04-23-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet 7/ Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda Monday, April 23, 2007 -6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex- Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Donna Larson Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Gayle Walton Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexa.s.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 26, 2007 meeting and Special Meeting on April 9, 2007. 2. Consider and act upon the submittal of a grant application for the Texas Safe Routes to School Program sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Staff update: April 24, 2007 City Council Meeting Mid-Year Budget-Skatepark Founders Park Bond Project • April 23,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 Recreation Center and other City facilities ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20th day of April, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: ``;' e �o'` F ' , , /� - .-°. c): vn !, . .. 1 < t 4.6a '1 L : _ Dk Notice Removed Carole Ehr c Ay Secretary Wylie Staff, Parks and Recreation Board Members & Representatives from Halff CITY O F WYLIE Architects Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday, April 9, 2007 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m. Board Members present were: Anne Hiney, Donna Larson, Frankie Delgado and Benny Jones. Board Members Brandi Lafleur and David Willey were absent. Staff present was: Mike Sferra, Public Services Director; Bill Nelson, Parks Superintendent; Robert Diaz, Assistant Parks Superintendent; Dennis Sewell, Athletic Field Supervisor and Gayle Walton, Board Secretary. PRESENTATION • Founders Park Phase II Bond Project by Half Associates, Inc. (Francois deKock, Sr. Project Manager/Landscape Architect and Lenny Hughes, Vice President/Director of Landscape Architect). Presentation Mr. Francois deKock and Mr. Lenny Hughes presented concept drawings of Founders Park Phase II project to the Parks and Recreation Board. The concept drawings were presented as concept drawings A, B, and C. Mr. Hughes stated that they had previously met with staff and presented several alternatives/layouts of ball field arrangements, park layouts, circulation through hike and bike trails and pedestrian circulations. Review of existing conditions of the facilities was also discussed. Mr. Hughes noted the Mr. deKock had met with the sport organization and had an Minutes—April 9, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 interesting meeting with the representatives of different organizations — soccer, baseball/softball. Mr. deKock stated that two meetings were held with the Sports Association and it was noted that prior to the meetings, letters was sent to the associations asking for feedback of what they would like to see in this park and any future goals they may have for their organization. At the meeting, the organizations were asked to relate the one most important need they have. The needs were discussed and the groups were able to compromise. It was noted that there is a need for baseball and soccer fields. • Concept A Mr. Hughes stated that Concept A provided access to parking. Several key components were identified: (1) lighting, (2) circulation to the fields and (3) accessibility to the different sport areas. Concept A consists of 575 parking spaces. Soccer fields consisted of four different field sizes. A total of eight fields was noted for the youth —ages 5-6 and diverse fields were also looked at where midsize fields could be sectioned off to become small fields. It was noted that lighting will have a key part in how the fields are positioned. Another area that was looked on this concept was explained by Mr. Hughes in that one big field could be lighted for the other youth (ages 12-19) and the diversity of it is that this same field could be section off to become nine smaller fields. Mr. Hughes emphasized that it was also important to look at the placement of restrooms, concession/picnic pavilions. The existing playground would remain intact but it is important to provide parking and quick access to this area and additional landscaping around this space. For the existing fields, additional 180-190 parking stalls is planned for this area. Mr. deKock noted that the good and bad of each of the three concepts will be reviewed which will be the basis for the layout of a final concept or master plan. It was also noted that a comprehensive walkway or pedestrian walkway system will be included and that the eight to ten foot walking trail will tie in and circle the entire park. Mr. deKock stated that 15 acres is devoted to the City of Wylie Service Center and this area is noted in each concept. Mr. Hughes noted that parking is at a premium and shared parking will need to be utilized with the Service Center. In Concept A, one designated access road is being considered for access to the fields and to parking. • Concept B Mr. Hughes noted that the older children/adults will have the fields further from the parking areas and the smaller youth size fields will be in close proximity of the restrooms, parking areas and concession areas. Board Member Delgado asked if the lighting in this concept is similar to the lighting in Concept A. Mr. Hughes stated that the lighting is similar and that this will help the field layouts. It was also noted that fields designed for youth ages 9-10 can be divided to provide multiple fields. Mr. deKock outlined the road accessibility in this concept and its relation to the parking areas and field locations. Concept A parking is in close proximity to existing playgrounds. In Concept B walking is utilized more to access the existing playgrounds. • Concept C Mr. Hughes noted that this concept looks at a different approach. This concept allows accessible parking to the baseball/softball complex and more emphases on the concession, picnic/pavilion area but still allow accessibility to the existing playground. Minutes—April 9, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Mr. Hughes outlined the fields and their locations within this concept. Board Member Larson asked if parking near the WISD stadium would be shared parking space with the stadium. Mr. Hughes stated that it would be utilized during game times. Board Member Larson stated the parking in this area would be good for the stadium. Mike Sferra stated that the Stadium was short of parking spaces and Mr. Hughes noted that this area has about 85 parking spaces. Discussion followed regarding placement of parking spaces. Mr. deKock pointed out that there is an easement in this concept where parking can not be placed. Board Member Delgado asked about fencing around the Service Center and parking accessibility. It was noted that some sort of fence would be erected. Mr. Sferra pointed out that expansion of the Service Center is anticipated and that shared parking will need to be utilized. Staff/Board Discussion Board Member Delgado stated that he liked the concept of A from the playground prospective. Board Member Hiney expressed a concern regarding the need to have parking and restrooms in close proximity of the existing playgrounds. It was noted that Concept C seemed to address this concern more so than Concept A and B. Discussion followed regarding field, restroom and parking locations of all three concepts. Board Member Jones asked if the concepts are catering to the leagues and if this project will provide accessibility and utilization by families and residents of the City of Wylie. Mr. Diaz stated that it is an athletic complex and the main use is soccer and baseball; however, trails and playground are available and open space is there when the fields aren't utilized and passive uses will be available. A skate and water park has been talked about for this area as well but has not been developed at this time. Another concern that staff is considering is practice areas and back stops. Mr. Nelson asked if a small part of Concept A parking lot can be utilized to service the existing playground and if it is feasible to have a single wide parking area to service the playground. Mr. Hughes stated that this is something that can be looked at. After further discussion regarding parking and trails, Mr. deKock reviewed the suggestions of staff regarding the concepts. Mr. Hughes stated that the next step is that Half Associates, Inc. will combine the suggestions of staff and present a final concept to staff and to the Parks and Recreation Board for their review and approval. In regards to presentation to City Council, Mr. Sferra stated that two concepts will need to be presented to Council for their review and approval. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Hiney and seconded by Board Member Larson to adjourn. The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Dan Chesnut,Chairman ATTEST: Gayle Walton,Secretary Minutes—April 9, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 � _ 1 z ; .,,,_,,,.,_•.:, <IP' (2)SOFTBALL FIELDS C - • CONCESSION/ 1w . PICNIC PAVILION EXISTING PLAYGROUND ir,..• ...„:„.:,.. ,,,..._ .. ..... , _, . „....._ (4- EXISTING BASEBALL FIELDS .4 ' - •-_ ---- J� -- (2)U7/8 PLAY FIELDS it ' dill . / EXISTING- - /• ' �•• ►. I ik4A-. (3)U12/19 PLAY FIELDS ft '', ' .)11rNitit0,i i/ \., ;;" 8'-10'WALKING TRAIL 1:4 -C 1 PAVILION ,:_...,,,I,,,_...:,,_',._..1..'._u...._ RESTR lam. • }, " K, "' • (1)U9/10 PLAY FIELD I .- - i ' p (8)U5/6 PLAY FIELDS • CONCESSION/ PICNIC PAVILION WYLIE SERVICE CENTER p 8 FUTURE EXPANSION + I ±15ac. . • — __--......._'_`_J HENSLEY plc ri, ,,.. I; rimmi— HENSLEY rk h h - " } Concept 'A' 575 Parking Spaces ... FOUNDERS PARK --, T \\'\LIE. TEX:\- ga Halt1'Associates (2)SOFTBALL FIELDS CONCESSION PICNIC PAVILION \ EXISTING PLAYGROUND 1 �— EXISTING BASEBALL FIELDS .� 'v'.e'er, ;-. •s .. , /�- 4 i #r _c r ,v —~1\ (2)U12/19 PLAY FIELDS RESTROOM ! '� f i EXISTING y •J } 1 1 , L 8'-10'WALKING TRAIL SOCCER r__ J _ (1 41* 4 ) ® t. r 1 tib I �r 4; ` I __ i _ __�, (3)U9/10 PLAY FIELDS i i (it)U5/6 PLAY FIELDS • 0 : . ' .' - : ,;••t_ ' CONCESSION/ r&7I!!!i!j!ik*Lf1IIIIhuI111 r r - � � iiiii • i� 1 PICNIC PAVILION " f, WYLIE SERVICE CENTER 1 &FUTURE EXPANSION ! HENSLEY POTENTIAL SHARED PARKING ,.,A._. WITH SERVICE CENTER HENSLEY' I Concept 'B" 471 Parking Spaces FOUNDERS PARK ÷VAN LIE. 1FX 4S Haiti Associates CONCESSION/ PICNIC PAVILION t --- 1(2-;SOFTBALL FIELDS ' " EXISTING PLAYGROUND rip .4 '0 v. i i t, EXISTING BASEBALL FIELDS •4at�, ,I r%y� `�'�!FlPST1rY .a RESTROOM -"Ilk r ' a ` _ 3 D F ' XISTING ��A' SOCCER yy ;i ` FIELDS \ till I. . �a 4.____ . 8'-10'WALKING TRAIL w -�� rah. � ; r , i1V - „ I } i! f 1 4r'" ,. (3)U12/19 PLAY FIELDS y k 4,22: T 4100' a1 1'��`.f - 'ry" ... ► i (3)U9/10 PLAY FIELDS •` i ` I-_ -- (5)U5/6 PLAY FIELDS I L i - (2)U7/e PLAY FIELDS 1 CONCESSION/ f 111 PICNIC PAVILION j WYLIE SERVICE CENTER t l ` I &•_FUTURE EXPANSION '' j 15 ac. j ...'-'', �...,_......"...".....-4 HENSLEY HENSLEY -...„)", Concept 'C' 471 Parking Spaces FOUNDERS PARK WYLIE. TEXAS Halff Associates Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 23, 2007 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 20, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider and act upon the submittal of a grant application for the Texas Safe Routes to School Program sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation. Recommendation Motion to recommend or deny the submittal of a grant for the Texas Safe Routes to School Program sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation. Discussion TEXAS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM The Safe Routes to School (SRTS)program is contained in a 2005 federal transportation bill and is designed to enable school children to walk or bike to school in a safe, secure environment and provide a healthy alternative to riding the bus or being driven to school. The legislation makes available $612 million in federal funds over five fiscal years. Each state receives a portion of the funds based on its percentage of the national total of school-aged children in grades K-8. Texas anticipates receiving approximately $40 million in SRTS funding between 2005 and 2009. SRTS programs enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities,to walk and bicycle to school. The programs make walking and biking to school safe and more appealing. SRTS projects and activities improve safety and reduce traffic,fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of primary and middle schools(grades K-8). Communities can use the funds to build pathways and sidewalks near schools. House Bill 2204 established the Texas SRTS program in 2001, which is managed through the TxDOT Traffic Operations Division. The SRTS program is a 100 percent federally funded cost reimbursement program, which means that no local match is required. The program is limited to schools serving grades K-8. Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 Staff has coordinated with the Wylie Independent School District in preparing the grant application. The application focuses on installing new sidewalks and ADA ramps in the vicinities of schools in areas currently without sidewalks. The application also focuses on establishing hike/bike trail linkages in City parks between neighborhoods and schools. On Tuesday,April 3,the Public Services Director briefed Dr. Fuller on the Safe Routes to School grant application. Dr. Fuller agreed to furnish a WISD resolution endorsing the project. The City of Wylie will also need to furnish a resolution(tentatively scheduled for the May 8 council meeting). The resolutions will accompany the grant submittal which is due by May 25. Although further refinement of the application is still underway, staff has identified the following areas for continued analysis and possible inclusion in the grant application for the construction of new sidewalks/trails: o Install new sidewalks on the east side of McCreary Road from Groves Elementary northward to Creekside Estates Drive o Connecting the existing ends of the hike and bike trails that run parallel to the Park Blvd. bridge to make them continuous. Install a low-water crossing under the existing bridge. o Install new sidewalks on both sides of Alanis from Ballard eastward to the current dead end near Twin Lakes Drive. o Connect the access easement from Twin Lakes into Community Park with the access easement from Southplace Estates into Community Park and continuing this linkage toward Burnett Junior High School. o Install sidewalks on one or both sides of Pirate Drive from Ballard eastward to Hilltop. The WISD has agreed to dedicate ROW on the south side of Pirate Drive if needed. o Install sidewalks on Second Street between Stone Road and Pirate Drive. o Install sidewalks on Hilltop between Stone Road and Pirate Drive. o Install sidewalk on the west side of W. A. Allen between Stone Road and Heatherwood. o Install new hike and bike trail in the TXU Gas easement located along the northern edge of Collins Estates between FM 544 and Community Park. This segment would include a pedestrian bridge to cross the creek in Community Park. The trail would connect to the existing trail in Community Park and continue westward toward Burnett. Staff is currently working with TXU to see if they would allow construction of the trail within their easement. o Install hike and bike trail from Selma Lane southward through Dodd Park toward Dodd Elementary. o Install hike and bike trail from existing parkland located on the west side of the Creekhollow subdivision, continue westward into the Wells Property, and then proceed northerly toward Brown Street. This segment would be designed to connect with the future improvements scheduled for Brown Street. This segment would also need to be coordinated with eventual master planning of the Wells Property. The maximum amount of the grant application is limited to $750,000, and staff intends to apply for the maximum amount. This is a 100%reimbursable grant whereby any City expenditures will be fully reimbursed. Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, will be in attendance at the April 19, 2007 WISD Board meeting. The board will consider passing a resolution in support of the Safe Routes to School grant application. On May 8, 2007, the Wylie City Council will consider passing a similar resolution in support of the grant application. RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (TxDOT) FOR GRANT FUNDING FOR THE TEXAS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM. WHEREAS, TxDOT is accepting grant applications to 1) enable and encourage children in grades K-8, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school; 2) to make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age; 3) to facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools,utilizing federal transportation funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie wishes to submit a grant application for an infrastructure project related to the Texas Safe Routes to School program; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie wishes to designate a project manager for the purposes of working with TxDOT; NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF WYLIE SECTION 1: That the City of Wylie hereby certifies that the funds for participating in this application are readily available at this time. SECTION 2: That the City of Wylie hereby authorizes and directs its City Manager or his designee to act as the Applicant in working with TxDOT for the purposes of the grant funding. SECTION 3: That the City of Wylie hereby endorses this project and commits to provide maintenance to the infrastructure improvements once constructed. Introduced, read and passed by the affirmation vote of the Wylie City Council on this 8th day of May 2007. John Mondy,Mayor Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary April 23, 2007 Ms. Debra Vermillion Interim Safe Routes to School Coordinator Traffic Operations Division Texas Department of Transportation 125 E. 11 Street Austin, TX 78701-2483 Ms. Vermillion: We, the members of the City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board, are pleased to convey our support of a grant application to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Texas Safe Routes to School program. The City of Wylie is requesting funding to assist in the development of infrastructure in accordance with the program to promote walking and bicycling to school for children in grades K—8. Several of the proposed improvements include the installation of hike and bike trails in the City parks which will act as linkages between neighborhoods and school locations. We fully support this endeavor and would welcome the infrastructure improvements in the City's park system. We appreciate your consideration of this submittal. Sincerely, Dan Chesnut, Chairman David Willey, Co-Chairman Anne Hiney, Board Member Benny Jones, Board Member Brandy Lafleur, Board Member Donna Larson, Board Member Frankie Delgado, Board Member 71 City of Wylie Parks and CITY OF WYLIE Recreation Board AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 4-23-07 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: 4-20-07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 0 Subject Staff update: April 24, 2007 City Council Meeting Mid-Year Budget-Skatepark Founders Park Bond Project Recreation Center and other City facilities Recommendation N/a I)iscussion Staff will update the Board on the status of the above items. Page 1 of 2 TEXAS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM The Safe Routes to School (SRTS)program is contained in a 2005 federal transportation bill and is designed to enable school children to walk or bike to school in a safe, secure environment and provide a healthy alternative to riding the bus or being driven to school. The legislation makes available $612 million in federal funds over five fiscal years. Each state receives a portion of the funds based on its percentage of the national total of school-aged children in grades K-8. Texas anticipates receiving approximately $40 million in SRTS funding between 2005 and 2009. SRTS programs enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities,to walk and bicycle to school. The programs make walking and biking to school safe and more appealing. SRTS projects and activities improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of primary and middle schools(grades K- 8). Communities can use the funds to build pathways and sidewalks near schools. House Bill 2204 established the Texas SRTS program in 2001,which is managed through the TxDOT Traffic Operations Division. The SRTS program is a 100 percent federally funded cost reimbursement program,which means that no local match is required. The program is limited to schools serving grades K-8. Staff has coordinated with the Wylie Independent School District in preparing the grant application. The application focuses on installing new sidewalks and ADA ramps in the vicinities of schools in areas currently without sidewalks. The application also focuses on establishing hike/bike trail linkages in City parks between neighborhoods and schools. On Tuesday,April 3,the Public Services Director briefed Dr. Fuller on the Safe Routes to School grant application. Dr. Fuller agreed to furnish a WISD resolution endorsing the project. The City of Wylie will also need to furnish a resolution(tentatively scheduled for the May 8 council meeting). The resolutions will accompany the grant submittal which is due by May 25. Although further refinement of the application is still underway, staff has identified the following areas for continued analysis and possible inclusion in the grant application for the construction of new sidewalks/trails: o Install new sidewalks on the east side of McCreary Road from Groves Elementary northward to Creekside Estates Drive o Connecting the existing ends of the hike and bike trails that run parallel to the Park Blvd. bridge to make them continuous. Install a low-water crossing under the existing bridge. o Install new sidewalks on both sides of Alanis from Ballard eastward to the current dead end near Twin Lakes Drive. o Connect the access easement from Twin Lakes into Community Park with the access easement from Southplace Estates into Community Park and continuing this linkage toward Burnett Junior High School. o Install sidewalks on one or both sides of Pirate Drive from Ballard eastward to Hilltop. The WISD has agreed to dedicate ROW on the south side of Pirate Drive if needed. o Install sidewalks on Second Street between Stone Road and Pirate Drive. o Install sidewalks on Hilltop between Stone Road and Pirate Drive. o Install sidewalk on the west side of W. A. Allen between Stone Road and Heatherwood. o Install new hike and bike trail in the TXU Gas easement located along the northern edge of Collins Estates between FM 544 and Community Park. This segment would include a pedestrian bridge to cross the creek in Community Park. The trail would connect to the existing trail in Community Park and continue westward toward Burnett. Staff is currently working with TXU to see if they would allow construction of the trail within their easement. o Install hike and bike trail from Selma Lane southward through Dodd Park toward Dodd Elementary. o Install hike and bike trail from existing parkland located on the west side of the Creekhollow subdivision,continue westward into the Wells Property, and then proceed northerly toward Brown Street. This segment would be designed to connect with the future improvements scheduled for Brown Street. This segment would also need to be coordinated with eventual master planning of the Wells Property. The maximum amount of the grant application is limited to $750,000,and staff intends to apply for the maximum amount. This is a 100%reimbursable grant whereby any City expenditures will be fully reimbursed. Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, will be in attendance at the April 19, 2007 WISD Board meeting. The board will consider passing a resolution in support of the Safe Routes to School grant application. On May 8, 2007, the Wylie City Council will consider passing a similar resolution in support of the grant application.