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03-26-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet
Parks and Recreation Board CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda Monday, March 26, 2007 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Donna Larson Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Gayle Walton Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the February 26, 2007 meeting. Tabled from January 22, 2007 2. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Conceptual Plan for the Planned Development-Premier South Business Park. 3. Consider and act upon recommending the location of the proposed skatepark in Joel Scott Park. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Staff update: Meeting format changes. • March 26,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 • ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 23rd day of March, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Governownlakirdind that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Pee iit4� wylietexas.Qov. 1,1 xLC .44(0 Carole Ehrlic , i y Secretary jDate Notice Removed Robert Diaz From: Sam Satterwhite[sam@wylieedc.com] Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 2:28 PM To: Robert Diaz Robert: The WEDC is withdrawing their request to the parks board to accept WEDC property as open space. The Board changed their mind believing that some company may have a sue for the property in the future even if it could count toward landscaping requirements on a site plan. We will be paying the$25,000 fee. I will be at the Parks Board meeting on the 26th to personally deliver that message. Thanks. Samuel D.R. Satterwhite Executive Director Wylie Economic Development Corporation 108-C W. Marble Wylie, TX 75098 Work: 972/442-7901 Cell: 972/977-2369 Fax: 972/429-0139 2/19/2007 City of Wylie Parks and s WYLIE Recreation Board CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 3-26-07 Item Number: V Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite/RDD Account Code: Date Prepared: 3-23-07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Tabled from January 22,2007- MOTION TO REMOVE FROM THE TABLE-Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Conceptual Plan for the Planned Development-Premier South Business Park. Recommendation Motion to accept from staff the withdrawl of the parkland dedication request of 5.959 acres from the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. Discussion In 2005, the Wylie Economic Development Corporation(WEDC)purchased 25 acres to be developed as a well- ordered business park. To be named Premier South Business Park, the site is located adjacent and south of Holland Hitch with frontage on Martinez Lane. The WEDC will soon be platting Premier South and breaking ground on its first project— a 20,050 square foot facility being developed by JTM Technologies. As well, the WEDC, in partnership with the City of Wylie, will begin improving Martinez Lane from a 24-foot asphalt design to 36-foot concrete street with curb and gutters (a$500,000 project). As Premier South is platted, the WEDC will be subject to a $25,000 parkland dedication fee. The WEDC is seeking relief from that fee based upon the dedication of open space to the Department of Parks and Recreation. While the WEDC would prefer for the fees to be waived based upon the WEDC's status as a governmental entity and component unit of the City of Wylie, there is no policy in place to allow such a waiver. Therefore, the only option available is to dedicate property with a value equal to or greater than that of the dedication fee. The only flaw in this approach is that the property the WEDC is attempting to dedicate is not on the trail system master plan. However, the WEDC will argue that the site could connect adjacent neighborhoods to existing City of Wylie property which will become parkland. fhe open space in question is 5.959 acres and located at the easternmost portion of Premier South as shown on the attached aerial. A more detailed version is provided as exhibit A. Bordered by a creek to the west and Westwind Meadows to the east, the site almost entirely in the floodplain, save and except±1.3 acres adjacent to Page 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 " `1 the westernmost alley within Westwind Meadows. Below are photos from the Westwind Meadows alley and a view of Premier South •from Martinez. View of 5.959 acres looking west from Westwind Meadows n e• b� 2�s ( i 4, -. $ °r'� `f^d ft- yt� ; 4•Y. ... �*' -S .ram'+ -Y` - k M is Y a.r —r a'ter«*.' '''' T �z _ .. View of 5.959 acres looking northwest from Westwind Meadows .. . . • {g" ymay�/y� `'A :.y Yt *'y w �a r *t Imo+- a6` �'` s '� . �s ��' a l 1, :: l� ett�f ° ' /qS EF � �j8 r 1- - 3s d FS bYSwkNe ��r-`a,T s,� ac __ L� k ,,Bu n^ � 4. � - '0 ,-� 1141 fee,''4 nw,�, ,rVF�*a . `�Q,a�s's1 �4,-s.; 4 9r... Y? A"11,...z., G1 F ;F f �Ye � 7:fir. `. e`Sa•��e, fig!_. ,J - v"^ - 'w -- .Saw c __ ++''"�" l w�Yq. ' .wee. '�..xv�a--.-'AMWe -. '&-_�-�- . � �w n-.t .� 1 ,H. 44. r ", ' ,1 _ sue es. w "a �...L'` a "'yew •�+^d L - + - , r } - ,� - Page 3 of 5 "—I View of 5.959 acres looking north from Westwind Meadows 16. .:10Q ' raw 1 *. a N j sa , S .F View of 25 acres from Martinez Page 4 of 5 1 Alternate view of 25 acres from Martinez 1 E miER SOUTH BUSINESS PARK -,,„5,,,,,,,,,, �, . fit ?r 4,,, `¢v „,,,,4, 4471:14 Afa 9 - i�gWroit4 t 1 F` k y,. b S Via _ x§rr �t ;It- :31 i r fre 1,. w 1 The attached aerial depicts two City of Wylie properties to the south which are slated for an open space use in the future. The existing wastewater treatment facility, located on 6.8 acres, is scheduled to be closed in the next 5 — 10 years per the City Engineer. Based upon its existing wastewater use, the future use will most likely be open space. Further to the south is 39.8 acres owned by the City of Wylie. Previously the Alanis landfill, the only allowable use of this site will be a park, as anticipated by the City of Wylie Parks Department. The missing piece to this proposed open space is the property due north of the City 6.8 acres. Being that this piece is predominantly in the floodplain, a future link to the WEDC 5.9 acres is not unimaginable. The WEDC purchased Premier South for $639,000. The only comparative sale of floodplain property identifiable to the WEDC was 3.2 acres purchased by Bayco near Sanden Boulevard. The 3.2 acres was purchased for $45,000, or$0.323 per square foot. Translated to the 5.959 acres, the WEDC sight could have an arguable value of$83,798. The WEDC appreciates your consideration of this issue. Sam Satterwhite of the Wylie EDC made a request to staff in February that he would like to withdraw this item from consideration. This item was only noted as a discussion item at the February meeting, therefore staff is bringing this item back at the March meeting as an action item to formally withdraw the item. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Director of Parks 7; Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 26, 2007 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: March 23, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1+ Subject Consider and act upon recommending the location of the proposed skatepark in Joel Scott Park. Recommendation Motion to recommend or deny the location of the proposed skatepark in Joel Scott Park. Discussion Staff brought forth to the Board at the February 26, 2007 meeting various options for the placement of the proposed skatepark. After discussing the various options,the board felt that the best location for the skatepark would be Joel Scott Option 1. Staff is now bringing back this item for a formal recommendation to then be forwarded to the City Council. Information regarding the skatepark will be reviewed by the City Council during the mid Fiscal Year budgeting process in April. Page 1 of 2 . 3/4* A1/4" , f:21___,...7.t_ii. , ., - . . 3,4. ---0 Q • 0 . 0 0 h_ /` t t/4. 3/4� • t t ® t . gh ale .. 0 3 tile. 3/' 0 _. 31 • 1 t .. .: . 31iA • .�. `o 3 3 t" 3 is • )' , . 1 , jt; , EX3I :Y re OF WYLIE �i' , `Jp APPROX.WATER F NTAJN LOCATION u of r A fly, . 1 . ' . . y 4-- 5 ' .. i__-ts'--- -'. 1, 3 • 2-!L PPt 1 o • CM Or _ r_ _T — FF .. t t . It ) . ar : . p 1 y __ """. tyistma PAVEMENTBY L. • r .. .... k. We r...LC. PER Vitt C rrvta ('. -,41 MTV nE UN I/2 I S p BY: rampswithattitude SouthWest Parks & Playgrounds SouthWest Parks & Playgrounds, L. P. P. O.Box 50048 Date: 3/16/2007 Denton,Texas 76206-0048 1.800.433.5347 940.3 80.903 8 Fax: 940.381.0463 City of Wylie Wylie, TX RE: WYLIE SKATE SPOT Attn: Donna Larson Option 8 Page 1 of 2 972-442-2111 SUMMARY: donna(a)wvlieprintinq.com Texas Buyboard Contract#204-04 Prepared by: RL/KH File No.: s/KH/Wylie008b.xls Extended Qty Product Description Unit Wt Unit Price Price Option 8 SOLO Total $ 46,199.48 Installation $ 10,555.56 Project TOTAL $ 56,755.04 $ 56,755.04 Accepted by: PO#: Signature: Date: "` Purchase Orders and/or Checks should be made out to Solo by SouthWest Parks &Playgrounds. John E. Caldwell,President 1:13/1 b/'lba/ 13:bF3 'j(1441bb 7b HULLEY ANll HULLLY b[ Ammommoslo HOLLEY f HOLLEY CONCRETE COMPANY, INC 2327 STONE ROAD -• WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 PHONE 972-442-7064 FAX 972-442-0676 QUOTATION I CITY OF WYUE 2000 HIGHWAY 78 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 PH: 972-442-7588 FAX: 972-442-6198 ATT: DONNA LARSON J PH: 972.442-2111 FAX: 972-442-1882 DATE JOB AMOUNT 3/16/2007 RE: WYLIE PARK SLAB: 60 X 80, OR 4,800 SF $5.05 SF $24,240 00 SIDEWALK: 450 SF @$3.22 SF $1,545• 60 PUMP TRUCK $1,200.00 ENGINEERING FEE $550.00 TOTAL QUOTE $27,535.60 THANK YOU QUOTATION ARED BY C. HOLLEY Wylie Skate Park In Joel Scott Park Extension off Westgate Way and Brown Street �, r r{ y S Cr�y1 'tiiy . Ie ti., `O 1 _ ,1 _x�, fid w� ,e rk Hr � r *t� I ° 1 . , t 1 a , j • ; x Y 4 °R. W a4 . i(( . v Y I s is t K ,; „,..,,..' .:: 7:-- r 5 y, ,i i...: .J ',yy�'E�. ,q Yam,.'.• Example of park and sign from Mt. Pleasant City of Mt. Pleasant . S. ATIE,PA K RULES Expenses: Hours o operltoli are�daylight Use anly The park.closes at dusk each evening r WARNlN" Texas laow(Chapt0t 75,Ctml Prances and,Remedies_Cade) �oncrete Elements $56,755.04 i�,i�rsth�rrah� al mun,cipat�rythat Includes: Elements, Freight, owjtpaptatJ�r ,nutn,;n'°titrynlwhlch hockey, *i,ttrgbj�d�ke tr�QT'`�Yit� ItpkPtf a°flKatng, r t �-- And Installation L' e°Ord;t�; ,:it lee btld•iniarcc 'd dfar �' o such re 1 k atiy s a � d� s ke Concrete Post Tension Slab (80'x 60') $27,535.60 � any � � 1�N�:, �� _ � e ���_ Includes: Slab, Sidewalks, 1 i t r ,, �` .i� s r a tt . a u3 i a wired Pump truck, Engineering fee n o 4 +`?si ';r• .. iYct J_ q4, KE k �i y t kg tt " a 3 i 44 0tI-✓ ter per board Metal Rules Sign (approx. cost) $ 700.00 k � � � 1 a f ase disp� i it s pro rly`,kl a l ey city rdinances andp a r r t es appi`,° { Plesise da ndt vanndilze'or-place graifiion Total Cost of Park $$4,990.64 equi ent,o ark'w ll rentarn close anal vandihsm is repaired. }lane iun,kte"safe andtiespectyour,fellowskaiers. -Ka i 3oe1 Scott.Memorial Park r� This B acres o!dedicated parkland end Wylie ISD `� ` properly is located at Brown Street and Westgate Way. V 4, / T 3 gym`,- adjacent to Birmingham Elementary. -(,� }� 1. z �� q s D e aq co ., _,. . , „ ' nap �t'J 0 .4 41 4 4 � Yd Cl `� � � ',r t..r S:S .., Lr . - 4.1 v? 6IRr tNGNHNI ELE MGNTRRV t tb — ku 13'Ro w nl Terms & Conditions: Page 2 of 2 This quotation is valid for 30 days. This quotation is for items listed.Anything not expressly listed is excluded Any deviations from this proposal may invalidate the quoted pricing and/or terms. Orders are shipped 4-6 weeks after receipt of a complete order Delivery time is approximately 7 working days after shipment If you are receiving the equipment The freight carrier will be instructed to call your designated contact 24 hours befor delivery to arrange a delivery appointment. You are responsible for unloading,checking and accepting the delivery from the Freight Company. If Sales Tax Exempt,a copy of your tax exemption form or resale certificate must accompany you order,or sales tax,if applicable,will be added to your invoice. Installation based upon a soil work site,that is freely accessible by truck,(no fencing,tree/landscaping or utility obstacles,etc.),and level,(+/- 1-2%maximum slope). Installation prices reflect the installation activities specifically identified. Pricing for additional services are available on request.Additional charges may be necessary if subsurface rock or other unforeseen conditions are encountered. The site should be level and permit access with construction equipment. Please identify an access route,which can accommodate construction traffic. The contractor will maintain construction activities within boundaries established by the Owner and will exercise due care while on site. Location of utilities, building permits,inspections,ADA certifications and fees are the responsibility of the owner. Sprinkler system locations, reworking and repairs are excluded.The installer is not responsible for any damages or re-work resulting from after hour's events or activities during the work in progress period. The customer is responsible for maintaining the integrity of completed installation work until all components have seated and/or cured. Order Information: Please provide signed quotation,billing and shipping address,shipping site contact person with phone number,and indicate color selection if required. Bill to: Ship to: Contact: Contact: Tel: Fax: Tel: Fax: Address: Address: City, State Zip: City, State Zip: Sales Tax Exemption Certificate No: (Tax will be added unless number is provided) City of Wylie Parks and WYLIE Recreation Board CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 3-26-07 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: 3-23-07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 0 Subject Discussion Item: Meeting format changes Recommendation N/a Discussion Staff has brought concerns regarding the length and discussion of items not relevant to the agenda to Dan Chesnut, Chariman of the Parks and Recreation Board. Gayle Walton, Board Secretary, brought concerns to Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Bill Nelson that while preparing the Board minutes the past few months she has seen the Board stray from discussion or agenda item topics during the course of the meeting. Also the length of discussion involving topics not related to the agenda was bought to the attention of staff by Gayle Walton. After discussing these issues Chairman Chesnut and staff, staff is proposing the following recommendations addressing these meeting concerns: -Shorten the Agendas by removing routine discussion items -Provide more ways to communicate information to the Board i.e. emails -Call special meetings as needed to discuss topics more in more detail i.e. bond projects -Create better communication between staff and Board members outside the meetings i.e. emails/phone calls All of these recommendations will be discussed at the March 26, 2007 meeting. Page 1 of 2 In order to streamline our monthly meetings and develop greater communications between Board members and staff, staff has come up with a new email newsletter to keep you better informed. The"PRWylie" is similar in scope to the current"EWylie" that is put out by our Public Information Officer that discusses upcoming citywide current events. The`PRWylie or Parks/Recreation Wylie will also focus on upcoming events, projects, and other pertinent information needed by Board members. This PRWylie will contain information now seen in the"Discussion" portion of the monthly agendas, but will be sent to you a few times a month rather than the once a month agenda. This will also hopefully get each of you thinking about issues currently affecting the Parks and Recreation Department and then communicating questions or concerns directly to us, not once a month. We as a staff want you all to realize that we are available 24/7 by email or daily during normal work hours to answer any questions or address any issues you might have. Please remember that due to laws regulating communications between Board members please direct any communications to staff first. PRWyIie March meeting-Monday, March 26, 2007 at 6:30pm at the Municipal Complex. Look for packets on Friday, March 23, 2007. Founders Park Bond Project Proposed meeting with Half and Associates on Monday, April 2, 2007 at 6:30pm-TBA location. This will be the first meeting with Halff and Associates to discuss the Founders Park Bond project. Representatives with Halff will present preliminary design work and take questions from the Board pertaining to the project. This will be an opportunity for QandA with the Board, architects, and staff regarding all aspects of the project. Please come prepared with questions or requests. Recreation Center/City Hall/Library meeting with City Council and Holzmann Moss Architects will be on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 6pm. This meeting will be held to update the Council on design changes to the three projects. Finance and management staff will also be discussing financial ramifications of all three facilities at this meeting. All Board members are welcome at these meetings. These meetings are open to the public but do offer any opportunity for interaction with the public. Occasionally Council members have called upon staff to provide opinions on various topics. Construction status: Basketball courts-Basketball courts at Community, Eureka, Lakeside, and Friendship Parks are 95%complete. Concrete and goals are installed at all the courts. Minor sod and dirt work remain to be completed. Painting of all of the courts will begin in April. Olde City Park-Irrigation has been installed. Joel Scott Park-Irrigation has been installed and final dirt work is now being completed. Rye seed will be planted in the next few weeks to provide some growth and prevent erosion. Trials Map: Bill Nelson, has been working with Lisa Price, Planning Tech, on one trail map that charts all current trails in Wylie Parks. This map will also show proposed trails from the 2002 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. Due to the size of this map, you will receive this at the regular March meeting. New Facilities: I will be forwarding to all of you the current designs of the Recreation Center, City Hall, and Library from the last meeting in February. There will probably be some updates provided at the meeting next week. If you have any questions about these let me know. Let me know what you think of PRWylie! Robert Diaz Asst. Superintendent City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department 972-442-8197 office 972-442-1744 fax robe rt.d iaz©wyl ietexas.gov