10-23-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet ?WI Parks and Recreation Board CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda Monday, October 23, 2006 - 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex- Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut David Wiley Chair Anne Hiney Co-Chair Donna Larson Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Beth Zoucha Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.kov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: ia'111'.ivvlietexas.��ov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS Minutes were not completed prior to this meeting; they will be completed by the November meeting. 1. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Conceptual Plan for the Planned Development-Woodbridge Northeast. Presentation will be made by a representative of the Herzog Development Corporation. 2. Consider and act upon the proposed changes to the athletic user and light fees,per City Council comments. October 23,2006 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 .DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Staff updates: Planning and Zoning/Parks and Recreation Board coordination Collin County Grant Application Status Construction status on basketball courts, Olde City Park, and Joel Scott Park. Muddy Creek Trail dedication ceremony November 9, 2006 Regional TRAPS conference November 10, 2006 Architect meeting with City Council November 2, 2006 Parks and Recreation Board Retreat/Planning meeting Winter meeting dates: November 27 and December 18 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certibi that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20th day of October, 2006 at 5:00 accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www w,lie texas. ov. p m' as required by law in ```��uut+se�lr��� Vim: <<\ Ca ole Ehrlich,C ," (.V `1- Secretary _ _ Y, iH _ t L — ate Notic Removed 'tom'- 151 �'e• tyy`i.....E Pco``���• 11E1 \K A Recreation & Park Society sFrrNINEu/�e� .1k #..• 4.4 \*. TRRPS 11011_IS 2 3 E November 8 - 10 ,E 2006 Farmers Branch, Texas cmr (erewce,spmtiaov: lANDSCAPE� Pace in 2006 the TRAPS . . . Setting "Set the Pace" all the way to Farmers Branch for the TRAPS Regions 2 & 3 Conference! Join the TRAPS confer- ence designed for training and the continuing education of parks & recreation professionals. In addition to the educational sessions, there are limitless opportunities to network with industry vendors and other professionals at the awards luncheon and post-conference social. This conference provides a comprehensive curriculum that has something for everyone. Hope to see you in Farmers Branch! 2006 Regions 2 & 3 Conference Planning Committee 2006 Co-Chairs: Texx Stewart and Marcy Jones Past Chair: Marcy Jones Committee Chairs: Programs Awards Evaluations Colette Hall Melissa Caughron Elihu Gillespie Publications Conference Shirts & Bags Social Carrie Stevenson Maria Dunigan Ashley Blanchard Hilda Salazar Ways & Means Job Mart CEU's Sharon Davis Judy Florence Colette Hall Volunteers/Students Park Maintenance Rodeo Sponsorships!Vendors Shelley Abraham John Frame Jane Anne Sellars Vickie Loftice Meals Pre-Conference Institutes Vickie Loftice Leigh Morgan Registration Amy Cooper Decorations Golf Tournament Denice Neal Shelley Abraham Logistics Jeff Lingo TRAPS President TRAPS President Elect TRAPS Past-President John K. Powers Sally Gavlik Dona Roth Kinney Region 2 Director Region 3 Director --. Vickie Loftice Jane Anne Sellars Pre-Conference Workshops Speacth Thowl,k4(to-O 2006 Farmers Branch Community Recreation Center Reg-1,0114'2 Er 3 cc,iifere Ai tceSpa-work Register for Pre-Conference by October 20 "" Water Conservation and Auditing During Drought IANDSCAPE Thursday, November 9 8:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m. Cost: $105 John Patterson, Metro Irrigation Supply STRUCWRES Water is a precious commodity that is getting more scarce each year. As Grounds Maintenance Professionals,our job as water conservationists has become even more challenging during the 2006 drought. In this class, you will be taught the proper procedures to audit your irrigation systems and im- prove your techniques in designing, installing and operating the systems to better conserve this precious commodity. S oN' � ,o Lunch provided. � dea�5 ��IS NRPA's Aquatic Facility Operator Course (AFO) ��p���ei`0 6 Wednesday and Thursday, November 8 &9 SouthWest Parks& Playgrounds in 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Cost: $240 John Whitmore&Tom Klimko, City of Denton CP 0 Ca .411=411C1:10 The AFO certification course is a training program in swimming pool operation and maintenance specifically vilnevierrales DKr, c m (3u-rvirnr-rwritis designed to meet the needs of those working in public, semi- public, and municipal pool or waterpark facilities. The course is designed to provide information and training for both M.. Carter--Burgess supervisory and operations personnel. Lunch provided. Leading Up...How To Manage Your Boss So Everyone Wins! 5 PACE Thursday, November 9 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. T� �� Cost$50* CLI MBA S playlsi.com Melba Benson, PhD Educator/Coach/Mediator THE DIFFERENCE IS Many demands in today's organizations are new to everyone IN OUR DESIGN ' and require new skills, behaviors and interactions among managers and employees at all levels. If people are afraid to help leaders lead, those leaders are likely to miss Aft '--,i",r ;; opportunities to improve the entire organization's _ performance! Learn how to more effectively meet the needs of your boss while at the same time helping your boss be a , - -v.—IF V. .- .:11, t „*. more effective leader. if; . ri Making Presentations with Confidence and Power `, =� t, , Thursday,November 9 1:00 p.m. —5:00 p.m. ..,,, Cost$50* ik, ' Melba Benson, PhD Educator/Coach/Mediator , Vi � .�` �. Surveys indicate that speaking before a group is the greatest 061/41111,k, fear of many people. Yet, most business people need to be ,r 4 Z '' able to present their ideas to a group effectively. Learn how ,p to analyze your audience, improve verbal and nonverbal a wt _ : ' communication and work with visual aids and answering questions. This class is ideal for everyone from those ti `% wanting to conquer their fears to experienced speakers see_s$440Ics wanting to hone their skills! For more informaIign. .. *DISCOUNT....sign up for both of these sessions and pay contact your Ip , i only $85! Landscape Structures Representative. (877) 870-5567 Friday, November 10 10:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m.-9:45 a.m. Using Irrigation Auditing to Conserve Water on Sport Fields Dr. James McAfee,Texas Cooperative Extension Winning the War Against Fire Ants Will cover water use by different turfgrasses as well as proper Dr. Michael Merchant,Texas Cooperative Extension irrigation techniques to supply the correct amount of water. Fire ants often seem like a difficult pest to control, but to- Will discuss irrigation auditing as a management tool for de- day numerous options make control easier than ever. This veloping your irrigation program. session will review the three main approaches for the con- trol of fire ants and give you the information you need to Leadership in the Public Sector put fire ants at the bottom of your list of headaches. Ted Benavides,Executive In Residence/Senior Lecturer Will discuss leadership styles, working with politicians, work- Making Your Organization World Class / ing with media, dealing with board relations, bureaucratic be- Tom Hart, City of Grand Prairie havior, working with citizens and the moral and ethical issues How to use a Model ECDC World Class. Learn a new sys- faced by public servants. tern called "EC/DC" which is the tool to making your Parks and Recreation Risk Management f� organization the best of the best. Mike Shaw,Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Teen Savvy—Programs that Work! a Pool Dana Mitchell, Mesquite PARD This program will focus on various risks associated with parks Teen Savvy is an informational workshop that focuses on and recreation functions. Areas detailed in the program will include parks, playgrounds, recreation/community centers, teen programming. We will discuss what works, what does - aquatics and how to program for teens while keeping their parents aquatics facilities, athletic programs and fields, and special happy. Participants will get tips on marketing, budgets and events. the key to sustaining programs over time. American Red Cross-Emergency Shelter Planning and Skate Parks: Use patterns and trends in the Metroplete Preparation Marty Nerren,American Red Cross Dr. Joseph Walker, University of North Texas The program will focus on the important activities of planning Skateparks have been evolving over the past 10 years. This and preparation for the provision of emergency mass care s' session will provide information on the state of the industry ters using city owned parks and recreation centers. Faci.,., within the metroplex. Repair and maintenance issues associ- Management and Shelter Management are two key roles that ated with each construction style will be examined along will be focused on during the program presentation. with attendance patterns, existing market development, daily fee strategies, economic development, and potential Aging is Not One Size Fits All 116 future trends that will impact the industry. Gary DeVries,Brown Reynolds Watford Architects,Inc Today's seniors are 50 to 100 years young and are healthier A Heated Debate:Controversial Senior Center Issues / and more active, but are also comprised of two generations. Dell Kaplan, Plano PARD Tomorrow's municipal Senior Centers will respond to this Senior Center leaders will square off to present both sides multi-generational issue by increasing and diversifying pro- of two current controversial Senior Center issues. Should grams with topics related to fitness, computers, travel, night we take the word "senior" out of Senior Center facility and weekend activities, and linking with other entities like hos- names, or stay with what we've always done? Should Senior pitals and local colleges. This session will explore — through Centers be required to be nationally accredited? The ensu- interactive discussion — the changing population of the aging ing open mike discussion should open your eyes to how and ways of meeting those individual needs. Senior Center staff and seniors really feel. Decide for your- 0 Recipe for Retention self. Teresa Thomason,City of Keller Lifeguard Quality Assurance This session will identify key strategies for obtaining and re- Anne Glasscock,American Red Cross taining members to your facility. Why people join a recreation This will be an overview of the American Red Cross facility and what reasons do they stay will be addressed. How Aquatic Examiner service, a new QualityAssurance service can recreation professionals increase the chances of an individ- available in this area. This service s available to help cities ual renewing their membership year after year? or organizations with the preparation, training and testing of Framed!Get the Picture? lifeguards and support staff throughout the summer. Diana Holland,The Colony No matter what kind of camera you use, from high tech dil Media Relations 101 to disposable cameras, you can improve your photograp....; Tom Bryson, City of Farmers Branch skills by learning some basic principals to frame and light your Designed to give participants a working knowledge of subject. We're not talking f-stops and other technical issues, working with the news media in the 21st century. This is just some simple skills that will yield better pictures. accomplished through lecture, panel discussion, demonstra- tion and video examples. 1:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. 4Inspections,Preventative Maintenance and Safety Go Keynote Address Land-in-Hand Fired Up!Seven Steps for Accelerated Success 114 ry Lou Iverson,The Iverson Associates Anita Vanetti, Business Development Consultant As most departments have inspection and maintenance pro- "The Message Strategist" Better Character Better Business grams, this session will highlight the more important con- Fired Up! describes seven key character traits necessary for cerns with on-going inspection programs. There is mainte- excellence in performance. As a former television news nance and preventative maintenance. Where should the fo- reporter and current business development consultant, Anita cus be? Safety takes precedence in all we do on play- Vanetti uses today's headlines and intriguing behind-the- grounds. This does payoff in reduced liability and budget scenes personal stories to motivate the audience to follow planning. ethical behaviors while staying enthusiastic about their job Round Table Discussion for Citizens and Professionals responsibilities. The seven traits include: Faithfulness, In tegrity, Responsibility, Enthusiasm, Diligence, Uniqueness Margaret Young, Farmers Branch PARD There will be 3-4 groups involved in sharing ideas and con and Perspective. cerns about citizen involvement in advocacy, board partici- pation and programs. Groups of 10-12 will discuss pertinent issues for citizens and professionals in parks and recreation. Don't forget There will be a facilitator in each group. Are you Meeting the Changing Demographic "Latino" to turn in your Needs? Zulema Cervantes Martinez, Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD Conference Participants will evaluate changing demographics in North Texas and provide information to make beneficial changes Evaluation Form to help meet the need of the growing Latino population. Programmers will walk away with a marketing plan and„Wan of action to implement. ® � rofitable Managing Strategies 4P. Teresa Thomason, City of Keller This session will identify key strategies for managing rec- #..� ,.4 reation facilities at 100% recovery of operating expenses. ../ I\ N.. We will focus on budget forecasting, expense control, quar- terly action plans, programming and staffing. Autism Spectrum Overview and Program Strategies Tena Worthy, City of Plano PARD As a recreational professional and a special educator, Tena has practical experience in dealing with people within the autism spectrum. The identification of autism has increased a great deal and these participants have varied needs. She will discuss the implications of these increased cases in both TEERPS TR and "mainstream" recreation programs as well as pro- vide practical strategies everyone can utilize to increase par- ticipant outcomes. Lightning Safety Sign up John W. Safranek, University of North Texas to receive CEUs Participants will be exposed to the shocking facts associated with lightning. Emphasis will be placed on debunking myths about lightning, and educating professionals regard- ing current, lightning safety information with relevancy to operation of park and recreation grounds and facilities. Sessions recommended for Building Your Brand Presence Citizen/Advisory Board Members Roslyn Dawson Thompson, Dawson/Duncan Communications A workshop on branding techniques and how to apply these to Parks and Recreation programs and facilities. 2006 Conference Activities Job Mart Conference Shirts Stop by the Job Mart and check out vacant Interested in purchasing a conference shirt? positions available within Regions 2 & 3. Contact Maria Dunigan at 972.919.8754 If you have a vacant position and would like to post it at the Job Mart, please contact Judy Florence at 972.335.5515 We Need Your Help! Help the Planning Committee evaluate the Silent Auction 2006 Regions 2 & 3 Conference by complet- The Ways & Means Committee will host a ing a conference evaluation. Your input will Silent Auction before lunch. Don't miss this help the planning committee prepare for the opportunity to support the TRAPS organiza- 2007 Regions 2 & 3 Conference! tion and bid on many fabulous items. For Evaluation forms will be in your more information contact conference packet. Sharon Davis at 817.427.6623 Thank You Trade Show Special thanks to the 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Regions 2 & 3 Student Volunteers from the Stop by the conference vendor booths and University of North Texas. visit with a variety of industry professionals. Don't miss this opportunity to pick up the 10. latest brochures and information! Carter :Burgess Regional Awards Program Pit-Stop Regions 2 & 3 will honor the 2006 Award Post-Conference SocialWinners during the Awards Luncheon on Friday, November 10. Don't miss the dueling pianos at the The Luncheon will begin at post-conference social! Following approximately 11:30 a.m. the Keynote Speaker, head to the Awards will be presented in the following categories: Palm Court for appetizers, drinks and fun! Lone Star Programming Horizons Award Innovations in Park Development Best Web Site Award Parks &Facilities Design Award Excellence in Programming Maintenance Innovations Award Part-Time Employee of the Year Promotional Award Maintenance Award Advocate of the Year Award Park Professional of the Year Recreation Professional of the Year orm Registration Pre-registration deadline is October 20. CONFERENCE FEES Please duplicate form for additional registrants. Awards Luncheon included in conference fee. Name I I Members $49 I I Non-Members $59 Title P Students $25 Agency I I Lunch Only $25 ❑ CEU's $10 E-mail ❑ Late Fee (After Oct. 20 add) $10 Address PRE-CONFERENCE FEES City Course Fee Phone $ Mail completed form and payment to: Total Enclosed $ Farmers Branch PARD Amy Cooper 14050 Heartside Place Make checks payable to: Farmers Branch, TX 75234 TRAPS Regions 2 & 3 Conference Office Use Only For Credit Card Payments Check# Master Card Visa Date Credit Card# Received by Exp. Date Signature Conference Host Hotel Yatiti Double Tree Hotel 4099 Valley View Lane Farmers Branch, TX 75244 The'YAPS 2eg-Co-vvs-2 Er 3 972.385.9000 C o-n fe re ttce/C o mmit t e-e'wo- Call for Accommodations. Li kes to--th cunk Fawn/Le/vs-Branch/fog' ho ru the/2006 co re ce' Conference Sponsor: Special Thanks to all our other sponsors: i" 411:10 1:01:11-1411=F1'T-NQ is ma O G iv T Cd L Pa Q\,!T Vf TT6Ti as .60*CDF"EkANDSCAPE (\ A C To Code*oS I sTRUCTURES Carter::Burgess swp*p Southwest Parks 6 Playgrounds Double Tree Hotel 4099 Valley View Lane Farmers Branch, TX 75244 , • l . .... _ _ ...... •rE.r'�3 '' � ."s s y„ tea x ris^»'1 P1 l'� ' Ii ,maq" '' ro. aka bs M r i �, � _, t 'x' k ;a. u a a/ l i _i vv ix i `0 ', a za+ a � I SFnordan Rd ,� ( i • `'�d ' 2' I.. _ ` rzI I MrEvwd Rd� r Q& Ldu or a , ,/a ; 105 4,4.1:,-, .-1,'4114;Ack, 1 Q •••••.--- (11? '"�v^7 kA ,i C i � s•,RR".1 . Y� fi Ch.waa s -t y putdu.or : F . .�.. ,�{S:k pu --�C����AHrYval4M�Rd_ .,- '�".n�^ - , ,J x,s r.e` "'. Jadrin._ Pull" r,r ...-,__' ,FYI . .- v v Cru sf g Ln a F: },.,. zs �Qa Or t _High Summit Or + �, '�Wrd f r r ? di' C.d�r d °culu ff 1 $ xa - �-^'��� �� 5hadyB.nd Dr .-`-_ ..__f k J� k ae.-. .rF ,«Se ..'.+, - ¢ a E«�^�^a From 1-635, exit Midway, go west -R 8 Mdow Dr j , ,�, "� � on service road. Hotel is on the right,just past Wal-Mart. ',' s.,-,," ''',.•:;,..-1,-..-" . -.*... \ ^ ‘ ' . ,,, ,t-2 2``.:r-z,ogg2,"-,''t*'*2 - :, ''''' -' '-'7:-:" *-PF ,,.. ,,..'" 4 .i, _ ,r,/, :4,' : . • ' ; ' 1,44, Dallas County , "4! , And ' . ... The City of Wylie „,„ 40401, ,.., .„. Cordially Invite You To Attend ‘-, The Opening Of The ' ',.. Muddy Creek Preserve Trail .. 4-.., ...-i. , ., . ., .,.. . -,. -...- , . . ' 4 .,, ill 47, , .. ,,. _.........- - ----4--z-..--__ - :„„ '''. •Flzt-Vilet..",- rt. ._ ... - . - • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, November 9, 2006 *---,- , 10:45 a.m. ... , Muddy Creek Preserve Parking Lot ,,- Pleasant Valley at Elm Grove Roads ---...,-...-,.- In the event of rain, the ceremony for both the Sachse and the Wylie 1 r-.''' Trails will be held at the Sachse Council Chambers. Map Included. 1 , !,1,.. ,.. Ribbon Cutting at the Sachse Section will precede this ceremony across Pleasant Valley Road at 10:00 a.m. .4: ' ao ' ..' ; '-..,2.2-,....,21,4„,..--, ,..2; -*if ' '' '. j 4>A .•.!'''*.. ''''''.4.11.- i '-/