06-25-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet 7/ Parks and Recreation Board CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda Monday, June 25, 2007 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Donna Larson Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Dionna Covington Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the May 21, 2007 meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Meet with Eric Pedersen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger-Lavon Lake, regarding the use of Corps property for park purposes (i.e. trails). 3. Meet with representatives from Halff and Associates Architects to discuss updates to the Founders Park Bond project design. 4. Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund status. June 25,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 5. Collin County Parks and Open Space Grants: Founders Park Property and New grant application 6. Staff updates: Safe Routes to School Grant Update to Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan Hospital property on Hwy. 78 Financial update on the Recreation Center and other City facilities ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 22ficIttliyip/.une, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code et?)the 4e priate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the C. f Wylie website:. imt-fea !.� • S te. ; Carol Ehrlich,City Secretary •• Date Notice Removed ite:3. �/ X Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 25, 2007 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (c l., secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 21,2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion Item- Meet with Eric Pedersen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger-Lavon Lake, regarding the use of Corps property for park purposes (i.e. trails). Recommendation N/A Discussion Board member David Willey requested that staff provide some information to the Board on the possibilities of utilizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers property for park use. Staff first meet with, Eric Pedersen Park Ranger at Lavon Lake, about the issue of using Corps property. Staff felt a discussion with Eric at a Board meeting would be a good opportunity for the Board to ask questions regarding this process and invited him to the June 25, 2007 meeting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director ity Manager Page 1 of 1 Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 25, 2007 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 21, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 3 Subject Discussion Item- Meet with representatives from Halff and Associates Architects to discuss updates to the Founders Park Bond project design. Recommendation N/A Discussion The Board first meet with Halff and Associates on April 9, 2007 to discuss the Founders Park Bond project. Half has made revisions to the proposed project designs and will review those changes with the Board at the June 25, 2007 meeting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director .ity Manager Page 1 of 1 Park and Recreation Board • CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 25, 2007 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 21, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion Item-Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund status. Recommendation N/A Discussion The Board advised staff at the May meeting that they would like to get an update of the finances in the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund. Staff notified the Finance Department to provide the Board with the most up to date information. Staff will provide an over view to the Board on current funding and future funding needs. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 City of Wylie Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund Statement of Revenues and Expenditures May 31, 2007 West Central East Total All Zones Revenue Parkland Dedication 11,116.20 30,304.00 138,878.60 180,298.80 County Grants - - - - Interest Income - - - - Total Revenue 11,116.20 30,304.00 138,878.60 180,298.80 Expenses plus Encumbrances (49,329.00) (169,111.47) (112,455.58) (330,896.05) Fund Balance 110,396.35 239,113.24 113,238.16 462,747.75 Total 72,183.55 100,305.77 139,661.18 312,150.50 Park and Recreation Board CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 25, 2007 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 21, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion Item- Collin County Parks and Open Space Grants: Founders Park Property and New grant application. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will update the Board on the progress of the current grant to purchase property south of Founders Park. Staff will also update the Board about the current grant staff is in the process of submitting for property near Olde City Park. The pursuit of the current grant for property near Olde City Park was recommended to staff at the February 2007 Board Retreat. The areas south of Olde City Park owned by KCS Railroad and Collin County were identified as property needed to complete Olde City Park. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 25, 2007 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: June 21, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion Item- Staff updates: Safe Routes to School Grant Update to Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan Hospital property on Hwy. 78 Financial update on the Recreation Center and other City facilities Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will update the Board on the submittal of the Safe Routes to School Grant, Update to Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan, Hospital property on Hwy. 78, and financial update on the Recreation Center and other City facilities. Page 1 of 2 A•t or f ' TEXAS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL APPLICATION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT FY 2007-2008 Texas Department of Transportation (1/17/2007) „�m Project Number:Safe Routes to School Program (for TxDOT use only) 72xas Application for Date Rec'd: O�r,spornt Infrastructure Project of Tr�sportaGon (1/17/2007) FY 2007 — 2008 (for office use only) (Please refer to the Program Guidance and Application Instructions for details on application submission requirements) Applications may represent a single school campus, multiple schools, a region, or a school district that are in close proximity. 1. Applicant: 2. Project Manager: Political subdivision or state agency: City of Wylie Name: Michael Sferra Name: Mindy Manson Title: Public Services Director Title: City Manager Telephone Number: (972)442-8108 Ext. Organization: City of Wylie Fax Number: (972)442-5461 Mailing Address: 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,TX 75098 Email: mike.sferraCcDwvlietexas.gov ® SRTS Plan has been completed for the school(s)or school district and is attached (required). 3. Has applicant previously been awarded an SRTS project? Yes ❑, No If Yes, has the project been successfully completed? Yes ❑ No ❑ If No, briefly explain: Does the local school(s) or school district have a policy that prohibits or discourages bike & pedestrian travel to school? El Yes MI, No 4. If Yes, what measures are proposed to change this policy? 5. Has a local resolution endorsing the project and committing to provide any maintenance requirements of the city or county been issued and included with this application? Yes ® No ❑ 6. Specific Location of Proposed Improvement Project: ® Sketch, map, or aerial photo of project limits attached: (Photographs, cross sections and typical sections may be provided) School(s) or District: Wylie Independent School District City/County: City of Wylie TxDOT District: 18 7. Which SRTS category(ies) does your project address (check all that apply): ® Sidewalk Improvements Z Ped/Bike Crossing Improvement ❑ On-Street Bike Facilities ❑ Traffic Diversion ® Off-Street Bike/Ped Facilities ❑ Traffic Calming (off-system only) ® Secure Bicycle-Parking Facilities TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 1 of 1 S. Briefly Describe Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create a welcoming environment for our children to travel to and from school via bicycle or foot in a safe manner. Our intent is to implement a Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) that is comprehensive in scope and nature. Through our proactive partnership, the City of Wylie, the Wylie Independent School District, and community members have developed a forward thinking plan that focuses on three high priority needs. The primary priority is to encourage all K-8 children to walk and bicycle from home to school at a higher rate of frequency. The secondary priority is to develop safe pedestrian and bicyclist travel routes throughout the community that appeal to the m asses. This priority focuses on providing the infrastructure necessary to implement healthy lifestyle choices while traveling to schools. The final priority is to decrease our overall dependency on automobiles and busses when traveling to school, where bicycling or walking becomes a safe alternative to vehicular travel. Note: The left"Points"column is intended to provide the applicant information on the points assigned to each section and subsection and is for administrative use during scoring only. Points 9. Identify the Problem(s): (Describe the principle problem(s)below with details on Attachment Attachment A)A A Provided 25 The problems include the following: lack of sufficient sidewalks for pedestrians and bicyclists; an overall low capacity of bicycle racks for bicycle storage at school sites; low volume of ADA handicap ramps within the vicinity of schools; and an unnecessarily high dependency on automobiles and school buses when students travel to and from school. 10.Identify the Solution(s): (Provide statement of principle project solution(s)addressing the Attachment problem with details on Attachment B) B Provided B The proposed solutions include the installation of new sidewalks where none exist, the 40 establishment of hike &bike pathways through three park areas so students do not have to walk near vehicular traffic, and improvements to allow pedestrians and bicyclists to traverse several existing waterways that currently impede commuting to schools. 11.Do you have measures for success and supporting SRTS Plan activities? Attachment (Describe how the project will be measured and supported by other Plan activities on Attachment C) C Provided C Before and after statistical data will be analyzed to gauge the effectiveness of the program. 10 Data analyzed will include the number of students walking and bicycling to school and the numbe of students that ride buses. In addition, any public comment, letters, or phone calls regarding the infrastructure improvements will be compiled. 12.Describe Local Support: (Describe how the project will benefit the community and the Attachment support of agency and citizens with details on Attachment D) D Provided The project will benefit the community by encouraging the adoption of healthier commuting 10 alternatives for students in grades K-8 as well as the general public who is also welcomed to utilize the infrastructure improvements. The project will also help the City to realize some of the goals identified in the Parks and Open Space Master Plan. The project has the support of the Wylie City Council, the Wylie Independent School District School Board, and the local Parks and Recreation Board. 13.Proposed Project Cost: Estimated Cost: Attachment E Preliminary Engineering: Environmental Clearance and PS&E 29,600 E Provided 15 Development* ROW and Utilities* 0 Construction (Total from Attachment E) 720,400 Contingencies 0 Total Project Cost(Provide cost estimate details on Attachment E) 750,000 *Include an estimate of these costs. Costs should not be included in the detailed construction cost estimate (Appendix C). TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 2 of 16 An agency representative of the "applicant"must sign the application. The A+B+C+ undersigned affirms that the statements made are correct and complete to the best of D+E the applicant's knowledge and that the applicant agrees to participate in the post- construction evaluation process. The signatory also affirms their authorization to 100 undertake a Federal Aid project. 14.Political Subdivision or State Agency Official (required): Name: Mindy Manson Date:5/23/2007 (mm/dd/yy) Title: City Manager Signature: / / '/ 6(A",, TxDOT District Engineer Signature (required for on-system road improvement only): Name: Date: (mm/dd/yy) Title: Signature: TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 3 of 3 Attachment A — Problem Identification Use Attachment A to demonstrate the need for the project. If documentation such as sketches, pictures, maps, exhibits, diagra.Pns, and tables are submitted, they must be referenced in the text and numbered sequentially. (If filling out by hand, separate sheet may be used if more room is needed.) Points 1. Describe the potential safety problem(s) in detail by indicating the obstacles (physical or perceived) to walking and/or biking to and from school(s), such as: • On-street parking • Posted speed limits • Commercial driveways/railroads/intersections 10 A-1 • Width of intersection or roadway • Width of shoulder, sidewalk and/or trail • Missing links, lack of facility, restrictive barriers • Potential users are not traveling due to perceived risk • Recent changes in adjacent land-use and/or development • Possible storm water drainage design issues The existing safety problems and obstacles for pedestrians and bicyclists to and from schools are as follows: -Shortage of sidewalks and paths where pedestrian and bicyclist traffic is common. - Pathways for travel to school start and end abruptly. -Storm drainage ditches are used by students when traveling to and from school. -Walkways that students utilize are dirt pathways that are undeveloped. -Waterways obstruct the path of travel on pedestrian and bicyclist routes to school. -Student bicyclists are forced to travel on roadways that are not safe for student travel. -A lack of bicycle storage facilities at all schools. - Intersections near schools lack ADA handicap access ramps. -School bus transportation is required by Texas Education Code 42.155—D (Hazardous Conditions), for students who live less than two miles from a school site. - Parents unnecessarily transport students to school due to hazardous conditions on routes to schools. - Heavy and fast moving traffic will not yield for students traveling to school. 2. Identify risks or hazards facing children who bike and/or walk to school and how they will be 5 A-2 addressed by the proposed project. If crashes or incidents have occurred, identify date,time, frequency, type, and severity of crashes that will be addressed by the proposed project. Other information, such as health statistics may also be included as supporting documentation. Risk/Hazard: Undeveloped pathways. Project Solution: Develop new hike & bike routes (i.e. sidewalks). Risk/Hazard: Sidewalks that start and end abruptly. Project Solution: Inter-connect and finish out sidewalks that start and end abruptly. TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 4 of 4 Attachment A—Problem Identification (continued) Risk/Hazard: Storm drainage ditches used for student travel. Project Solution: Develop hike &bike pathways that eliminate the need for students to travel in storm drainage ditches. Risk/Hazard: Undeveloped dirt pathways with ground cracks/separation and other obstacles. Project Solution: Construct concrete hike& bike pathways where pedestrian and bicyclist traffic is frequently present. Risk/Hazard: Waterways including creeks and streams that prohibit students from walking or bicycling to school. Project Solution: Construct pedestrian bridges that allow students to travel across these waterways. Risk/Hazard: High-traffic roadways are used by student bicyclists during travel to school. Project Solution: Develop new hike & bike pathways that parallel roadways. Risk/Hazard: Bicycle storage facilities at schools can only handle a very limited number of bikes. Project Solution: Increase the capacity of bike storage facilities at each K-8 school. Risk/Hazard: Intersections in the vicinity of schools lack ADA handicap ramps. Project Solution: Construct handicap ramps at intersections to improve accessibility and safe travel to schools. Risk/Hazard: Texas Education Code requires student bus transportation for students who live within walking areas that are exposed to school route hazards. Project Solution: This project has researched and identified these hazards. The collective plans in this project will eliminate the need for unnecessary bus routes by 27% or more. Risk/Hazard: Parents transport students unnecessarily due to obstacles and hazardous routes to school. Project Solution: The project plan will eliminate the hazards expressed by community members and by school district personnel. Risk/Hazard: Excessive traffic volume during school commuting hours prohibits students from safely crossing intersections. Project Solution: This project has identified the problematic intersections and will install painted crosswalks and signage. 3. Describe the student population. Example:What is the percentage of children who currently walk or 3 A—3 bike to and from your school(s)? Complete Appendix A: CURRENT ENVIRONMENT(PRE- PROJECT)for each school (included in this application). This description is listed in Appendix A. 5 A—4 4. Identify current and potential safe walking and biking routes to schools. (Please see Appendix E of the SRTS Program Guidance and Application Instructions for assistance in determining safe routes.) The routes identified on each of the aerial photographic exhibits identify the proposed safe walking and biking routes to school. Currently, students who traverse these routes encounter impediments such as no sidewalks, drainage ditches, high volumes of traffic, etc. In some cases, students do not even use the proposed routes because the school district has determined that no safe route to school exists, and the students are bused to school in accordance with Texas Education Code 42- 155 - D (Hazardous Conditions). None of the proposed routes includes a rail crossing of any kind. All of the proposed routes would effectively improve the existing commuting patterns and safety of students by doing one or more of the following: - Installing sidewalks where none exist so that students do not have to walk in the streets or in TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 5 of 4 Attachment A—Problem Identification(Continued) ditches; - Installing sidewalks through existing parkland to establish connectivity between residential areas, parks, and schools in which no vehicular traffic would be encountered; - Installing a structure to traverse existing water channels or drainage ditches which currently do not allow safe passage; - Installing ADA ramps to facilitate the commute to school for those with physical challenges. All of the proposed objectives will be equitably distributed within two miles of the existing school(s) in the area to facilitate the creation of a comprehensive safe routes to school plan. 2 A—5 5. Was an engineering study of the problem conducted? If yes, please explain and attach a copy. Provide pedestrian signal warrant analysis for intersections, traffic studies, etc,when applicable. The City of Wylie's Engineer made a recommendation to install sidewalks as shown on the attached exhibit depicting Part E of the project. The recommendation concluded that installation of a low water crossing at this location would interfere with future bridge expansion at the site. A copy of the Engineer's letter is attached. TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 6 of 5 Attachment B — Proposed Improvement Project Use Attachment B to describe how the proposed project will improve the safety and encourage biking and walking to school. The connection between the problem(s) and the proposed solution(s)must be clearly demonstrated. If documentation such as sketches, pictures, maps, exhibits, diagrams, and tables are submitted, they must be referenced in the text and numbered sequentially. (If filling out by hand, separate sheet may be used if more room is needed.) Points 20 B - 1 1. Describe how the proposed project improves safety within two miles of your school(s), with respect to the identified problem(s), including the potential to reduce child injuries and fatalities. -The installation of additional sidewalks and paths where none exist will remove pedestrians and bicyclists from hazardous traffic conditions. - New pathway segments that are added to the current infrastructure will create continuous, uninterrupted safe routes to school. - New access routes will alleviate the need for students to travel in unsafe storm drainage ditches when no other pathway is available. - Converting the dirt paths frequently utilized by students into safer concrete walkways will improve accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists during all weather conditions. -The lack of waterway crossings currently impedes the desirability of traveling to school by foot or bicycle. The addition of waterway crossings will create a seamless connection between home and school. -Additional hike and bike trails throughout the community will remove student bicyclists from dangerous roads and highways. These student bicyclists will have access to routes that are not used by motorized traffic. -This project proposes to add bicycle storage racks at all K-8 school sites throughout the City of Wylie. With the current and projected increase in popularity of bike usage, it will be necessary to increase the bike storage capacity areas. -The inclusion of 33 ADA ramps in the proposal will facilitate commuting for those students who require ADA accommodations. - Several unnecessary bus routes will be eliminated through the auspices of this grant opportunity. The students that are directly impacted by this change will adopt a healthier life style, enjoy safe travel to and from school, and lower vehicle emissions will be present in the school areas. -The overall implications of this program will remove many hazardous conditions that students encounter on a daily basis. 2. Describe how the student population will be affected by the implementation of this infrastructure 8 B -2 project. Example: What is the anticipated percent increase of children who will walk or bike to school after the project is implemented? Complete Appendix B: PROPOSED ENVIRONMENT(POST- PROJECT) for each school (included in this application). The direct effects on our student population are descibed in Appendix B and on the following list of implications: - Improved safety for bicyclists and pedestrians by construcing sidewalks and hike and bike trails where none exist. -Significant increases in the interest and amount of children walking/bicycling to and from school. - Decreased school bus and vehicular traffic would reduce overall fuel usage and emissions currently present in school zones. -Greater accessibility to safe travel routes would be available to the handicapped, bicyclists, and pedestrian traffic. -Improved healthier lifestyles. -Enhanced community partnerships between the City of Wylie, Wylie Independent School District, and the community-based Parks and Recreation Board have been developed as a result of this grant opportunity. - Reduced childhood obesity by promoting alternative modes of transportation other than busing or being driven to school. TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 7 of 7 Attachment B—Proposed Improvement Project(continued) 3. Describe any enforcement, encouragement and/or educational components related to your project, 8 8— 3 either existing or planned. If one or more of the components are not included, please explain why the component is not an integral part of the project. As a result of this award, a marketing plan will be utilized and implemented by the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District. This plan has two primary objectives to market the Safe Routes to School improvements. First, it aims to increase the awareness and the number of students that will utilize the new safe routes to schools. Second, it seeks to increase the public recognition of the improvements that were made available by the Safe Routes to School grant. Such public recognition will be sought at the City level and at the School District level. A special effort will be expended to use this marketing plan's tool to build "ownership" and recognition of the community- wide enhancements and improvements to safety. During the implementation of this marketing plan, print-based and electronic media will remain the primary tools for realizing the program's objectives. For example, the project improvements will be marketed through the City of Wylie's and Wylie Independent School District's websites (www.wylietexas.gov and www.wylieisd.net). In addition, staff members from both entities will be available to answer questions and to field general inquiries from the public. The community enhancements will also have a presence on electronic newsletters that are distributed throughout the School District and the entire City of Wylie. Overall, this marketing plan aims to encourage children in grades K-8 including those with disabilities to walk and bicycle to school; to make bicycling and walking more appealing; and to publicize improved safety elements in the vicinity of schools. Although not identified in the application as a specific and distinct feature, enforcement of existing laws and ordinances, especially those related to traffic enforcement,will be part of the overall program implementation. The City of Wylie has a full-time police force which is in charge of crossing guards. Together, this team regulates and enforces the existing speed limits, the proper operation of motor vehicles, and the proper behavior of pedestrians and bicyclist who choose to commute in the City right-of-way. The education and encouragement aspects of the program will likely produce increased numbers of pedestrians and bicyclists, and Wylie's Police Department will be present to enforce the proper codes of conduct as needed. 4. Describe the existing and expected land-use changes, such as new schools, housing and/or commercial developments, which would impact the amount of bicycle and pedestrian travel. For example, a new 100 home subdivision is being built next to an 4 B—4 elementary school on a heavily traveled arterial roadway without connecting sidewalks or 100,000 square feet of additional retail is expected to be constructed at the intersection northwest quadrant in the next five years. Please include relevant sections of a comprehensive plan or bicycle and pedestrian plan, if available. The City of Wylie is a rapidly growing community. In 2000, the population was 14,000. Presently, the population is approaching the 36,000 mark. Over 1,000 new homes were built each year since 2002, and 901 new homes were built in 2006. The Wylie Independent School District has passed two significant bond packages since 2000, and the District has built additional schools to accommodate the rapid influx of school-aged children and to avoid overcrowding in the existing schools. The new schools are built in various locations around the City; however, the area west of the central business district has experienced the most rapid increase in population. As indicated on the attached map exhibits, several of the proposed projects are located in the western portion of the City to accommodate this population boom. Several existing schools are located just south of the central business district, and this area has also seen a significant increase in residential development since the year 2000. The proposed projects will clearly address these evolving land use changes in the following manner: -As these anticipated land use changes materialize, our plans will meet the needs of today and provide the infrastructure for the future; - Projected population increases will further congest existing arterial roadways that currently lack TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 8 of 7 Attachment B—Proposed Improvement Project(continued) adjacent sidewalks. This plan will rectify this situation by constructing the needed alternative transportation pathways that would provide safe accomodations throughout the community. -With the continued population and community growth, school-aged pedestrians and bicylcists will face an increased potential for physical harm. This plan will provide an opportunity to install the necessary improvements to avoid this predicament. • TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 9 of 8 Attachment C — Project Measurement Use Attachment C to describe the desired outcomes of the project and how the project will be evaluated in order to determine its'success. (If filling out by hand, separate sheet may be used if more room is needed.) Points 1. Describe how the project will be measured and evaluated. Measurements may include before and after data such as the following: • Total number of students reached • Number of students biking • Number of students walking 10 C— 1 • Number of students busing • Number of students driven • Number of new partnerships developed • Safety improvement analysis • Letters of appreciation • Survey of parental approval/support Commonplace in any new program implementation is the component of evaluation. This component is necessary to measure the success of the program, to discover if the proposed improvements have brought about the desired outcomes, and to evaluate whether a change has occurred from the past to the present. The key element is discerning whether this program is successful will be to monitor statistical data through empirical observations or survey analysis, to see if more students take advantage of the alternative routes of travel to school. Information has already been collected regarding the number of bicyclists commuting to schools, students using buses,the number of bus routes, etc. The next step would be to gather the same data at specific time intervals after all the infrastructure improvements have been completed for each particular school site and to evaluate the degree of success. For instance, since part of the proposed program proposed to establish new walk and bike routes to school sites, it will be beneficial to compare the number of bicycles currently being ridden to school with the number of bicycles that are ridden to school a few months after the project completion, during the following semester, and again during the next school year. After evaluation, and a degree of success is identified, local officials could determine if education and encouragement efforts were successful, and modify such measures, if necessary, accordingly. In addition, any public comment, letters, or phone calls regarding the infrastructure improvements will be compiled. The plan to measure and evaluate this project is as follows: -Data logs will be generated that identify the number of students that walk, bike, bus, and are driven. -Each log will provide a pre-project year and post-project year record. -A record of community partnerships will be maintained by the City of Wylie. -An analysis by the Department of Public Works will measure the safety of new routes produced by this grant and participation levels will be integrated into this analysis. -Letters of appreciation from the public will be maintained as a measure of the public's view of this project. -Parents will be randomly surveyed for feedback to obtain immediate and ongoing program monitoring. TxDOT(1/17/2007) •SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 10 of 10 Attachment D — Project Support Use Attachment D to describe the project partners and the collaboration that has been created to ensure the success of the project. (If filling out by hand, separate sheet may be used if more room is needed.) Points 1. Is the project location(s) on designated route(s) in a local or regional bicycle, pedestrian, and/or trails 3 D- 1 transportation plan in addition to your Safe Routes to School Plan? Please provide details and relevant sections of the supporting plans. Yes, portions of the proposed project will allow the City to comply with recommendations made in the Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan which was completed in December 2002. Based upon a citywide survey, Section VII, page 101 of the Master Plan ranks hike and bike trails as the number one priority desired by residents. Page 104 of the same section states:"Provide safe, off-street pedestrian and bicycle linkages to existing and new parks, schools, libraries, and museums, as well as economic, municipal and recreational destinations." The Master Plan also recommended utilization of the existing drainage corridors throughtout the City for construction of the hike and bike trails. Please refer to the attached map exhibits to see the location of the various schools, Master Plan trail recommendations, and the interconncectivity of the proposed infrastructure improvements. The relevant sections of the Master Plan are attached to this document. 2. Indicate if there are any other programmed or planned transportation projects adjacent to the proposed project that would impact the function of the proposed safety improvement. Provide the time frames for construction and completion for the programmed or planned projects. 2 D-2 If there are no other programmed or planned projects applicable to this proposed projected, please note that information in the narrative and provide an explanation as to how this proposed project is part of your overall SRTS plan. There are two planned transportation projects adjacent to the proposed grant project that would impact the proposed safety improvements. As per the attached maps, these projects include the following: 1. The widening of South Ballard Avenue. This transportation project includes the installation of sidewalks on both sides of the new roadway. In addition, the project is already funded by the City of Wylie. If Part A of this grant request is approved, the grant's sidewalk improvements would directly connect with the sidewalk installations that are part of the South Ballard Avenue project. When combined, these new sidewalks will create safe walking and biking routes between two schools (Harrison and Burnett) and several neighborhoods. In addition, an existing school bus route serving this area can be eliminated. The anticipated construction date for the South Ballard project is July 2007 with completion anticipated in April 2008. 2. The widening of FM 3412 (West Brown Street). This transportation project, which is already funded by the City of Wylie, would have a direct impact on Part B of this grant submittal. If Part B of this grant request is approved, the grant's sidewalk improvements would directly connect with the sidewalk installations that are part of the FM 3412 project. Together, the overall improvements will create safe routes to three different schools (Birmingham, McMillan, and Davis). The anticipated construction date for FM 3412 project is 2010 with completion anticipated in 2011. As the above projects are completed and linked with the proposed infrastructure improvements, they will provide additional connectivity between neighborhoods, schools, and the City park system. 3. Describe any supporting or participating organizations, local agencies, and/or citizen support. (Possible project partners may include school officials, local traffic engineers, law enforcement 2 D - 3 agencies, public health agencies or organizations, school-based associations, local elected officials, nonprofit groups, bicycle clubs, local businesses and other community groups). Please attach any relevant documentation for the proposed safety improvement, such as letters, petitions, and any TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project'page 11 of 11 Attachment D—Project Support(continued) required resolutions from boards, councils, and regional planning agencies. This grant submittal has the full support of the City of Wylie City Council and City staff. In addition, the Wylie Independent School District fully supports and contributed to completion of the application. A resolution from the governing body of each entity is included as part of this grant submittal. In addition, the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board has also submitted a letter of support for this project. 3 D -d 4. Describe plans to provide maintenance and ongoing funding, if needed, to ensure the continued success of the project and the parties responsible for supporting the project. The resolution of the City of Wylie City Council states that the City"commits to provide maintenance to the infrastructure improvements once constructed." All proposed infrastructure improvements located in City right-of-way and/or on City property will be maintained in good working order. The City of Wylie budgets annually in its operating budget to maintain infrastucture within it jurisdiction. Since these proposed improvements will be an asset and amenity that our citizens and children will be able to enjoy for many years, staff would budget annually for their ongoing maintenance cost. In addition, any improvements located on Wylie Independent School District property will be adequately maintained through the annual budgeting process to ensure their continued, uninterrupted use. TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 12 of 11 Attachment E — Project Cost Use Attachment E to describe the project cost. (If filling out by hand, separate sheet may be used if more room is needed.) Points Provide detailed construction cost estimate information presently available. Use Appendix C: "Detailed Construction Cost Estimate," included in this application (an example construction cost estimate is also 15 E. 1 provided). Please note: while all authorized project costs are eligible for federal reimbursement and must be shown in Section E of the application, the amount of project award will only be for construction cost. If applicable, please list any additional funding resources available that will augment the infrastructure project and describe how these funds will be allocated. The construction cost estimate is shown in Appendix C. The proposed installation of the pedestrian bridge to connect Creekhollow Estates to the Wells Parkland and continuing toward West Brown Street will establish a safe route to Birmingam Elementary School, Davis Intermediate School, and McMillan Junior High School via parkland. This part of the project will require engineering services to properly design a structure that will span an existing drainageway in the parkland. At this time, it is estimated that engineering services will include the following disciplines: Structural to select a bridge design that will not block the flow from the channel as it flows into the park; Hydrologist to model the outfall to ensure no negative impact on the flow. Survey for boundary verification and topographic information on the channel; and Civil/Planning to provide oversight and coordination, soil sampling, foundation design, plans and specifications. It is estimated that the above professional services will cost approximately$29,600. The project also includes the installation of bike racks at ten school sites located within the City limits. Staff has conducted a survey of the number of students who currently choose to bicyle to school, and that information is contained in Attachments A and C. The installation of bicycle racks at the various school sites will accommodate the anticipated increase in the number of students who will be riding bikes to school as a result of this project. At this time, it is estimated that$50,000 will be needed to purchase and install the new bike racks at the various school sites. In addition to the above, this project proposes to install 16,600 linear feet of 4-foot wide concrete sidewalks, 5,900 linear feet of 8-foot wide concrete hike and bike trails, 33 ADA ramps at various intersections currently lacking ADA accessibility, and two water crossings (one on W. A.Allen Blvd. and one on Thomas Street) to provide to complete pathways that are currently impeded by lack of sidewalks and infrastructure to safely cross small water impediments. Total construction costs, including labor, material, equipment, and contingencies is estimated at$720,400. The total funds requested (construction plus engineering) equals $750,000. TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 13 of 13 I APPENDIX A: CURRENT ENVIRONMENT(PRE-PROJECT) of Students % of Students Who Presently: of Students Living Living Not Driven Take #of Eligible for Free w/in 2 w/in 1 Eligible Walk to Bike to to Bus to School Name Grades Students or Reduced miles of mile of° for us School School School School Meals school school Groves Elementary School PK-4 621 31.72% 100% 60% 100% 65% 7% 28% 0% Cooper Junior High School 5—7 631 30.43% 24% 10% 24% 1% 0% 23% 76% Dodd Elementary School PK—4 731 16.01% 66% 58% 66% 48% 4% 14% 34% Davis Intermediate School 5—6 583 26.07% 66% 36% 66% 33% 10% 23% 34% McMillan Junior High School 7— 8 692 23.99% 31% 12% 31% 14% 5% 12% 69% Birmingham Elementary School K—4 725 29.66% 86% 67% 86% 60% 6% 20% 14% Hartman Elementary School PK—4 554 38.63% 64% 49% 64% 52% 2% 10% 36% Harrison Intermediate School 5—6 558 28.32% 43% 35% 43% 30% 2% 11% 57% Burnett Junior High School 7—8 615 22.93% 35% 27% 35% 25% 1% 9% 65% Akin Elementary School PK—4 554 27.44% 73% 49% 73% 57% 3% 13% 27% TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 14 of 14 3 APPENDIX B: PROPOSED ENVIRONMENT(POST-PROJECT) Post Project Implementation % of Students Expected To: % of Students Who Utilize Walk to Bike to Driven to Take Bus to School Name Remote Drop Offs w/in 1 Mile of School School School School School ° 17% 8% 0% Groves Elementary School N/A 75% Cooper Junior High School N/A 3% 5% 16% 76% Dodd Elementary School N/A 55% 11% 4% 30% Davis Intermediate School N/A 38% 18% 10% 34% McMillan Junior High School N/A 19% 10% 2% 69% Birmingham Elementary School N/A 65% 12% 9% 14% Hartman Elementary School N/A 56% 6% 2% 36% Harrison Intermediate School N/A 42% 10% 5% 43% 4% ° Burnett Junior High School N/A 30% 13% 53 0 Akin Elementary School N/A 62% 9% 6% 23% •TxDOT(1/17/2007)•SRTS Application for Infrastructure Project•page 15 of 15 Appendix C: Detailed Construction Cost Estimate Requested SRTS Funding Committed Local Project: City of Wylie Qty Unit Unit Price($) ($) Funds($) Total Cost Fo+Jr1oot wide sidewalks PartA PirateDrive-Thomas Street to Ballard Avenue 2,500 LF 16 40,000 40,000 Secord Street-Pirate Drive to Stone Road(both sides) 900 LF 16 14,400 14,400 HilltopLane-Pirate Drive to Stone Road(east side) 650 LF 16 10,400 10,400 Thomas Street-Pirate Drive to Stone Road 750 LF 16 12,000 12,000 AlanisLane-Ballard Avenue eastward to dead end(both side 6,600 LF 16 105,600 105,600 Part Sa:nden Blvd.-Ann Drive to West Brown(one side) 800 LF 16 12,800 12,800 Part C McCreary Road-Groves Elem to McMillen Road(one side) 2,500 LF 16 40,000 40,000 McCreary Road-McMillen Road to Creekside Estates Drive 1,600 LF 16 25,600 25,600 Part D W. A Allen Blvd.-Stone to Heatherwood Drive(one side) 300 LF 16 4,800 4,800 Eight.foot wide sidewalks Part A Co mmunity Park-Twin Lakes/Southplace to WISD 1,400 LF 32 44,800 44,800 Part 8 Creek Hollow Estates to West Brown 2,600 LF 32 83,200 83,200 Part E Connect sidewalks at Park Blvd Bridge 1,000 LF 32 32,000 32,000 Part F Selma Lane to Dodd Elementary 900 LF 32 28,800 28,800 ym uc t E E Y r i i M 1 x� E s f b ,v°'"" 5^�f a �3 m --_. ' i ,.pan; �,_ �r..,:. 4.,Y ter„�_.,, .�a,s[�,�: ,i,,...,..�,� `�.. ...a,..'��,r i.,.;-`�, ,''„ ,,.,,:�s,�„, x„Qa?F�,� .,aI"8.„ -'ti AC PA Ramp Locations Part A Ala nis at Dodd 4 EA 2,000 8,000 8,000 Ala nisatBoyd 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 Ala nisat Hall 4 EA 2,000 8,000 8,000 Alanisat Canyon Lake 4 EA 2,000 8,000 8,000 Ala nit at North Lake 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 Ala nis at Lake Whitney 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 Second Street at Duncan Way 4 EA 2,000 8,000 8,000 Second Street at Pirate 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 Part C McCreary Road at Creekside Estate Drive 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 McCreary Road at McMillen 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 McCreary Road at South Fork 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 McCreary Road at Riverway 1 EA 2,000 2,000 2,000 Part F Selma Lane 2 EA 2,000 4,000 4,000 �z Z" t, 5 K ' «L 1 Y�.. dux.��. C,u..�..,, .,. .. .. R. /v Water Crossings/Pedestrian Bridge Part A Thomas Street 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Part B Cross Creek to Wells Parkland(east approach to bridge, sidewalk access,and bridge foundation) 1 EA 25,000 25,000 25,000 Wells Parkland to Creek Hollow (west approach to bridge, sidewalk access,and bridge foundation) 1 EA 25,000 25,000 25,000 Creek Hollow to Wells Parkland(bridge structure) 1 EA 90,000 90,000 90,000 Part D W.A.Allen Blvd. 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Crosswalk Improvements '" Install Crosswalk Signage 12 EA 400 4,800 4,800 Install Crosswalk Striping 12 EA 200 2,400 2,400 Bike Racks Groves Elementary School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Cooper Junior High School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Appendix C: Detailed Construction Cost Estimate Requested SRTS Funding Committed Local Project: City of Wylie Qty Unit Unit Price($) ($) Funds($) Total Cost Dodd Elementary School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Davis Intermediate School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 McMillan Junior High School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Birmingham Elementary School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Hartman Elementary School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Harrison Intermediate School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Burnett Junior High School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Akin Elementary School 1 EA 5,000 5,000 5,000 Totals,,`'L, II 720;40P ,, 7,200 % 727,600 4 I •1 i i > ° „ .. k.1S {vacst . A ' ,,Zj (as.S't: Ai'i ssekri've'e L4r, ,ir. - _ g. 11"'"C'�s e•t ' sue'_ L vD1. 1 e°5 Ave± i i H.I xeek Da rp 4�1a91 - f7 :{]e ..._Faith L1�d F a yy a,,.a , ., :'�Si.Et I_--. 51 i 1 _BLOW C. ? I Cedar l Or C, siS eaten++a}i at r6(14 I. ° i.C of ,,1 f 0.-01rccxl L . +V ci , • i i He,al•t r4raxf Ut,. .4 d°, •ii ci r c est E e lit, ali ' "&iaelts Ave 1 i ,, .. 4. - i _ E v ,i o- rL4xls�ifin I-li fli- tCs'h)'aS i `i m °s B 4#.c'' t tla fit cYJ. t ac, rsieon Intermediate f.. Burnett junior High }�►�lq� vrbiy MPH-Residential , i,i 0 r is 41c y � Of. _ { tt�utPcicvl i W riaiZtesl i s : Enct4iclectfafa•s1 (7 IMII, 1 y- da. , �% ♦ 2 i - , . i ' , S; 4-. . % 3 • 1-4 __. PROPOSED NEW EXISTING era —. MINOMMINIIIMIIIIIMIIPLANNED AND FUNDED = PART A sl' r p W 8 w{ t vi- " lYYti'i". t a A 1'4S' 'ti A. r ti a{ 777r �i ry F eweiii ��yy u 4. � tli' ,p .1 Lute Ear` `ttu 6 .tw r 41:51, r r i ,;, , �� �" �... C�a +ti Or A ,,b k1 Lit car tji c Posey.tit 41 fella irk_ il + Biqa ;. .. r .._;. Lorif Or. ... ,Fairirn i fit X c,,,e1 0 7 r 0 A 6�1l� or Ca -.. 41.- 0 f 30PH-ResidtilC , c _ w. r ,: c? ,o. a 45 MPH-Brown St. lige '-n - di - ,.. 04.E ' Jefferson ' _is , 0` .ram. - r '+ e +� �O j a Co Of _, rt 24, • S'Ie ei N a icily ' ... , d ;x7 et {a Z ts Q ,. to moss edge Rd V 7 3 (7 1 P i slin'%Fot?3Qr Tr, • ;k1oy4€ eT1 ;3evar ,c+ Or if R11..� : nte'F ?E IiI. x�rool ' tea Or feage4Iea C31. r� �7r w ,p. Laaedo Dr pr +{ �r9aet ! al�r rr- v s d�edcedas Or rn , ` + =ev Te w Or 'S i S 0 , t J.etc et g_ a, Roy FtOgerS Ln.:°� C3 .. R Q4(lde-- 'Betsy i_ . . gCi1LT5 C €CJ = ' Lt1oY LIl. ' Coen ets I 0 F 4, 6 ; a 30 1t�P ngti , -� r { ,,� tee. _ j t e ice.. ns { ,. Groves Elementary fi Q ;= > = "-_ A4 ot 4{' Citivl?r(y7k �I T' , # - $ s#��d K._.:. E4l.�('M,•6:2N ,-,Lis -t f`"-1c.` s -4-k ',. PROPOSED NEW t3Ys {jr .,- ", �'7 ' EXISTING �" - ,! PLANNED AND FUNDED ,P a h ' �,'a Dr 1�iI og.tirfzak Ot 0 z 5% r J�1 usrot aln,, I PART C w a x. Ca!': ' C1 .J 4 -41'7 , • U �ire ?, fC " b IJ€y r*ta i)k �o .. 1041y rt,.a ii Mea5�so;s V6lay =ond�n or , k'KSrir `1 sari : Iyis of Si ' a m' C3 6: Y, , n1 (7 Et -�9 ),1^,.e Sl I, j: U,„, a € r?7Yl 1 �r 6 .-•cn - Si _ i d5 y� u9 iiiia.sleTs Ave : FFi s aee);.,Dr �.:. )Aa_2sige Wav r EJ1 Sl EI#[n'aEh'C lr, / ° �y Ai1 1 S el L7 r i i ,5P t le'41 EtPle 3e - ;..,. q, , Mf sic Sj'> s .. ' I lric��P1d�li �}� �e' 'LD ,. 4 i! i i Alain Elementary •F - ,, I ,, " ,, 30 MPH Residential _ tXil2 ' Peale 1:3f Y i i c ; ti 47 n , S. •ei>eAitit Oil .Qg,. ,q e.9 taa.":s 1Iti... reit.TcL 11 a T3 {ems ... ,a r ateexoa,�i L!tiaIElx3d' .P i C. , T.' • c r:,+ ti r PROPOSED NEW EXISTING 1;8 PLANNED AND FUNDED Erxzrnar,fir &)2 nIran R PART D 5t'',: Ma e.Or &1Pn[ne!da tte L nDi Tsitadega Or. ' #+Mawr D' iS CI x w rayed c'f 9 -; Posey 'Lei cart-ntuJ , C4. Ott Run Rd 1-1Jh13 Ville Or t4eva1e Ftoao 83t 1 :OMtnt x 0.‘*11'Y .i g Davis Intermediate w i .1 I' 1 McMillan Junior High ,-.-• ;r et1 aarurf 30 MPH-Residential sessetneaka 'i, rL), , ', ��4 ,' a� Yrew ba t' Ast#c+ or i t 7 ' b1 a ru ` ' � , - ,,,:, . Ali gaat way y 4s a s i Cheis eaa ', ty Aio It7r. a e - m- Q �- C ' Ct s►oJ 1. 0 .42' A- £ , PROPOSED NEW 1Q. EXISTING PLANNED AND FUNDED y PART E s C L Reef Ln ... ivish,ro4 Way —,,. 1 Lee'v agd sa _ - � 7,3 r r rA b.c3X- Weed 1....., 7r Siam' i� r Matt'Arne€r. G tylaVeleai Or:+ r� A .. .. . fiedcedff Dr c [ez, 155 TeaRwcbdt 'fr ; SG�+1l9d��e fir, 1 l ��lliTl� e d ie fb . . i4vwe air-. t s :a1�19tY:'or. ' • � .. •_.e:■tn= air... w "' . 30 MPH-Residential i.i. {�t3klrnt�sS l3s i ..nEa i Hunigtif►ite Or Dodd Elementay' .o _ Tuscakra air d�crr 6 d Pars: a vc _ ._ 0 F ti _fiflomAilai,Rd Q� W `Or i t - PROPOSED NEW .LaNe aarttta it ,- j EXISTING -1- PLANNED AND FUNDED :L PART F RESOLUTION NO. 2007-16(R) A RESOLUTION OF TILE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (TxDOT) FOR GRANT FUNDING FOR THE TEXAS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM. WHEREAS, TxDOT is accepting grant applications to 1) enable and encourage children in grades K-8, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school; 2) to make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age; 3) to facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools, utilizing federal transportation funds;and WHEREAS,the City of Wylie wishes to submit a grant application for an infrastructure project related to the Texas Safe Routes to School program; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie wishes to designate a project manager for the purposes of working with TxDOT; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE: SECTION 1: That the City of Wylie hereby certifies that the funds for participating in this application are readily available at this time. SECTION 2: That the City of Wylie hereby authorizes and directs its City Manager or his designee to act as the Applicant in working with TxDOT for the purposes of the grant funding. SECTION 3: That the City of Wylie hereby endorses this project and commits to provide maintenance to the infrastructure improvements once constructed. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this 8th day of May, 2007. Aid/ _ Mondy, ayor ATTEST: F ''� ;-k. SEAL Car le Ehrlich, i ecretary �---� Resolution No.2007-16 Texas Safe Routes to School Program Grant Application-TxDOT A RESOLUTION OF WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING A COLLABORATIVE APPLICATION WITH THE CITY OF WYLIE TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION (TxDOT) FOR GRANT FUNDING FOR THE TEXAS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROGRAM. WHEREAS, TxDOT is accepting grant applications to 1) enable and encourage children in grades K-8, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school; 2) to make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age; 3) to facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools, utilizing federal transportation funds; and WHEREAS, Wylie ISD wishes to participate in a grant application for an infrastructure project related to the Texas Safe Routes to School program; and WHEREAS, Wylie ISD wishes to support and partner with the City of Wylie for the purpose of working with TxDOT; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY WYLIE ISD SECTION 1: That Wylie ISD hereby certifies that our participation in this application is as a member of this consortium. SECTION 2: That Wylie ISD hereby authorizes and directs its Superintendent or his designee to act as the co-applicant in working with the City of Wylie and TxDOT for the purposes of the grant funding. SECTION 3: That Wylie ISD hereby endorses this project and commits to provide maintenance to the infrastructure improvements on school district property once constructed. Introduced, read, and passed by the affirmation vote of the Wylie ISD School Board on this 19th day of April 2007. President, Board of Trustees Secretary, Boar f Trustees Wylie Independent School District Wylie Independent School District ^,C ,f CITY OF WYLIEA mission._ ttru-i, ...to be responsible stewards of the public trtrsi, to strive for excellence in public service and to enhance the quality of life for all. April 23, 2007 Ms. Debra Vermillion Interim Safe Routes to School Coordinator Traffic Operations Division Texas Department of Transportation 125 E. 11 Street Austin, TX 78701-2483 Ms. Vermillion: We, the members of the City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board, are pleased to convey our support of a grant application to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Texas Safe Routes to School program. The City of Wylie is requesting funding to assist in the development of infrastructure in accordance with the program to promote walking and bicycling to school for children in grades K—8. Several of the proposed improvements include the installation of hike and bike trails in the City parks which will act as linkages between neighborhoods and school locations. We fully support this endeavor and would welcome the infrastructure improvements in the City's park system. We appreciate your consideration of this submittal. -Sin`cerely, Da .Chesnut, Chaivmaln David Wille , Co-Chairman F, f Anne/ ney, Board Me ber,...{'r Benny Jo s, Board Member ACV C6147vylci-11 Brandy Laflour, 'Board Member Donna Larson, Board Member Frankie Delgado, Board Member 2000 Highway 78 North ® Wylie,Texas 75098 • 972.442.8100 • www.wylietexas.gov • CITY OF WYLIE Our Mission... ...to be responsible stewards of the public trust, to strive for excellence inn public service and to enhance the quality of life for all. May 18, 2007 Michael Sferra, Public Services Director 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Subject: Safe Routes to School Program/Park Boulevard Bridge Mr. Sferra: I have considered several options regarding pedestrian access and connecting the existing sidewalks on the east and west sides of the bridge on Park Boulevard. I recommend that that the existing sidewalks located on the south side of the bridge and below the roadway elevation be looped underneath the bridge and extended up to the existing sidewalk located on the north side of the roadway. This would eliminate the need to install a low water crossing at the site and would facilitate the future expansion of the bridge to six lanes. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, Chris Hoisted, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie, TX 75098 Phone: 972-442-8100 Fax: 972-442-5641 2000 Highway 78 North • Wylie,Texas 75098 ® 972.442.8100 0 www.wylietexas.gov FACILITY IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS The adequacy of existing parks, recreation facilities and open space is determined by comparing the needs of the present and forecasted populations of Wylie to specific goals and standards. The Collin County Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan presents a modified version of the standards published by the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) to create a local guideline to determine land and facility requirements for various kinds of park and recreation needs at the community level. According to the standards, Wylie has kept up with the demand for baseball/softball fields, football fields, playgrounds and soccer fields. The City falls short in meeting the facility standards for active amenities such as basketball, practice fields, sand volleyball, tennis courts and trails. The recommendations also address the standards for passive recreation facilities such as pavilions/shelters, picnic tables and recreation centers. The City of Wylie falls short in providing these passive amenities to its citizens. In order to help develop recommendations for specific facility improvements in Wylie, the planning team conducted a mail-out survey to random Wylie citizens and youth. (see page 75) This needs assessment study provided guidance to the planning team based on citizen needs and priorities. A series of priority items was established combining input from the Citizen Survey, Youth Survey, City Council, Task Force, Park Board and City Staff. (see page100) The priorities were categorized into high, moderate and low. The following recommendations address the specific needs identified in the Wylie community: A. HIGH PRIORITY ITEMS 1. De eroop i ke/Bikea rails' rou gou '� cY' tW e ^de a fe ffs t�e t , btFiltVi pedestnsand sd l es rsti "g am aries, sand mam ® j [ ° e satin yl 4©estl afionsPlac hgh p m & o „t epres a e,® copse ° flop 4° ®�k®r zk®mdors suc 4,as A.1, 7 t .'; L Ss"� .., �, C ..a 't 3 1 a7.J�:_ 44 Mudd Creek nR � reek ',name! C e"-k n olli count =Soil Conp rvation De entions Areas and where practical, utilize abandoned railroad corridorsand utility easements. Include accessible connections to park elements and destination points, and provide amenities such as lighting, security and bicycle parking facilities. Trails should be a minimum of 8' wide to promote safe access by multiple user groups. A major trail system spine could connect major points of destination throughout the City. Existing destinations that have been identified include Lake Lavon and Lake Ray Hubbard, Woodbridge Golf Club, Founders Park and adjacent school athletic facilities. An existing equestrian trail is located at Trinity Trail Head Park. 2. Provide Plavqrounds/Play Equipment by upgrading existing facilities and providing Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan December 2002 104 Carter:Burgess (RAW W(19--RID CO(OREO PAYERS PERA L 5 CTION 4[CORED PAYERS PCR ADA SEC/OIL+..]g] PCR ADA RCTUN IJK.1 • dpw STREET 6 0- c'COW..BAND STREET 'E _ • I NOT:PATS MR(µYE DEr(C AB(E Wri7A0 WI o 3. . . . . - C'aN551 Dl FAOED AA'NEW/B NON MIIM A pOSTCR SOD I(S0) A (]AE).A-TO-CENTER NT R SA,0 OI N oOoo _ (SAW) AAD A lINNISDIAO-TO SPKMD Of � \ . yC? � R•CaN�eyy� I/.viiIT1A1( 2JS M/BDYWI AND SlN((SE RED N EX-EXPANSION IAIIID�ouoo oDOo.. (RANP, 0,1,O R., PAYERS COLOR N!'.. CXPANSAw t0/rRN[ Doo fER Aa SECEAW l,19.1 e$'. NOTE..PAYERS wi[NAVE PCrCCrAEtC wAR.vsiL rx/r w �'��n, k 6 5 I R45C0 rRCNY.Al(D[OYES NMI A LWKI(R D!09/.v.(7.1.4.I 'C oo00°3D b OKYV0 RIM.°`IgYMNf OP IN(5.0 AAO A CENTER-TO-CENTER u�� C{III .J SPACING Dr ROOM 1.J5 N.OW)AND W4((eC RED N MDR - oo •- LI'PR(EOP31E0 . •. I PRDPEPTI uM RACK EXPANSION ANT(R(A( 4 \ I PRaPLRTY lWE o ° —�DUDO D til� _ W h. E \ I rK'� � o w Iir 1i E, �- 8 y Or I 5' I 1 3' (r �YBS` i� \ I 0 11"R7Crowro N y CVRB J!'FORMED -C KW TERM( - 'E fAPANSP."W YAIERI( - 3 5'S s' Rxw.(R eExa crxe L OW u APT4PoVCD BY TNT CI, BARRIER FREE RAMP @ STRAIGHT CURB ,SAL' 5''NYMMM g RAMP FOR 4 FEET SIDEWALK AWAY FROM CURB RAMP FOR 5 FEET SIDEWALK NEXT TO CURB s' . s' rcw ______Fig. J/"PREEOROCD EXPANSION MArr o SECTION D—D raw MDNAX-SCN 3/"PRETCMACO C1}NI5RNf INTERN( PAYERS LOW NODULIS SEWN, DR APPROKO COON(. NrEXIDC T5!.YEAS I,_Vs) rMl.ROPE OR ROD J/1"EXPANSION SZYMA(K`\ ,j A• SMART AND CONCRETE( TO PREVENT BOND SEWER IATCMLL ROPE r:M rl) E" _��� R � — ` "_ STREET I"SANG BEDDING CO(AOCTED 5I/0M,RAC4 TO r'SAND BCO%1L SECTION H—H 95X STD.PROCTOR.ASRI a v JUD PSI CONC.II/N4J ROAR a re acl.Y, SECTION E—E I I T SIDE ELEVATION I ire SNN(flr r"M1rorED 2 1 4 i J/B'(rrP w N'axrzRs a//!WLOT EtlIIfIS -(CNL:r N(✓MINTED "" SPACOIC )"D.C. ' PLAN I/Y EXPANSION.Dms Slv(a SPACED AT 29'ISCMILS GP AS O!ERMY SKCRY0 AS «GTE✓ MO A9NTf SIN((BE ICED MR PRIKIEED !— /ro JBAPS BRAINI1/5 AHU4AN ANT PUN AND ANOMlO. ro. rtr4w . 9Arz AUX.SPACIAC RAP S-O�� T"MAX(A19w.0n4N.Wr1RNL 5 REWORD INC. Ie �I Si err re'/A.r°wAROS SRCE, 1 .R .er,CONC. 0 MAW /IAtir OR E wr CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Lc] SECTION LJI - STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS L PAVING / SIDEWALKS REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK DATE. APRa. zoos STD-OB_R 7 I Board & Commission Interview Schedule — 2007 Time Thursday, June 7, 2007 Time Monday, June 11, 2007 '/ 6:00 : Sam Satterwhite - WEDC 6:00 Robert Diaz—Parks/Rec & 4B ✓ ✓ 6:10 : Lt. Atkison —Animal Shelter 6:10 Kevin Finnell —Planning& Zoning ✓ ✓ 6:20 Johnny Bray— Construction 6:20 - Brandi LaFleur—Parks & Rec. V ✓ 6:30 Rachel Orozco - Library 6:30 Shirley Burnett—Library/P&R 4B V ✓ 6:40r Renae 011ie — P&Z/ZBOA 6:40 Dan Chesnut—Parks & Rec./4B V ✓ 6:50 Sean McEnany 6:50 Barbara Marks—Public Arts Board V ✓ 7:00 David James —Library Board 7:00 William Baumbach V ✓ 7:10 Tim Bennett—Planning and Zoning 7:10 Marvin Fuller - WEDC V ✓ 7:20 Anne Hiney—Parks & Rec 4B Board 7:20 Ashley Burt V 7:30 Vacant 7:30 Tasha Finch V V 7:40 Frank Spingola—Construction Code 7:40 Elena Choate V ✓ 7:50 Patsy Robertson—Public Arts Board 7:50 Ramona Kopchenko V ✓ 8:00 Kelli Bolton 8:00 David Tillery V ✓ 8:10 Robert Thurmond Jr. 8:10 Lisa Palomba V ✓ 8:20 Ruthie Wright 8:20 Angelika Osbon ✓ ✓ 8:30 Jim Griffin 8:30 Mitch Herzog - WEDC V 8:40 Lymari Ames V vetetiow$Saeitiei 8:50 WO 9:00 e .- '`fir Willie Osborne—ZBOA—out of town—wants to be ,/ k�0 C �,he�5 considered for reappointment without interview. Karyn McGinnis(alt)—ZBOA—would like to be .7 considered for reappointment/did not set up time for interview. Steve Repasky—Construction Code Board—No response to letter or calls regarding re-appointment and/or interviews Time Thursday, June 14, 2007 Time Thursday, June 14 (continued) '` 6:00 Linda Jourdan—Zoning BOA 8:00 < 6:10 Ken Qualls—Animal Shelter Board 8:10 6:20 Frankie Delgado—Parks & Rec Board 8:20 / 6:30 Zachary Herrera 8:30 ' 6:40 Kathryn Welp 8:40 a,r 6:50 John Manganilla 8:50 ,, 7:00 Eric LeJeune 9:00 -`" 7:10 Margaret Boyd 9:10 f 7:20 Amanda McMurdie ....... ` 7:30 Robert Wieneke 7:40 Christine Eustice /` 7:50 Joe Murphy- Library Board -Appointment time set with applicant 6/1/2007 V-Consider without an interview 2007 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICANT SUMMARY CHART ANIMAL SHELTER ADVISORY BOARD This board must have 4 qualified members:1 licensed veterinarian,1 animal shelter employee,1 county or municipal official,1 representative from an animal welfare organization,and 1 City of Wylie resident. Seeking Reappt. Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members I Expiring Terms(2) I (1i New Applicants(3) Preference Yes/No Position Appointed Chuck Kerin Diane Culver Elena Choate 2 Ken Qualls Ken Qualls Yes Margaret Boyd 3 Heather Screws Kathryn Welp 3 Earl Newsom Earl Newsom No CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD Seeking Applicant Current Board Members Expiring Terms(4) Reappt.(1)(1) New Applicants(2) preference not known Ronald Hauck Zachary Herrera 1 Elvia Clark Jim Chaney Christine Eustice 3 Scott Henry Scott Henry No Chad Tittle Chad Tittle No Steve Repasky Steve Repaski N F :",, r e-1 J IG Frank Spingola Frank Spingola Yes LIBRARY BOARD Seeking Reappt. I Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members I Expiring Terms(4) (3i New Applicants(13) preference Yes/No Position Appointed Sandra Williams Sandra Williams No James Griffin 1 Lucy Shriver Tasha Finch 1 Shirley Burnett Shirley Burnett Yes Amanda McMurdie 2 Grace Morrison Margaret Boyd 2 David James David James Yes Sean McEnany 2 Junaid Najamuddin Eric LeJeune 2 Joe Murphy Joe Murphy Yes David Tillery 2 Ramona Kopchenko 3 Ashley Burt 3 Elena Choate 3 Lisa Palomba 3 Lyman'Ames 3 Kathryn Welp 4 1 2007 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICANT SUMMARY CHART PARKS&RECREATION BOARD I Seeking Reappt. Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members Expiring Terms(3) (3) New Applicants(7) Preference Yes/No Position Appointed Donna Larson David Tillery 1 Daniel Chestnut Daniel Chesnut Yes Angelika Osbon 1 Brandi Lafleur Brandi Lafleur Yes Lymari Ames 1 Anne Hiney Sean McEnany 1 Frankie Delgado Frank Delgado Yes Ramona Kopchenko 2 Benny Jones James Griffin 2 David Willey Amanda McMurdie 3 PARKS&RECREATION 4B BOARD Seeking Reappt. Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members Expiring Terms(4) I (3)and(1) New Applicants(1) Preference Yes/No Position Appointed Vacancy Shirley Burnett Shirley Burnett Yes Dan Chestnut Daniel Chesnut Yes Robert Wieneke 4 Anne Hiney Anne Hiney Yes Vacant Vacant(Eric Hogue) Vacant John Mondy Merrill Young Rick White PLANNING&ZONING BOARD Seeking Reappt. Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members Expiring Terms(3)(1) (2)& New Applicants(9) Position Appointed Vacancy Preference Yes/No (2)Vacancies Scott Ames John Manganilla 1 Kevin Finnell Kevin Finnell Yes William Baumbach 1 Position Vacant- Vacant Jamie Gregg Resigned Vacant Ramona Kopchenko 1 John Onufreiczuk Lisa Palomba 1 Dennis Larson Zachary Herrera 2 Position Vacant(was Vacant held by David Goss) Vacant Christine Eustice 2 Tim Bennett Tim Bennett Yes Tasha Finch 2 Eric LeJeune 3 James Griffin 3 ( 2 ( 2007 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICANT SUMMARY CHART WYUE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Seeking Reappt. Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members I Expiring Terms(2) (2) New Applicants(6) Preference Yes/No Position Appointed Mitch Herzog Mitch Herzog Yes Kathryn Welp 1 Marvin Fuller Marvin Fuller Yes Robert Wieneke 2 Chris Seely Lymari Ames 2 John Yeager Angelika Osbon 2 Merrill Young William Baumbach 2 John Manganilla 3 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Seeking Reappt. Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members Expiring Terms(3) (3)and(1) New Applicants(6) Position Appointed and 1 resignation Vacancy Preference Yes/No Willie Osborne(Alt) Willie Osborne Yes Karyn McGinnis(Alt) Karyn McGinnis Yes Lisa Palomba 2 Linda Jourdan Linda Jourdan Yes John Manganilla 2 Marilyn Herrera Angelika Osbon 3 Layne LeBaron William Baumbach 3 Position Vacant- Vacant Thomas Young resigned Vacant Robert Wieneke 3 Jeff Ellis James Griffin 4 PUBLIC ARTS ADVISORY BOARD Seeking Reappt. Applicant Interviewed- Current Board Members Expiring Terms(3) (2) and(1) New Applicants(14) Preference Yes/No Position Appointed Vacancy Barbara Marks Barbara Marks Yes Amanda McMurdie 1 Patsy Robertson Patsy Robertson Yes Christine Eustice 1 Larry Clark Larry Clark No Kelli Bolton 1 Polly Harrison Ashley Burt 1 Kathy Spillyards Elena Choat 1 Stewart Matthews Eric LeJeune 1 Warner Washington Margaret Boyd 2 John Manganilla 2 Robert Wieneke 2 Kathryn Welp 2 David Tillery 3 Tasha Finch 3 Lisa Palomba 4 James Griffin 5 NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Current Board Members Expiring Terms(1) Place Vacant New Applicants(2) Applicant Interviewed- Position Appointed Preference Yes/No Marvin Fuller Robert Thurmond Jr. ONLY Vacant Vacant(Harry Tibbals) Vacant Robert Wieneke 1 ( C 1 3 Page 1 of 2 Robert Diaz From: Mike Sferra Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 7:49 AM To: Robert Diaz; 'Dave Willey' Cc: Bill Nelson Subject: RE: next meeting Here's an update (responses in green)on David's questions with information I currently have available: A couple of things I'd like to go over at the next meeting: •An update on the cooperative bike trail plan with the county As I understand it, Bill Nelson submitted information to Collin County about future land acquisitions and locations of trails. The County requested this information from area cities so that they could structure a November 2007 bond proposition. It appears that the County intends to make grant funding available in future years for development of trails that link neighboring communities in the County. Details will become available once the County releases information about the bond proposition.. •An update on the Well's property scheduling, layout, and proposed bike trail. Construction of the new City Hall. Library, and Rec Center are scheduled for late 2007 or early 2008 (depending on the bidding and award process) in the site recommended by the consultants. Funding for master planning of the Wells property is being requested in the Park Division FY07-08 budget. Council must approve the requested line item, and budget hearings are usually held in July and August. The proposed bike trail project as part of a Safe Routes to School Program grant opportunity with TxDOT was submitted on May 25, 2007. It must now be reviewed at several TxDOT committees. It has already "cleared" the local Dallas office. I don't believe we'll hear anything until September or October about the degree of success of the application. • Background and current options with the Corp of Engineers regarding picking up property for park purposes Bill Nelson will be bringing this information to the next Park Board meeting. •Any possibilities of going under FM544 to link Wells and the High School. This is an opportunity that needs to be explored with TxDOT and the railroad. It has the potential to possibly be a future grant project with the County. If funding for the Wells master planning is approved, we would recommend that the consultant investigate the feasibility and identify potential points for establishing this connection. • Update on the School Crossing projects I assume David means the Safe Routes to School grant application. If so re;te,at n n ",,, 25 2007_ It must now be I hope that answers some of your questions, David. If you need more information,just let us know. We'll be glad to respond. Rob, you may want to include this email in the packet for the benefit of the Board Members. Michael B. Sferra Public Services Director City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 Phone: 972-442-8108 Fax: 972-442-5461 6/11/2007 Page 1 of 3 Robert Diaz From: Dave Willey[dwilley@mckinneytexas.org] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 2:40 PM To: Robert Diaz Cc: Mike Sferra; Bill Nelson Subject: RE: next meeting I would like to show Bennie how we were trying to get the main line of a trail system from the High School, Birmingham, and possibly to the lake. I a still curious to know of the 544 crossing and where it would be best to go under the bridge, or if that is even the best idea. From: Robert Diaz [mailto:robert.diaz@wylietexas.gov] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 11:50 AM To: Dave Wiley Cc: Mike Sferra; Bill Nelson Subject: RE: next meeting Just a general discussion for"bike trails," do you have any specific items related to this you need me to put in the agenda report? Robert Diaz Asst. Superintendent City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department 972-442-8197 office 972-442-I 744 fax robert.diazru«ylietexas.gov From: Dave Willey [mailto:dwilley@mckinneytexas.org] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 10:29 AM To: Mike Sferra; Robert Diaz Cc: Bill Nelson Subject: RE: next meeting I would like the other members to see this and be available for a "bike trail" discussion at the meeting. Thanks again. Dave From: Mike Sferra [mailto:mike.sferra@wylietexas.gov] Sent: Monday,June 11, 2007 7:49 AM To: Robert Diaz; Dave Willey Cc: Bill Nelson Subject: RE: next meeting Here's an update ( ) on David's questions with information I currently have available: A couple of things I'd like to go over at the next meeting: •An update on the cooperative bike trail plan with the county 6/11/2007 14- Wylie >. ' a a � iii ,,' School ,_ ? (2)SO 'LL FIELDS CONCESSION STAND/RESTROOMS AND .---It'I: .. t• ` FIELD OVERLOOKS �. �. BASKETBALL COURT E ISTING BASEBALL FIELDS "- ` __ -- :, EXISTING PLAYGROUND = 4i - F f --(2) U1 FIELDS 2 PLAY F S r ,:VEHIC. ' AROUND/ I i" ft" / -, . . Q #4.1.i,./ Y '"' (1) U10 PLAY FIELD tt I (6)U6 PLAY FIELDS 4:- - -.-a-- :1 - --_- 4) ---- .- .` =_, r. - :tee` • ,1, ` f —i ; i')U10 PLAY FIELD 1L. S - R � WYLIE SERVICE CENTER& • a - «•ie FUTURE EXPANSION • '� - (2) U8 PLAY FIELDS +/- 15 ACRES; t =fee CONCESSION STAND WITH DANCING FOUNTAIN • POTENTIAL SHARED PARKING • g HENSLEY r6 if .00041,...-.11 r fl. te' ! .,0:•.,;.. .,.,.-:„.v. ,, ...,. \,. • 01 . ... ...., .. „ ..,,. ..... .„. .....• I ! , :.„ 4 41$144 - L t ir 1-t 19• 0 • -- - 111"Rk - 1 1:,,...- . MIN1111011....,' lAyies,.., . . 1 ',1*:.''. 7 '%---.. - - - ---- "' '.--t--.- . - A .-Aisio, ,,.. • ,:: ,:,...„ ,...„.....,...„-,_,A.„,,,,,I, Master Plan 4.0011041410*0 PARKFOUNDERS N" I U : Flalff Associates r� �\ : ., ,, , , .. , 4 , , (2) 18"SEATWALLS I AP FIELD OVERLOOK ARBOR 0 ~ W. ,t - f 1 Etk Jfii ��� ildi, Ito - e. : gilir r 11" 0 . tft, ir Alt, Ilk, "TIT" Al .., / \V ,' dik. ... ____. BLEACHERS Al ft- HISTORICAL WALK „s.................r. .............; DUGOUT I 4 ri (44 BASEBALL FIELD ARBOR r2 1-' •:-klz.1 y' 1*ii ‘‘ 40 .,. CONCESSION STAND AND RESTROOMS ;, \I ! , w(it IL ,, FIELD OVERLOOK / / L (2) 18"SEATWALLS Main Concession FOUNDERS PARK T HaIt1 Associates "'I.I I•. I I ` \ _-�-_ -- - '.......",,,,.. 4 4---,- HISTORICAL WALK t; •.., ._ , , . ,0'WALK PASSENGER DROPOFF ; fo ,t, ARBOR '$,....' - -' l>ftv.e.- ..• ARBOR 4 1, si.-.4 ,...---,,,„-,- ---\ ,..,,,„ , , se /r1 rm./4-k- • I C's.,,,,- , .10 WALK 1iiP.4i r"Y*1.i.,S-,,g,%•aow•411.,-",l, k...i#-ii,Ai1i-*.-11ill'l i a.s,,--el410'11.1..:-.1 14.0--•,1, ‘-1.-_1.4„,,A,,,.,w1•1 1-'1-'/"-1'i A31-r W,7:.\5ii ii iit•--.. ,, '/ /\..s 4V_4ttW1,re i., '----.-- DCAONNCCINEGS SFOUNTAINi ,- *i ti \s l ESTROOMS "FOUNDER'S PLAZA" ;, .... -------- .----_ - -_----... , , - CONCESSION AND RESTROOM .. _ .. , .., A.- e ., . . ' ,fr, :' • t-l'ilr.:- /' r + • ,..„ . lk t •. 1,. ,,. ‘-i :- , -. , t . . , 'g - -. -. '/ : --1,', -,i, - - -,--11- / - .4 -• J' .,,,.... • .--, -, ( - ,..ip ,,o',4i, -''_'0..i ' • 411.ry c.'i l',e, ./..'.,4...4 LI4 r , 4 . . .iI Ii,iA,.' lI P 1, , -A.'..."- a NIF , A •'-•' ii l- ' hi. , I ARBOR PASSENGER DROPOFF ARBOR CONCESSION AND RESTROOMS WITH DANCING FOUNTAIN ARBOR Founder's Plaza FOUNDERS PARK 1' N\\III, \ I IIIIII \ IC, ..w. •• •- Page 1 of 2 Robert Diaz /2 From: Robert Diaz Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 8:07 AM To: 'Anne Hiney'; 'Benny Jones'; 'Brandi Lafleur; 'Dan Chesnut'; 'David Wi ey'; 'Donna Larson'; ' rankie Delgado' Cc: Dionna Covington; Mike Sferra; Bill Nelson Subject: PR Wylie PRWylie June Meeting-Monday, June 25, 2007at 6:30pm at Municipal Complex. Look for packets on Friday, June 22, 2007. June meeting highlight Representatives with Half and Associates will attend the meeting to discuss the revisions requested by the board for the Founders Park Phase 2 Bond Project. There will also be a representative from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to discuss use of Corps property for park use. Update on the Recreation Center/City Hall/Library After deciding to move forward on all three projects to begin at the same time, the City Council updated the contracts at their last regular meeting to reflect constructing all three buildings. Staff continues to work with Ballard-King and Associates the consultant who will prepare the Enterprise Plan for the Recreation Center. This plan will assist staff, architects, Board, and Council on aspects of operations and the types of revenues that can be captured by the new facility. Staff will keep the Board updated on the progress. No changes or updates have been done on the actual buildings at this time. Construction status: Skate Park at Joel Scott Park-The equipment is on order. The engineered drawings for the concrete slab for the skate park are still not completed. Staff is hoping to get this completed and start work on the slab soon. Basketball courts-Basketball courts at Community, Eureka, Lakeside, and Friendship Parks are 100% complete. Staff recently discovered that the surfacing at the court at Friendship Park did not adhere to the concrete and is now pealing up. We are working to get the contractor to make repairs of the surfacing; the surfacing does have warranty coverage. Olde City Park-Landscape and amenities (i.e. benches and tables) have been installed. The park has been seeded and hopefully turf will soon begin to grow. Joel Scott Park-Staff is still working on dirt work and preparation for the skate park will begin soon. David Willey recently sent questions to staff on various topics. These topics will be addressed in the agenda for Monday, below are the responses from staff to David. Here's an update (responses in green)on David's questions with information I currently have available: A couple of things I'd like to go over at the next meeting: •An update on the cooperative bike trail plan with the county As I understand it; Bill Nelson submitted information to Collin County about future land acquisitions and locations of trails. The County requested this information from area cities so that they could structure a November 2007 bond proposition. It appears that the County intends to make grant funding available in future years for development of trails that link neighboring communities in the County. Details will become available once the County releases information about the bond proposition. •An update on the Well's property scheduling, layout, and proposed bike trail. — Construction of the new City Hall, Library, and Rec Center are scheduled for late 2007 or early 2008 (depending on the bidding and award process) in the site recommended by the consultants. Funding for master planning of 6/21/2007 Page 2 of 2 the Wells property is being requested in the Park Division FY07-08 budget. Council must approve the requested line item, and budget hearings are usually held in July and August. The proposed bike trail project as part of a Safe Routes to School Program grant opportunity with TxDOT was submitted on May 25, 2007. It must now be reviewed at several TxDOT committees. It has already "cleared' the local Dallas office. I don't believe we'll hear anything until September or October about the degree of success of the application. • Background and current options with the Corp of Engineers regarding picking up property for park purposes Bill Nelson will be bringing this information to the next Park Board meeting. •Any possibilities of going under FM544 to link Wells and the High School. This is an opportunity that needs to be explored with TxDOT and the railroad. It has the potential to possibly be a future grant project with the County. If funding for the Wells master planning is approved, we would recommend that the consultant investigate the feasibility and identify potential points for establishing this connection. • Update on the School Crossing projects I assume David means the Safe Routes to School grant application. If so. reiterating from above, the Safe Routes to School Program grant opportunity with TxDOT was submitted on May 25, 2007. It must now be reviewed at several TxDOT committees. It has already 'cleared' the local Dallas office. I don't believe we'll hear anything until September or October about the degree of success of the application. I hope that answers some of your questions, David. If you need more information,just let us know. We'll be glad to respond. Rob, you may want to include this email in the packet for the benefit of the Board Members. Michael B. Sferra Public Services Director City of Wylie Have a great rest of the week! Robert Diaz Asst. Superintendent City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department 972-442-8197 office 972-442-1744 fax robert.diaz@wylietexas.gov 6/21/2007 Collin County Page 1 of 1 z w D ¢ z A d N C w 0 cn z m m z WOAKST E OAK S7 w 0 I zz G rn U i ..4 1ti't ' S^h 11 *y� c.)4� 1,.1 N. DISCLAIMER 1 Collin County Interactive Source data compiled from Collin County database.This COUNTY map is a graphic representation and should only be used for C www.collincountytexas.gov A. illustrative purposes.In no way should this map be used for boundary dispute or locational conflict. http://gis.collincountytx.gov/collin/print.j sp?address=&zone=&parcelid=&bldg=--+Select... 6/21/2007 May 23,2007 _ - _ I I City of Wylie ARCHITECTURE Wylie,Wylie,Texas TOTAL PROJECT COST MODEL- LIBRARY PHASE 1 CITY HALL PHASE RECREATION CENTER LIBRARY,CITY HALL AND RECREATION CENTER and PHASE II 1 and PHASE II PHASE 1 and PHASE II I. CONSTRUCTION COSTS Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Phase I 30,000 $ 218.10 $6,543,000 30,000 $ 239.07 $7,172,049 34,500 $7,141,825 Phase II 15,960 5 174.38 $2,783,032 13,500 $ 215.69 $2,911,812 10,000 $2,856,745 Additional Cost for Central HVAC Plant(divided equally) $415,778 $415,778 $415,778 Additional Cost for Entry Canopies(divided equally) $275,000 $275,000 $275,000 Reduced Cost for Single Phase(divided equally) -$685.400 -$685,400 -$685,400 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 45,960 59,331,410 43,500 $10,089,239 44,500 510,003,948 (design and construction contingency included) - -- I II. OTHER PROJECT COSTS Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal 1.Arts Fund 1% 593,314 1% $100,892 1% $100,039 2.FF&E A.AV Infrastructure 45,960 $ 0.50 $22,980 43,500 S 0.50 $21,750 44,500 S 0.50 $22,250 B.AV Equipment general fund general fund general fund C.Technology(Data/Communication)Infrastructure 45,960 $ 2.00 $91,920 43,500 $ 2.00 $87,000 44,500 $ 2.00 $89,000 D.Building Access Control Infrastructure&Equipment 45,960 $ 1.00 $45,960 43,500 $ 1.00 $43,500 44,500 5 1.00 $44,500 E.Furniture,Fixtures&Equipment 45,960 5 20.00 $919,200 43,500 $ 15.00 $652,500 44,500 $ 27.00 51,201,500 F.Food Service Equipment general fund general fund general fund G.Site&Building Signage 45,%0 S 2.25 5103,410 43,500 $ 2.00 $87,000 44,500 $ 2.25 $100,125 H.Specialty Equipment in above in above in above I.FF&E Contingency&Escalation Adjustment 3% $35,504 3% $26,753 3% 543,721 Subtotal Item IV.2 $1,312,288 $1,019,395 $1,601,136 3.Owner Furnished Fixtures&Equipment A.Fixtures&Equipment(computer,printer,copier,etc.) general fund general fund general fund B.Telephone 45,960 $ 1.00 $45,960 43,500 $ 2.00 $87,000 44,500 1.00 $44,500 Subtotal Item IV.3 $45,960 $87,000 $44,500 4.Library Expenditures A.Collection Material general fund B.Collection Security from capital improvement C.Collection Software general fund Subtotal item IV.4 $0 n/a $0 n/a $0 5.Testing Services A.Geotechnical $7,500 $7,500 S7,500 B.Testing&Inspection $45,000 $45,000 545,000 Subtotal Item IV.S $52,500 $52,500 $52,500 6.Professional Fees A. Basic Service(Arch,FFE,Struct.,MEP) 10.00% $933,141 10.0% $1,008,924 10.0% $1,000,395 B. Civil Engineering $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 C.Surveying $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 D.Landscape&Irrigation Consultant $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 E.Acoustical/AV Consultant $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 F.Architectural Lighting Consultant $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 G.IT&Building Access Control Consultant $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 H.Interior Design It Furniture Selection $82,728 $58,725 $108,135 I. Graphic Designer $60,000 $50,000 $60,000 J. LEED Consultant and Commissioning Agent $48,000 $45,000 $45,000 K. Specialty Consultant Multiplier 10% $22,000 10% $20,700 10% $21,700 L. Reimbursable Professional Expenses $69,986 $75,669 budget $75,030 .-- .. .„occ e1 1=4 nia _._t1 A21?ae May 23,2007 - City of Wylie AHOLZEMTAN MOSS HIRE Wylie,Texas TOTAL PROJECT COST MODEL- LIBRARY PHASE 1 CITY HALL PHASE RECREATION CENTER LIBRARY,CITY HALL AND RECREATION CENTER and PHASE II 1 and PHASE II PHASE 1 and PHASE II I. CONSTRUCTION COSTS Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Phase I 30,000 $ 218.10 56,543,000 30,000 $ 239.07 $7,172,049 34,500 $7,141,825 Phase II 15,960 $ 174.38 52,783,032 13,500 $ 215.69 52,911,812 10,000 $2,856,745 Additional Cost for Central HVAC Plant(divided equally) $415,778 5415,778 $415,778 Additional Cost for Entry Canopies(divided equally) $275,000 5275,000 5275,000 Reduced Cost for Single Phase(divided equally) -5685,400 -5685,400 -$685,400 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 45,960 $9,331,410 43,500 $10,089,239 44,500 $10,003,948 (design and construction contingency included) II _ 1 __ II. OTHER PROJECT COSTS Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Unit Unit Cost Subtotal 1.Arts Fund 1% $93,314 1% $100,892 1% $100,039 2.FFE A.AV Infrastructure 45,960 $ 0.50 $22,980 43,500 $ 0.50 $21,750 44,500 S 0.50 $22,250 B.AV Equipment general fund general fund general fund C.Technology(Data/Communication)Infrastructure 45,960 $ 2.00 $91,920 43,500 $ 2.00 $87,000 44,500 $ 2.00 $89,000 D.Building Access Control infrastructure&Equipment 45,960 $ 1.00 $45,960 43,500 $ '1.00 $43,500 44,500 $ 1.00 $44,500 E.Furniture,Fixtures&Equipment 45,960 $ 20.00 $919,200 43,500 $ 15.00 5652,500 44,500 $ 27.00 $1,201,500 F.Food Service Equipment general fund general fund general fund G.Site&Building Signage 45,960 $ 2.25 $103,410 43,500 $ 2.00 $87,000 44,500 $ 2.25 $100,125 H.Specialty Equipment in above in above in above I.FF&E Contingency&Escalation Adjustment 3% 535,504 3% $26,753 3% $43,721 Subtotal Item IV.2 $1,312,288 $1,019,395 $1,601,136 3.Owner Furnished Fixtures&Equipment A.Fixtures&Equipment(computer,printer,copier,etc.) general fund general fund general fund B.Telephone 45,960 S 1.00 $45,960 43,500 $ 7.00 587,000 44,500 1.00 544,500 Subtotal Item IV.3 $45,960 $87,000 $44,500 4.Library Expenditures A.Collection Material general fund B.Collection Security from capital improvement C.Collection Software general fund Subtotal Item IV.4 $0 n/a $0 n/a $0 5.Testing Services A.Geotechnical $7,500 $7,500 S7,500 B.Testing E Inspection $45,003 $45,000 545,000 Subtotal Item IV.5 $52,500 $52,500 $52,500 6.Professional Fees A. Basic Service(Arch,FFE,Struct.,MEP) 10.00% $933,141 10.0% $1,008,924 10.0% $1,000,395 B. Civil Engineering $13,000 $13,000 513,000 C.Surveying $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 D.Landscape E Irrigation Consultant $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 E.Acoustical/AV Consultant $25,000 $25,000 525,000 F.Architectural Lighting Consultant 515,000 $15,000 515,000 G.IT&Building Access Control Consultant $35,000 $35,000 535,000 H.Interior Design&Furniture Selection $82,728 $58,725 $108,135 I. Graphic Designer $60,000 $50,000 $60,000 J. LEED Consultant and Commissioning Agent $48,000 $45,000 S45,000 K. Specialty Consultant Multiplier 10% $22,000 10% $20,700 10% $21,700 L. Reimbursable Professional Expenses 569,986 $75,669 budget 575,030 e. '. "err en 1Y1 nia ti Al?]FO.