04-23-2001 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Monday, April 23, 2001 6:30 p.m. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order. Those present were Dan Chestnut,Greg Zimmerman,Lisa Williams, Janice Neely,Doug House,and Anne Hiney. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one was present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the March 26 meeting was given by Janice Neely and 2nd by Anne Hiney. Board approved unanimously. ACTION ITEM 2. Discuss and consider parkland dedication fees for the Country Ridge Subdivision. Staff presented the concept plan of developers to provide the parkland dedication fees rather than dedication of land for the Country Ridge Subdivision. Board members expressed concern that even though the concept plan was not in the direct area of parkland or open space (per our Comp. Plan) it needed to have access to the parkland and open space on the north and west ends of the concept plan. A motion was made by Lisa Williams to gather the following information: a. Is it possible to tie into the dedicated parkland from the Riverchase Subdivision to the north and west of the Country Ridge development? b. Can there be a compromise of some land dedicated to provide access to the parkland to the north and west and some fees given? c. Can the board see a new concept plan with access from the Country Ridge development to dedicated parkland in the Riverchase development? A 2nd to gather answers to these questions was given by Anne Hiney and unanimously approved the Board. DISCUSSION ITEM 3. Staff update on Founders Park Staff updated the Board on progress of ballfield light completion, electrical outlets on the softball fields, underground conduit for pitching machines,quick couplers for the softball fields,drinking fountains at the park,completion of bleachers,storage issues,and placement of the new comfort station. 4. Staff update on Park and Open Space Plan Staff updated the Board on the progression of the City Council to decide on providing funds for a consultant to begin work on a new Park and Open Space Master Plan. The Board expressed concern that they felt that they would like more input into this decision making process. Staff indicated to the Board that the Council was making the first step in the process but that their input would be greatly needed if Council chooses to pursue a new plan. P.2 5. Address Items from the March 26 meeting Staff indicated to the Board that there was a reserve balance in 4b funds of approx. $500,000.00 for a matching TPWD grant. Board member Dan Chestnut indicated that he needed to see a specific amount in 4b funds to see what they could use for the next budget year. Dan and other Board members had concerns regarding the use of 4b funds to help fund another Park and Open Space Plan when that money could be used within the parks system for items such as equipment. Staff indicated that we would get more specific numbers and update the board at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.with a motion made by Doug House and 2nd by Janice Neely.