09-24-2001 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Monday, September 24, 2001 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 20, 2001 meeting ACTIONa ITEM: Election of Chairperson and Vice-chairperson Discuss and consider the updated contract for use of the Bart Peddicord Community Center. DISCUSSION ITEMS: C 14e 4. Park Properties update (Birmingham Farms/Harvest Bend) Park and Open Space Plan Update Collin County Grant Process - Quail Meadow/Trinity Trail Founders Park Update _ ( :� Texas Recreation and Park Society(TRAPS) Awards/Conference( r :/ Scoreboard Information `-/-pch to S— C 14 Mannewitz Property Update ADJOURNMENT Posted this the Day of , 2001 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD 442-8170 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Monday, August 20, 2001 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Tour of Facilities 7:30 p.m. Staff Conference Room for regular meeting Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North Those who participated in the tour were Anne Hiney,Jules Farmer,Steven Boyd,and Greg Zimmerman. CALL TO ORDER @ 7:30 p.m. This meeting was called to order. Those present were Dan Chestnut,Greg Zimmerman,Anne Hiney, Steven Boyd,and Jules Farmer. Ceca Repasky and Lisa Williams were not in attendance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION James Clark with WYSA notified staff Monday afternoon that there would not be anyone at the meeting regarding soccer grants. No other citizens were in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the May 21 meeting was taken by Anne Hiney. Jules Farmer 2nd the motion. The Board approved unanimously. ACTION ITEM 2. Discuss and consider the concept plan for the proposed development of Dick Skorburg and Associates,North of Lakeside Estates. Staff presented the updated concept plan of the proposed subdivision. A motion from Greg Zimmerman was made to recommend adding the lot located to the northwest corner of the proposed dedication and add it to the total amount of dedication and fees. Greg and other board members expressed a need for more upland to be dedicated and adding that lot would be the easiest solution. The total approximate acreage (with floodplain) would be 1.25 to 1.5 total acres with approximately $71,500 (143 lots x $500) in dedication money. The motion was 2nd by Steven Boyd. The Board voted unanimously to accept the motion(Dan Chestnut abstaining) DISCUSSION ITEM 3. Board members had the following requests from staff for the next meeting: -Clarify the dedicated parkland areas of the Birmingham Farms subdivision. -Where is parkland dedication in the Harvest Bend subdivision? -Status from economic development on asking local merchants for money to complete Founders Park i.e. Sanden. -Vote for Chair and Vice Chair for the Board at next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.with a motion by Anne Hiney and 2nd by Jules Farmer. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for September 24, 2001 Issue Discuss and consider the updated contract for use of the Bart Peddicord Community Center. Background Since the Bart Peddicord Community Center opened to the public in May 1997 the City has had the public sign facility agreements for use of the building. Due to some changes in use of the building and new personnel the agreement needs to be updated to serve patrons and staff better. Financial Considerations N/a Other Considerations The City Attorney has reviewed the agreement and their changes have been put into the document. Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/commission Recommendation N/a Staff Recommendations N/a Attachments Bart Peddicord Community Center Agreement Pre ared by AllyvokAAQ c fyo Original for center Bart Peddicord Community Center Facility Rental Guidelines and Policies Agreement Site Location: 100 W.Oak Mailing Address:B.P.Community Center Wylie,Texas 2000 Hwy.78 North Phone#972-442-8119 / (fax)972-442-8361 Wylie,Texas 75098 Rental is for the Community Center's Main Room and kitchen area.The diagram indicates the area of use.Access is prohibited to all locked areas including the front office,craft room,and kitchen pantry.The guidelines and policies are for the rental of the main room and kitchen area in the Community Center.Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the Community Center coordinator. A deposit and a signed agreement are required at least ten(10)business days before the scheduled event in order to be valid. Deposits may be made by personal/business check payable to the City of Wylie.A cashiers check or cash deposit will be required if you fail to remit the deposit at least ten(10)business days prior to your event.There will be a$20.00 check charge on all returned checks. The rental fee can be paid prior to or the day of your event before the event begins.All checks are deposited with the City of Wylie and will only be refunded upon satisfaction of the conditions outlined below. Please allow a minimum of 10 business days for your refund to be issued. fY G ( ,C,e abte-ty:-City of Wylie iposit � � Rental Fee Wylie Civic Groups(lar e ev i . arties,banquets) $100.00 -7(vow- -- non- usiness groups-Wylie Resi ents - ' $10.00 per hour Business uses and Non-Wylie Residents $100.00 $15.00 per hour Center availability Hours:Monday through Friday 7:00am to 9:00am and 3:00p.m.to 11:00p.m. For Saturday&Sunday use: Call Community Center coordinator for availability @ 972-442-8119 Monday through Friday: 9.00a.m.To 3.00 p.m. Senior Adult Activities Only (55+) • You may use the center ONLY during the pre-arranged time.The Community Center has other events scheduled;therefore availability is limited to your scheduled time only.Please remember to include set-up and clean-up when you schedule your hours.If you wish to view the room,arrangements may be made through the Community Center office. • Nothing may be attached to the walls,ceilings,or fans with any tapes,staples,tacks,etc.Tables may be decorated.Balloons should be anchored to tables or chairs,not free flowing.Lattice panels are available on request and may be decorated.Anything applied must be removed.Silly string and confetti are not permitted on premises.Fire-works,poppers,and sparklers are not permitted on the premises. • You will be responsible for the table/chairs set up and take down and building clean up.The Community Center must be left as you found it with regard to table/chair arrangements.All trash must be properly disposed,floors should be swept and mopped as needed,and bathrooms and kitchen should be cleaned.If City Staff is required to arrange to clean,or reset tables/chairs,a deduction will be made from your deposit to compensate the City for staff's time.Please ensure that the Community Center is left in good condition to ensure return of your deposit. • Adult chaperones must be present during all events and must remain throughout the entire event.Children are not permitted in the storage room. • Please use consideration during any events in which dim lighting will be used.A safety light should be kept on in the entrance of the Community Center and the entry areas for the rest rooms. • No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises and the Community Center is a smoke free building. Please initial line next to the statement below that applies to your event;fill in hold harmless agreement,and sign&return Original to the Community Center coordinator. Keep a copy for your information.Thank you. ********************************************************************************************************** I understand the above stated guidelines and policies for the use of the Community Center as they are stated above. Though no deposits or fees may apply to my organization,I understand the above stated guidelines and policies apply. I also understand that failure to comply with said conditions might result in the loss of my organizations regular use of the Community Center or a request for a security deposit might apply. (Civic and Non-profit organizations only) I understand the above stated guidelines and procedures for the rental of the Community Center.I also understand that failure to comply with said conditions might result in cancellation of my event,or loss of my deposit. (All others) Hold Harmless Agreement: I ,hereby agree to release and hold harmless the City of Wylie,Texas,its officers, employees, agents,and elected officials from and against any and all suits,actions,losses,liability or damages of any character,and from and against cost and expenses including,in part,Attorney's fees incidental to the defense of such suits,claims,losses,damages or liability on account of injury,disease,sickness(including death)to any person or minor children or to any property damage, occurring in connection with,resulting from or caused by the rental or use of the Community Center. Event date Event time Authorized Signature for Group or Organization Date Revised 07/20/01 CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ZONING CASE NO. 2001-10 MANNEWITZ TRACT General Conditions: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulation within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of SF- 8.5 District set forth in Article 2, Section 3.3 A.3 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of July 25, 2000) are included by reference and shall apply except as provided herein. Special Conditions: 1. The side yard setback shall be not less than six (6) feet or ten percent (10%) of the lot width at the building line,whichever is greater, not to exceed ten(10) feet, on each side. 2. A side yard adjacent to a street shall be not less than fifteen (15) feet. A side yard on key lots adjacent to a street shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet. 3. Mandatory Homeowners Association. 4. All open space and landscape to be maintained by the Homeowners Association. Landscaped entry feature with landscaped median. 5. Architectural point standards for SF — 8.5 District Zoning will be met. 6. Minimum lot width of 60' at the building line. 7. Minimum lot depth of 100' for lots. 8. Average lot size for the overall tract will be approximately 8,500 square feet. 9. There will be no more than forty seven(47) lots with a lot size less than 8,500 square feet. There will be no fewer than ninety seven(97) lots with a minimum lot size greater than 8500 square feet. No lot will be less than 7,200 square feet. 10. An Amenity Center with pool and playground shall be required, and shall provide trail access to the flood plain. All required parking for the Amenity Center shall be on-site. \\Skor server\data_all\clr\OldSystem\mydocu-1\Mannewitz-Tom-Barbara\EXHIBIT.doc I . t I I I I I t1 i i1, 3 ! r NORIN I 1 d E {{i ; o� ,1^2W ! -' '_.7 00{SF; I I� g �T rum ROOD LAM= r•err .auto®c•� , F L i--- i--- la.�rs�ss TO tiruc " i 1 I I I / ''''---k I)7 \ ' ' ' '- / \ / ..),, \ ft 80 / ar I 7 p 111111 ft irs , i - I i Trn ft - wit-1 h / _� ` _ / DATA SUMMARY:1 i 00 SP F- - ---/ I LOTS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 8500 SF 5 47 LOTS 1 tt LOTS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 8500 SF 2 97 LOTS I i F AVERAGE LOT SIZE 8500 SF [f 11- MINIMUM LOT SIZE 7200 SF all .-- 1 fri=,,,, _ i .,,...... . liii 1 , ............ . . ...............•..••• __ _......., , _ .. �e ... :.......:::3 __. .. i , MANNEWITZ nPROPERTY 1 t - 1 I J of �e. t County.Texas { Jt ram.:, ; ...:.:4:::...:1.:::.1:.,:::I...:J..::..,f:::...J_a�..l�: ..... ..::1.. 1.w..1::...� :_ � i//7 '''' - x14 gip I FPS+ E'6 ! • 1 4 + ! 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Architectural point standards for SF— 8.5 District Zoning will be met. 6. Minimum lot width of 60' at the building line. 7. Minimum lot depth of 100' for lots. 8. Average lot square size for the overall tract will be approximately 8,500 square feet. 9. There will be no more than forty seven (47) lots with a lot size less than 8,500 square feet. There will be no fewer than ninety seven(97) lots with a minimum lot size equal to or greater than 8500 square feet. No lot will be less than 7,200 square feet. C':\temp\EXHIBIT.doc z viii ,----- -' (-Of,-- -- ED-2 Ovarv--* G4, eti)r-c- ( /1 /4-14)11A,A.,0 G-14tCe s ZIA SN171, -e-C7 - /A6tiv-e. -prit4 4,it - razz, . . .*•-- 7T7/1/1/k- CA1/46Cjr //(44.16alt . jih'142- 6,1fL s. / ) _ 7-<„,„),,, c-c), Ail-entx!L.5 ----t. lypi,ie 6.4.0i:, t-- 1(-Q__s 1 ' ' ,- ,- ,-/ -, . ---L-- --c-; d, ---io. W/4- r1/414)k,_ -D - r--4.-c-V-P-72- 4' liow 7. 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