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06-19-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet
Parks and Recreation Board CITY O F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Special Meeting Agenda (Replaces regular meeting scheduled for June 26, 2006) • Monday, June 19, 2006 - 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Eugene Garner Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Beth Zoucha Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wwliciexii.e.joi' within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: >>1,11'.rvvliete.vas.goi. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by c,--'tatting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the May 22, 2006 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Conceptual Plan for the Planned Development-Bruner/Grove Track. Presentation will be made by a representative of the Herzog Development Corporation. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Athletic user and lighting fees. April 24,2006 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 4. Staff updates: Parks and Recreation new proposed budget items for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Proposed joint Planning and Zoning workshop for July 2006. Request for Qualifications for architects/planner for Founders Park. Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 16th day of June, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wyl ietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24, 2006 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 20, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 4 Subject Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Alanis Crossing Development. Development was previously called the Hood Track. Presentation will be made by Tim Coliart of the Skorberg Company. Recommendation Motion to recommend or deny the proposed parkland dedication in the Alanis Crossing Development. Discussion The Skorberg Company originally presented a Planned Development containing parkland dedication to the Parks and Recreation Board named the Hood Track located on FM 544 and Alanis Drive on the southeast side of the City. This proposed development had approximately 61.28 acres with a proposed 159 lots. The amount of parkland dedication for this proposed development is 8 acres meeting the existing requirements of 5 acres per 100 homes. A presentation regarding this development will be made by Tim Coltart of the Skorberg Company. The Planning and Zoning Commission is meeting about this development at the April 4, 2006 meeting. The developer is requesting a recommendation at this meeting from the Parks and Recreation Board to bring forward to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in April. The Board originally met about this development at the March 27, 2006 meeting. After much deliberation the Board recommended the following: Frankie Delgado made a motion to deny the proposed parkland dedication in the Planned Development-Hood Tract and asked the developer to bring a more feasible plan regarding the park acreage. Board Member David Willey seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Benny Jones, Brandi Lafleur and Anne Hiney absent. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The Skorberg Company resubmitted the Planned Development to the Planning and Zoning Commission at their July 5, 2006 meeting and it was approved with the stipulation that "...all parkland dedication and/or fees must have Park Board approval..." This item is being brought back to the Board with the changes made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The current Concept Plan is now named Alanis Crossing consisting of 98 total lots on approximately 61.28 acres. The Skorberg Company has submitted two options for the Board to review;they are included as attachments in the Agenda Report. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager 1 I TWIN OA(S ESTATES O l 1 1 j IIINRECORDEDI II TRW LAKES,LP 11.5 AC E ' NJ �M1.9W2; PROJECT LOCATION▪ i LocATION MAP 1 I I �� \ �• �\ _ _- T __-____-_ 1N 4, SITE DATA SUMMARY TABLE ▪ .4.- \\ / r/ N 1 1 Ili I TOTAL ACREAGES 61.28 AC. �6 ! / �' I ! 4 ZONE SPECIFICATIONS: \\\ \O �� I I� ZONE MIN SIZE TYP.WIDTH TYP.DEPTH LOTS ',,, \ �,�J 1.1.-._. 1 I �I� I O A 20,000 115' 180' 30 17,1 l (‘ •\N \ (3 1;' I TOTAL SHOWN: 98 1 1 I �\ —— I I PARK DEDICATION 1- ,\ O- ii 1!� I ZONE A 1 r -I I '� r 1,1 I I ZONE B I VOL.4390,PG.IBBS I i y D,R.C.L.T.T m I ! I EOWIN W,,PC.2 8 VL 502 R,c 228v II THELMA RICE I HACKIE LEE KLINCBEh VOL.5020,PO.2287 VOI.Set,PC.263 VOL.5020,PO.22B) VOL.5020,PC.22B1 II D.R.C.C.T. D.R.C.C.T. 1 li CONCEPT PLAN ALANIS CROSSING 61.28 ACRE TRACT IN THE CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS PREPARED BY CORWIN ENGINEERING,INC. 200 W.BELMONT,SUITE E ALLEN,TEXAS 75013 ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL OATEN MARCH J0,2006 SCALE/1"•100' REVISION DATE/MAY 3,2006 JA(. . Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24, 2006 Item Number: 3 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 20, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discuss athletic user and lighting fees. Recommendation N/A Discussion From the joint meeting the Parks and Recreation Board and the City Council had in January 2006, direction was given from the City Council to the Board to review the athletic light and user fees. Parameters were specified at the joint meeting regarding each of the fees i.e. resident fees and non-resident fees, adult fees vs. youth fees. Staff will be presenting each of the fees for discussion with the Board according to the following timeline: Parks and Recreation Board Meetings March 2006 Review Athletic Light fees COMPLETED 3-27-06 April 2006 Review Athletic User fees COMPLETED 4-24-06 May 2006 Invite each league representative to the Board Meeting to discuss and review proposed fee structure COMPLETED 5-22-06 June 2006 Final review of both fees,recommendation for athletic league representatives review COMPLETED 6-19-06 July 2006 Vote on final recommendations of fees to be forwarded to City Council August 2006 Worksession between the Board and City Council on recommended fee changes City Council vote to deny/approve fee changes Staff will presented changes to the Athletic Light Fees at the March 2006 meeting. Included with this IAgenda Report is a breakdown of the lighting costs for both Founders and Community Park. An approximate Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 cost for lighting based on current information is $25.56 per hour. The current fee for lighting charged to Individuals and groups is $8 per hour. At the joint meeting in January 2006, City Council directed the Board to try and look at the mid-point for cost recovery regarding athletic light fees. Based on that direction with the information provided above our current mid-point for cost recovery is $12.78. The Board discussed recommending to the City Council a rate of$13.00 per field per hour in order to maintain cost mid-point. Staff is presenting the user fees at the April 24, 2006 meeting. There is a variety of ways cities charge user fees. The primary ways are through a user fee for each participant or an hourly per field fee. There is also differing views on resident and non-resident status in regards to user fees. Some cities are exclusive to residents only while some charge varying fees for each user group. The more the policy varies the more intently staff will need to be when implementing new policies. Staff has prepared a fee comparison sheet for varying cities around Texas and attached some of the differing policies they offer. The Board will need to focus on what fees they feel would be most appropriate and how these fees need to be structured. Per the request of Board members at the April 24, 2006 meeting staff has invited Wylie League Representatives to the May 22, 2006 meeting to get their input regarding user and lighting fee changes. Staff has presented the various issues regarding changes that could be made to both of the fees. Due to the range of options presented and options presented at the joint Council and Board meeting from January 2006 the Board found it necessary to meet with the Wylie Sports Leagues earlier than the current timeline stated. This would then give the Board ample time to review all of the issues and make a clear recommendation to the City Council on any changes. The following Wylie League Representatives have responded to the invitation to attend the May meeting: Wylie Youth Soccer Association, Wylie Baseball Association, Lake Cities Girls Fastpitch Softball Association, Wylie Youth Competitive Football Association, Wylie Adult Softball Association, Wylie Basketball Association, and the North Texas Adult Soccer Association. Wylie Volleyball Association declined the invitation to the meeting. The purpose of having this forum is for the Board, league representatives, and staff to begin to discuss all aspects of any fee changes and their effects to league play. League representatives attended the May 22,2006 Board meeting and gave their views regarding any new proposed fees. Some options that were discussed were a per game/per season fee and a per team/per season fee. League representatives did not really touch on the options that were presented in the City Council joint meeting in January 2006. The options that were presented at the joint Board and City Council meeting in January: Athletic Light fees- ➢ Make the Light fee recover 50%of the actual cost for light usage Athletic User fees- ➢ Creating a Resident user fee and a Non-resident user fee ➢ Creating an adult user fee and child user fee ➢ Creating a user fee based on the time of use i.e. use before and after 10:00 p.m. At this point there have been many proposals that have been presented to the Board and input has been given to Board from the existing sports organizations operating in Wylie that use City facilities. Per the timeline from March 2006 the Board should began to discuss options that they would want to forward to the City Council for approval. Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 19, 2006 Item Number: 1,1 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 15, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Conceptual Plan for the Planned Development-Bruner/Grove Track. Presentation will be made by a representative of the Herzog Development Corporation. Recommendation Motion to recommend or deny the proposed parkland dedication in the Planned Development-Bruner/Grove Track. Discussion The Herzog Development Corporation is presenting a Planned Development containing parkland dedication to the Parks and Recreation Board named the Bruner/Grove Track located on Ballard Rd. and Pleasant Valley Rd. on the south side of the City. This proposed development is approximately 287.68 acres with a yet to be determined amount of lots. The amount of parkland dedication for this proposed development is 49.9 acres. There are various easements floodplain pieces that are included in the proposed dedication area. A presentation regarding this development will be made by a representative with the Herzog Development Corporation. The Planning and Zoning Commission is me about this development at their June 6, 2006 meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission denied their request for zoning 6-0. The developer will move forward with having the City Council review the Planned Development at their June 27, 2006 meeting. The developer is requesting a recommendation at this meeting from the Parks and Recreation Board to then bring forward to the City Council at their June 27, 2006 meeting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 2 fi ligiiA% it7,. 71.'177 ) ,,„., \ .7\ ' yl ZONED 6, \ \ i / / �`'i SAC SE/dALLARO ROAD 10, �'�.'+s, / 1111 .s �---_ ! 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NL flsi.,/G0lrlera* WAS Ww 01F i` fa/dKfrCAN N[aY.'A( ____ /// =________.. �, h'KD. O r4 aiiMN&nay ta'.f0 00(!a1l-01) fi to a apes -`..=--- `agar /'o n cc"A-Aai0J:0 — svi pt /'//' W \ II ' 4 1414141 ,1l \ \ ' N $0•1 ,'/,' I \ ,i'' \ �S4J:T1'1J'1r 1100.50' 64149'z1'w 777s6' S4SJVSS W� �''' PLEASANT VALLEY ROAO SI.A)• ,,/' rvAAANS 01O114 DUJC m or-G.wu •- Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Scott Ramsey [Scott@herzogdevelopment.com] Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:11 PM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: Don Herzog Subject: Bruner Tract Open Space and Parkland acreage Estimates Attachments: Park and Open Space Acreage 061506.pdf Robert, Please review the attached exhibit. The western boundary is the creek. The approximate acreages are shown as 4 separate areas: 1. North of the electric easement: 3 acres 2. Floodplain and under the electric easement: 39 acres 3. NWQ of the SW Medical Tract: 3.7 acres 4. NEQ of the SW Medical Tract: 4.2 acres. These areas are approximate and subject to revision with final zoning and design. Call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Scott Ramsey Herzog Development Corporation 9696 Skillman Street Suite 210 Dallas,Texas 75243 214-348-1300"23 214-348-1720 fax email:scott@herzogdevelopment.com IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email message is confidential and is intended only for the named addressee(s). If the reader of this email is not an intended recipient,any re-use,dissemination,distribution or copying of this e-mail message is prohibited. If you have received this e- mail message in error,please reply to the sender that you have received this message in error and then delete it. Thank You 6/16/2006 Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 19, 2006 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 14, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discuss athletic user and lighting fees. Recommendation N/A Discussion From the joint meeting the Parks and Recreation Board and the City Council had in January 2006, direction was given from the City Council to the Board to review the athletic light and user fees. Parameters were specified at the joint meeting regarding each of the fees i.e. resident fees and non-resident fees, adult fees vs. youth fees. Staff will be presenting each of the fees for discussion with the Board according to the following timeline: Parks and Recreation Board Meetings March 2006 Review Athletic Light fees COMPLETED 3-27-06 April 2006 Review Athletic User fees COMPLETED 4-24-06 May 2006 Invite each league representative to the Board Meeting to discuss and review proposed fee structure COMPLETED 5-22-06 June 2006 Final review of both fees,recommendation for athletic league representatives review July 2006 Vote on final recommendations of fees to be forwarded to City Council August 2006 Worksession between the Board and City Council on recommended fee changes City Council vote to deny/approve fee changes Staff will presented changes to the Athletic Light Fees at the March 2006 meeting. Included with this Agenda Report is a breakdown of the lighting costs for both Founders and Community Park. An approximate cost for lighting based on current information is $25.56 per hour. The current fee for lighting charged to Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 _.individuals and groups is $8 per hour. At the joint meeting in January 2006, City Council directed the Board to sy and look at the mid-point for cost recovery regarding athletic light fees. Based on that direction with the information provided above our current mid-point for cost recovery is $12.78. The Board discussed recommending to the City Council a rate of$13.00 per field per hour in order to maintain cost mid-point. Staff is presenting the user fees at the April 24, 2006 meeting. There is a variety of ways cities charge user fees. The primary ways are through a user fee for each participant or an hourly per field fee. There is also differing views on resident and non-resident status in regards to user fees. Some cities are exclusive to residents only while some charge varying fees for each user group. The more the policy varies the more intently staff will need to be when implementing new policies. Staff has prepared a fee comparison sheet for varying cities around Texas and attached some of the differing policies they offer. The Board will need to focus on what fees they feel would be most appropriate and how these fees need to be structured. Per the request of Board members at the April 24, 2006 meeting staff has invited Wylie League Representatives to the May 22, 2006 meeting to get their input regarding user and lighting fee changes. Staff has presented the various issues regarding changes that could be made to both of the fees. Due to the range of options presented and options presented at the joint Council and Board meeting from January 2006 the Board found it necessary to meet with the Wylie Sports Leagues earlier than the current timeline stated. This would then give the Board ample time to review all of the issues and make a clear recommendation to the City Council on any changes. The following Wylie League Representatives have responded to the invitation to attend the May meeting: Wylie Youth Soccer Association, Wylie Baseball Association, Lake Cities Girls Fastpitch Softball Association, Wylie Youth Competitive Football Association, Wylie Adult Softball Association, Wylie Basketball Association, and the North Texas Adult Soccer Association. Wylie Volleyball Association declined the invitation to the meeting. The purpose of having this forum is for the Board, league representatives, and staff to begin to discuss all aspects of any fee changes and their effects to league play. League representatives attended the May 22,2006 Board meeting and gave their views regarding any new proposed fees. Some options that were discussed were a per game/per season fee and a per team/per season fee. League representatives did not really touch on the options that were presented in the City Council joint meeting in January 2006. The options that were presented at the joint Board and City Council meeting in January: Athletic Light fees- > Make the Light fee recover 50% of the actual cost for light usage Athletic User fees- • Creating a Resident user fee and a Non-resident user fee ➢ Creating an adult user fee and child user fee ➢ Creating a user fee based on the time of use i.e. use before and after 10:00 p.m. At this point there have been many proposals that have been presented to the Board and input has been given to Board from the existing sports organizations operating in Wylie that use City facilities. Per the timeline from March 2006 the Board should began to discuss options that they would want to forward to the City Council for approval. Page 1 of 2 Robert Diaz From: Scott Ramsey [Scott@herzogdevelopment.com] Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 12:00 PM To: Robert Diaz Cc: Don Herzog; Mike Sferra; Bill Nelson Subject: RE: Bruner Tract Open Space and Parkland acreage Estimates Robert, The floodplain is approximately 24.7 acres. Please call me at the office 214-348-1300 ext 23. Thanks From: Robert Diaz [mailto:rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 8:21 AM To: Scott Ramsey Cc: Don Herzog; 'Mike Sferra'; 'Bill Nelson' Subject: RE: Bruner Tract Open Space and Parkland acreage Estimates Thanks for the maps and numbers I will include these items in the packet for the Board. Just a reminder: a couple of questions did come up that you might want to be prepared for on Monday- 1. Do you have the acreage breakdown of the dedicated property included in and out of the floodplain? 2. Do you have a breakdown of what the costs might be for any of the improvements i.e. trails? It might also be helpful to bring the aerial map you ""' discussed with us yesterday. I am including the agenda with this email for your information. If you have any other questions let me know. Robert Diaz Asst. Superintendent City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department 972-442-8197 office 972-442-1744 fax rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us From: Scott Ramsey [mailto:Scott@herzogdevelopment.com] Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:11 PM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: Don Herzog Subject: Bruner Tract Open Space and Parkland acreage Estimates Robert, Please review the attached exhibit. The western boundary is the creek. The approximate acreages are shown as 4 separate areas: 1. North of the electric easement: 3 acres 2. Floodplain and under the electric easement: 39 acres 3. NWQ of the SW Medical Tract: 3.7 acres 4. NEQ of the SW Medical Tract: 4.2 acres. 6/19/2006 Page 2 of 2 These areas are approximate and subject to revision with final zoning and design. Call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Scott Ramsey Herzog Development Corporation 9696 Skillman Street Suite 210 Dallas,Texas 75243 214-348-1300*23 214-348-1720 fax email:scott@herzogdevelopment.com IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email message is confidential and is intended only for the named addressee(s). If the reader of this email is not an intended recipient,any re-use,dissemination,distribution or copying of this e-mail message is prohibited. If you have received this e- mail message in error,please reply to the sender that you have received this message in error and then delete it. Thank You 6/19/2006 . 1 2040 e.ft0008''2) c / r: - i SA CASE / 1ALCARD ROAD WtA• N 44.'"'•:N: • /; w la \ .`�"°' i AMA& )WO74� mo1T-OF-WA4 PO N 7 i r1C BEGIT• j f rA..w[S,..wAAo I I rZK• AAo \ a.aad IAVAd. I j�'// 4 i i: I � oar. 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Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 19, 2006 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 14, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Staff updates: Parks and Recreation new proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2006-2007./ Proposed joint Planning and Zoning Commission workshop for July 2006. t/ Request for Qualifications for architects/planners for Founders Park.1/ Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will update the Board on the following areas: Parks and Recreation new proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Proposed joint Planning and Zoning Commission workshop for June 2006. Request for Qualifications for architects/planners for Founders Park. Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. 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