05-24-1999 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Monday, May 24, 1999 7:00 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER DISCUSSION ITEM: 1. Discuss and consider the results of the 1999 Community Survey ACTION ITEM: 2. Discuss and consider a proposed effort to construct a playground in Founders Park STAFF REPORT: 3. Discuss and consider the Collin County Park and Open Space Master Plan effort CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADJOURNMENT • Posted this the Day ofu1, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARYS OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD 442-8170 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for May 24, 1999 Issue Discuss and consider the results of the 1999 Community Survey Background As a part of the Comprehensive Plan update, a Community Survey was distributed in February of this year. Several of the questions on the survey specifically addressed park and recreation issues, in addition to many other topics. The results of the survey will be used in several areas, one being the update of the Parks & Open Space Master Plan. The Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission informed the City during the last grant submittal that the Master Plan, which was approved in January 1995, needed to be updated. In particular, the Plan needs to include an update to the identified priorities for park and recreation facilities. As a result, question #14 of the survey asked the respondents to prioritize 11 different types of park facilities. The same categories were utilized in the 1995 Master Plan priority assessment. The significance of this is that the Parks & Wildlife Commission awards additional points when the proposed facilities to be built with grant funding are among the highest priorities within the community. The statistical ranking of the survey has not yet been completed; however, definite trends can be easily identified. For the number one priority, the highest response was 25% for "Neighborhood Parks and Playgrounds", followed by "Acquisition of Land for Future Parks" at 20%, and "Swimming Pool" at 18%. Questions #8 and #9 also have significance to the park and recreation system. Question#8 asked the respondents to rate how important various factors are to the quality of life in any given community. Parks and recreation were rated as "Important" by 78% of the people and "Somewhat Important" by 21%. Question #9 follows up with asking how Wylie rates with those same factors. The majority of the respondents marked parks and recreation in Wylie as "Fair" at 33%, with 30% marking parks and recreation as "Poor". Question #13 asked for the respondents to rate various city services against their expectations. The majority, 38%, marked parks as "Meets", while 35% marked "Does Not Meet", with regard to their expectations. The less than favorable ratings can be interpreted in at least two different ways. One interpretation would be to assume that the individuals were commenting on the existing park facilities - that what Wylie has in the way of park and recreation facilities is substandard. Another perspective would be to view the disfavorable ratings as a comment on what Wylie does not have. The prioritization of facilities in question #14 puts a fairly heavy weight on neighborhood parks and playgrounds, and trails and greenbelts-two types of facilities that are not prevalent in Wylie at this time. The survey results should be helpful with long range planning as well as useful support information during the budget process. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation N/A Attachment 1999 Communuty Survey Prepared by Approved by Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Tim Hogsett" <Tim.Hogsett@tpwd state.tx us> To: "'Robert Diaz- ‹ccenter@ci wylie tx.us> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 10:38 AM Subject: RE. Master Plan foi grant application Yes we do have a master plan on file for you from 1996. It cannot be used to support an application because it is more than 3 years old. You will need a new parks and recreation plan in place to receive priority points for a grant and that new plan must be approved by us 60 days before the application deadline for which you application would be submitted. Sorry about the delay in response. We have had some problems with our e mail system. Please feel free to contact me if you need further assistance. Thanks, Tim Original Message- From: kobert Doz kviallto:ccenter(aci,wylie.tx.,us'i Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 9:43 AM To: tim,hogsettOltowd:state:tx.us Subject: Master Plan for grant application need to know if our City has a Parks Master Plan from 1996 would that meet the requirement for application for the Jan 2001 deadline. Our City has an updated Comprehensive Plan from 1999, could we put that with our master plan in order to fulfill the requirement'? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated Thanks Robert Diaz Asst Super City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department 2000 Hwy 78 North Wylie Texas 75098 972-442-3197 972-442-8198 fax 11/10/00 PROJECT PRIORITY SCORING SYSTEM Projects presented to the Parks & Wildlife Commission will be scored with the criteria, rating factors and points shown in the following "Project Priority Scoring System". Each site of a multiple site project will be scored individually using the "Project Priority Scoring System", and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total budget for the entire project. All weighted scores will be added together for the total project score. The priority rank of a project will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds. Projects which have not been approved after two considerations by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise a project score shall be returned to the sponsor and not reaccepted. 1. Sponsor is in full compliance at previously assisted grant project sites and is progressing on schedule with all active grant projects in accordance with the "Summary of Guidelines for Administration of Local Park Grant Assistance Programs". YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration. MO. If no, application will not be scored or considered further. 2. The extent to which the project will provide priority needs, as identified in a Department-approved sponsor-endorsed jurisdiction-wide parks, recreation and open space master plan. A. Project provides for the #1 and #2 local priority needs (15-20 points); or B. Project provides for the #1 local priority need (10-14 points); or C. Project provides for the #2 local priority need (5-9 points); or D. Project provides for lower than the #2 local priority need (1-4 points). Total Range: 1-20 points NOTE: Consideration of "need" for this criteria is broadened to include basic support facilities/infrastructure which are critical to the park and recreation experience. Support facilities/infrastructure eligible for consideration as "need" for this criteria are limited to restrooms, roads and parking, area lighting (to ensure public safety), utilities (which are essential to these eligible support facilities), and land acquisition. 3. The extent to which the project will provide a more balanced mix and wider variety of park and__ recreation opportunities/facilities within the sponsor's jurisdiction,,iiorintended project service area (1-10 points). Ceg(`�5 * A. 42UYYu". l.Vl fl-te""d),VQ-[;_ MOTE: Priority points will be awarded based on the number of park and recreation opportunities/facilities provided - 1 point will be awarded for each type of facility, up to 10 points. 4. The extent to which the project will provide improved water-based park and recreation opportunities. A. Project provides direct and complementary park and recreation opportunities along quality water bodies, as follows (1-5 points): * Gulf Coast, Lake, or Reservoir (5 points) * Bay or Estuary (4 points) * River (3 points) * Stream - continuous flow (2 points) * Pond (1 point) B. Project proposes the acquisition of land which would provide needed public access to park and recreational waters (1-5 points). * Gulf Coast, Lake, or Reservoir (5 points) * Bay or Estuary (4 points) * River (3 points) * Stream - continuous flow (2 points) * Pond (1 point) Total Rage: 1-10 points 40 5. The extent to which the project will improve the geographic distribution of park and recreation lands and facilities in the project's intended service area or within the sponsor's jurisdiction. A. Project provides the first park and recreation opportunity in the sponsor's jurisdiction or intended service area (25 points); or B. Project provides new and different park and recreation opportunity in the sponsor's jurisdiction or intended service area (15-20 points). Total Range: 15-25 points 6. The extent to which the project maximizes the use of development funds for basic park and recreation opportunities (1-25 points). .w/ Basic Park and Recreational Facilities Costs X (25) I i t/Y.y�lpl lam' Total Facilities Costs &el)Lw ir; NOTE: "Total Facilities Costs" include park/recreation and support/infrastructure facilities, contingency, and all required program sign costs in excess of $1,000. 7. The extent to which the project improves park and recreation opportunities for low income, minority, elderly or youth-at-risk citizens. A. Project improves opportunities for low income citizens in areas where such action is needed (1-4 points). `1V !)1111 B. Project improves opportunities for minority citizens in areas where such action is needed (1-4 points). v 6 7n C. Project improves opportunities for elderly citizens in areas where such action is needed (1-4 points). D. Project provides opportunities for youth at-risk citizens where such action is needed (areas and facilities specifically designed or programmed for youth-at-risk) (1-4 points).Total Range: 1-16 pointsGtraT `(v,u•u S odt 8. The extent to which the project involves cooperation between the sponsor and other governmental or educational institutions to provide park and recreation opportunities at the project site(s). A. Project involves the contribution of resources from other governmental or educational institutions which serves as all or part of the sponsors matching share of funds (1-15 points). NOTE: Priority points awarded on a percentage (X) basis, dependent on the amount of matching funds provided by the other governmental/educational institution. octv • B. Project area is owned by another governmental or educational institution and will be permanently dedicated for public park and recreation use through a land donation, permanent non-revocable lease, or permanent park and recreation easement (5 points). C. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other governmental or educational institutions whereas resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities (ie: The county constructs roads/parking facilities for the city, but no grant funds are requested for roads/parking) (1-5 points). Total Range: 1-25 points 30/Q4 41 9. The-extent to which the project involves donations of land, cash, labor, equipment and/or materials from the private sector as part or all of the sponsor's matching share of the project. MOTE: Priority points awarded on a percentage (X) basis, dependent on the amount of matching share c funds to be received through donations. l` U A. Project provides private land and/or cash donations from the private sector as part or all of I t�� the sponsor's matching share of the project (1-15 points). B. Project provides donated labor, equipment and/or materials from the private sector as part or all of the sponsor's matching share of the project (1-10 points). Total Range: 1-15 points 10. Project provides for the ACQUISITION AND PRESERVATION/CONSERVATION of park and recreation lands which consist of unique or significant natural resources, provide needed open space, or provide needed parkland for future development. A. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a federal, state, regional, or local government identified natural area which is recognized in an acceptable, published planning document for having valuable or vulnerable natural resources, ecological processes, or rare, threatened, or endangered species of vegetation or wildlife (40 points); or .II B. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a significant wetland area, recognized by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Resource Protection Division, which � (yV� is usable for recreation, and meets at least one (1) "threshold criteria" as defined in the i W' National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan (30-35 points); or C. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of open space land or water for human use and enjoyment that is relatively free of man-made structures, whose physical characteristics will support only minimal development, one (1) acre or larger in size, which is identified in an acceptable, published and adopted local jurisdiction-wide open space plan (20-25 points); or D. Project provides for the acquisition of needed recreational land proposed for future development, or land which is located in a densely developed area within the sponsor's jurisdiction (10 points). Total Range: 10-40 points 11. Project provides for the renovation of an existing obsolete park and recreation area, or facilities (1- 5 points). 12. Project promotes the conservation of natural resources (1-5 points). Projects proposing the use of xeriscape/native plant materials for landscaping, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, renovation of obsolete lighting systems with more energy efficient systems, recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education and interpretation, significant tree plantings where no trees exist, etc. (1-5 points). 13. Project provides a greenbelt linkage to other parks and recreation areas, neighborhoods, or public facilities (through means other than streets and sidewalks) (1-5 points). 14. Project provides park and recreation opportunities which enhance and encourage an appreciation and preservation of cultural (historical and archaeological) resources (1-5 points). 04/41,0 otc9t:&Ai 1A)CfAN't G -/vo(.4 Wa 42 Park Facilities Inventory Community Park -'-- 1 43 acres Picnic Pavilion (1) lig e - x 40' concrete area - 56' x 30'covered area Picnic tables (7) - 8 ft., (2) - 8 ft., A.D.A. - metal Benches (8) - 8 ft. Wooden Cooking Grills (3) Drinking Fountain (1) - Seasonal Use Restrooms - Men's & Womens - Seasonal Use Playground (1) - 85' x 45' - ..�, - . `�� L‘6/ Swing set (1) - 4 seats (3 reg., 1 tot c,, Slide (1) See-Saw (1) - 6 seater Spring Animals (2) - single Bench (1) - 8 ft. - Wooden Tractor (1) XBatting Facility (1) - 5 cages Basketball Court (1) - 80' x 50' - outdoors - 2 go.. s Volleyball Court (1) - outdoor - sand Soccer Fields (7) - 3 lighted .� Baseball/Softball Fiel0-(4) - lighted, (3) backstops - unlighted Concession Stand (1) Picnic table (1) - 6 ft. Metal' Drinking Fountain (1) - Seasonal use Restrooms - Men's & Womens - seasonal use All above facilities except playground can be reserved. • Park Facilities Inventory Cont. Kirby Park - .5 acres ** Picnic Tables - Tree Shaded Area - (5) 8 ft., (1) 8 ft. - A.D.A. - Metal Cooking Grill (2) PLAYGROUND (1) Swing set (1) - 4 seats (3 reg., 1 tot) Slide (1) Merry Whirl (1) Spring Animal (1) single Seasonal color ** = Picnic tables can be reserved Valentine Park - 3.3 acres ** Picnic Pavilion(1) - lighted - 24' x 20' covered area Picnic Tables (1) - 8ft, (1) - 8 ft, A.D.A. - Metal Cooking Grill (1) ** Picnic Tables - Tree shaded area - (1) - 8 ft. A.D.A., (1) - 6ft. - Metal Cooking Grills (2) Playground - (1) - 72' x 60' Swing set - (6) seats (4 reg, 2 tot) Jungle Jim (1) Slide (1) See-Saw (1) - 6 seater Spring Animals - (1) single, (1) double Benches (2) - 6 ft. Metal Backstop (1) - unlighted Jogging Trail - approx. .5 mile - crushed limestone ** = Picnic Pavilion and Picnic Tables -Tree shaded area can be reserved Park Facilities Inventory Cont. Olde City Park - 2 acres ** Gazebo (1) - 20' x 20' w/(4) 4 ft. Wooden benches. Lighted and electrical outlets. Benches (2) - 6 ft. Wooden Picnic table (1) - 8 ft. - Metal A.D.A. Building Mural Seasonal Color ** = Gazebo can be reserved City Hall - 2.5 acres Gazebo (1) - 8' x 8' Seasonal Color Hwy 78 Tree Plantings - 3 acres Approximately 110 trees w/bubbler irrigation W Bed - 1.5 acres Seasonal Color Booster Triangle - 1.7 acres Stone Circle - .3 acres Firestations (2) - 4 acres Akin Berm - .7 acres Sign Bed - 1.2 acres Seasonal Color Community Center - .4 acres Seasonal Color Cottonbelt & Brown - .3 acres Service Center - 3.2 acres Park Facilities Inventory Cont. Ballard/Stone Lot - .25 acres W.A. Allen Median - .40 acres W.A. Allen/Stone Lot - .4 acres Ballard St. Median - .75 acres Total acres - 69.4 Founders Park - 65 Acres Presently under construction Page 1 of 1 From: David Knowles <DKnowles@da.WRTdesign.com> To: Mindy Manson (E-mail) <mmanson@ci.wylie.tx.us> Date: Thursday, October 05, 2000 4:39 PM Subject: Collin County Parks and Open Space Master plan Hi Mindy, I'm attempting to do a needs analysis of your city as well as others to get an idea of deficiencies and an idea of where and what kind of regional facilities are needed for the whole of the county. Please provide me with the latest numbers for facilities so I can get as accurate a picture as possible. We are having a workshop at the end of this month to go over this county wide analysis and develop a program for regional facilities. Also could you send me your latest parkland dedication ordinance. Thanks. David Knowles <<Wylie CC Facilities Needs Assessment3.xls>> Wallace Roberts &Todd, LLC 1925 San Jacinto St, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75201 * DKnowles@da.wrtdesign.com * 214 220 2028 ext. 125 fax: 214 220 2921 10/10/00 clon Facilities Needs Assessment 5-1( Wylie,Texas 14 Existing Level of Current Needs To NRPA Standards I Level of Service Service (1 1 t per x Facilities) Meet Standard 1 Bulldout Needs Build-out Totals Standards LOS thousand pop.) lExIstIng 111 FACILITIES olio Afc he Sho ..... .......... Baseball a,.ic::akkkkk:h,:::kk•: t... per .. ,,::, ... kkk 3i::;.5•.;;`;t :'' . 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