment of Parks 5621 -West Zone and open spaces throughout the City.Funds are utilized ➢ Founders Park-Installation of fencing,dome for the purposes of land acquisition for future park posts and cable to improve parking and field development and for the continual improvement of accessibility. existing parks and open space facilities and amenities. 5622-Central Zone Funds can also be used as matching requirement for ➢ Create additional parking spaces and outdoor available County and State grant opportunities for park storage facilities at Community Park. acquisition and improvement. 5623 East Zone ➢ Avalon Park-installation of fencing to enclose Accomplishments for FY2006 cemetery. 5621 -West Zone Major Budget Items ➢ None budgeted. STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 2003-2004 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 BEGINNING BALANCE $ 283,982 $ 325,640 $ 310,580 $ 126,130 REVENUES: Intergovernmental Revenue 125,106 150,100 80,000 70,100 Service Fees 4,157 142,500 100,000 263,000 Interest Income 64,850 - 8,600 5,000 Transfers from General Fund - - - Total Revenues 194,113 292,600 188,600 338,100 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 478,095 618,240 499,180 464,230 EXPENDITURES: West Zone 102,369 113,500 113,500 - Central Zone 20,220 199,000 184,550 79,000 East Zone 44,931 75,000 75,000 - Total Expenditures 167,520 387,500 373,050 79,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 310,575 $ 230,740 $ 126,130 $ 385,230 5-19-06 11:04 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET T NO: 621 PARK ACQ & IMP-WEST ZONE 121-5621-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 9,900.00 121-5621-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 1,250.00 PAGE TOTAL: 11,150.00 DEPT TOTAL: 11,150.00 5-19-06 11:04 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET T NO: 622 PARK ACQ & IMP-CENT ZONE 121-5622-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 5,750.00 121-5622-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 20,500.00 121-5622-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 43,450.00 PAGE TOTAL: 69,700.00 DEPT TOTAL: 69,700.00 5-19-06 11:04 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ?T NO: 623 PARK ACQ & IMP-EAST ZONE 121-5623-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 3,000.00 121-5623-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIP 3,000.00 DEPT TOTAL: 6,000.00