10-23-2000 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Monday, October 23, 2000 7:00 p.m. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order. Those present were Doug House,Janice Neely,Greg Zimmerman,Anne Hiney and Lisa Williams. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one was present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. October 23,2000 meeting minutes were approved. Motion to approve was made by Greg Zimmerman and 2nd by Doug House. ACTION ITEM 2. Discuss and Consider Park Fees After staff presented information pertaining to the history of light usage at Community Park,discussion on updating the light fees began. Taking into consideration lack of change in fees in many years and upcoming growth in the usage of the athletic fields a motion to change the fees was made by Doug House. The motion recommended the following: A graduated increase in the Athletic field use fee from$2.00 per player per sport season to: $4 Beginning January 2001 $6 January 2002 $8 January 2003 A graduated increase in the Athletic field light use fee from$4.00 per hour to: $8 Beginning January 2001 $10 January 2002 $12 January 2003 Other recommendations included: 1. A continued 50/50 split for field marking between the City and WSA. 2. $100 key deposit per key for those requesting light keys for Community and Founders Park. 3. Signage regarding use of playing fields that would state - Ball fields are reserved for league use but are not for the exclusive use of the WSA. 4. The Park and Recreation Board will review the fee structure yearly and make adjustments accordingly. Board members were also concerned that the changes for the fees could effect current ordinances and that the entire Athletic Field Policy would need to be discussed at the next meeting. Janice Neely 21'a the motion regarding the new fees. The board approved unanimously the recommendations for increasing the use fees. P.2 STAFF REPORT: 3. Staff reported that Coca-Cola would be getting a contact to the City for review within the next few weeks. Highlights reported by the Coca-Cola representative include approximately $2000 for shade covers for the ball fields,$50-60,000.00 for scoreboards for Community and Founders Park, drinks for concessions stands, drinks for special events, and machines for City Hall, Service Center, and Community Center with exclusive rights for a 10 year contract. These items can be negotiated pending the receipt of the written contract and review by staff and the City Attorney. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.