04-23-2001 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Monday, April 23, 2001 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. March 26, 2001 meeting. ACTION ITEM: 2. Discuss and consider parkland dedication fees for the Country Ridge Subdivision. DISCUSSION ITEM: 3. Staff update on Founders Park I./ 4. ,/Staff update on Park and Open Space Master Plan 5. ,Address items from March 26 meeting. ADJOURNMENT Posted this the Day of , 2001 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD 442-8170 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Monday, March 26, 2001 6:30 p.m. City Hall Staff Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order. Those present were Dan Chestnut,Greg Zimmerman,Lisa Williams, Janice Neely,and Anne Hiney. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one was present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. There were no minutes to approve due to no meeting held in February 2001. ACTION ITEM 2. N/a DISCUSSION ITEM 3. Discuss Completion and Opening of Founders Park Staff updated board members on the opening ceremonies at Founders Park, completion of lighting by Heritage Electrical Contractors,purchase of the comfort station from BFUTrinity,and discussed progress of the scoreboard negotiations with Pepsi. Dan Chestnut brought up the following concerns to staff regarding Founders Park: • Electrical outlets for pitching machines on the softball fields • Couplers for water near the softball fields • Access to a water fountain near the softball fields Staff will work on providing information to board on these issues by next meeting. 4. Discuss plans for updating Park and Open Space Plan Dan Chestnut commented that he was concerned that updating the plan and going through grant writing process might put us to far behind in regards to finishing items at Founders Park i.e. Phase 2 - 2 more fields,restrooms,concession stand. Dan and other board members were also concerned about utilizing 4b funds for another plan when it could be used for enhancements and other items. Board members wanted the following items for the next meeting: • Status of the funds available in the 4b budget • Updates to the layout of the area behind Wylie High School in relation to Founders Park i.e.new stadium location • Plan for writing grant applications,who will write? ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.by Janice Neely and 2"d by Anne Hiney. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for April 23, 2001 Issue Discuss and consider parkland dedication fees for the Country Ridge Subdivision. Background A preliminary plat has been submitted for the Country Ridge Subdivision, which is located directly south of the Riverchase Subdivision(formerly Eastfork). The plat consists of approx. 100 acres and would contain 312 single-family lots. Based on the Parkland Dedication Ordinance,the requirements for this proposal would be either the dedication of 4.6 acres of land or the payment of approx. $156,000 (312 lots x$500). The Park and Open Space Master Plan does not reflect any park dedication in the area. Financial Considerations The applicant is requesting the payment of fees in lieu of dedicating parkland. Other Considerations The fees collected from this developer would be to enhance the western part of the City (i.e. Founders Park)see Park Zones map. Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/commission Recommendation N/a Staff Recommendations Staff recommends accepting the dedication fees by the developer. Attachment Country Ridge Preliminary Plat Park Zones Map P epared by