02-26-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation Board CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda Monday, February 26, 2007 - 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Donna Larson Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Gayle Walton Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS Tabled from January 22, 2007 1. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the December 18, 2006 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the January 22, 2007 meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Question and Answer session with Clyde Hogue, McKinney Field Office Representative with the U.S.D.A./Natural Resources Conservation Service, regarding pond areas in Wylie. February 26,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 4..Staff updates: Concept Plan for PD-Premier South Business Park. Recap of Board priorities from February 3, 2007 Retreat Skatepark options at Joel Scott Park. Founders Park Bond Project. Architect meeting with City Council February 27, 2007. Construction status on basketball courts, Olde City Park, and Joel Scott Park. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 23rd day of February, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Rae and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is alsoposted on the CityofW ��v�'te, 04.?. y g x�' w yv.wvlietexas.gov. .:F` _ 1 Carole E lic , ity Secretary .-- -.. 7 Date Notice Removed List of Priorities from Board Retreat 2-3-07 Teen Center The Board asked staff to research solutions that could be implemented in the next budget year. These solutions include working with the WISD on open play uses, Saturday night programming for youth in 5-8t grades, and additional teen oriented programs. Water park/Aquatic Center The Board asked staff what research could be done to prepare for another bond proposal in the future. The Board also inquired about water elements that could be put into current projects and could this be another item for a survey if the master plan is updated. Trail connections The Board's intent for this priority is to identify trails that could be connected or linked to each other. An example would be areas in Sage Creek or Birmingham Farms. Skate park The Board made it clear to staff that Park Acquisition and Improvement(A and I) funds need to be requested from the City Council at the Mid-year budget cycle. These funds would be used to construct the City's first skate park area. Staff is currently working with Parks and Recreation Board Member Donna Larsen on prices and potential locations to put a skatepark. Practice fields The Board addressed the fact that there is a lack of designated practice areas. Staff is working to identify potential areas that could be used for practice fields i.e. Alanis Landfill and Dodd Park and identify funding for improvements in the next regular budget cycle. The Board also recommended working with some of the local HOA's to see if they would be interested in creating some practice areas for use in their subdivisions. Staff will research this possibility. McMillan,Wvlie East,and Olde City Park land purchases The Board was very supportive of staff pursuing the funding for additional land purchases at the south end of Olde City Park for the next Collin County Grant cycle in the summer of 2007. Due to the funding limitations of pursuing any additional land projects and due to the fact that current projects are under funded i.e.New Recreation Center, staff is recommending that no other land projects be pursued at this time. Additional projects identified by the Board and Staff Update Recreation,Parks and Open Space Master Plan. Master plan of the Wells Property. Grant Writer/consultant for grant writing Development of Twin Lakes,Dodd, and Avalon Parks. Wylie's First Skate Park Park Options Joel Scott Park Pros Cons - Centrally located for both sides of town - Street Parking Only (Accommodates walkers/skaters/bikers - Close to a Pavilion from east&west sides of town) (20' or 30' depending on layout option) - Lesser chance for vandalism - Must move an irrigation main water line (On a busy street—Westgate Way) - May keep other activity in park to a - Will relieve skaters from the dwntwn. business district minimum on the East side of Wylie - Two layout options available Friendship Park Pros Cons - More open space for good park placement - Farther for East Side Residents (maybe - Good Parking too far for biking/walking/skating to) - Dense Population in area for usage - Must move irrigation lines - Two layout options available - Will be considered the westside park if eastside park was in Avalon Park Avalon Park Pros Cons - Undeveloped Now - Limited sidewalks for biking/walking/skating (may be in the '07-'08 budget) to the park site - Could plan the park around the skate area - Less densely populated area - Would be considered the east side skate park if the - Under electric towers (may be difficult west side skate park was in Friendship Park to get clearance from elec. co. to build) /® — 3/}. 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SLEE s, .., MIYI{E 55 —p'�O— / 1tf, 'U ttif, ° 3P i . ! t Y/1 1 "imeni gri►e i3S� o 3x rj . tYf. •I.O. 3 f 1 Y: "r ! try 111. 1- g te. -Itzzil ' - 4„,ii I.n.n.k3m.':Mk'-.';,-•I mil 3 ..` _,..s.....,......... . . t.—..o.m..---1--0- 4' 1-_-0 A__IA...•.. . • l':.mi.om.m.i,- A••"P/1.1. 0-..0 c i4 4 3/!- 44 3�'j' * t x F ndship Park x.fyl% --_ ' This 4.9 acre park is located at White Ibis Way and Scottsdale Drive; and was formerly named Quail Meadow Park. _.-_ AMEN ES z Picnic Pavilion ;a Picnic Tables&Grills ;, ,;a,;• I 'rl Playground .� , i Walking/,{ogging Trail ,�`gxs$ *r r�`�, Af 4a i alo _ pR!HK1NG . ` p FOUNTRI 0 CItIr f-. ING �AR�C 4it 0 . p cr .. .../... ‘ . .astia..w_ (.1 t] DA. .. ' C. . 0 .5 PA ill./ N. �,� • �T , T , �and Bske New • �p �� �`�� — . CouRT • Ste' _ so$84 �YY` ' c3 , (2-3 0 - . . c) fik, . 3 0 410 vs if d ` Q• e Fi`rndship Park 4-yw%. This 4.9 acre park is located at White Ibis Way and Scottsdale Drive; and was formerly named Quail Meadow Park. ; .� , Niae..uMm '4 ,'� fig . Picnic AMEN Eon T ,f Picnic Tables&Grills `._ ,1.44 tt Playground ...No� L Walking/Jogging Trail tiL�- $` _ PRINKING . 0Fb'NTR/ 0 '''.....*........%* /1 401 . 40,...........,.....„_r______________,......:...„._ RING- • oo- TR .0 - v.'LI.)et.I.le 0 0. cm. :1:4-kc, ,27 (p. PR l l.Li 3g. Grn n,,_ . Q ,fao` IS ke. NFVJ 401 a CouRT • O. _ g x 94 . s Floodwater Retarding Structures 4, 5, & 7 Rowlett Creek ,,ill Z it �) ..,„, ,t: . 8 .., _ -...!.., - .-___, , _ , , . . ' ::11.4 LINCOLN DR n` r EEl 4 RC r, 0 Siter�. KENNEDY DR o : ' lif -'''” Z '•MI .. W BROWN ST , i�... NICKELVILLE LN l. 't_ GE W OAK St`...a LAKEFIELD DR - t. • BURCHSHIRE LN' m ... •MAIDEN DR .. * k. m ..-n= r SIN SS WAY b 0 --___ mo STEEL RD ll W KIRBY'S m -< - z ;-11 Z n i, 't w - 4, S t I w '<. 73 m , I J EXCHANGE ST i ,• •t ( F I c Z OZ G) 1 O Oz P cr "/ Z m HENSLE Site 7, RC -,- „ " ALANIS LN Al ANIs LN • •� .. / - a a • GLEN KNOLL DR' 0a 9 • - 0 2 000 0 2 000 4 000 N O Feet A ..ter LI FLOODWATER RETARDING STRUCTURES LOCATED WITHIN WYLIE,TEXAS CONST. TOP OF EASEMENT AUXILIARY SEDIMENT SED.POOL SEDIMENT FLOOD FL. POOL FLOOD SITE DATE DAM ELEV ELEVATION SPILLWAY POOL EL. AREA STORAGE POOL EL AREA STORAGE 4, RC 1956 533.1 527.8 525.8 506.4 53.0 200.0 525.8 347.0 3706.0 5, RC 1956 532.8 528.0 526.0 517.1 26.6 109.5 526.0 88.5 608.9 7, RC 1957 509.9 506.0 504.0 487.2 59.0 200.0 504.0 225.0 2514.0 DRAINAGE RC= ROWLETT CREEK WATERSHED AREA ELEVATIIONS ARE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL 4, RC 7291 ACRES 5, RC 1104 ACRES AREA IS IN ACRES 7, RC 6623 ACRES STORAGE IS IN ACRE FEET EASEMENT AREA= LAND WHERE AN EASEMENT WAS GRANTED TO COLLIN COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT. 6 ? 1 FROM : WYLIE PRINTING & OFC SUPPLY PHONE NO. : 972 442 1992 Feb. 16 2007 02:59PM P1 -V(34, CC - 44a -$I 1:)',11.net am a W vim-Fe wiz.3o" Wylie's First Skate Park Park Options Joel Scott Park Pros Cons - Centrally located for both sides of town - Street Parking Only accomiledate�gwalkers/skaters/bikers - Close to a Pavillion from east&west sides of town) (20' or 30' depending on layout option) - Lesser chance for vandalism - Must move a partiaLmain water lines' (On a busy street-Westgate Way) May keep othe activity in park to a - Will relieve skaters from the business district minimum on the East side of Wylie �1(3v,s ✓`- Vi avt - Two layout options available Friendship Park Cons - More open space for good park placement - Farther for East Side Residents (maybe - Good Parking too far for biking/waiking/skating to) - Dense Population in area for usage - Must move main water line Two layout options availl • •L Stittc, s;, v Avalon Park Pros Cons - U _ _veloped Now - AK-sidewalks for biking/walking/skating 'e In the '07-'08 budget) to the park site - Could plan the park around the skate area - Less densely populated area - Would be considered the east side skate park if the - Under electric towers(may be difficult west side skate park was in Friendship Park to get clearance from them to build) SUBJECT PROPERTY 4 ° ti I 1A. ' _ t R';M 0.. f , *ham e ' —r; ,, {" 'st, ; Fri ',e i lt:,.., . vi ya. ," ,s ra $ �f fr + r dyr411 Ar s_.' �+ t.t 7 h • 3 _ , C 4-ye4:� . Via_Y .^h k. P e i , Ci Aim�. ,s ey e« ,,, Ao , y r r AFi A41.4 a i _...;.,A ,i'"f it Vk ig:461 L "�L#t!1/Vi7" a ,..!,„401;.• , ,,,...„:„. ,,......1 ,,- . •. , .,,I, . :.--.: ,•„, t . ,.....±4,.6 si..*, 4.r- . ; -n*.9-11 e_ 4 4 ,t <, x p4_ '"" ,� ' : ritt, gel lc:I. . + '}� 1 ,. ::ems" - C_ i , ^He t 1 � h i , ';_ -t - ,:�� r i per, 4 t.'- gg. - a r , ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1 inch equals 617 feet Chris Hoisted,P.E. 949 Hensley Ln. 0 300 600 1,200 Wylie,TX 75098 CITY OF wYLIE (97z)44z-alos cholsted@ci.wylie.tx.us Feet . FROM : WYLIE PRINTING & OFC SUPPLY PHONE NO. : 972 442 1882 Feb. 16 2007 02:59PM P1 -Vcyf, G1Q — 4 LI a -g►`1 � • .111.►�ettn c6wytieteoz.3cJ Wylie's First Skate Park Park Options Joel Scott Park Pros Cons - Centrally located for both sides of town - Street Parking Only accomte.walkers/skaters/bikers - Close to a Pavillion from east&est sides of town) (20' or 30' depending on layout option) - Lesser chance for vandalism - Must move alligniituutiu water lines (On a busy street-Westgate Way) May keep otheiactivity in park to a ,? - Will relieve skaters from the business district minimum on the East side of Wylie -1(,,,w-7 ,.: 4,� �� L(AA - Two layout options available Friendship Park Eng Cons - More open space for good park placement - Farther for East Side Residents (maybe - Good Parking too far for biking/walking/skating to) - Dense Population in area for usage - Must move_aljn water lines - Two layout options avail ble t�v �Z i V��- cam _ �� v`i/.._u'— � w „A I �`1 L,A pu;v Le-- - Avalon Park ij c c u iIk.S2-4 l wD pros Cons 1.1"" - U,ndpeloped Now - Niidewalks for biking/walking/skating v _, will Jie in the '07-'08 budget) to the park site \WIl- - Could plan the park around the skate area - Less densely populated area - Would be considered the east side skate park if the - Under electric towers(may be difficult west side skate park was in Friendship Park to get clearance from them to build) SUMMARY OF PRIORITY ITEMS Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan Facility High Moderate Low 1. Hike/Bike Trails • 2. Playground/Play Equipment • 3. Nature/Natural Areas • 4. Community Center • 5. Outdoor Swimming Pool • 6. Picnic Shelters/Pavilions • 7. Benches/Seating Areas • 8. Open Spaces • 9. Teen Center • 10. Senior Center • 11. Indoor Swimming Pool • 12. Basketball Courts • 13. Soccer Fields • 14. Practice Athletic Fields • 15. Baseball Fields • 16. Softball Fields • 17. Tennis Courts • 18. Fishing Areas • 19. Football Fields • Volleyball Courts 21.1 Skateboard Park • 22. Sand Volleyball Courts • 23. Equestrian Trails • 24. In-Line Hockey • n Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan December 2002 101 Carter`',Burgess A B ( C I D I E I F G H 1 City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Facility Status -January 2007 2 Recommended Recommended Recommended .,Existing F'acil 1 Faoilities Needed sties for 2002 Facrt�tres for 200t3 Fao�i a, for 24t Recommended Fad1xties,per FFecdrties in Population of Population of Population of " , after"'Bond 3 Ao vrty/Faertity :population '" " . Wylie ".' ` 18, ' 25,B00A -� 38,540A, Projects 4 Baseball/Softball 1 per 2,000' 9 9 13 19 7 5 Baseball/Softball 6 Practice Fields 1 per 3,000E - 1 14 20 29 28 7 Basketball 1 per 5,0005 2 4 5 ^ 8 (1) 8 Football 1 per 20,0005 1 0 1 2 1 9 Pavilion/Shelter 1 per 2,000u 8 9 13 19 10 10 Picnic Tables 1 per 300' 42 61 85 128 72 11 Playgrounds 1 per 4,000' 11 5 6 10 (1) 12 Recreation Center 1 per 25,000' 0 0 1 2 1 13 Sand Volleyball 1 per 5,000' 1 4 5 8 7 14 Soccer Fields 1 per 4,300' 12 4 6 9 (10) 15 Soccer Practice Fields 1 per 6,450 E 3 6 9 14 4 16 Swimming Pools 1 per 20,000' 0 0 1 2 2 17 Tennis Courts 1 per 2,000' 8 9 13 19 11 18 Trails 1/2-1 mile per 10,000c 5.86 .92-1.83 miles 1.28-2.56 1.92-3.85 (6.04-4.11) 19 20 21 A. Population numbers provided by NCTCOG and City of Wylie Planning Department. Guidelines from Collin County Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan, 2001, Section 15, pages 14-16, Wallace, 22 B. Roberts and Todd, L.L.C. Guidelines from Dallas Recreation Component Standards in Recreation, Park and Open Space Standards and 23 C Guidelines, p. 76, 4th printing 1990, a publication of National Recreation and Park Association. Guidelines from Kansas City Metropolitan Region Public Parks Standards in Recreation, Park and Open Space D. Standards and Guidelines, p. 67, 4th printing, 1990, a publication of the National Recreation and Park Association. 24 Consultant recommendation based on years of park planning/design experience. Practice facilities should average 25 E. approximately 1.5 times the amount of league facilities. r f 1 Project Name Partially Founders Park Projects Completed In Progress Bond Project No Progress Complete Founders Park Buildout X Founders Park Tennis Court Lights X Founders Park Maintenance Path X Founders Park Backstops X Community Park Projects Community Park Lighting X Community Park Concrete Trail X Community Park Bleacher Replacement X Community Park Tot Lot Playground X Community Park Field Rehabilitation X Neighborhood Park Projects Olde City Park Improvements X Cimarron(Eureka) Park X Joel Scott Memorial Park X Avalon Park X Friendship Park Basketball Court and four other courts X Valentine Park Walking Trail X Twin Lakes Park X Sage Creek North Improvements (Riverway Park) X Dodd Park X Meadowview Estates Hike and Bike Trail X Land Acquisition Projects Stone Circle Land Acquisition X Community Park Land Acquisition X Olde City Park Land Acquisition X McMillen Road Land Acquisition X Miscellaneous Projects Dog Park at Alanis Landfill Site X Disc Golf Course X FM 544 Beautification X State Highway 78 Beautification X Kirby/Stone Beautification X New Parking Lots X A B C D E F G H 1 City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Facility Status -January 2007 2 Recommended Recommended Recommended Existing Facilities for 2002 Facilities for 2006 Facilities for 2011 Facilities Recommended Facilities per Facilities in Population of Population of Population of Needed after 3 Activity/Facility Population Wylie 18,350A 25,600A 38,500A Bond Projects 4 Baseball/Softball 1 per 2,000° 9 9 13 19 7 5 Baseball/Softball 6 Practice Fields 1 per 3,000E 1 14 20 29 28 7 Basketball 1 per 5,000° 2 4 5 8 (1) 8 Football 1 per 20,000° 1 0 1 2 1 9 Pavilion/Shelter 1 per 2,000' 8 9 13 19 10 10 Picnic Tables 1 per 300' 42 61 85 128 72 11 Playgrounds 1 per 4,000° 11 5 6 10 11 12 Recreation Center 1 per 25,000° 0 0 1 2 1 13 Sand Volleyball 1 per 5,000° 1 4 5 8 7 14 Soccer Fields 1 per 4,300° 12 4 6 9 (10) 15 Soccer Practice Fields 1 per 6,450E 3 6 9 14 4 16 Swimming Pools 1 per 20,000° 0 0 1 2 2 17 Tennis Courts 1 per 2,000° 8 9 13 19 11 18 Trails 1/2-1 mile per 10,000c 5.86 .92-1.83 miles 1.28-2.56 1.92-3.85 i6.04-f4 11) 19 20 21 A. Population numbers provided by NCTCOG and City of Wylie Planning Department. Guidelines from Collin County Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan, 2001, Section 15, pages 14-16, Wallace, Roberts 22 B. and Todd, L.L.C. Guidelines from Dallas Recreation Component Standards in Recreation, Park and Open Space Standards and 2 C. 3 Guidelines, p. 76, 4th printing 1990, a publication of National Recreation and Park Association. Guidelines from Kansas City Metropolitan Region Public Parks Standards in Recreation, Park and Open Space D. Standards and Guidelines, p. 67, 4th printing, 1990, a publication of the National Recreation and Park Association, 24 Consultant recommendation based on years of park planning/design experience. Practice facilities should average 25 E. approximately 1.5 times the amount of league facilities. 1 Cell: C4 Comment: Mike Sferra: 7 at Community 2 at Founders 1 T-Ball field in FY06-07 at Community Park. 2 proposed in Founders Park bond. Cell: C5 Comment: Mike Sferra: 1 at Creekside. Cell: C7 Comment: Mike Sferra: 1 at Community 1 at Creekside. 5 proposed from FY 06-07 A&I: 2 at Community, 1 at Lakeside, 1 at Friendship, and 1 at Eureka. 2 more proposed in Rec Center bond. Cell: C8 Comment: Mike Sferra: 1 at Community Cell: C9 Comment: Mike Sferra: 1 at Olde City, 2 at Community, 1 at Riverway, 1 at Eureka, 1 at Joel Scott, 1 at Valentine and 1 at Friendship. 1 proposed for Founders Park bond project. j a Cell: C10 Comment: Mike Sferra: 11 at Community, 1 at Creekside, 5 at Eureka, 5 at Founders, 3 at Friendship, 5 at Joel Scott, 4 at Kirby, 2 at OCP, 2 at Riverway, 4 at Valentine. Will be adding 6 at OCP, 2 at Joel Scott, and 6 at Founders. Did not include 1 at City Hall and 3 at Trinity Trail or any at Lake Lavon. Cell: C11 Comment: Mike Sferra: 1 at Community, 1 at Eureka, 1 at Valentine, 1 at Kirby, 1 at Olde City Park, 1 at Friendship, 1 at Birmingham Farms 14, 1 at Riverway, 1 at Sage Creek VIII, 1 at Creekside Estates, 1 at Founders. Cell: C13 Comment: Mike Sferra: 1 at Community. Cell: C14 Comment: Mike Sferra: 5 at Founders, and 7 at Community. • 7 lighted fields in Founders Park bond. Cell: C15 Comment: Mike Sferra: 1 at Creekside, and 2 at Lakeside, . 7 practice fields proposed in Founders Park bond. Cell: C17 Comment: Mike Sferra: Eight courts available at WISD high school via joint use. Cell: C18 Comment: Mike Sferra: .50 at Birmingham Farms 13, .52 at Birmingham Farms 14, .85 at Community, .44 at Creekside Estates, .33 at Eureka, .30 at Friendship, .40 at Joel Scott(existing), .11 Joel Scott(new), .29 Joel Scott(utility easement), .06 Sage Creek IV, .84 Sage Creek VIII, .40 Sage Creek IX, .40 Valentine, .42 Meadowview. Will add 2.1 at Founders as part of bond project. Will have total of 7.96 after Founders. Did not include .61 at Creekside(4'walks) and .45 at Muddy Creek Preserve(not in Wylie). ( City of Wylie Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund Statement of Revenues and Expenditures December 31, 2006 West Central East Total All Zones Revenue Parkland Dedication - - - - County Grants - - - - Interest Income - - - - Total Revenue - - - - Expenses plus Encumbrances (41,912.00) (118,332.12) (21,881.00) (182,125.12) Fund Balance 110,396.35 239,113.24 113,238.16 462,747.75 Total 68,484.35 120,781.12 91,357.16 280,622.63 Project Name Partially Founders Park Projects Completed In Progress Bond Project No Progress Complete Founders Park Buildout X Founders Park Tennis Court Lights X Founders Park Maintenance Path X Founders Park Backstops X Community Park Projects Community Park Lighting X Community Park Concrete Trail X Community Park Bleacher Replacement X Community Park Tot Lot Playground X Community Park Field Rehabilitation X Neighborhood Park Projects Olde City Park Improvements X Cimarron(Eureka)Park X Joel Scott Memorial Park X Avalon Park X Friendship Park Basketball Court and four other courts X Valentine Park Walking Trail X Twin Lakes Park X Sage Creek North Improvements (Riverway Park) X Dodd Park X Meadowview Estates Hike and Bike Trail X Land Acquisition Projects Stone Circle Land Acquisition X Community Park Land Acquisition X Olde City Park Land Acquisition X McMillen Road Land Acquisition X Miscellaneous Projects Dog Park at Alanis Landfill Site X Disc Golf Course X FM 544 Beautification X State Highway 78 Beautification X Kirby/Stone Beautification X New Parking Lots X TA'0 ALANIS DOG PARK The former landfill site on Alanis has been successfully brought to closure with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Staff has considered redeveloping a portion of this 40 acre +/- site with a two one acre +/- dog parks, one located in the northwest area of the site and one located in the southeast area of the site. Minimal development is permitted at the site per TCEQ regulations, and a dog park would have minimal impact to the site. The remaining acreage would be developed in the future. The dog park would satisfy a growing citizen demand for this type of facility in the area. Improvements would include two parking lots, sidewalks, two fenced areas to allow for usage and maintenance rotation, water supply, landscaping, irrigation, signage, picnic tables and benches. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 25,000 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 194,320 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 15,540 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 234,860 • DISC GOLF COURSE The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board has suggested that the City establish a disc golf course within the City for the use of residents. A site has not been selected, but research reveals that this is a growing sport, and enthusiasts enjoy wooded areas along creeks, open space adjacent to trails or along existing utility easements. Such locations can be found in the Bozman Farms and Birmingham Farms developments as well as nearby Army Corps of Engineers land. The disc golf course would satisfy a growing citizen demand for this type of facility in the area. Improvements would include minor site preparation with the installation of goals, signage, benches, and possible connections to nearby trails. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 18,000 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 2,000 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 20,000 SAGE CREEK NORTH IMPROVEMENTS Sage Creek North Park is a 4.2 acre site located on Riverway Lane in the Sage Creek North subdivision. During FY 03-04, the City budgeted $85,000 in parkland dedication funds to develop the site with grading, concrete trail, a playground structure, and seating areas. The park is located adjacent to a creek, and its accessibility is limited by terrain along its eastern edge. Installation of a pedestrian bridge in this direction would allow residents living to the east of park to have greater accessibility. Installation of a second pedestrian bridge would provide a needed connection to a future nature trail towards the south. This project would include site preparation and grading, landscaping, irrigation, extension of concrete walking trails, picnic pavilion, picnic tables, benches, drinking fountain, and installation of two pedestrian bridges. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan lists trails, picnic shelters/pavilions, benches, seating areas, and development of open spaces as among the top ten high priorities. Potential funding options include using the value of this dedicated parkland site as a match with Collin County grants available over the next five years. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 6,430 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 88,740 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 28,000 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 123,170 DODD PARK This project would provide improvements to the 5.3 acre park site adjacent to Dodd Elementary School. After improvements were made to the parkland adjacent to Birmingham Elementary School, staff was contacted by WISD with a request to make similar improvements at the Dodd Park location. Improvements would include site preparation and grading, landscaping, irrigation, eight-foot wide concrete walking trail, benches, water fountain(s), signage, etc. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan lists trails, benches, seating areas, and development of open spaces as among the top ten high priorities. Potential funding options include using the value of this dedicated parkland site as a match with Collin County grants available over the next five years. Also, the WISD may participate as a grant application partner for development of this site. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 21,000 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 105,300 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 8,500 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 134,800 OLDE CITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS 46`) Olde City Park is a 2 acre park located at the intersection of Ballard and State Highway 78. When the highway project is finished, and if acquisition of adjacent properties is successful, it would be desirable to improve the existing park site. Improvements would include site preparation, grading, underground drainage improvements, installation of a concrete parking lot, landscaping, irrigation, six- foot wide concrete walking trail, placement of the existing overhead wiring into underground conduits, picnic pavilion, tot lot playground, gazebo, benches, picnic tables, water fountain, etc. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan lists trails, picnic shelters/pavilions, benches, seating areas, and development of open spaces as among the top ten high priorities. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 5,000 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 93,340 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 215,200 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 313,540 TWIN LAKES PARK In 1989, Phase I of the Twin Lakes subdivision dedicated 6.7 acres of parkland to the City of Wylie. Except for a lift station already installed in the parkland, the site remains undeveloped. The lift station will be abandoned and demolished at some point in the future when a gravity line is installed from the current lift station site to the new wastewater treatment plant located on Pleasant Valley. The existing Twin Lakes park site has limited accessibility, but accessibility will be improved with the completion of the Southbrook Phase II subdivision which is located to the south of the existing park site. Southbrook Phase I is currently under construction. Improvements would include site preparation and grading, eight-foot wide concrete walking trail, benches, picnic tables, signage, etc. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan lists trails, picnic shelters/pavilions, benches, seating areas, and development of open spaces as among the top ten high priorities. Potential funding options include using the value of this dedicated parkland site as a match with Collin County grants available over the next five years. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 98,400 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 11,250 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 109,650 COMMUNITY PARK FIELD REHABILITATION Community Park is a 43 acre facility containing six lighted soccer fields, four lighted baseball/softball fields, and other park amenities. The existing irrigation system for the baseball/softball fields is nearly 20 years old and is reaching the end of its economically feasible life. Also, drainage for the infields needs improvement. This project would include replacement of the existing outfield irrigation system and the addition of an infield irrigation system for one field only, regrading of the existing infield, and installation of sod in the infield. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 3,025 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 20,350 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 23,375 COMMUNITY PARK CONCRETE TRAIL The existing .85 mile trail at Community Park is constructed with asphalt. The trail requires annual maintenance to repair cracks caused by the movement of the expansive soils. Trails in other developed parks (except Valentine Park) meet the recommendations of the Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan by being eight feet wide and constructed with concrete. Improvements for this project would include demolition and removal of the existing asphalt trail, site preparation and grading, and installation of a new eight- foot wide, ADA compliant concrete walking trail with connections to parking lots and destination points. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 150,000 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 4,000 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 154,000 COMMUNITY PARK LIGHTING The baseball/softball athletic field lighting system at Community Park is nearly 20 years old and has reached the end of its economically feasible life. Last year, an assessment of the lighting system was conducted, and the report indicated that the existing wiring has weathered and deteriorated to the point that accidental electrocution was a possibility. This report coincides with annual observations made in the past by the electrical contractor performing annual maintenance to the lights. This project would include consultant services to specify significant upgrades and repairs to the existing system, install a new remote control Musco link for remote operation of the lighting system, and install all related electrical components and appurtenances including transformers, breakers, conduit, wiring, etc. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural _ 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 225,000 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 225,000 ��)1` � VALENTINE PARK WALKING TRAIL The existing .5 mile trail at Valentine Park is constructed with crushed limestone. The trail requires routine maintenance to replace the limestone and for weed control. Trails in other developed parks (except Community Park) meet the recommendations of the Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan by being eight feet wide and constructed with concrete. Improvements for this project would include removal and/or reuse of the existing limestone, site preparation and grading, and installation of a new eight-foot wide, ADA compliant concrete walking trail with connections to parking lots and destination points. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan lists trails, as the number one high priority item. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 92,800 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 3,300 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 96,100 C\ _��^ - \ 1 FRIENDSHIP PARK BASKETBALL COURT Friendship Park is located at 1600 White Ibis Way. The park contains a playground, picnic pavilion, walking trail, landscaping, irrigation, and drinking fountain, etc. Nearby residents have requested the addition of a basketball court to provide an outdoor activity for age groups that cannot utilize the playground such as teenagers and adults. Basketball courts are listed as a moderate priority on the Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. The Master Plan identified Friendship Park as a site that needed to be upgraded, and the plan recommended the addition of seven more basketball courts by the year 2011. This project would include site preparation and grading, installation of one concrete basketball court with goals, striping, and connection points to the existing trail and park amenities etc. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 2,748 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 20,123 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 3,350 Major Toots& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 26,221 AVALON PARK Phase 1 of the Avalon subdivision is currently under construction. This 4.8 acre site is located at the southwest corner of East Brown and Kreymer Lane and is across the street from a WISD school site located in the development. The park site is currently undeveloped. Improvements would include site preparation and grading, landscaping, irrigation, eight-foot wide concrete walking trail, benches, water fountain(s), signage, etc. The site is also suitable for installation of practice soccer fields. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan lists trails, benches, seating areas, and development of open spaces as among the top ten high priorities. Potential funding options include using the value of this dedicated parkland site as a match with Collin County grants available over the next five years. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 18,000 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 101,000 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 13,150 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 132,150 McMILLEN ROAD PROPERTY ACQUISITION A undeveloped 111.18 acre tract is located on McMillen Road in Wylie. 1t has not been annexed into the City. The Collin County Appraisal District's website lists the market value at $1,490,497. Approximately 60% of the site is located in the flood plain. The property also contains a significant portion of a trail system identified in the Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Hike and bike trails were listed as the number one high priority in the Master Plan. The Master Plan also recommended that the City acquire at least an additional 210 acres of parkland by the year 2011 to maintain the adopted standard of 12.5 acres per 1,000 population. This project would consist of hiring a consultant to assist in applying for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department grants and/or Collin County grants, and possibly coordinating the acquisition with a third party such as the Trust for Public Land. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 1,515,497 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools & 58850 Equipment TOTAL 1,515,497 OLDE CITY PARK LAND ACQUISITION Gc-vi Two pieces of property are located near Olde City Park, and they represent desirable assets for future park development. One property is a 0.1410 acre tract of land located on South Jackson Street adjacent to Olde City Park in Wylie. The Collin County Appraisal Districts website lists the market value at $20,500. Attempts to acquire the land in the past have been unsuccessful. The property owner has required the City to purchase insurance coverage for the property in the past when activities in the park have been allowed to occur on the property. The second property is a 0.1410 acre tract of land also located on South Jackson. The Collin County Appraisal District's website lists the market value at $47,301. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan recommends that the City acquire at least an additional 210 acres of parkland by the year 2011 to maintain the adopted standard of 12.5 acres per 1,000 population. This project would consist of applying for Collin County grants. If the properties are acquired, any existing structures will be demolished or moved, and both will be upgraded with park amenities. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 74,801 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 74,801 FOUNDERS PARK TENNIS COURT LIGHTS In 2003, the Wylie ISD constructed eight new outdoor tennis courts adjacent to the existing Wylie High School. The tennis courts are available for use by the general public during certain hours that do not conflict with WISD usage. The City agreed to install the lighting for the courts and the electrical wiring. Conduit and concrete light pedestals were installed as part of the original construction. The Parks Department has received calls from citizens asking when the lights will be installed. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan ranked tennis courts as a number 17, low priority item. The plan recommends that the City acquire an additional 19 tennis courts in addition to these eight courts, by the year 2011. This project would consist of the installation of tournament quality outdoor lighting for the eight tennis courts, all electrical controls, breakers, wiring, etc. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 65,000 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 65,000 t FOUNDERS PARK MAINTENANCE PATH The electrical breaker panels at Founders Park soccer fields are located in a grassy area amid the playing fields. Accessibility to the electrical site is difficult after rainy weather and can be improved by construction of a concrete maintenance path from the parking lot to the panels. This project would consist of site grading and installation of 300 linear feet of ten-foot wide concrete path and a 900 square foot concrete pad. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 29,250 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 29,250 FOUNDERS PARK BUILDOUT Construction of Founders Park began in the late 1990's. This 65 acre facility contains two lighted baseball/softball fields and five lighted soccer fields. The original plan called for the development of at least two more baseball/softball fields and additional soccer game fields and soccer practice fields. The park has a portable restroom facility that is not ADA accessible. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan ranks the development of soccer fields and athletic fields as moderate priorities with 29 additional baseball/softball practice fields; 14 soccer practice fields; ten baseball/softball fields; and ten softball/baseball fields by the year 2011. The plan also lists trails, picnic shelters/pavilions, benches, seating areas, and open spaces as among the top ten high priorities. This project would consist of acquiring consultant services to design the build-out plan for the park including a concession stand, maintenance storage areas, two baseball/softball fields, seven soccer game fields, seven soccer practice fields, additional lighting, landscaping, irrigation, walking trails, seating and picnic areas, picnic pavilions, etc., and all construction of the new facilities. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 33,000 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 4,761,375 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 159,475 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 4,953,850 !� FM 544 BEAUTIFICATION { FM 544 contains 1.35 acres of right-of-way and medians that are maintained by the Park Department. This project would consist of applying for assistance from the Texas Department of transportation (TxDOT) for highway beautification. TxDOT shares cost (50/50) on trees, shrubs, wild flowers, drip/bubbler irrigation, berms, retaining walls, and concrete pavers. All other costs are borne by the City. The project would include a new "Welcome to Wylie" monument sign, irrigation, landscaping, electrical service for median lights, etc. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 20,950 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 59,240 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 249,700 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 329,890 STATE HIGHWAY 78 BEAUTIFICATION V.r0c0- State Highway 78, south of FM 544, contains 13.7 acres of right-of-way and medians that are maintained by the Park Department. This project would consist of applying for assistance from the Texas Department of transportation (TxDOT) for highway beautification. TxDOT shares cost (50/50) on trees, shrubs, wild flowers, drip/bubbler irrigation, berms, retaining walls, and concrete pavers. Ail other costs are borne by the City. The project would include a new "Welcome to Wylie" monument sign, irrigation, landscaping, electrical service for median lights, etc. It is estimated that State Highway 78, north of FM 544, would contain at least a similar amount of right-of-way and medians to be maintained by the Park Department.. A beautification project for this section of highway would be similar in cost. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 17,150 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 86,020 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 203,090 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 306,260 (ic JOEL SCOTT MEMORIAL PARK ' I Phase I of Joel Scott Memorial Park has been completed with grant funding from Collin County. The City of Wylie originally requested $300,000 for the entire 8.1230 acre project, but only received a $100,000 match. Phase I consisted of developing three acres of parkland adjacent to Birmingham Elementary School. Phase II would include development of the remaining 5.1230 acres of parkland on the west side of Westgate Way just north of Brown Street. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan identified trails, benches, seating areas, and development of open spaces all within the top 10 high priorities. This project would include the installation of landscaping, irrigation, eight-foot wide concrete walking trail, a pedestrian bridge, signage, water fountain(s), benches, picnic tables, etc. Potential funding options include using the value of this dedicated parkland site as a match with Collin County grants available over the next five years. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 27,200 52610 Recreation Supplies — Land 58150 Betterments 87,260 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 4,770 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 119,230 o MEADOWVIEW ESTATES HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL The Meadowview Estates subdivision is currently under construction and is located on Ballard Street, south of the Harvest Bend and east of the Pointe North subdivisions. The development contains 110 lots, and the developer is dedicating 1.8850 acres of parkland to the City. Since all the parkland is either small parcels or is located within existing easements, the parkland dedication will not meet the dedications requirements, and the developer has agreed to pay the City funds in lieu totaling $55,000. The developer wishes to enhance the open space with concrete trails, landscaping, irrigation, seating areas, and is requesting that the City enter into an development agreement in the amount of approximately $73,560 (similar to the agreement the City executed with the developer of the Creekside subdivision) to jointly pay for the development of the site. All work would be performed by the developer and meet City specifications. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan identified trails, benches, seating areas, and development of open spaces all within the top 10 high priorities. Potential funding options include using the value of this dedicated parkland site as a match with Collin County grants available over the next five years. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 40,200 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 29,500 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 3,860 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 73,560 CIMARRON PARK This project would compliment the improvements already in place at the site of this 4.52 acre park site located in the Cimarron Estates subdivision. Staff has received numerous calls from nearby residents with requests to install additional elements in the park. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan identified playgrounds and play equipment as the number 2 high priority and recommends the addition of five new playground by the year 2011. This project would include the installation of an ADA compliant playground structure, picnic pavilion, landscaping, irrigation, signage, water fountain(s), etc. Potential funding options include using the value of this dedicated parkland site as a match with Collin County grants available over the next five years. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 27,440 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 83,040 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 72,230 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 182,710 cs)O-v C2' NEW PARKING LOTS The City of Wylie owns property on the northwest corner of the Oak Street and South Jackson Street and property on South Jackson Street. These locations are in close proximity to the Bart Peddicord Community Center and Olde City Park. The available parking areas for the Community Center are not adequate to hold all the vehicles that arrive for events. Also, there is no parking lot for Olde City Park. Other projects recommend additional land acquisition along South Jackson to enlarge the park. One of these sites would be suitable to construct a parking lot for park patrons. This project would include the site preparation and construction of two new concrete parking lots totaling approximately 22,400 square feet, ADA compliant parking and accessibility, striping, wheel stops, approaches, signage, lighting, etc. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 131,600 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 131,600 • COMMUNITY PARK LAND ACQUISITION Three pieces of property are located near Community Park, and they represent desirable assets for future park development. The three lots are comprised of separate 2.96, 0.66, and 4.544 acre tracts and are appraised on the Collin County Appraisal District's website as having market values of $55,000, $12,375, and $85,200 respectively. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan recommends that the City acquire at least an additional 210 acres of parkland by the year 2011 to maintain the adopted standard of 12.5 acres per 1,000 population. This project would consist of applying for Collin County grants or seeking other sources of funding to purchase the land. If the properties are acquired, they will be upgraded with park amenities. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 152,575 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 152,575 No STONE CIRCLE LAND ACQUISTION Four separate parcel of property comprising one lot are located near Stone Circle and Birmingham Street just south of the new Stone-Kirby Connector. The property is adjacent to existing City right-of-way and would represent desirable assets for future open space development. Each of the four lots is a 0.161 acre tract, and each is appraised on the Collin County Appraisal District's website as having a market value of $5,000 for a total appraised value of $20,000. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan recommends that the City acquire at least an additional 210 acres of parkland by the year 2011 to maintain the adopted standard of 12.5 acres per 1,000 population. This project would consist of applying for Collin County grants or seeking other sources of funding to purchase the land. If the properties are acquired, they will be upgraded with open space amenities. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 20,000 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 20,000 \\ 0 FOUNDERS PARK BACKSTOPS Construction of Founders Park began in the late 1990's. This 65 acre facility contains two lighted baseball/softball fields and no practice baseball/softball fields. The original plan called for the development of at least two more baseball/softball fields and additional athletic fields. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan ranks the development of athletic fields as moderate priorities with the need for 29 additional baseball/softball practice fields by the year 2011. This project would consist of site preparation and grading, construction of four backstops, minor connectors to existing parking facilities, all with no irrigation, no lighting, no dugouts, no sodding, etc. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies_ Land 58150 Betterments 8,000 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment Major Tools& 58850 Equipment I i TOTAL 8,000 COMMUNITY PARK TOT LOT PLAYGROUND The City of Wylie recently completed construction of a new playground at Community Park with grant assistance funding from Collin County. The playground is for ages 5 through 12. The addition of a play facility for younger children would be a desirable asset for the community. The City of Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan identified playgrounds and play equipment as the number 2 high priority and recommends the addition of five new playgrounds by the year 2011. Improvements would include site preparation and grading, installation of an ADA compliant playground structure for children under the age of five, signage, etc. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 27,000 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 27,000 KIRBY STONE BEAUTIFICATION The City of Wylie maintains the median on Kirby Street from State Highway 78 to Birmingham Street. City forces also maintain several small pieces of right-of-way adjacent to the recently completed Stone Kirby Connector. Total acreage of these sites is approximately 1.5 acres. Traffic patterns make the Kirby Stone corridor an important gateway into the community, and it would be desirable to make them aesthetically pleasing to motorists and residents. This project would consist of the installation of irrigation, landscaping, decorative lighting, small seating areas, etc. along the corridor from State Highway 78 to the intersection of Stone and Ballard. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 22,940 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 53,080 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 123,810 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 199,830 COMMUNITY PARK BLEACHER REPLACEMENT The average age of the existing bleachers at Community Park is 15 years old. A growing number of cities and communities are adopting recommended safety standards for bleachers to reduce injuries that occur to spectators. The existing bleachers do not comply with the standards that are being adopted by other entities, and it would be desirable to replace the existing bleachers. This project would consist of acquiring new bleachers that meet the recommended safety guidelines and installation of concrete pads for the bleachers. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 52510 Botanical and Agricultural 52610 Recreation Supplies Land 58150 Betterments 37,744 58830 Furniture and Fixtures Outdoor Furniture and 58840 Equipment 138,000 Major Tools& 58850 Equipment TOTAL 175,744 SKATE PARK INFORMATION SHEET 1 -22-07 Moveable Elements - eliminates need for soil testing, engineer designs, blueprints Expenses - Concrete Slabs - need to be poured like a tennis court, must be smooth and even, Re-float surface and have a hand trowel finish, 5" thick, post tension best, $5 - $6 sq. ft. Park Employee Time - Unloading of Elements from delivery truck - Equipment good to use - Grade All, Big Backhoe, Small Crane, Heavy Forklift Assembly and Placement of Elements - Approximately 3 days from Unload to Skate Moving of Existing Irrigation Lines Signage Freight Charges F► indskip Park This 4.9 acre park is located at White Ibis Way and Scottsdale Drive; and was formerly named Quail Meadow Park. dial �Aeadow AMENITIES g Picnic Pavilion Picnic Tab/es&Grills Playground r Walking/Jogging Trail Park'Blvd - • i0.1 • , ,,,3_,. - d7RINKlNG• . . . .r. , „• _ ,_.,,. • d_i t •d G (. f-. TAR�L MG- • p � o- - 88. wea1le ll 6 o o•i Ploy. 6 c . - 0 • . •,T 1 < n • 215 (dal` . 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