05-21-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, May 21, 2007 —6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Board Members
present were: David Willey, Donna Larson, and Benny Jones. Board Members Anne
Hiney, Brandi Lafleur and Frankie Delgado were absent.
Staff present was: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Parks Superintendent, Bill
Nelson; Assistant Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Board Secretary, Dionna
No one was present for citizens' participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the April 23, 2007 meeting.
Board Action
Bill Nelson made a correction to the 4th paragraph on page 2, the last sentence of the
discussion item needed to reflect the word "does" not "do"; also on page 2 paragraph 7, the last
sentence is to reflect May 8th instead of May 22"d
Board Member Willey made a motion and it was seconded by Board Member Larson to approve
the Minutes of the April 23, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting with corrections as
noted. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board Member Hiney, Board Member Lafleur and
Board Member Delgado absent.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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2: Consider and act upon a request from the following groups to sell items at the
Summer Concert Series: Friends of the Smith Library, Blackland Prairie
Playground Foundation, and the Searching for a Star Foundation.
Staff/Board Discussion
Robert Diaz presented to the Board that the Searching for a Star Foundation will hold their
concert as the Second Concert of the summer. They will be selling t-shirts with the proceeds of
the sale to be used by the Foundation to help kids with funding of music lessons. Hopefully, the
City of Wylie can establish this group so they can perform in future concert series. The next
group, Blackland Prairie, will be selling glow items at the 4th of July Concert as their big
fundraiser. The Friends of the Smith Library have not made a decision on what they will be
selling or when.
Board Member Larson inquired about food being available at the concerts. Mr. Diaz replied that
they will be having a concession stand.
Board Member Jones asked what age group the different groups that perform cater to. Diaz
replied that vendors are family oriented, and a wide variety of choices are made to
accommodate everyone.
Board Action
Board Member Willey made a motion and it was seconded by Board Member Larson approving
the groups for the City of Wylie concert series. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board
Member Hiney, Board Member Lafleur, and Board Member Delgado was absent.
3. Meet with Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary, on the topic of "open discussion" at
Parks and Recreation Board Meetings.
Carole Ehrlich addressed the Board and spoke regarding the Open Meetings Act and open
discussion during Board meetings. Mrs. Ehrlich stated that every advisory Board is required to
follow the Open Meetings Act which requires that all subject matter be posted 72 hours prior to
the meeting. These can be action items, directive items, discussion items, briefing from staff or
citizen participation. It was noted that items discussed at Board meetings should be listed on
the agenda and that if an item is not on the agenda, it should not be discussed. Mrs. Ehrlich
noted that if the Board would like to discuss an item that is not on the agenda, it would be
prudent to ask staff to place the item on the next agenda for discussion/action. Mrs. Ehrlich also
outlined the reasons why a set agenda needs to be adhered to.
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member Willey stated that the agenda with the City of McKinney Parks & Recreation has
"comments" on it. Mrs. Ehrlich stated that current legislation requires that comments, reports
and discussion items presented by staff should be posted as to subjects to be discussed.
Chairman Chesnut asked if someone came up to him outside of Wal-mart and talked with him
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about a problem or comment about something and commented that they were coming to the
next Parks Board meeting to speak, how would that be handled. Mrs. Ehrlich stated that the law
states, if you know what the citizen is going to speak about, you are required to put the subject
on the agenda as citizen comments; no action can be taken. It was noted that staff has created
the PR Wylie which is an informative e-mail communication from staff to update the Board
regarding the status of current projects or upcoming projects/events. It was also noted that
keeping the Board updated of projects through the PR Wylie would eliminate such discussions
during Board meetings.
4. County Trail Linkages
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Nelson addressed the Board and stated that he had recently went to the City of McKinney
and attended the Collin County Parks and Open Meetings and the meeting was about the six
cities in this county and the status of their trail projects and whether or not the trails were going
to meet with one another throughout the county. The Collin County Parks Advisory Board wants
to have a 20 million dollar bond program to establish money for trails in these surrounding cities.
Board Member Willey asked about them tying in with the lake. Mr. Sferra stated that when
Council approves the request for the Master Plan, then a consultant can be secured to take a
more comprehensive look at the trails and the areas around the lake. Mr. Nelson explained that
the breakdown of the trails that was included in the agenda packet were not definite. It was also
noted that this would be a proposition in the November elections.
5. Staff Updates:
• Founders Park Bond Project
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz addressed the Board and stated that staff reported in PR Wylie any information that
they had to date on the Founders Park Bond Project. The PR Wylie sent to the Board by staff
stated that staff is working to get an update on the status of the project from Half and
Associates, Inc. and that special meetings may be called in May or June to review changes by
Half and Associates, Inc.
• Recreation Center and other City facilities
Staff/Board Discussion
Staff noted that presentation to the City Council on the status of the Recreation Center was really
positive and that the City Council has decided to move forward on all three projects to begin at the
same time. It was noted that the City Manager has not commented back on this yet. Chairman
Chestnut asked if in the agenda for the next meeting, whether the Board could get a recent
update on funding of the recent buildings.
Chairman Chestnut also asked if there could be an update on the land for the Old Hospital. Mr.
Sferra said he would get that information for him.
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Board Member Larson asked if the Board could get an update on the purchase of the land and
railroad parcel for Olde City Park. Staff noted that this update will be put on the agenda for the
next Board meeting.
Board Member Jones asked staff in regards to Lake Lavon, whether or not the City incorporate
Wylie's summer events with the lake. Chairman Chestnut stated that this question can be put on
the agenda at the next meeting as a discussion item. Board Member Willey also asked that an
update of trails with the County be added to the agenda.
A motion was made by Board Member Willey and seconded by Board Member Jones to
adjourn. The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
V- an Chesnut, Chairman
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Dionna Covington, Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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