10-22-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 22, 2007 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Anne Hiney Chair
Frankie Delgado Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
David Willey Board Member
Brandi Lafleur Board Member
Benny Jones Board Member
Donna Larson Board Member
Robert Diaz Board Liaison
Dionna Covington Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal
Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the
required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 27, 2007 meeting.
*Minutes from the August 16, 2007 and September 17, 2007 meetings will be brought to the November
2. Update on recent grant applications.
3. Update on Founders Park and Recreation Center projects.
October 22,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
1 cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 19`" day of October, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas GovernmenWig,and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a
courtesy, this a enda is also posted on the City of Wy!f ti`ye, .... • 1 ✓r w lietexas. ov.
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Carole Ehr 'c y Secretary = Date Notice Removed
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Project Number: 200718032NIFF
(For TxDOT use only)
>e=a,artment Scoring Summary
°'rn"artlO" (Infrastructure Only)
Form 2210(rev.7/25/2007)
Project Name:Wylie Sidewalks
Applicant(Political Subdivision/State Agency): City of Wylie
Review Date: 8/7/2007 TxDOT District: DAL
1. Problem Identification (A)
Advisory TxDOT
Committee Committee
• Potential safety problem(s)clearly described in sufficient detail to provide
a thorough understanding of the problems,including the obstacles
(physical or perceived)to walking/biking to school. 0-10
o Potential safety problem(s)not clearly defined/described(0) points 4 9
o Adequate problem description without clearly defined obstacles
o Significant problem with clearly defined obstacles(10)
• Risks or hazards are identified and there is specific detail provided to
address how the proposed project will target the safety concerns,
Background information has been provided that supports the problem
(crash and traffic data health statistics,etc.)
o Problem severity not clearly defined or no immediate need points 2 4
o Moderate problem severity&an immediate need is
o Severe problem&an immediate need is demonstrated(5)
• Student population is clearly described and the information is provided on
the forms included in Appendix A.
o Student population is not defined and the forms are not 0-3 2 3
complete(0) points
o Student population is clearly and completely defined on the
forms provided(3)
• Current and potential safe routes to school(walking and/or biking)have
been clearly identified.
o Current and potential safe route(s)not clearly identified(0) 0-5 2 4
o Adequate description of current and potential safe route(s)(1-4) points
o Detailed description of current route(s)and potential provided
along with support information such as maps,sketches,etc.(5)
• Engineering study has been conducted in specific regards to the
problem(s)identified in this proposal.The study is explained and attached
to this proposal. 0-2 1 2
o Engineering plan is not explained and/or attached(0) points
o Engineering plan is explained in the proposal and is attached
providing sufficient detail(2)
Total: 25 11 22
Page 1 of 4
Project Name:Wylie Sidewalks
Applicant:City of Wylie
Review Date:8/7/2007 Project Number:200718032NIFF
TxDOT District:DAL
2. Proposed Improvement Project(B)
Advisory TxDOT
Committee Committee
• Proposed improvement and/or activity(s)are described clearly and in
sufficient detail to provide an understanding of the program.Response
clearly indicates how the proposed activity(s)will address the problems
identified in Section 1.
o Proposed improvement and/or activity(s)not clearly defined in
relation to the problem identified(0)
o Proposed improvement and/or activities may be defined,but the 0-20 7 18
are not all clearly linked to how the proposed activity(s)will points
address the problems identified in Section 1 (1-19)
o All proposed improvement(s)and/or activities are clearly defined
and specifically linked to how the improvement activity(s)will
address the problems identified in Section 1—there is a clear
understanding of the purpose of the project and how it will
address the need(20)
• Student population is clearly defined and specific information is complete in
forms included in Appendix B for the Proposed Environment.
o Student population is not defined and the forms are not complete
(0) 0-8 3 7
o Student population is not completely and/or clearly defined on the points
forms provided in Appendix B(1-7)
o Student population is completely and clearly defined on the forms
provided in Appendix B(8)
• Description of enforcement,encouragement and/or educational
components related to the project.
o Enforcement,encouragement and/or educational components
are not addressed in this proposal(0)
o Enforcement,encouragement and/or educational components
are part of this project,but they are not clearly defined in relation
to the problem(s)identified or some of the components are
included,but not all(1-7)
o Enforcement,encouragement and/or educational components 0-8
are an integral part of this project and they are clearly defined in points
3 6
relation to the problem(s)identified.(8)
Note:If one or more of the components are not included,the proposal
should indicate why those components are not an integral part of the
project in order to get the total points.It should be noted that many
infrastructure projects will not include these components due to the nature
of the project or the fact that the components are addressed by the plan in
another manner.Proposals that do not require these components should
not be penalized
• Description of the existing and expected land-use which could impact the
amount of pedestrian and bicycle travel.
o Description of existing and expected land-use issues are not
o Description of existing and expected land-use issues are pots 2 4
provided,but not in sufficient detail(1-3)
o Description of existing and expected land-use issues are
provided in sufficient detail so that the reviewers understand the
potential impact on ped/bike travel(4)
Total: 40 15 35
TxDOT Form 2210(rev.7/25/2007)/Page 2 of 4
Project Name:Wylie Sidewalks
Applicant:City of Wylie
Review Date:8/7/2007 Project Number:200718032NIFF
TxDOT District:DAL
3. Project Measurement(C)
Advisory TxDOT
Committee Committee
• Description of how the project will be measured and/or evaluated to
determine success.
o Project measurement/evaluation not addressed in the proposal(0)
o Adequate definition of project measurement and/or evaluation 0-10 4 8
methods is included in the proposal(1-9) points
o Detailed description of project measurement and/or evaluation
methods directly tied to student population or other problems
identified in this proposal(10)
Total: 10 4 8
4. Project Support(D)
Advisory TxDOT
Committee Committee
• Project is located on designated route(s)in a local or regional bicycle,
pedestrian,and/or trails transportation plan or Safe Routes to School Plan 0-3
o Details not provided(0) points 1 3
o Designated route(s)are described with sufficient detail and linked
to specific sections of the supporting plans(3)
• Other programmed or planned transportation projects adjacent to the
proposed project that would impact the function of the safety improvement
o No projects identified(0) 0-2 1 2
o Explanation that there are no applicable planned or programmed points
projects or the projects identified in sufficient detail along with
time frames for construction and completion(2)
• Describe any supporting or participating organizations,local agencies,
and/or citizen support related to the proposed project
o No evidence of support provided(0)
o Sufficient evidence of support provided including,but not limited 0-2 1 2
to,letters,petitions,and any required resolutions from boards, points
councils,and regional planning agencies documenting support
• Plans to provide maintenance and ongoing funding to ensure the continued
success of the project are described in sufficient detail
o No plans are detailed(0) 0-3 1 2
o Plans are described in some detail(1-2) points
o Plans are described in sufficient detail and the parties
responsible are clearly identified(3)
Total: 10 4 9
TxDOT Form 2210(rev.7/25/2007)/Page 3 of 4
Project Name:Wylie Sidewalks
Applicant:City of Wylie
Review Date:8/7/2007 Project Number:200718032NIFF
TxDOT District:DAL
5. Project Cost(E)
Advisory TxDOT
Committee Committee
• Expenses are presented in sufficient detail;reasonable and
presented in the format provided in Appendix C.Expenses are
directly related to the proposed project activities.(Note:This
description should include any additional funding resources and
their planned allocation)
o Expenses are not presented in detail or do not seem 0-15 13
reasonable for the proposed project activities(0) points
o Expenses are presented in some detail,but do not seem
reasonable for the proposed project activities(1-7)
o Expenses are not presented in sufficient detail,but seem
reasonable for the proposed project activities(8-14)
o Expenses are presented in sufficient detail and seem
reasonable for the proposed project activities(15)
Total 15 13
Overall Totals: 34 87
Available Points: 85 points 100 points
Composite Score: 121
Has this applicant previously applied for a SRTS project? ❑ Yes ® No
If so, did the applicant successfully complete this SRTS project? ❑ Yes ® No
TxDOT Form 2210(rev.7/25/2007)/Page 4 of 4
Staff Liaison-Lt.Mike Atkison- 972/442-8183
1 Chuck Kerin 707 Parker Rd. 972/442-7236 972/442-6513 ckerin@verizon.net 7/04 7/06 7/08 No
2 Diane Culver 2918 Jamestown 972/429-3805 214/981-6225 jcul@peoplepc.com 7/06 7/06 7/08 No
3 Ken Qualls 2000 Highway 78 N. 214/651-8529 972/442-5268 _ ken.qualls@wylietexas.gov 1/06 7/07 7/09 Yes
4 Carter Porter 413 N. Gaston 972/429-1355 214/207-4374 carter.porter@wylietexas.gov 7/07 7/07 7/09 No
5 Heather Screws 1001 S. Hwy 78 Lot 102_ 972/442-9542 heathers123@verizon.net 1/06 7/06 7/08 No
Staff Liaison-Building Director,Johnny Bray 972/442-8151
1 Ronald Hauck 1205 Summerdale Ln 972/461-2514 daronone@verizon.net 7/06 7/06 7/08 No
2 Elvia Clark 807 Glen Lakes Ct 214/474-1844 elviahclark@hotmail.com 7/06 7/06 7/08 Yes
3 Jim Chaney P.O. Box 114 _ 972/442-7303 214/455-3314 jdogg326@verizon.net 7/04 7/06 7/08 No
4 Bryan Rogers 511 Rustic Place _ 972/429-0224 214/773-6460 b_ryan@nicomconstruction.com 7/07 7/07 7/09 No
5 Lisa Palomba 3215 Reagenea Dr. 972/429-0789 214/577-9638 Ipalomba@verizon.net 7/07 7/07 7/09 No
6 Zachary Herrera 503 Dogwood Drive 972/442-1688 _ 469/628-1811 herrerazw@hotmail.com 7/07 7/07 7/09 No
7 Frank Spingola 508 Rustic Place _ 972/442-6909 214/384-5925 fmspingola@aol.com 7/05 7/07 7/09 No
Staff Liaison-Libra Director,Rachel Orozco 972/442-7566
1 Robert Wieneke 204 Douglas Drive 214/236-4922 bobw.tx@verizon.net 7/07 7/07 7/09 No
2 Lucy Shriver 572 John Ross 972/442-0361 469/556-0549 _ c conceptions@earthlink.net 7/06 7/06 7/08 No
3 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth Street 972/442-5767 shirley426@aol.com 7/05 7/07 7/09 Yes
4 David James 108 N. Rustic Trail 214/533-4109 davidjames@aol.com 7/05 7/07 7/09 No
5 Grace Morrison 118 Glen Knoll 972/442-1689 _gracem4@verizon.net 7/06 7/08 Yes
6 Junaid Najamuddin 212 Palmdale Drive 972/442-9733 214/207-8535 jnajamuddin@yahoo.com 9/05 7/06 7/08 No
7 James Griffin 301 W Kirby St#222 972/461-1934 972/727-8776 _ jgriffinwylie@yahoo.com 7/07 ( 7/07 7/09 No
Staff Liaison-Asst.Parks Director,Robert Diaz 972/442-8197
1 Donna Larson 345 Donna Drive 972/442-6424 972/442-2111 graphics@wylieprinting.com 7/06 7/06 7/08 No
2 Daniel Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle _ 972/442-1375 972/405-2489 aggienuts@msn.com 7/05 7/07 7/09 No
3 Brandi Lafleur 3507 Viburnum Drive 214/474-2343 214/796-2343 tklafleur@msn.com 7/05 7/07 7/09 No
4 Anne Hiney _ 301 N. Cottonbelt Ave 972/442-0370 972/672-4133 anne hiney_Qmac.com 7/06 7/08 No
5 Frankie Delgado 1011 Meandering Way, 214/474-1000 972/479-6594 fvdelgado@comcast.net 2/06 7/07 7/09 No
6 Benny Jones 2002 Waterfall Way 972/461-2740 ti -Z3(t-ow- bennyjones2@yahoo.com 7/05 7/06 7/08 No
7 David Willey 706 Nickelville _ 972/442-9127 972/562-0670 DwandDAWiliey@aol.com 7/02 7/06 7/08 No
1 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth Street 972/442-5767 _ shirley426@aol.com 7/05 7/07 7/09 Yes
2 Dan Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle 972/442-0103 972/941-2145 aggienuts@aol.com 7/05 7/07 7/09 No
3 Anne Hiney 301N.Cottonbelt Ave. 972/442-0370 972/672-4133 anne_hiney@mac.com _ 7/05 7/07 7/09 No
4 David Goss 1033 Hall Drive 214/392-1918 214/392-1918 _ david.goss@wylietexas.gov 7/07 7/07 7/09 Unknown
5 John Mondy 114 Douglas 972/442-3882 972/578-2039 mayor@wylietexas.ov _ 7/04 7/06 7/08 Unknown
6 Merrill Young _ 200 Westgate Way 972/442-7916 972/849-1354 merrill.young@wylietexas.gov 7/05 7/06 7/08 No
7 Rick White 814 Forest Edge Lane 972/429-0317 _ 972/429/5745 rick.white@wylietexas..gov 7/05 7/06 7/08 No