02-09-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,February 9,2015—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Ulmer,Board Member Chesnut,Board Member White and Board Member Kinser present. Board Member Harris and Board Member Jones were both absent from the meeting. Staff members present: Parks&Recreation Superintendent,Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Remove from the Table: Consider and act upon parkland dedication for the Stone Ranch Development. Douglas Properties will be making a presentation. A. Remove from the Table: Stone Ranch Development item. Board Action: Board Member White made a motion,seconded by Board Member Ulmer,to approve removal of the Stone Ranch Development item from the table. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. B. Consider and act on the parkland dedication for the Stone Ranch Development. Superintendent Diaz advised that the applicant, Developer Jim Douglas of Douglas Properties,is returning to the meeting that evening to present the Board an update on the proposed Stone Ranch Development. On reviewing the parkland dedication fee amounts,Parks staff found the fees were calculated incorrectly at $3,000 per lot instead of the accurate amount of$2,000 per lot. The new fee amount totals$290,000 instead of$435,000,and the minimum parkland acreage remains at 7.25 acres. In light of the new corrected amount,the developer does not have to use any parkland fees toward improvements to the Stone House. Mr. Douglas is working with the City on a plan to possibly relocate the Stone House on property adjacent to the park that would be deeded to the City. Developer,Jim Douglas,proposes to install$240,150 worth of park improvements including engineering costs and clearing. He also proposes to dedicate 1.87(previously 1.94)acres of land to the City as parkland,valued at$74,800 leaving a balance of$215,200 in parkland dedication fees. The proposed total amount of parkland fees including the value of the parkland is$314,950. Mr. Douglas provided a revised conceptual plan for park development and a list of parkland improvements and costs. All park areas will be dedicated to the City of Wylie and accessible to the public with maintenance performed by developer and eventually the Homeowners Association(HOA). Mr. Douglas advised that although still preliminary, the lot size of the Stone House will be about 5,000 square feet not including park parking spaces. The exact size of the Stone House lot has not yet been determined. Mr. Douglas advised that none of the expenses needed to relocate the Stone House will come out of the parkland fees and reiterated that the park will be 1.87 acres not to include the property for the Stone House lot. Citizen Tyler Hamilton inquired on whether the Stone House maintenance,if deeded separately for the park,would be deemed the responsibility of the City. Mr. Douglas stated that although the details are still being worked out,the Historical Society is intended to assume responsibility of the Stone House,and the development's mandatory HOA be responsible for the adjacent park. Board Member Chesnut reiterated that once the Stone House is officially platted, it will be deeded separately from the Park and not receive funds for the Parks Division or 4B. Superintendent Diaz recommended that the Board make a recommendation this meeting in order for the recommendation to be provided to the City Council at their February 10,2015 meeting. Board Action: Board Member Chesnut made a motion,seconded by Board Member White,to approve acceptance of park improvements as shown with parkland size of 1.87 acres and that the lot for the Stone House be platted separately than the parkland. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. 2. Consider and act upon vendor application for the Wylie Youth Baseball Association for an equipment swap/garage sale at Community Park on February 28, 2015. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the vendor request was a new event being requested by Tyler Hamilton,Wylie resident,7519 Forest Ridge Trail,also a Wylie Youth Baseball Association Board Member. Mr. Hamilton addressed the Board stating that his intent was to host an event allowing individual WYBA registrants to swap or sell used athletic items at a low price in the Community Park Pavilion,on Saturday,from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, February 28,2015 with a rain date of March 7,2015. Mr.Hamilton stated the WYBA would only advertise and invite WYBA registrants to the event and WYBA Board members would attend to monitor the event. He added that no other items such as food,drink or other non- athletic items would be sold. The Board expressed appreciation for the event in question but had concerns that the WYBA request was not a fundraising event,as is typical of Vendor Application requests.The Board consensus was that this event could set precedence for other groups to request for-profit events at City parks. Board Action: Board Member Chesnut made a motion,seconded by Board Member Kinser,to deny vendor application for the Wylie Youth Baseball Association equipment swap/garage sale at Community Park on February 28, 2015. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Subcommittee update regarding Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment Report. Superintendent Diaz advised that he and Recreation Center Manager,Carmen Powlen,put together numbers specific to options in consideration to the Wylie Recreation Center fees and packages,particularly the one-month and three-month options. He stated that the Recreation Sub-Committee was looking into breaking down the price of the three-month membership,doing away with that option completely,and replacing it with a comparable month-to-month recurring fee option instead. Although the annual membership for families and individuals will remain the most cost-efficient membership option, Superintendent Diaz advised that a revised monthly option would be offered in both the family package and the individual memberships. He added that the Sub-Committee is looking into possible price increases on the membership fees and working on various rate structures. The intent is to bring two or three options to the March PARB meeting for discussion. Minutes February 9, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Kinser and seconded by Board Member Ulmer. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. ATTE T: Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes February 9, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3