11-27-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday, November 27, 2006—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Co-Chairman David Willey called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Board Members present were: Anne Hiney, Donna Larson, Frankie Delgado and Benny Jones. Chairman Dan Chestnut and Board Member Brandi Lafleur were absent. Staff present was: Parks Superintendent, Bill Nelson; and Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz, and Gayle Walton, Acting Secretary. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No one was present for citizen's participation. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 25, 2006 and the October 23, 2006 Meeting. Board Action Board Member Hiney made a motion and Board Member Delgado seconded to approve the Minutes of the September 25, 2006 Board Meeting. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Chairman Chesnut and Board Member Lafleur absent. Robert Diaz noted corrections on page 4, last paragraph, regarding electric rates and on page 8, third paragraph, regarding budget amounts for the Master Plan. Board discussed the Master Plan and whether funds for this would be taken out of the General Fund or 4B Fund. It was noted that Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, is meeting with the City Manager regarding the Master Plan. Bill Nelson stated that midyear budget items are usually Minutes—November 27, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 presented in April. Robert Diaz stated that the retreat would be a good time to work on items for a budget amendment. Board Member Hiney made a motion and Board Member Delgado seconded to approve the Minutes of the October 23, 2006 Board Meeting with corrections as noted by staff. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Chairman Chesnut and Board Member Lafleur absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Staff updates: • TRAPS Regional Conference Follow-up. Staff/Board Discussion Robert Diaz asked for a report from Board Member Larson and Bill Nelson upon their attendance at the conference. Board Member Larson stated that she and Board Member Lafleur attended a skate park class. The history of skating was discussed and it was noted that the park would stay more uul able if you have moveable parts. Moveable parts mean new challenges eve ear and would increase the usefulness of the park. Two vendors that made moveable skate p ere in attendance at the class. One vendor dealt with concrete moveable parts and the other vendor used hard rubber and steel material which is similar to durable hard rubber. Board Member Larson contacted one of the vendors and explained the area of the proposed skate park and the vendor is to get back with her. She feels that she can get pricing information from these vendors. It was noted that the pieces are flat concrete pieces with heavy surface pieces on them which can be bolted down, if this is desired. The pieces are different sizes and designs — stairs with rails, ledges, etc. Board Member Delgado asked how difficult it is to move or if we had the equipment necessary to move the pieces. Bill Nelson stated that we need to know more about the equipment and how to move ' , the weight of the pieces, etc. Board Member Larson stated that there aFe-big 1.5 liability and ey involved and the biggest piece would be four or five stairs, ledges and the high and low ramps, curves, etc. It was noted that just moving or positioning the pieces each year would constitute new challenges for the skateboarders. Board Member Willey asked about the pricing. It was noted that prices range from $400 to $600 for the different pieces with maybe 6 to 8 pieces on the concrete slab. It was also noted that a $25.00 stiare foot price was used by the instructor of the class for the park size in order to put in a skate park. Board Member Larson suggested that a fence be put up to deter theft of the pieces. • Anniversary Celebration. Staff/Board Discussion Robert Diaz stated that the Anniversary Celebration was taken to Council at its November 14, 2006 Council Meeting. Council approved the 2011 year to celebrate the City's anniversary with the founding date of October 1886 and the year 2011 as the City's 125 Anniversary. Council provided good feedback on the events and Mr. Diaz will get with Mark Witter, Public Information Officer, regarding the event. It was noted that the new facilities will be open which will coincide with the anniversary celebrations and that some kind of recognition in October 2011 for the 1886 founding will be planned. Minutes—November 27, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Mr. Willey asked about the completion of the new facilities. It was noted that the all of new facilities is anticipated to be complete and dedications completed prior to the 2011 celebrations. • Alanis Landfill proposed park. Staff/Board Discussion It was noted that Board Member Hiney wanted to discuss this item for the benefit of those that were not present at the last Board meeting and also to get further feedback. Robert Diaz noted that Board Member Hiney asked what could be done to the property before Mr. Herzog present this item to the Board again. Board Member Hiney stated that if Mr. Herzog has $500,000.00 that he owes us, then this is his property and why can't he build a dog park. Also, if spends $200,000.00 for a sidewalk and a road which leaves $300,000.00 which is a lot that we can spend in this area. Mr. Diaz stated that there is a letter from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) dated February 21, 2005 which states that anything built on that land will have to be approved by TCEQ. It was noted that Mr. Herzog plans will have to be approved by TCEQ, regardless of what it is. It was also noted that even though it is city property, it is still regulated by TCEQ. David Willey asked if Mr. Herzog is aware of this. Mr. Diaz stated that he assumes that he knows this but it will be brought to his attention if Mr. Herzog presents plans to the Board. Mr. Nelson asked about Mr. Herzog wanting to build the proposed road. Board Member Delgado noted at the earlier meeting with the Board, Mr. Herzog stated that he has to build the road to connect to the amenities that he provides t o -grid . Mr. Nelson further stated that if Mr. Herzog wants some of the park land dedication to pay or the road and if he has to build it anyway, why should we do this. The Board further discussed the proposed road and sidewalk. Mr. Nelson further stated that there are borrow areas (non trash areas) and trash areas to consider. Mr. Nelson stated that we need to know what can be built in the area before we address what will be presented by Mr. Herzog. Mr. Delgado stated that we could give Mr. Herzog the property and let him build the road. It was noted that there are a lot of variables to consider. Mr. Delgado asked since Council denied this, what is the time line. Mr. Diaz stated that if Council had denied with prejudice then Mr. Herzog would have to wait a year unless he had major changes. It was noted that Council expected changes with lot sizes and it was also noted that Mr. Herzog would have to go back through Planning and Zoning and the Park Board as well before this item would be brought to Council. It is anticipated that this would not occur until after the first of the year. • Construction status on basketball courts, Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Nelson updated the Board on the basketball courts. Two court slabs are at Community Park and the contractor was starting today with the excavation of the court at Friendship Park. Weather permitting; Friendship Park slab will be poured the first of next week. After which, Eureka Park and Lakeside Park will be next. In regards to Olde City Park, it was noted that we are waiting for the irrigation design then it will go to bid. Mr. Nelson also noted that there were bid openings for the installation of an irrigation system for Joel Scott Park and the Community Center parking lot. Approval for irrigation for Joel Minutes—November 27, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 Scott Park will be presented to Council at the December 12, 2006 Council Meeting. Staff decided to do the Community Center parking lot irrigation in-house because, in the long run, it can be done at a lesser cost. Also, in regards to Joel Scott Park and the Community Center parking lot, there were bid openings for the tree installation for both sites and that also will be brought to Council for approval at its December 12, 2006 Council Meeting; and if approved, then the tree installation will proceed. Board Member Hiney asked what could be done to provide aesthetic cohesive tie in of the parks so that they would look more uniform. Mr. Nelson noted that stone park identification signs are being used in the parks. Board Member Delgado asked about the roof on the new pavilion, if it will turn color or stay permanently red. It was noted that the roof on the picnic pavilion is a copper color. It was also noted that it is being considered to put this type of roof on the existing Gazebo at Olde City Park and painting the wrought iron green to match others. Board Member Hiney asked if more seating areas or gathering places could be utilized. Mr. Nelson stated that benches will be put out and that near the front of the park, within a two circle area that is being poured, a concrete ribbon and sidewalk going through it will have landscaping. Also, the downtown merchants wanted to donate a tree and more than likely it will be put to the north of the picnic pavilion because the big American Elm tree will need to taken out and the new tree can be put into that area. Board Member Jones asked about the courts, if they are half or full. Mr. Nelson stated that they are full courts — 50x80 except for the one at Lakeside Park, which due to space is 40x56. Board Member Hiney stated that as we, the City, grow that we need something to identify the parks and tie them together. It was noted by Board Member Larson to put benches with the logo "W" on the benches in the parks such as the ones that are located in downtown Wylie and if Mr. Worley's company could do this. Mr. Nelson noted there is a company that the city already utilizes for its benches. David Willey asked about the number of HOA parks and if there are any that the city need to help with as far as upkeep, etc. It was noted that there are quite a few HOA parks. In regards to upkeep of the HOA Parks, Mr. Diaz stated that code enforcement would be involved if needed. It was also noted that we do not have specifications for neighborhood parks specifically. Discussion followed regarding HOA parks design and their upkeep. • Founders Park Bond Project. Staff/Board Discussion Robert Diaz stated that staff will be meeting with the City Manager on November 28 to discuss basically the project scope for Founders Park and the City Manager will also be meeting with Half and Associates this week regarding the final contract, which has not been signed yet. There has been a lot of communication with attorneys of Half and Associates regarding the contract and hopefully it will be completed)ecarbefore the end of the year. Bill Nelson stated that discussion was on some of the designing fees and meeting cost, etc. It was also noted that the previous City Manager had a lot of addendums to the contract which caused more time for attorneys to review. Staff believes that this has been resolved. Board Member Delgado asked, in regards to the Founders Park Bond project, if the pavilion by the playground would be a part of it. Mr. Diaz stated that yes it is and that hopefully within the next 4 to 6 months, meetings will be held with the Board regarding designs. • Architect meeting with City Council November 28, 2006. Minutes—November 27, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 Staff/Board Discussion . .. Robert Diaz passed out the Council agenda for Council's work session with the architects on November 28, 2006. Board Member Hiney asked if the Wednesday meeting with the architects on November 29, 2006 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. would be open to the public. Mr. Diaz stated that this meeting is only for staff. Discussion followed regarding reduction of square footage items that can save costs of the new facilities. Mr. Diaz stated that one question being asked is if the bonds could be sold quicker to save money. The Finance Director will address this and the tax rate at the Council work session. • Board Retreat in 2007. Staff/Board Discussion It was noted that a Board Retreat is anticipated for January or February, 2007. An item to be considered for the year is the budget and also a staff member or City Manager is being considered to speak at the retreat with a possible tour in the afternoon. A Schedule of Events for the Board Retreat will be on the December agenda for Board members to review. Robert Diaz asked Board members to email any items that they would like to include. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Delgado and seconded by Board Member Hiney to adjourn. The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:02 p.m. 77)--fee—AA-i4._..7,----- David Willey, -Chairman ATTEST: G'` Gayle Walton,Acting Secretary Minutes—November 27, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 5