07-23-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet 7/ Parks and Recreation Board CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda Monday, July 23, 2007 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Dan Chesnut Chair David Willey Co-Chair Anne Hiney Board Member Donna Larson Board Member Brandi Lafleur Board Member Benny Jones Board Member Frankie Delgado Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Dionna Covington Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.lvvlietexa.s.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION 1. Presentation by Michelle Ketterman, of the Birmingham Farms Phase 3 Home Owners Association regarding development of parkland in that area. 2. Presentation by Mary Catherine McClung, owner of Stroller Strides, regarding her program. BUSINESS ITEMS 3. Elect new Board Officers, Chair and Vice-Chair, for the 2007-2008 terms. 4. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the June 25, 2007 meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Addition of more Board meetings due to increase in projects. July 23,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 6. Review of Board retreat budget objectives. 7. Staff update on Proposed Fiscal Year 2007-08 Budget 8. Development of Parks and Recreation Board project committees for the new Recreation Center, Founders Park Project, and the Parks and Open Space Master Plan update. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20th day of July, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of W ie website: www.wylietexas.gov. c.)::°• ,� �'-3- 07 Carole Ehrlich ity Secretary = SEAL •• • = Date Notice Removed • ��'.. °.•°• ...° Pam,```�`�� 7; Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 23, 2007 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 18, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 0 Subject Discussion Item-Addition of more Board meetings due to increase in projects. Recommendation Staff recommends not increasing regular number of meetings. Discussion Parks and Recreation Board Member Frankie Delgado asked staff at the last regular meeting in June to add a discussion item to the July meeting regarding having additional regular meetings,possibly a meeting every two weeks instead of once a month. The main purpose would be to keep the Board updated on the amount of information regarding the many projects such as Founders Park. Staff has discussed this possibility of having a meeting every two weeks and feel at this time that it would be to burdensome on staff to put together a formal meeting every two weeks. Staff will still provide support the occasional special meetings if warranted i.e. meetings with the architects or consultants. Staff is pursuing additional administrative support in the FY 2007- 08 budget, if approved this could possibly provide the assistance needed to support additional meetings in the future. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 Park and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 23, 2007 Item Number: (01 Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 19,2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion Item-Review of Board retreat budget objectives. Recommendation N/A Discussion The Parks and Recreation Board requested that the staff review the status of the priorities from the February 2007 Retreat. • Teen Center-research solutions on 07-08 budget There is currently no funding or direction for pursuing building a teen center at this time. • Water park/Aquatic center-research, possibly include in master plan survey City Management recently researched the possibility of an Aquatic Center, but no funding or timeline has been finalized. • Trail connections-I.D.areas that could be connected, use funds from sidewalk bond? Pursue funding in FY 07-08 budget Staff is pursuing grant funding with TXDOT for trails and meet with the Army Corps of Engineers regarding trail connections. • Skate park-research and pursue installing now,get funding at mid-year Construction of the first skate park in Joel Scoff Park is underway. • Practice fields-partner with HOA's, notify leagues of all practice areas,fund some additional backstops Funding for practice areas at Dodd and Avalon Parks are included in the proposed FY 07-08 budget. Staff continues to work with Wylie ISD on joint use of facilities i.e. Wylie Wave Summer program and Wylie Flyers Track Program. Practice areas are included in the proposed FY 07-08 budget at Avalon and Dodd Parks. • McMillan and Wylie East land purchases-research pursue funding through Collin County Grants? Pursue matching grant for OCP property at 07-08 budget. Staff has submitted a grant for property near Olde City Park. Funding for a updating the Master Plan is included in the proposed FY 07-08 budget. • Look at programs and staffing for additional recreation programs in 07-08 budget. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 No funding for additional recreation personnel is included in the FY 07-08 budget. Staff will begin adding personnel for the opening of the new recreation center in the upcoming budget cycles. • Development of Twin Lakes,Dodd,and Avalon Parks? The only development in the FY 07-08 budget will be for Dodd and Avalon Parks practice areas. Staff has included the portion of the Minutes from the February 26, 2007 meeting following the retreat for Board review. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager ittiPark and Recreation Board CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 23, 2007 Item Number: 7 Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 19, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion Item- Staff update on Proposed Fiscal Year 2007-08 Budget Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will answer any questions on the proposed FY 07-08 Budget. The budgets included are Parks and Recreation operating budgets,Park Acquisition and Improvement funds, and 4B Parks/Rec budgets. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 511 PARKS 100-5511-51110 SALARIES 495,360.00 100-5511-51130 OVERTIME 25,000.00 OVERTIME 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LARGER THAN FY07 DUE TO PARKS STAFF HAVING TO WORK MORE WEEKENDS FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS LITTER CONTROL, RESTROOM CLEANING ALONG WITH INCREASING DEMANDS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. EX:FOURTH OF JULY, CLEANUP/GREENUP,CHRISTMAS PARADE, ETC. 100-5511-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 3,090.00 100-5511-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 5,290.00 100-5511-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 3,200.00 CHEMICAL APP. LICENSE 4 390.00 1,560.00 IRRIGATION LICENSE 1 390.00 390.00 PLAYGROUND INSPECTOR 2 325.00 650.00 CHEMICAL APP. LIC. NEW 2 300.00 600.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LARGER THAN FY07 DUE TO TWO EXISTING EMPLOYESS OBTAINING THEIR CHEMICAL APPLICATOR LICENSES IN FY08. THE LICENSES ARE REQUIRED BY THE STATE IN ORDER TO APPLY PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES. 100-5511-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5511-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5511-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 5,880.00 '''''5511-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 8,640.00 3511-51310 TMRS 49,460.00 100-5511-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 120,700.00 100-5511-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,730.00 100-5511-51440 FICA 33,880.00 100-5511-51450 MEDICARE 7,930.00 100-5511-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 11,050.00 100-5511-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 4,070.00 100-5511-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,100.00 COPY PAPER 1 700.00 700.00 LEGAL PADS, PENS, PENCILS 1 100.00 100.00 COPIER TONER 1 250.00 250.00 INK CARTIDGES 1 450.00 450.00 BUSINESS CARDS 1 100.00 100.00 CITY RESERV. CARDS W/ POST. 1 150.00 150.00 BOOKS 100.00 ADM. SEC. SUPPLIES- ELS 1 OF 2 1 250.00 250.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LARGER THAN FY07 DUE TO ELS 1 OF 2 - ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY. 100-5511-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5511-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5511-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 22,980.00 SHOVELS, RAKES,PRUNERS 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 GAS CANS 10 65.00 850.00 WRENCHES, SOCKET SETS,ETC. 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 LINE TRIMMERS 3 260.00 780.00 BACKPACK BLOWERS 2 250.00 500.00 STICK EDGERS 2 325.00 650.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET PUSH EDGER 1 500.00 500.00 CELL PHONE PURCHASE 9 100.00 900.00 PALLET JACK 1 500.00 500.00 COMPUTER CPUs 3 1,200.00 3,600.00 ADMIN COMPUTER ELS 1 OF 2 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 CHRISTMAS TREE 1 5,500.00 5,500.00 CIP BRUSH HOG 5,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LARGER THAN FY07 MAINLY DUE TO EXTRA SMALL HAND TOOLS BEING NEEDED. TO REPLACE TWO AGED CPU UNITS USED BY THE PARK FIELD SUPERVISORS. ELS 1 OF 2 - NEW CPU, PRINTER, AND MONITOR FOR ADMIN POSITION. 100-5511-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP-$100-$999.99 0.00 100-5511-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 11,750.00 TOILET PAPER, PAPER TOWELS 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 BARREL LINERS 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 CLEANERS 1 750.00 750.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LARGER THAN FY07 MAINLY DUE TO INCREASED NEED/RISING COSTS OF BARREL LINERS. 100-5511-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 500.00 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 1 500.00 500.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LARGER THAN FYO7 FOR PREVENTIVE MEASURES SUCH AS SUN SCREEN AND POISON IVY PREVENTIVE LOTION. 100-5511-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 32,200.00 GAS, DIESEL,OIL,ETC. 1 32,200.00 32,200.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS HIGHER THAN FY07 BUDGET DUE TO ANTICPATED HIGHER FUEL COSTS AND NEW PARK AREAS TO MOW WHICH INCLUDE DODD PARK, AVALON PHASE I, CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE IV, AND SOUTHBROOK PHASE II. 100-5511-52380 CHEMICALS 13,500.00 HERBICIDES,INSECTICIDES,ETC. 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 PRE-EMERG.HERBICIDE 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 GROWTH REGULATOR 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LARGER THAN FY07 DUE TO INCREASING PARK ACREAGE TO MAINTAIN AND THE DESIRE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF DESIRABLE STANDS OF TURF ESPECIALLY ON THE ATHLETIC FIELDS. 100-5511-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 37,200.00 FERTILIZER,SEED 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 FLOWERS,MULCH 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-B.FARMS 14 15 30.00 450.00 PLAYGRND.CHIPS-EUREKA PARK 20 30.00 600.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-COMNTY. PARK 25 30.00 750.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-CRK.EST. PARK 10 30.00 300.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-FOUND. PARK 75 30.00 2,250.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-FRIEND.PARK 25 30.00 750.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- KIRBY PARK 25 30.00 750.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- 0. CITY PARK 25 30.00 750.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- RIVER. PARK 25 30.00 750.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- S. CRK. PARK 15 30.00 450.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- VALT. PARK 30 30.00 900.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LESS THAN FY07 DUE TO PLAYGROUND CHIPS NOT NEEDING TO BE REPLENISHED AS MUCH AS IN PAST YEARS. 100-5511-52550 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PARTS 8,000.00 HEADS, PIPE, FITTINGS,ETC. 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS MORE THAN FY07 DUE TO INCREASING PARK AREAS TO MAINTAIN AND AGING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. 100-5511-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 28,550.00 TURFACE-DRYING AGENT 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 BALL DIAMOND CLAY 1 2,750.00 2,750.00 BULBS, BALLASTS 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 VOLLEYBALL COURT SAND 1 800.00 800.00 BLEACHER, PLAYGRND. REPAIRS 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 FILL DIRT FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 1 7,000.00 7,000.00 PROBRICK 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 INFIELD CONDITIONER 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LARGER THAN FY07 MAINLY DUE TO RESPONDING TO CITIZEN DEMAND TO INCREASE PLAYABILITY OF ATHLETIC FIELDS (INFIELD CONDITIONER, TURFACE, FILL DIRT, BLEACHER/PLAYGROUND REPAIR, ETC). 100-5511-52620 BOOKS 0.00 100-5511-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 3,090.00 GLOVES- 13 EMPLOYEES 130 12.00 1,560.00 "*"'-SAFETY GLASSES-13 EMPLOYEES 52 15.00 780.00 EAR PLUGS- 13 EMPLOYEES 1 350.00 350.00 AERATOR MASKS- 13 EMPLOYEES 1 400.00 400.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LESS THAN FY07 DUE TO THE NEW POLICY OF PARKS STAFF NEEDING TO PURCHASE THEIR OWN UNIFORMS. FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO NET EACH EMPLOYEE $600.00 FOR UNIFORM PURCHASE. 100-5511-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 2,000.00 GATORADE/EMP SAFETY MTNGS 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Current Year CURRENT FUNDING IS ADEQUATE. 100-5511-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5511-54210 STREETS & ALLEYS 29,200.00 ASPLT.ROAD,TRAIL- COM. PARK 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 GRAVEL FOR CLEANUP SITE 2 4,600.00 9,200.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS MORE THAN FY07 DUE TO DUE CONTINUED MAINTENANCE OF THE TRAIL AT COMMUNITY PARK AND THE COST FOR GRAVEL FOR TWO CLEAN UP GREEN UPS PER YEAR. 100-5511-54250 STREET SIGNS & MARKINGS 2,000.00 MISC. PARK SIGNAGE 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LESS DUE TO PARKS DIRECTIONAL SIGNS BEING INSTALLED IN FY07. THE PROPOSED BUDGET INCLUDES NEW/REPLACEMENT SIGNAGE AS NEEDED FOR PARK SITES CITYWIDE. 100-5511-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 REPAIRS, INSPECTIONS, ETC. 0.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 4 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year THIS LINE ITEM BUDGET IS BEING TRANSFERED TO FLEET SERVICES. 100-5511-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 14,500.00 REPAIRS, PARTS, ETC. 1 14,500.00 14,500.00 Current Year FY 07 BUDGET IS ADEQUATE FOR FY 08. 100-5511-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,250.00 REPAIRS TO SMALL EQUIPMENT 1 1,250.00 1,250.00 Current Year REDUCTION FOR FY08 FROM FY07. 100-5511-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 450.00 CELL PHONE MAINTENANCE 9 50.00 450.00 100-5511-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 900.00 COMPUTER MAINT. MATERIALS 1 900.00 900.00 Current Year FY 07 BUDGET IS ADEQUATE FOR FY 08. 100-5511-54910 BUILDINGS 6,000.00 PAINTING,ELEC. PLUMB. REPAIRS 1 6,000.00 6,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LARGER THAN FY07 MAINLY DUE TO COMMUNITY PARK SOCCER RESTROOMS NEEDING TO HAVE THE SINKS, TOILETS REPLACED AND THE WALLS REPAIRED. THESE RESTROOMS ARE APPROX. TEN YEARS OLD AND HAVE BEEN SUBJECT TO HEAVY USE AND VANDALISM. THE PROPOSED BUDGET ALSO INCLUDES FUNDING FOR PAINTING THE CONESSION STAND, PAVILIONS, AND PERFORMING MINOR ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING REPAIRS. 100-5511-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5511-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 169,450.00 ATHLETIC LIGHTS MAINTENANCE 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 IRRIGATION REPAIRS- ALL PARKS 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS- ALL PARKS 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 PORTOLETS-COMMUNITY PARK-3 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 PORTOLETS- FOUNDERS PARK-9 1 7,500.00 7,500.00 ADA INSPECTION FOR PARKS 2 350.00 700.00 COMFORT STATION DUMPING 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 FLU SHOTS-15 EMPLOYEES 15 30.00 450.00 PRE-EMPLOY. PHYS./DRUG SCREEN 5 500.00 2,500.00 BACKFLOW DEVICE TESTING 50 40.00 2,000.00 CONTRACT MOWING 1 70,000.00 70,000.00 CLEANUP FLYERS & SIGNAGE 2 1,050.00 2,100.00 DWNTN. BANNER CHANGEOUTS 4 250.00 1,000.00 HWY.78 TREE TRANSPLANT 12 500.00 6,000.00 MISC. PARK PORTOLETS 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 CIP TRAILER 52,700.00 SAGE CREEK FENCING 6,500.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LARGER THAN FY07 MAINLY DUE TO HIGHER COST PER ACRE FOR MOWING/LITTER CONTROL, SH HWY. 78 TREE TRANSPLANTING (TREES ORIGINALLY PLANTED 4-5 YEARS AGO NEAR FM 544 AND SH 78 AND TXDOT HAS INDICATED THAT THEY NEED TO BE RELOCATED FOR HIGHWAY WIDENING). ALSO ADDED $700 FOR STATE MANDATED ANNUAL ADA INSPECTIONS FOR FOUNDERS PARK AND CREEKSIDE ESTATES PARK. 100-5511-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5511-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 5511-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 3,600.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 9 400.00 3,600.00 PAGE TOTAL: 196,150.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 5 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5511-56180 RENTAL 12,900.00 TREE CHIPPER- CHRIST. TREES 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 CHIPPER/BACKHOE-CLN/GRNUP. 2 3,100.00 6,200.00 CLEANUP/GREENUP FENCING 2 800.00 1,600.00 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 COPY MACHINE RENTAL 12 175.00 2,100.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LARGER THAN FYO7 MAINLY DUE TO THE RENTAL OF A BACKHOE FOR THE TWO CLEANUP/GREENUP EVENTS. 100-5511-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 6,610.00 WORKSHOPS-SUP./MAINT. EMPLY 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 WORKSHOPS- PRKS. SUPERINTEN 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 CEUS-CHEM. APP. LIC-6 EMPLOYEE 6 135.00 810.00 CEUS-IRRI.LIC.-2 EMPLOYEES 2 250.00 500.00 CDL 2 150.00 300.00 CHEMICAL APPLICATOR LIC. 2 500.00 1,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN FY07 DUE TO TWO PARKS STAFF OBTAINING THEIR COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSES NEEDED TO DRIVE THE DUMP TRUCK AND HAUL HEAVY EQUIPMENT. 100-5511-56220 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 0.00 100-5511-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,200.00 T.R.A.P.S 1 100.00 100.00 CHEM.APP. LIC, RENEW.6 EMPLOY. 6 100.00 600.00 IRRI. LIC. RENEW. 2 EMPLOYEES 2 250.00 500.00 Next Year BUDGETED AMOUNT IN FY07 IS ADEQUATE FOR FY08. _ 5511-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 120,000.00 PARKS/ TENNIS LIGHTING 1 120,000.00 120,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN FY07 DUE TO ANTICIPATED INCREASE IN ELECTRICAL RATES DURING THE YEAR. 100-5511-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 110,000.00 IRRIGATION FOR VAR. PARKS 1 110,000.00 110,000.00 Current Year FY07 BUDGET IS ADEQUATE FOR 08. 100-5511-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 42,000.00 CLEANUP DUMPSTER HAULING 2 15,000.00 30,000.00 CLEANUP TIRE DISPOSAL 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 CLEANUP ELECTRON. RECYCLING 2 4,000.00 8,000.00 MISC. LANDFILL CHARGES 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS LESS THAN FY07 MAINLY DUE TO REDUCED NUMBER OF TRASH DUMPSTER HAULS DURING THE TWO CLEANUP/GREENUP EVENTS. THE REDUCED NUMBERS ARE THE RESULT OF THE RECYCLING OF BRUSH, METAL, APPLIANCES, ETC. 100-5511-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5511-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5511-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5511-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5511-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5511-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5511-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5511-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1,500.00 DSK./CHAIR AD.SEC. ELS 1 OF 2 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 6 ACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS FOR A NEW DESK, TABLES, CHAIRS, ETC FOR THE REQUESTED NEW TRAILER FOR PARKS STAFF AND A ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY (ELS 1 OF 2 ). 100-5511-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5511-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5,000.00 CIP BOBCAT 5,000.00 100-5511-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 5,000.00 DEPT TOTAL: 1,464,710.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 7 ACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 521 RECREATION 100-5521-51110 SALARIES 0.00 100-5521-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 70,040.00 Permanent This needs to be adjusted according to salary step program. Current Year For Wylie Wave Program Positions. 100-5521-51130 OVERTIME 5,000.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 5,000.00 Current Year Current funding is adequate. 100-5521-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 0.00 100-5521-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0.00 100-5521-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5521-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5521-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5521-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,470.00 100-5521-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5521-51310 TMRS 0.00 100-5521-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 100-5521-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 390.00 100-5521-51440 FICA 4,740.00 100-5521-51450 MEDICARE 1,110.00 100-5521-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,530.00 100-5521-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 2,100.00 100-5521-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,500.00 PAPER 800.00 INKJET CARTRIDGES 800.00 PENS, FOLDERS, MISC SUPPLIES 500.00 WAVE OFFICE SUPPLIES 300.00 FILM DEVELOPING/BATTERIES 100.00 Current Year Funding has been reduced from FY07. 100-5521-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5521-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 200.00 DATABASE SOFTWARE 200.00 Current Year CALENDAR CREATOR SOFTWARE USED TO MAINTAIN STAFFING SCHEDULES AND RESERVATIONS. 100-5521-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,700.00 MISC HARDWARE 500.00 CELL PHONE PURCHASE 10 100.00 1,000.00 SHELVING/PLASTIC BINS 500.00 REPLACEMENT CPU - REC SUPV 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 MISC EQUIPMENT - WAVE 500.00 Current Year PLASTIC BINS USED TO STORE WAVE SUPPLIES. KEYS, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR MINOR REPAIRS AT COMMUNITY CENTER, BACKPACKS FOR WAVE LEADERS, FIRST AID STORAGE CABINET FOR WAVE PROGRAM. 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 8 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET REPLACEMENT OF CPU FOR RECREATION SUPERVISOR. 100-5521-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP-$100-$999.99 0.00 100-5521-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 4,250.00 UNIT 157 (ASST SUPT) 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 COMM CNTR VAN UNIT 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 COMM CNTER BUS UNIT 1 1,750.00 1,750.00 Current Year MOVED FUEL & LUBRICANTS FUNDING FOR VAN AND BUS FROM 5615 (4B REC) TO 5521. 100-5521-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 14,500.00 SNACKS 5,000.00 JUICE 1,500.00 ARTS/CRAFTS SUPPLIES 3,000.00 GAMES/BALLS 1,000.00 TENNIS & TRACK PROGRAMS 3,000.00 MISC ART SUPPLIES 1,000.00 Current Year SUPPLIES FOR SUMMER TRACK AND TENNIS PROGRAM, WAVE SUPPLIES, AND SENIOR PROGRAMS. 100-5521-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 1,600.00 STAFF SHIRTS (PARTTIME & WAVE) 1,600.00 Current Year PART TIME AND WAVE STAFF SHIRTS - CITY WILL BUY SHIRTS FOR EMPLOYEES AND SET UP PAYROLL DEDUCTION TO BE REIMBURSED. 100-5521-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 3,000.00 SENIOR LUNCHES/BREAKFAST 2,000.00 COFFEE / COFFEE SUPPLIES 500.00 - •- STAFF LUNCHES/DINNERS 500.00 Current Year CURRENT FUNDING IS ADEQUATE. 100-5521-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5521-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5521-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 750.00 BUS MAINTENANCE 1 750.00 750.00 Current Year GENERAL MAINTENANCE FOR THE 14 PASSENGER BUS, I.E., TIRE REPAIR, BATTERIES, OIL CHANGES, ETC. 100-5521-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5521-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 500.00 PHONES/PAGER MAINT 10 50.00 500.00 100-5521-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 500.00 MISC COMPUTER UPGRADES 500.00 Current Year CURRENT FUNDING IS ADAQUATE. 100-5521-54910 BUILDINGS 0.00 Current Year NO FUNDING NEEDED, NO MAJOR PROJECTS NEEDED AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER. CURRENT FACILITIES BUDGET MAINTAINS THE NEEDS OF THE FACILITY. 100-5521-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5521-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 147,500.00 BUS- WAVE 27,500.00 WAVE FIELD TRIP BALLPRK, DWA 10,000.00 WAVE SWIMMING 5,000.00 PHYSICALS WAVE STAFF 2,000.00 WAVE SPORT CAMPS 1,500.00 WAVE ENTERTAINMENT 2,000.00 WAVE PARTICIPANT TSHIRTS 2,500.00 ENERGY COSTS - WAVE 15,000.00 SUMMER CONCERTS 40,000.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 9 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET 4TH OF JULY FESTIVAL 35,000.00 CC HALLOWEEN 2,000.00 PORTOLETS 5,000.00 Current Year 5% increases for Wave energy costs and busses. Had to add line item back in for Wave energy costs (with 5% increase). No major increases for summer concerts. 100-5521-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 Current Year FINANCE TO NET RECREATION SUPERVISOR $200.00 TO PURCHASE UNIFORMS. 100-5521-56080 ADVERTISING 6,500.00 WAVE FLIERS & POSTERS 2,000.00 BROCHURES/ FLIERS 2,500.00 CONCERT FLIERS/POSTERS 2,000.00 Current Year FUNDING INCREASED DUE TO RISING COSTS FOR PRINT MATERIALS 100-5521-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 4,000.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 10 400.00 4,000.00 100-5521-56180 RENTAL 4,900.00 COPIER RENTAL 12 75.00 900.00 PORT. GENERATOR-SP. EVENTS 8 500.00 4,000.00 Current Year MAINTAIN COPY SERVICE FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER. FUNDING FOR COPYING WAS REDUCED BY VENDOR IN 06-07. GENERATOR RENTED FOR SPECIAL EVENTS HAD BEEN FUNDED IN SPECIAL SERVICES AND HAS BEEN MOVED TO THIS LINE ITEM. 1. -5521-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,000.00 STATE/REG/NAT CONFERENCES 1,000.00 MISC TRAINING COURSES 500.00 WAVE STAFF TRAINING 1,000.00 CERTIFICATION TESTING 500.00 Current Year REDUCED FUNDING DUE TO LIMITING ATTENDANCE TO VARIOUS CONFERENCES. 100-5521-56220 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 0.00 100-5521-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,200.00 TRAPS & NRPA ASST SUPERINTNDNT 200.00 TRAPS & NRPA REC SUPERVISOR 200.00 MEMBER CITY DUES TRAPS 400.00 MEMBER CITY DUES NRPA 500.00 MEMBER CITY DUES TAAF 300.00 TEXAS TURFGRASS ASSC DUES 100.00 ASCAP 1 500.00 500.00 Current Year MAINTAINED FUNDING 100-5521-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5521-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5521-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5521-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5521-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5521-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5521-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 10 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5521-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5521-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5521-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 285,980.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 1,750,690.00 NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: 1,750,690.00 7-18-07 9:08 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA FUND: 100-GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS: 5511-51110 THRU 5521-58910 L _AT OPTIONS ITEMS TO PRINT: Annual Budget BUDGET TO PRINT: 08-Fiscal 08 Budget INCLUDE LINE ITEM DETAIL: YES INCLUDE ACCOUNT BUDGET NOTES: YES PAGE BREAK BY DEPARTMENT: YES ** END OF REPORT ** 7-18-07 9:10 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DErr NO: 614 4B PARKS 112-5614-51110 SALARIES 180,390.00 112-5614-51130 OVERTIME 12,500.00 OVERTIME 1 12,500.00 12,500.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LARGER THAN FY07 DUE TO PARKS STAFF HAVING TO WORK WEEKENDS FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS LITTER CONTROL, RESTROOM CLEANING ALONG WITH INCREASING DEMANDS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. EX: FOURTH OF JULY, CLEANUP/GREENUP, CHRISTMAS PARADE, ETC. 112-5614-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,040.00 112-5614-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,000.00 112-5614-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 1,500.00 CHEMICAL APPLICATOR LICENSE 2 390.00 780.00 IRRIGATION LICENSE 1 390.00 390.00 PLAYGROUND SAFETY INSPECT. 1 330.00 330.00 Current Year REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FY08 IS LESS THAN FY07 MAINLY DUE TO ONE EMPLOYEE NOT RENEWING HIS PLAYGROUND INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION. 112-5614-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 112-5614-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 112-5614-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 112-5614-51310 TMRS 18,610.00 112-5614-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 36,410.00 1, 5614-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,000.00 3614-51440 FICA 12,310.00 112-5614-51450 MEDICARE 2,880.00 112-5614-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 4,050.00 112-5614-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,080.00 112-5614-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP- $100-$999.99 0.00 112-5614-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 72,000.00 Parks Masterplan 72,000.00 112-5614-57310 DEBT SERVICE-FISCAL AGENT FEES 0.00 112-5614-57420 BOND ISSUE COSTS 0.00 112-5614-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 112-5614-58110 LAND 0.00 112-5614-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS IF BALLARD AVE. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT COMPLETED IN FY07. IF THIS TRAIL IS INSTALLED BEFORE THE DRAINAGE PORTION OF THE BALLARD AVE BOND PROJECT, IT WOULD HAVE TO BE REMOVED TO ACCOMODATE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE PIPING. STAFF IS WAITING TO INSTALL THIS FINAL SECTION OF CONCRETE TRAIL TO REPLACE THE EXISTING GRAVEL TRAIL. 112-5614-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 112-5614-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5614-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 112-5614-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5614-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5614-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 347,770.00 7-18-07 9:10 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 347,770.00 7-18-07 9:10 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEFT NO: 615 4B RECREATION 112-5615-51110 SALARIES 48,210.00 Current Year RECREATION SUPERVISOR SALARY 112-5615-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 38,930.00 112-5615-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 112-5615-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 170.00 112-5615-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 520.00 112-5615-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 112-5615-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 112-5615-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 112-5615-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 112-5615-51310 TMRS 4,440.00 112-5615-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 6,860.00 112-5615-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 480.00 112-5615-51440 FICA 5,450.00 112-5615-51450 MEDICARE 1,270.00 112-5615-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,900.00 112-5615-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 970.00 112-5615-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 112-5615-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 112-5615-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 0.00 112-5615-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP-$100-$999.99 0.00 112-5615-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 0.00 Permanent MOVED FUNDING FOR ALL RECREATION VEHICLES TO 5521 GENERAL FUND. 112-5615-52610 RECREATION SUPPLIES 0.00 112-5615-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 112-5615-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 0.00 112-5615-52990 OTHER 0.00 112-5615-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 112-5615-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5615-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 112-5615-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 112-5615-54910 BUILDINGS 0.00 112-5615-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 112-5615-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 112-5615-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 112-5615-56180 RENTAL 0.00 112-5615-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 0.00 112-5615-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 112-5615-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 112-5615-58150 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 112-5615-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 112-5615-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 112-5615-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 109,200.00 DEPT TOTAL: 109,200.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 456,970.00 NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: 456,970.00 7-18-07 9:10 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA FUND: 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ACCOUNTS: 5614-51110 THRU 5615-58850 Pn_..i OPTIONS ITEMS TO PRINT: Annual Budget BUDGET TO PRINT: 06-Fiscal 08 Budget INCLUDE LINE ITEM DETAIL: YES INCLUDE ACCOUNT BUDGET NOTES: YES PAGE BREAK BY DEPARTMENT: YES ** END OF REPORT ** 7-18-07 9:15 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DtrT NO: 621 PARK ACQ & IMP-WEST ZONE 121-5621-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 0.00 121-5621-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 0.00 121-5621-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 4,340.00 LIT. RECEP. 32GAL.- B. FARMS13 3 325.00 975.00 LIT.RECEP. 32GAL.- CRK. ESTATE 2 325.00 650.00 LIT.RECEP. 55GAL.-FRIENDSHIP 2 370.00 740.00 LIT.RECEP. 32GAL.-S.CREEK 8&9 3 325.00 975.00 PET STA.- PIRATES COVE PLAY. 2 500.00 1,000.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY06 BUDGET IS FOR (1) LITTER RECEPTACLES ALONG VARIOUS WALKING TRAILS AND(2) TWO PET STATIONS AT THE PIRATE COVE PLAYGROUND. 121-5621-54250 STREET SIGNS AND MARKINGS 2,600.00 SIGNAGE FOR B.FARMS 13 TRAIL 3 200.00 600.00 SIGNAGE FOR CRK. EST. TRAIL 3 200.00 600.00 SIGNAGE FOR FRIENDSHIP TRAIL 2 200.00 400.00 SIGNAGE FOR S.CRK. 8&9 TRAIL 3 200.00 600.00 SIGNAGE-PIR.COVE PET STATION 2 200.00 400.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS FOR WALKING TRAIL SIGNAGE. EX: PLEASE USE LITTER RECEPTACLES PROVIDED, NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, ETC. AND PET STATIONS SIGNAGE. EX: PLEASE DISPOSE OF YOUR PET'S WASTE PROPERLY. 121-5621-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 1 '°^5621-58110 LAND - PURCHASE PRICE 0.00 i621-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0.00 121-5621-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 121-5621-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIP 0.00 121-5621-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 6,940.00 DEPT TOTAL: 6,940.00 7-18-07 9:15 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal 08 Budget FUND : 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEri NO: 622 PARK ACQ & IMP-CENT ZONE 121-5622-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 0.00 121-5622-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 3,820.00 LIT.REC. 32GAL. MUD.CRK.TRAIL 4 325.00 1,300.00 LIT. REC. 55GAL. VALENTINE PRK 1 370.00 370.00 LIT. REC. 32GAL. VALENTINE PRK 2 325.00 650.00 PET STA. COM. PARK PLAYGRND. 2 500.00 1,000.00 PET STA. O.C.PARK PLAYGROUND 1 500.00 500.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS FOR (1) LITTER RECEPTACLES FOR VARIOUS WALKING TRAILS AND (2) PET STATIONS AT COMMUNITY AND OLDE CITY PARK PLAYGROUNDS. 121-5622-54250 STREET SIGNS AND MARKINGS 1,200.00 SIGNAGE FOR MUD. CREEK TRAIL 1 200.00 200.00 SIGNAGE FOR VAL.PARK TRAIL 2 200.00 400.00 SIGNAGE- COM.PRK.PET STATION 2 200.00 400.00 SIGNAGE- OCPARK PET STATION 1 200.00 200.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS FOR SIGNAGE FOR VARIOUS WALKING TRAILS. EX:PLEASE USE PROVIDED LITTER RECEPTACLES, NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, ETC. AND FOR TWO PET STATIONS AT COMMUNITY PARK PLAYGROUND. 121-5622-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 121-5622-58110 LAND - PURCHASE 0.00 121-5622-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0.00 15622-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 ,622-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIP 0.00 121-5622-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 5,020.00 DEPT TOTAL: 5,020.00 7-18-07 9:15 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : 08-Fiscal OB Budget FUND : 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Di.r NO: 623 PARK ACQ & IMP-EAST ZONE 121-5623-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 0.00 121-5623-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 2,600.00 LIT.RECEP. 32GAL.- B.FARMS14 3 325.00 975.00 LIT.RECEP. 32GAL.-MEADOWVIEW 3 325.00 975.00 LIT.RECEP. 32GAL.-W. LAKES 2 325.00 650.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS FOR LITTER RECEPTACLES FOR VARIOUS WALKING TRAILS. 121-5623-54250 STREET SIGNS AND MARKINGS 1,400.00 SIGNAGE FOR B. FARMS 14 TRAIL 3 200.00 600.00 SIGNAGE FOR MDWVIEW TRAIL 2 200.00 400.00 SIGNAGE FOR WYLIELAKES TRAIL 2 200.00 400.00 Current Year REQUESTED FY08 BUDGET IS FOR SIGNAGE ALONG VARIOUS WALKING TRAILS. EX: PLEASE USE PROVIDED LITTER RECEPTACLES, NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, ETC. 121-5623-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 121-5623-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0.00 121-5623-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 121-5623-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIP 0.00 121-5623-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 4,000.00 DEPT TOTAL: 4,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 15,960.00 NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: 15,960.00 7-18-07 9:15 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA FUND: 121-PARK A & I FUND ACCOUNTS: 5621-52130 THRU 5623-58850 P.._..l OPTIONS ITEMS TO PRINT: Annual Budget BUDGET TO PRINT: 08-Fiscal 08 Budget INCLUDE LINE ITEM DETAIL: YES INCLUDE ACCOUNT BUDGET NOTES: YES PAGE BREAK BY DEPARTMENT: YES ** END OF REPORT ** Park and Recreation Board CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 23,2007 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 18,2007 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion Item- Development of Parks and Recreation Board project committees for the new Recreation Center,Founders Park Project, and the Parks and Open Space Master Plan update. Recommendation N/A Discussion Due to the many projects currently or soon to be starting staff is proposing that the Parks and Recreation Board look at forming small subcommittees to assist with these projects. Staff has reviewed the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws and found the following: ARTICLE IV Committees Section 1. Committees may be appointed for special purposes by the Chair and with the consent of the majority of the Board. All committees will have at least one Parks and Recreation Board member serving on them. These committees are automatically dissolved upon completion of assignment. Section 2. Progress reports will be given at each Board Meeting and a final report on completion of assignments. In addition to Section IV of the Bylaws, staff has also produced the following responsibilities for those on the — subcommittees. These responsibilities include: • Attend architects presentations • Attend public meetings as posted Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 • During the planning and construction phases have regular meetings to hear reports on the progress of the project. • Plan and organize Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies upon completion of the project(if needed). At the July 2007 Board Meeting staff would like to begin discussions about the possibilities of the subcommittees, it will ultimately be the Board deciding if the subcommittees are needed and appropriate. Possible suggestions for the subcommittees would be for the new Recreation Center, Founders Park/Community Park bond projects,and the Master Plan update. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD BYLAWS ARTICLE I Name As authorized by the City Charter, City of Wylie and City Ordinance No. 78-18. This body shall be known as the Parks and Recreation Board. ARTICLE II Meetings Section 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be held monthly at the Municipal Complex council conference room unless the Board determines otherwise. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the call of any two members of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all Board members. Section 3. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board. Section 4. All questions presented for a vote of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall be decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the Chair. Section 5. Any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will recommend to City Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term. Park and Recreation Board Bylaws Sept 28 2004 finall July 18, 2007 Page 1 of 4 Section 6. Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board, in cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws. ARTICLE III Officers Section 1. The officers of the Board shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary (City Staff member will be serving as Secretary). Section 2. Officers shall be elected and take office at the first regular meeting after new Board members have been appointed and sworn in. Section 3. Vacancies in office shall be handled as follows: (a) In the event of resignation or incapacity of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall become the Chair for the unexpired portion of the term. (b) Vacancies in officers other than the Chair shall be filled for the unexpired term by election from the remaining Parks and Recreation Board Members. Section 4. Duties of the officers shall be as follows: (a) Chair: (i) Preside at all meetings (ii) Represent the Parks and Recreation Board at public functions. (iii) Appoint special committees. (iv) Assist Parks and Recreation staff in establishing the agenda for each meeting. Agenda items requested by any Board Member will be included. Park and Recreation Board Bylaws Sept 28 2004 finall July 18, 2007 Page 2 of 4 (b) Vice-Chair: (i) Assist the Chair in directing the affairs of the Board and act in the Chair's absence. (c) Secretary: (i) The City Secretary's office will be responsible for recording and maintaining the minutes. This "Secretary position" will be occupied by a City Staff member and not be an official Board position. (ii) The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the agenda and distributing the agenda and minutes to the Parks and Recreation Board and City Manager. An official record of attendance will be kept in the minutes. ARTICLE IV Committees Section 1. Committees may be appointed for special purposes by the Chair and with the consent of the majority of the Board. All committees will have at least one Parks and Recreation Board member serving on them. These committees are automatically dissolved upon completion of assignment. Section 2. Progress reports will be given at each Board Meeting and a final report on completion of assignments. ARTICLE V Powers and Duties of Board Members Section 1. Board Members shall: (a) Be appointed by the City Council. (b) Abide by applicable ordinances of the City of Wylie. Park and Recreation Board Bylaws Sept 28 2004 finall July 18, 2007 Page 3 of 4 (c) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council, City Manager and Parks and Recreation Staff. (d) Recommend policies to govern the operation and program of the Parks and Recreation Department. (e)Assist in planning and give guidance for expansion of parks and recreation facilities. (f) Assist in interpreting the policies and functions of the Parks and Recreation Department to the public. Encourage in every possible way the development and advancement of the Parks and Recreation Department. ARTICLE VI Amendments Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting, provided all members have been notified of the proposed amendments at least three days prior to such meeting. Such amendment would then be subject to approval by City Council. Park and Recreation Board Bylaws Sept 28 2004 finall July 18, 2007 Page 4 of 4 Proposal for Birmingham Farms Phase Ill Home Owners Association and McMillan Junior High School Nature Trail and Soccer Practice Field PA ye Submission Date: Monday, June 25, 2007 Submitted to: City of Wylie, Parks & Recreation Commission Submitted by: Birmingham Farms Phase III Home Owners Association Project Type: Development Project Summary: Install an 8' concrete walking path through an existing undeveloped area nature trail to create a community focal point and provide ecological and aesthetic benefits to the adjoining landscape that would promote recreational, educational, and eco-tourism activities for the area. This area is not part of the US Army Corps of Engineers Natural Habitat. With three public schools and two private day cares within a short walking distance, this site would provide a unique combination of family-friendly nature trails with easy access to views of creeks, bird habitats, and a low elevation mini-forest ecosystem. The project would support educational viewing of natural stream ecology interpretation and improve site function and user experience. The nature trail would help Wylie, Texas provide safe public access to nature simply by utilizing an existing (and currently unused) area. The nature trail would serve as an excellent, easily accessible outdoor classroom for numerous schools, residents, and organizations such as The Boy Scouts. This project would also provide a low cost observation area to meet the State School Board's requirement of six weeks of life science education and habitat observation. With a shortage of places for Wylie soccer teams to practice, the soccer practice field will add another area for Wylie soccer teams to practice by taking advantage of an unused area. During heavy rain, this area tends to flood, so there will, obviously be times the practice field will not be usable. On a positive note, during hot summer months, this practice field would not dry and crack as quickly as other area fields. Location: Between the swimming pool/playground area of Birmingham Farms HOA on Mobile Lane and McMillan Junior High School on Park Boulevard in Wylie, Texas. Project Benefits: This project would promote physical activity, eco-tourism, education, and natural habitat preservation. More specifically, benefits will include improved habitat for the numerous species of birds common to the area, enhanced recreational opportunities for area residents and visitors, and unique opportunities for environmental education programs. Upon completion, this proposed nature trail could be "linked" to existing pathways leading to other parks throughout Wylie, including the Joel Scott Walking path. Photos and Diagrams: See following pages. Proposal for Birmingham Farms Phase Ill Home e- Owners Association and McMillan Junior High School Nature Trail and Soccer Practice Field Page 2 7 DU AIL-MEADOW'DR'� ,+5 <4 m P —SCOTTSDALE-DR / �O O�<O GAD SDEN'LN , - I SUMMERDALE-EN1 N Ca m_ cMADISON-DR�Z < TAL-LADEGA-DR 0 D r F !' p n m n v p o Aco o D l- t z J POSEY-ENJ— SELMA'LN z —COL-UMBUS L"N— n Il l r DUAIL RUN RD— m = HUNTSVILLE-DR---- m O m c z m z c m z z 0 0 D CAHABA'DR m McMillan Jr. z High School SHEL"BY'C7 P ���' P -BLVD Y ____-------\--- Q - 8REW70NRD' GRFEN LUVERNEEjDR (17 �IBESSEMER'DR� ZC S p_ 0 n P > ~ o X �,�a OQR`P w BAYVIEW DR1 ; m m4F & C I w n m 9 Q4 O� 3 z 4 C rm" R(iy �u14 '�' w i 2 L7- �Qo 4 J V Y W a 4RQ RI Dp� QR� � 0 z `_' c W4}. 7/ ) LZ 1 is V r OQ` ECKMONT DR— I SANDE N"BL V D tu‘s / ( LOWNDESLN / Att. t�k; CHIL"TON-DR)/ �Q� ri Ca `P�y�p� �Of l rG��GE A: Birmingham Farms #3A Block B Lot 20 Common Area B: Wylie Junior High School Blk A Lot 1 Proposal for Birmingham Farms Phase Ill Home Owners Association and McMillan Junior High School Nature Trail and Soccer Practice Field Page 3 III From Huntsville Drive. From Playground Area towards From Park Blvd towards proposed soccer practice field proposed soccer practice field 0Pt From Playground Area towards Proposed nature trail area from Proposed nature trail area from proposed soccer practice field Birmingham Farms side Birmingham Farms side L. Proposed nature trail area from Proposed nature trail area from Proposed nature trail area from Birmingham Farms side Birmingham Farms side Birmingham Farms side III ao"., Proposed nature area From Proposed nature area From Proposed nature area From McMillan Jr.High School McMillan Jr.High School McMillan Jr.High School • •