01-22-2001 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD
Monday, January 22, 2001
6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North
1. November 27, 2000
2. N.A.
✓ . Update on Athletic Policy and Fee Ordinance
,// Progress Report on Founders Park Completion
A. Update on discussions with WISD on new school site locations
Update on City Newsletter and Parks and Recreation brochure
. Update on Summer Concerts, "Live in Olde City Park"
Posted this the Day of , 2001 at 5:00 p.m.
TDD972-442-8 170
Monday, November 27, 2000
6:30 p.m. City Council Conference Room
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North
This meeting was called to order. Those present were Dan Chestnut,Doug House,Greg Zimmerman,and
Anne Hiney.
No one was present.
1. November 27,2000 meeting minutes were approved. Motion to approve was made by
Ann Hiney and 2"d by Greg Zimmerman.
2. Discuss and consider review and updating Athletic Field Policy.
Board members and staff reviewed and discussed staff recommended changes to the current athletic field
policy(Ord.94-2). Attached is the updated policy and ordinance(highlighted are the changes).
Board member Ann Hiney made a motion to accept the changes to the policy after reviewing the changes.
Doug House 2"d the motion to accept the changes pending the review of the final policy. Staff suggested
that the changes be made available to board members before the next Wylie Sports Association meeting in
December. Chairman Dan Chestnut made a motion to have a review of policy changes be made and if
further discussion is needed a special board meeting be made in December.
New Athletic Field policy and amendment to ordinance 94-2.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Athletic Field Policy
City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department
This policy is to be administered by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department in regard to the use of
outdoor public recreation areas for athletic activities. The purpose of this policy is to serve as a guide for the
comprehensive and effective usage of outdoor athletic areas owned,leased,scheduled or otherwise controlled by the
City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department.
It is the intent of this policy to provide a basis for establishing the folio ' 'ectives:
1) A method of communicating the available inventory I locatable.thletic facilities to qualified
requestors for usage of such facilities.
2) The implementation of a system of facilities allocation producing results most beneficial to those
persons living within the City of Wylie city limits and those living within the boundaries of the Wylie
Independent School District.
3) The Athletic Field Policy is by the terms a guideline for the use and operation of the athletic facilities,
and as such the terms and provisions are necessarily subject to same variance and deviation. Provided,
however,that any such variance shall be allowed only on the written approval of the Superintendent or
Assistant Superintendent of Parks and Recreation,and such written approval shall be effective if all of
the following conditions have been satisfied:
A) The effect or result of the requested variance will not result in allowing any actions or activities
which are in conflict with spirit and intent of the general purpose of the policy;and
B) There is not sufficient time to bring the issue before the Park and Recreation Board and City
Council for approval:and
C) The variation is approved by the City Manager or his or her representative.
Sport Season
Season Sport
Spring Soccer 3rd week in January through last weekend in April
Spring/Summer Baseball/softball March 1 though July 31
Fall Soccer 3rd weekend in August through last weekend in
Baseball/Softball August 1 through 3rd weekend in November
Football 3r1 week in August through last weekend in
Winter None
Athletic Field Allocation
Individuals,organizations or groups requiring facilities for practice and or league games will submit their request in
writing to the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department not earlier than 60 days no later that 30 days prior to
the beginning to the Sports Season. Any request less than 30 days before the beginning of the Sports Season will be
accommodated if all others who met the 60/30-day requirement field needs have been met and fields are still
available for play.
All requests should address the following:
1) Individuals/Organization/Group name
2) Starting and ending dates for practice and league play
3) Day(s)of week,time(s)and field(s)being requested.
4) Participation estimates
Field allocations will be based upon total game units per week as per available in order to maximize use of all
facilities. The City of Wylie Parks and Recreations Department will respond to each request with a written
approval,denial or statement of conditions to be met upon acceptance of approval. Final registration estimates and
current participant registration figures must be submitted by each approved individual/organization or group two(2)
calendar weeks after the start of the specific sport season. If actual registration numbers are more/less that the
registration numbers,the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department may increase/decrease the
individual/organizations or groups field allocations in order to insure and equitable allocation of fields to all
individuals/organizations/or groups.
Athletic Field Reservations
Athletic fields will be reserved as equitably as possible to accommodate as many individuals,organizations,or
groups as possible. Youth who live in the City of Wylie city limits or reside within the boundaries of the W.I.S.D.
will be given first priority on field scheduling in all sports. Youth will have priority over softball/baseball fields
March 1 though July 3land August 1 through 3rd weekend in November on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday and
Saturdays. Adult teams with at least 70%of the players living or working within the City of Wylie city limits or
within the boundaries of the W.I.S.D.will be given second priority. Adults will have priority over softball/baseball
fields March 1 through July 31 and August 1 through the third weekend in November on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Youth and/or Adults who live outside the City of Wylie city limits or boundaries of the W.I.S.D.will be given last
Note-all league rosters need to be given to City of Wylie Parks and Recreation staff no later than two weeks
after the start of a new sport season.Rosters need to include sport played and participant name/address.
The use of athletic fields by the general public during non-reserved/non-City maintenance times are on a first come
first serve basis. Reserved fields/City maintenance will take priority over non-scheduled activities. The City of
Wylie Parks and Recreation Department will be the final authority as to athletic field reservation use.
Athletic Field Reservation Time Slots
Athletic Fields will be reserved in one(1)hour increments with the first usage beginning at 8:00 am and last ending
at 12:00 Midnight, Monday through Saturday. Sunday field usage begins at 12:00 noon and ends at 11:00 pm.
Refer to ordinance for all Athletic Field Usage Fees.
The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department will provide home plate,pitching rubbers,and will drag and
mark baseball/softball infields for a fee paid game/tournaments reservations. Soccer fields will be marked for fee
paid game reservations.Athletic fields for non-reserved general public use • -.-- =. practices are accepted on an
as-is basis.
A person may cancel a field's reservation and be issued a credit or refund waft 2' ours prior to the field
reservation. A credit or refund will be issued with less than 24 hou •otic- t cancellation if the City of Wylie
Parks and Recreation Department is able to rent the athletic field(s)to another party or if field maintenance
preparation of the reservation has not started. This paragraph does not apply to Tournament use. (See Athletic Field
Reservation for Tournament use)
Any and all athletic field use may be canceled by the City of Parks and Recreations Department due to weather
conditions,wet field conditions or for necessary maintenance. If a reservation is cancelled,a credit or refund will be
issued. It will be the responsibility of the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department to determine the playing
ability of each field. Athletic field information will be placed on the City of Wylie's Athletic Hotline no later than
4:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. Athletic Field Hotline Number is 972-442-8199.
In the event of said conditions occurring after 4:00 p.m.,Monday though Friday or all of Saturday and/or Sunday,
league officials,commissioners,or the umpires can cancel games. In the event that play is allowed and significant
damage is done to the athletic field(s),the responsible person/party who allowed play will be held responsible and
sanctions may be imposed.
P. 3
Any and all parties seeking athletic fields for use accept responsibility for the well being and cleanliness of facilities
during and after their use.
A tournament is defined as a team competition separate and distinct from league play involving the payment of an
entry fee or additional fees in which to participate. League practices an or games shall take priority over
tournaments. A curfew of 12:00 Midnight shall be imposed on ourna ents utilizing lights,Monday through
Thursday,and 1:00 a.m.on Friday and Saturday. A curfe 11:00'. shall be imposed on Sundays.
Athletic Field a Fees (Ordinance # )
Athletic Field Reservation*e Fee
A fee of$4.00 per person,per sport season,for individuals/organizations or groups will be charged for the use
reserved athletic fields.
--1"P.,. f NI/ be reviewed by City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board yearly.
Athletic Field Light Ue Fee
A fee of$8 per hour per field will be charged for reservations in which lights are utilized. Reservation sessions vary
through the course of a calendar year to coincide with sunset. The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department
shall determine the reservation sessions.
The following schedule approximates the availability of reservation sessions:
February 5:00 p.m.- 12:00 a.m.*
March 1-15 5:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
March 16-31 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
April 7:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
May 7:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
June/July/August 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
September 1-15 7:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
September 16-30 6:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
October 1-15 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
October 16-31 5:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
November 5:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.*
Athletic Fields will be reserved in one(1)hour increments with the first usage beginning at 8:00 a.m.and last ending
at 12:00 Midnight,Monday through Saturday.
*Sunday field usage begins at 12:00 noon and ends at 11:00 p.m.
Said fees will be billed in arrears except for one(1)time field usage,which will be payable in advance.
Allll\ es I be reviewed by City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board yearly.
ight Key Usage Fee
Only persons authorized by the appropriate leagues or by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department will
be issued keys for the athletic fields. Persons checking out light keys will sign a written agreement providing
name/address/phone number,organization name,date given key,return date of key,and signature. A deposit of
$100 will accessed for each key. The$100 deposit will be deposited;checks will not be held. Keys are to be
ret I-. no later than 2 weeks following the end of scheduled play. If keys are not returned within the 2-week
.eriod or e lost the deposit monies will be forfeited to the City of Wylie.
All V• it be reviewed by City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board yearly.
thletic Field Marking/Chalk Usage Fee
All fees for athletic marking/chalk usage on any athletic field(s)(except baseball/softball tournament use)will be
split 50/50 between the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department and those reserving a field.
Marking Fees as of December,2000:
Baseball/Softball $4.00 per field per marking
Soccer $5.00 per field per marking
Football Currently none,fees will be determined when needed
Chalk cost $1.65 per bag
All above fees already take into account the 50/50 split between the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department
and those reserving a field(s). Any special markings above and beyond accepted standard markings will be subject
to an additional charge due to extra labor/chalk costs and will need to be agreed upon between the City and those
requesting special markings.
Sai4 "ees I be billed in arrears except for one(1)time field usage,which will be payable in advance.
•t l fees 11 be reviewed by City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board yearly.
Tournament Usage Fee
A tournament is defined as a team competition separate and distinct from league play involving the payment of an
entry fee or additional fees in which to participate.
Requests for athletic fields for tournament use shall be made in writing. The City of Wylie Parks and Recreations
Department requests twenty-one(21)days advance notice. The price per field reservation fees are as follows:
12 hours of use=$100.00 /4----16 1,d ,�� kj (
16 hours of use=$130.00
14461 '20 hours of use=$160.00 (,
`' ,�� .t7 �
24 hours of use=$200.00 ,,p l�i�y �
A security deposit of$50.00 per field reserved shall be paid at least seven(7)days in advance of the scheduled
tournament. The deposit(s)shall be credited toward any monies due for said tournament,with any remaining
monies due payable before scheduled tournament begins. All monies paid will not be refundable unless a field or
fields are not playable due to weather conditions,wet field conditions,or for necessary maintenance. If a field or
fields are 1 : able due to said conditions,a refund or credit-willbe.given. The City of Wylie Parks and
R= on Departm t will be the final authority as to athletic field use,)
_ ___.-
All fees will 1 • •viewed by City of Wylie Par ' •creation Board yearly.
'eceipt of payment and Late payment regarding all usage fees
All fees,except those for tournament use,will be due within twenty-one(21)days after the start of game play
(athletic field reservation usage fee)or statement date(athletic field light usage fee,athletic field marking/chalk
usage fee). If said fees are not paid within twenty-one(21)days an additional charge of ten(10)percent of the
original balance due will also be levied.
If the original balance due plus the ten(10)percent additional charge is not paid with thirty(30)days field use
privileges are subject to being denied until all monies due are paid in full.
.---- P�d'� 5 IA;i i mac" Is..7
The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department shall issue a receipt at the time usage fees are paid.
This receipt shall contain the following:
1) Individual'sJOrganization's/croup's Name
2) Team Sport/Sport season
3) The day(s),Time(s)and Field(s)being reserved
4) Number of Participants
5) The date(s)and hour(s)of light usage
6) The date(s)of marking(s)and chalk used
7) Amount paid