09-25-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda Monday, September 25, 2006 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Donna Larson Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Beth Zoucha Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: wwwwvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.1,vvlietexas.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 28, 2006 Meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Staff updates: Fall/winter meeting dates: October 30, November 27, and December 18 Review items discussed at the July 6, 2006 Special Meeting and August 1, 2006 Special Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Athletic/Light Fee Ordinance September 25,2006 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 Collin County Grant Application Review the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund (Parkland Dedication Funds) Skate plaza concept Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 22nd day of September, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Governm0441141 that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of W,�lt�rOsFe:fAy �vvlietexas.gov. w p 46141 Carole E lich,City Secretary — Date Notice Removed ;. ��'1, ,E, E ``�`� Park and Recreation Board wb CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 25, 2006 Item Number: Z (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: September 22, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Staff updates: Fall/Winter meeting dates: October 30,November 27,December 18 Review items discussed at the July 6,2006 Special Meeting and August 1,2006 Special Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Athletic Light/fee ordinance Collin County Grant Application Review the Parks and Acquisition and Improvement Fund(Parkland Dedication Funds) Skate Plaza concept Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff updates: Fall/Winter meeting dates: October 30,November 27,December 18 V` Review items discussed at theduly 6,2006 Special Meeting and August 1,2006 Special Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission. +✓/ Athletic Light/fee ordinance\-'` Collin County Grant Application A-- Review the Parks and Acquisition and Improvement Fund(Parkland Dedication Funds) Skate Plaza concept Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. Page 1 of 2 City of Wylie Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund Statement of Revenues and Expenditures August 22, 2006 West Central East Total All Zones Revenue Parkland Dedication - 220,926.00 68,062.00 288,988.00 County Grants - - - - Interest Income 3,466.69 6,154.01 663.68 10,284.38 Total Revenue 3,466.69 227,080.01 68,725.68 299,272.38 Expenses (13,074.00) (223,329.29) - (236,403.29) Fund Balance 115,622.11 205,250.53 22,135.41 343,008.05 Subtotal 106,014.80 209,001.25 90,861.09 405,877.14 Budgeted for FY 06-07 (64,000.00) (85,400) (38,000.00) (187,400.00) Subtotal 42,014.80 123,601.25 52,861.09 218,477.14 Finish Olde City Park (78,000.00) `J.i, j(,j,6`( (78,000.00) Subtotal 42,014.80 45,601.25 52,861.09 14 Additional Revenue 300,000.00 22,000.00 r, 322,000.00 Subtotal 42,014.80 345,601.25 74,861.09 462,477.14 Miscellaneous Revenue Citywide 157,767.60 Grand Total 42,014.80 345,601.25 74,861.09 620,244.74 SiICE •Landscape Architecture •Urban Design .Skate Park Planning&Design •Construction Administration INTRODUCING THE SITE URBAN PLAZA SERIES SITE Design Group, Inc. is excited to present the new SITE URBAN PLAZA SERIES, designed to compliment existing or potential above-ground & concrete parks or to accommodate those communities with a limited budget or with site constraints. The URBAN PLAZA SERIES offers a selection of two signature urban plaza "skate spots" designed by SITE that have received the most positive response from pro-riders, amateur riders, and the industry media internationally. What SITE delivers One of our urban plaza designs Design License Certificates of Insurance Coordination with Client provided Civil Engineer Professionally Sealed Construction Documents Approximate Construction Cost Estimate Materials and Equipment List Choose from either The Depot or The Cantina Designs. Cost per plaza design is $6,000. Services not included in fee, but available at additional cost: Consultation Additional Site and Landscape Design Geo-Technical Report Grading& Drainage Plans Site Survey Electrical Engineering 24 W. 51"Street, Suite 202 Tempe,AZ 85281 phone: 480/894-6797•fax: 480/894-6792 Page 1 of 1 es- Alb ‘°'talrill.iir https://mail.wylietexas.gov/exchange/robert.diaz/Inbox/Fw:%2Orequested%20info.EML/1... 9/25/2006 ;'1,'•.."-..• ''"i'-','•-.:,•,,' •• .-'J, -.- ... "gill= - - •c- -- - — ppetrftior*• -,•,, .4,..— .., I r,•14 1111 :.• ._:, ,,, .1 • ....• ..,. ,_', , . , ' .', ' - •!. ' . .... - l'..... •,- ,'2, .'•••',•••• "' '''' ,4(',7j :‘,' • .. _ ....,,,..... r IV qr " ' ,"''' 4.,.. . _"z,'•• •.,.... _.: as411$ ' Mallitglit .,. 1‘ • _,...- 16,, -'1•• -,.1-1'0'411. ripoll1,11"" -4' ..seli .. • . - I II • 1 . . . 11 _ f . , '• -, ,- -- - - 4 . . .. ;, .. '4 ' ,.• . .I - % • is (. T.' ,. ' •- . . _ 4. l''., • ' ' , .....- .. . ....,,. , • . ,?:- .:f,•."; ,.-..., ,..... CITY OF WYLIE • 2006-2007 BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS - ORIGINAL CURRENT TERM Allowed to LACE NAME ADDRESS HOME PHONE OTHER PHONE EMAIL APPT. APPT. _ EXPIRES Public ANIMAL SHELTER ADVISORY BOARD Yes/No Staff Liaison -Lt.Mike Atkison- 972/442-8183 1 Chuck Kerin 707 Parker Rd. 972/442-7236 972/442-6513 ckerin@verizon.net 7/04 7/06 7/08 No 2 Diane Culver 2918 Jamestown 972/429-3805 214/981-6225 jcul@ev1.net 7/06 7/06 7/08 No 3 Ken Qualls 2000 Highway 78 N. 972/442/5268 ken.qualls@wylietexas.gov 1/06 7/6 7/07 Yes 4 Earl Newsom 619 Stoneybrook Dr. 972/442-7133 214/802-3960 earl.newsom@wylietexas.gov 7/04 7/06 7/07 No 5 Heather Screws 1001 S. Hwy 78 Lot 102 972/442-9542 heathers123@verizon.net 1/06 7/06 7/08 No CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD Staff Liaison Building Official Johnny Bray 9721442-8151 1 Ronald Hauck 1205 Summerdale Ln 972/461-2514 daronone@verizon.net 7/06 7/06 7/08 No 2 Elvia Clark 807 Glen Lakes Ct 214/474-1844 elviahclark@hotmail.com 7/06 7/06 7/08 Yes 3 Jim Chaney P.O. Box 114 972/442-7303 214/455-3314 jdogg326@verizon.net 7/04 7/06 7/08 No 4 Scott Henry 616 Odenville Drive 972/989-7466 bmh901@verizon.net 7/05 7/05 7/07 Yes 5 Eric Brown 3110 Jacob Drive 972/461-9659 ericbrown97@yahoo.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 6 Steve Repasky 316 S. Fourth Street 972/442-4301 srepasky@tcco.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 7 Frank Spingola 508 Rustic Place 972/442-6909 214/384-5925 fmspingola@aol.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 No LIBRARY BOARD Staff Liaison-Library Director Rachel Orozco 972/442-7566 1 Sandra Williams 1418 Eastedge Drive 972/941-8895 skwilliams@verizon.net 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 2 Lucy Shriver 572 John Ross 972/442-0361 469/556-0549 c conceptions@verizon.net 7/06 7/06 7/08 No 3 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth Street 972/442-5767 shirley426@aol.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 Yes 4 David James 108 N. Rustic Trail 972/429-6086 972/429-4689 wyliedave@gmail.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 5 Grace Morrison 118 Glen Knoll 972/442-1689 gracem1@airmail.net 7/06 7/08 Yes 6 Junaid Najamuddin 212 Palmdale Drive 972/442-9733 214/207-8535 jnajamuddin@yahoo.com 9/05 7/06 7/08 No 7 Joe Murphy 1704 Lincoln 972/442-2119 469/893-6812 joe.murphy@ps.net 7/05 7/05 7/07 Unknown PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD vos Staff Liaison-Asst.Parks Director Robert Diaz 972/442-8197 �C • 1 Donna Larson .i 345 Donna Drive 972/442-6424 972/442-2111 donna@wylieprinting.com \l 7/06 7/06 7/08 No 2 Daniel Chesnut ✓ 200 Picadilly Circle 972/442-1375 972/941- 4s?.5`I't fdAr4cm 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 3 Brandi Lafleur — 3507 Viburnum Drive 214/474-2343 tklafleur@msn.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 4 Anne Hiney •✓ 301 N. Cottonbelt Ave 972/442-0370 972/672-4133 anne_hiney@mac.com �I.toed-4'si.c- . 7/06 7/08 No Sir 5 Frankie Delgado ✓ 1011 Meandering Way 214/474-1000 e �` 2/06 7/05 7/07 No 6 Benny Jones 2002 Waterfall Way 972/461-2740 OH 4t1-133r bennyjones2@yahoo.com 7/05 7/06 7/08 No 7 David Willey 706 Nickelville 972/442-9127 972/562-0670 7/02 7/06 7/08 No PARKS AND RECREATION 4B BOARD WzatEY ` fL4 , -^°t°l'r-f • o_� 1 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth Street 972/442-5767 i 71 j .5".9 y shirley426@aol.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 Yes 2 Dan Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle 972/442-0103-' 972/941-214Y aggienuts@aol.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 3 Anne Hiney 301 N.Cottonbelt Ave. 972/442-0370 972/672-4133 anne_hiney@mac.com 7/05 7/05 7/07 No 4 Eric Hogue 102 N. Westgate Way 972/442-6938 972/797-9409 eric.hogue@wylietexas.gov 7/05 7/05 7/07 Unknown 5 John Mondy 114 Douglas 972/442-3882 972/578-2039 mayor@wylietexas.gov 7/04 7/06 7/08 Unknown 6 Merrill Young 200 Westgate Way 972/442-7916 972/849-1354 merrill.young@wylietexas.gov 7/05 7/06 7/08 No 7 Rick White 814 Forest Edge Lane 972/429-0317 972/429/5745 rick.white@wylietexas.gov 7/05 7/06 7/08 No t I