09-17-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet e
Parks and Recreation Board
Special Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 17, 2007 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Anne Hiney Chair
Frankie Delgado Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
David Willey Board Member
Brandi Lafleur Board Member
Benny Jones Board Member
Donna Larson Board Member
Robert Diaz Board Liaison
Dionna Covington Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal
Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the
required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
*The Board will consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 16, August 27, and
September 17 meetings at the October meeting.
1. Consider and act upon a request from the Wylie High School Jazz Band to have a special
performance at Olde City Park in the fall 2007 (date TBA) and for the Wylie High School Band
Boosters to sell various items during the concert as a fundraiser.
2. Recreation Center review of concept plans.
September 17,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
3. Review budget and concept plans for the Founders Park project.
1 cert, that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 14th day of August, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a
courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole E rlich, i y ecretary I•• = Date Notice Removed
7; Park and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: September 17, 2007 Item Number:
Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: September 14,2007 Budgeted Amount: $
Consider and act upon a request from the Wylie High School Jazz Band to have a special performance at Olde
City Park in the fall 2007 (date TBA) and for the Wylie High School Band Boosters to sell various items
during the concert as a fundraiser.
Motion to recommend approval for the Wylie High School Jazz Band to have a special performance at Olde
City Park in the fall of 2007 (date TBA) and to grant permission for the Wylie High School Band Boosters to
sell various items during the concert as a fundraiser.
Tate Fincher, Associate Director of Bands at Wylie High School,has made a formal request to staff and the
Board the opportunity of providing a"concert in the park"featuring the Wylie High School Jazz Band this fall.
Attached to the Agenda Report is a letter from Mr. Fincher outlining his request. This event will provide no
cost entertainment for the downtown area and an opportunity for the Wylie Band Boosters to raise funds for
their respective organization. If successful the band has discussed the possibility of providing more concerts in
the spring.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director
City Manager
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09/11/2007 13:16 9724292487 THAT WYLIE BAND PAGE 02
tete 74/ geowt
Wylie High School, Wylie ISD 2550 W. FM 544, Wylie TX 75098
Robert Diaz
Assistant Superintendent
City of Wylie—Parks and Recreation Department
200 State Highway 78 North
Wylie, TX 75098
972-442-8197; Fax: 972-442-1744
Mr. Diaz,
I would like to request the use of the Olde City Park Pavilion and Gazebo for the
Wylie High School Jazz Band. The purpose of this use will be a"Family Night"event, at
which there will be live music provided by the WHS Jazz Band as well as refreshments
offered by the Wylie Band Boosters.
I would like to schedule this event at approximately 7:00pm on one of the
following evenings in the Fall:
Tuesday, October 23 Thursday, October 25
Tuesday, October 30 Thursday, November 1
Tuesday,November 6
If there are conflicts with any of these dates please let me know so I can narrow
one down.
The live entertainment portion of this event would feature the WHS Jazz Band,an
ensemble consisting of approximately 22 high school student musicians. The purpose of
their performance would be to entertain and educate not only their families and friends
but also the community of Wylie as a whole. We would like to promote ourselves and
our purpose to as much of the community as possible.
In addition, we would like to use this opportunity as a fund-raising event by
having our booster club offer refreshments for sale. Food items such as hot dogs,
sausages, chips,and sodas would be offered. As you may be aware, our boosters run the
concessions for each event at Wylie Pirate Stadium, and as such are aware of the health
requirements of Collin County for such purposes. In addition to the refreshments being
offered for sale,we would request that you consider allowing us to offer our"that Wylie
Mike Lipe— Director of Bands 972-429-3118
Todd Dixon,Tate Fincher,Russell Ratterree—Associate Directors 972-429-3119
Glenn Lambert—Director of Bands, Wylie East High School 972-429-3167
Pat Bahn—Fine Arts Administrative Assistant 972-429-3120
Fax: 972-429-2487
09/11/2007 13:16 9724292487 THAT WYLIE BAND PAGE 03
title Wvei e Fagot
Wylie High School, Wylie ISD 2550 W. FM 544, Wylie TX 75098
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Band"and Wylie Jazz Band spirit items for sale. The proceeds from these sales go to
directly benefat all the students of Wylie ISD involved the band program.
The support of our parents and community has always been our greatest asset and
we wish to use any opportunity to promote our students and their achievements. It has
been the desire,for some time now,of the students in the Wylie High. School Jazz
program to showcase their talents with such an event. Your approval and support of a
Wylie High School Jazz Band Family Evening would allow for a truly memorable event,
which if successful could become a new tradition.
Tate . nc er
Associate Director of Bands
Wylie High School, Wylie ISD
Mike Lipe— Director of Bands 972-429-3118
Todd Dixon, Tate pincher,Russell Ratterree—Associate Directors 972-429-3119
Glenn Lambert—Director of Bands, Wylie East High School 972-429-3167
Pat Bahr—Fine Arts Administrative Assistant 972-429-3120
Fax: 972-429-2487
Name Wylie High School Band Booster Club Location Olde City Park
Date(s) TBA-Fall 2007
Start Time TBA
End Time TBA
Contact Person Name Tate Fincher Number of Individuals Vending Items Multiple
Address 2550 W.FM 544,Wylie,Texas 75098 Target Audience all ages
Phone No.972-429-3119 Anticipated Number in Attendance at Event 3-500
Alternate Phone No. Specific Items to be Sold
Emergency Contact Name Multiple items i.e.hot dogs,chip,and possible spirit items i.e.
Address t-shirts and stickers/decals
Phone No.
Alternate Phone No.
Helpful Information
The City of Wylie has an exclusive contract that allows the sale of only Pepsi products within all park, recreation, community center
facilities, and other city facilities. If food is prepared on-site or if food is prepared off-site and brought to the location to be sold, the
vendor must contact the City Inspections Office at 972-442-8150 in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products. An
Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers.
Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to
sell any cold drinks, cigars,tobaccos,cigarettes,fruits, candies, goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within
the city park or recreation or community center facility; provided, however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,
firms or corporations, or the agents of any person, or organization, firm or corporation, or employees of any person who are
recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of
specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city.