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03-17-2015 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Commission F r. 1117k4 k "1„, li. "rtt ‘ _..... ; 11r �i *lam� rraIIy .f \./..f treAvTimp,-,-7...-.' Al....A\ '/ --� 1mt;�]t r,�T_J `tom AT:0y,COLORADo -47, '—' Q1887e 4 s 4111 OF TONS March Regular Business Meeting 4 ,,i. ffF tpkt Wylie Planning and Zoning � a Commission , E� ` ._... NOTICE OF :���:f i �:iiw�i/. 3T OF It'Ai' MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 17, 2015 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Ron Smith Chairman Dennis Larson Vice Chairman Diane Culver Commissioner David Williams Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Randy Owens Commissioner Jerry Stiller Commissioner Renae 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA March 17,2015 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from March 3, 2015, Regular Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda 1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Creekside Estates Phase VIII consisting of 20.551 acres for 65 single family residential lots, generally located northeast of Nancy Drive and Martha Drive, immediately north of Creekside Phase VI residential subdivision. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 13`h day of March, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning _Mc Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday March 3, 2015—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ron Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. In attendance were: Vice Chairman Dennis Larson, Commissioner Diane Culver, and Commissioner Jerry Stiller. Commissioner Mike McCrossin, Commissioner David Williams and Commissioner Randy Owens were all absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Larson gave the invocation and Commissioner Stiller led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Smith closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 17, 2015, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Culver and seconded by Commissioner Larson to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 4—0. Minutes March 3,2015 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing ZC 2015-01 —Sphinx Company Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon a change of zoning from Light Industrial (LI) to Planned Development-Mixed Use (PD-MU), to allow for multi-family and commercial uses; generally at 2601 State Highway 78. Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant Sphinx Development, Mr. Troy Miller is the developer. The applicant is requesting the item be tabled to April 7, 2015, to allow additional time to submit Planned Development Conditions and allow for Park Board review. The property is located at 2601 State Highway 78, adjacent to the salvage junkyard. Ms. 011ie stated that the application included that a tract that is within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, and by Ordinance, that tract could not be included in a zoning request. The request is for a change of zoning to allow mixed uses consisting of Multi-Family units along with commercial and retail uses. The property is zoned Light Industrial, and has never been platted. In general, the proposal is to create no more than 132 multi-family units along with Neighborhood Service type uses. Board Discussion The Commissioners expressed their desire for the property to remain Light Industrial. Commissioner Culver questioned if the property was seeking Section 8 tax credit. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant did request a Resolution from City Council, in order to seek tax credits from the State. However, City Council did not issue any Resolutions. Public Comments Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Culver and seconded by Commissioner Stiller to table the Public Hearing for Zoning Case 2015-01 to the April 7, 2015, Regular Meeting. Motion carried 4—0. Mr. Lee stated that he is resigning and this meeting would be his last. He stated he enjoyed working with Commissioners. All Commissioners wished him well. Minutes March 3,2015 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Chairman Larson and seconded by Commissioner Stiller to adjourn the meeting at 6:15PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Dennis Larson,Vice Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes March 3,2015 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank . :7wpdr rl-'l *, fJkw °. Wylie Planning & Zoning llows „4 •T' AGENDA REPORT RATE OF'[Rub Meeting Date: March 17, 2015 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Charles Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Creekside Estates Phase VIII Date Prepared: February 20, 2015 Zoning District: PD-99-32 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Creekside Estates Phase VIII consisting of 20.551 acres for 65 single family residential lots, generally located northeast of Nancy Drive and Martha Drive, immediately north of Creekside Phase VI residential subdivision. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Creekside Estates Phase VIII consisting of 20.551 acres for 65 single family residential lots, generally located northeast of Nancy Drive and Martha Drive, immediately north of Creekside Phase VI residential subdivision. Discussion Engineer: Corwin Engineering,Inc. Owner: Creekside Development, Inc. The property totals 20.551 acres and will create sixty-five (65) single-family residential lots. The subject property is part of the overall 296.441 acres of the Creekside Estates development approved in October 1999 as a Planned Development District. The plat shall also dedicate the necessary rights-of-way and utility easements. The Final Plat complies with the approved Development Plan which was approved with the PD and also served as a Preliminary Plat for all phases of the development. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-04-15 Page 1 of 1 PARKER ROAD PROJECT PARKER ROAD 0 50 100 200 LOCATION r, \ SCALE: 1" = 100' w �. II w k4 z 0 id FRANCESCA o Pc ,. 0 LESLIE m 1 } U 1 4j E r � csz��xslo N = , I LOT 1 BLK C I I • J V ' I 'Si V 1 CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. I ,f I • 209.3886 ACRE TRACT I \ ,' PARK \ DOC. NO. 20121231001666860 l Il I 5a6c, /1 I ,a D.E. �59 /2- /� l I ~J"� LOCATION MAP I 37.8,• '4 N.T.S. N88° 44'46"E 1518.84' I_-__-_---_----'\--- - - - - - B6.00' ns.zo I q -; _ - 192.16' 86.28' 86.00' ° 171- I 88.09' 83.OD' 90.11' 176.99' ' I ' © 0 III 0= 1 7° 39 ' 9 " I ,2D.D0' Z c Z IIIK R= 300. 00' z o m �I alm o -jr) z0 �0 O r);• o 6 w_. (y_. N' _ / 34..22. Z .- 8 z N: N ° (Di - ti 8 = 7 , 5 4 3 2 N, 1 46. 62 - e A "I - J " VI r - r--------- p , L = 92 . 5 0. , O I . I Ir 19 obN 18 qp 17 0`° 16 N �g�7, 9 o Af ' • 5/e_1�.RF 10'U.E- R �S'. I 1 "'? - Z gk r ,� - - - - - SEE DETAI YELLyrr CAP \!) ° 5812 .00' f I _ °d6 0 S - - - 25_B.L_ `- C� C p ' 1 120.00' L- 25'B.L. - - - 9" 25'B.L. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ 1.= 9 2 • 1,'3 -.I I m - - - 10'U.E. T �`' s 3 70'U.E. s �I _ \ 78.00' 83.00' 574�2'��`'9l C�9 ` N '° .�. . -$b.28� 8b:66T rr �r -86�0� -�3.49' 12.T�1r- `.r (0 / 8= 505� 45 ' 47 "W O `0 ? l01 0 7 i I�Iv r _ STREET A _ ` , 15 a : 10 JESSICA DRIVE - - c13 ---_________ _________________ LOT 14 BLK B 01 N W c N68°44'46"E 290.00' v 0 I ^ro , - 588°44'46"W 624.10' v J ~ S88°41'01"W I AY o <,sr , o +7 I 120.00' - - - LI6 / al I �� _ _ - _ _ 710.00' no.Oo_ -1f L 121.02' 99.8@'_ 94,00'- -g4.00 88.1 - _ 96.03' 76.r;' /�'� L 10_U.E. / /11AU "E N81°21'S2" I 10r U.E. 10'U.E. / �/� , 17 4' W a 6 +' m 20'B.L 20'B.LB.L.- -1 (( 130.52' W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25'B.L. T �/' /' 1' b ' w I ., ' I ( 25'B.L. SEE DETAIL/ M 0 24.50' -Oo • I 19 018II� `Zr' to IN o ro 1 f j� on 0 0 14 R.O.W. ABANDONMENTzl �'& s.s.e POINT OF BEGINNING V'Iss6°4ro,^w ' m� 144 �I N _ w� _,4 n ".0 . ai o' 'M �Y ?F PIPtAE-PLIAT_--- - - 0 O 1z000' om � � �� ,m ° � 11 mom- U � �> 10 m� 11 O U h 1 - - e �,. N88°44'46"ES8:°44'4•"W m to > 12 uN 13 A REEKSIDE TATES PHA E VII h J�oMn 9 A 16C ES So -ilwy I 1z0.02' 120.r0' frn*1IN::°42�0•r�E N81° r NI �"" ~ w '',-, �� f*1588544r56'rW ��j?' (n ' IDOC. N0. 2015-45 F. 1za.oz' , 4! 0 Q= �p 44 ' S0" ° NO 5 _ °' N ..N Ni rrw W61° 1•1 OkiiiNio n' - Imo o 134.41' ro 1 i 0' 102.73' / r1M 5/8" IRF - 1 (y� vaf]- N '10 17ml �' - W , rrr �12 60:80' ,---_ R= 25 00 ' N43.46'59"W - >- -- ° N82642'17"W, �I ^o l I •, I 13 <v•. 1N "� .'w 77.36' 96.4T °° a ' `�-- / 30.06' Zo oIo' 12 J o ss 15 j = p6: - -Q7 o fQS8 E '� a' N83° (� h 20'.20:i m I z o m w e71 '84' I J L =1,70. 1 1 ' -- - - _- __- fI` 2-- 04 +! 0° �'16" N1ij4pWf �02i1" 2 ` �. _2U'B.L. II� 8 �w 91 - ' C=1' 89 07 ' J, - y + 1 c. N nit , Th20 U E- . 1 7 -_o 77,36, S88°44'46"W 138.711 15 ,�` i • 76, 63.39' 75.32 I + 50 51 47r C� n 21 .� - aaz- LL:I41 zeg zM 6 , 37 B= SO4° 1 3 ' 21 "W id& 1 L 5 EASEMENT DETAIL lv �2 7,r 2 16 cs _ z 4 N/, ry r? Z, s:0637'76" 3 9s' o � ,ut �" a- n I :. III SCALE 1"-50' �'" 'o _ 25'BI - - - 0 DRIVE �- _ 2 Al = 09° 55 ' 39 "~ _ O N6:. /G7 ov '1 h• o a� `, -3 - - _ ` �25'B.L 2 4 v m` ,,,\ . %.. IRF 14 I / / a� N p,OgQ N 22 15 �a 3 _ 2 1 • 1• IkR= 525 . 00' ! 52 Z n° •:,,gr,W, /� N. in b� 14 13 N M 3 u.er. erc, . - T= 45 . 60 ' / v- n 3 Iti E. �r 56 _ i I J W • 2 m'w[ 71.34' 30.50' 160.00' y o 11 10 N 25'e.L �1= �97 ' .z - J , 74.00' rn C. v' 9 h 3 ` �' -- _ ' -.� N74.4 N (/L�-. /V J I I .68' V1 o M o 3 1 1" I 13 O ~��- • �!• 11:,,2 2"W+ 1 47 /m �- I I I I Q' o 8 s io 3 _ _ �/e" IRF B�r S01 1 1 1 5 E' , LOO a, o,,b 23 O I I , a 7 0= 1 1 ' 53 ° °' F tOO 32 ` 31 ,I I ,` A y • 6 3 ' �ZS 5 - ----7 I (V I 3� I ' O ^v �. i° - l0'UUt /a RF �l � ' -� CREEKSIDE ESTATIES PH�'ASE VI 1 ouBE ° j 29 L8I • `' a s8.L 3I ,C2 ��NO. 2013-40 • / p" L4 M I I j 27 1 + 6. 4 0 o - - - 1N81° 12'29'r l� - - I- - � - -1__ - ° I n I 26 '+ 25 1 , 3 N: l �j� 12 I / ----- DOC. r/ ---, rn ; 121.gp�s/e„V�I �__1�-T11 0 11 / 24 /, J N 2 A= 21427 07 m54 I YELLOW FAP l ---------- _ R= 7� . OD - t 1 23 ,36g ry4;1 - R= 525 . 00 r < I I py 00° 55' 13 -T T= 565 . 74 ' --� ' I 22 ,I I + Lu - , T='99,1._44 ' ' I g I I I , I 1 -1�-- 7 - / :O 'en I- - - - - - -I--- , ,� I I , "�--- -S__ 18r �L _`1__1- , / 21 , '' ^, 107.�54.g,r ' L = 196 5�'-�-- _ 1 I b < I 0= 103'45 -18- I R 5585 .100 1 rt 1�27 . ~ MART -_ ' 20 , - r', R= 1625 . 00 ' • T= 44 . 8 I C= 1 1 �5 . 94 ` '1„' __ cso R oA DRIVE _ �_ 1 �o0 0// 11 C= 1 5� 42 ' v 0 55 T- ' 20. 49 ' , L � 89 . 71 ' j 1 ! 6= N8�° 54 Oa W ?-"- `�_ Wes, -_-1 _ ,I tvt o 1 No, //_-__ - 6= S 0 02 ' 00"w ` / �g IRE/ - 1 < I L = I 40. 96 ' I 1 -____I C` 89 . 71 I I CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE VI `�' �/ 5 / \LA_7° •YG I EST/ATES --_ _ `-2 • _� ° YELLOW CAP -� I rn ---C-rrz-0:95- - 1 �YO� _ GL I I I / ' DOC. NO/ 2013-40Q I 1'-- _ 5 / 10 I B-I 510° 40 ' 1 1 M'W I 1 '� I 1 / 1 I -r--_ YELLOW�R7 CAP `•• _` / -- II I /a IRF ' , ' I / ,// YELLOW AP �- 0 2 3 2 7 } L,J I I i 1 1 1 I I 1 ----:----_ / , 0= 000 47 29, R= 5 . 00 ' I 1 c../ > 1 I 1 I I ! 1 -----_1 _ / R= 5 85 . 00'I , T= /l 5 .54--'��- _ - - - -- -- -I a� i - --I--`- ,_ I I 1 1 I , I ---___.1 T= 38 . 57 ' / L = +'31 . 08 ' Q zo 1 I /r ! l -f--.L� 7 . 14 ' ,I /` ,'/ C 1 31 . 07 ' -----_--_-- ' I / C= --.-1_3_1 , �Lu / 13 S29° 03 ' 49 "W --- - - / I I B= /N74° 50Cfi4'-'Y!_ 4. , / / ,' '� 4. / 1 TOTAL LOTS 65 / I ' -) ,/ TOTAL ACRES 20.551 / / r , / / FINAL PLAT OF NOTES CREEKSIDE ESTATES 1. Bearings are referenced to a 209.3886 acre tract of land, as LINE TABLE PHASE V I I I described in Clerks File No. 20121231001666860, in the Deed CURVE TABLE Records of Collin County, Texos. L [NE NO. BEAR [NG DISTANCE OUT OF THE 2. All lot lines ore radial or perpendicular to the 1 . S 15° 37 ' 53 " W 50. 00' CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING L.M. LiARSHALL SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 594 street unless otherwise noted by beoring. 2 . S 66° 20' 22 " W 7 . 74 ' IN THE 3 . N 77027 ' 1 " W 12. 94 ' 1 . 00° 07 ' 40" 5865 . 00' 13 . 09' 6. 54 ' 13 . 10' N74° 18' 17 "W 3. /2„ iron rods with "CORWIN ENGR. INC. cops set of all 4 . N 77° 27 ' 100" W 50. 00' 2 . 00° 12 28 „ CITY OF WYLIE 5815 . 00' 21 . 09 ' 10. 55 ' 21 . 09 ' 574° 15 53 E boundary corners, block corners, points of curvature, 5 . S 43° 43' 26 " W 1 4 . 14 ' 3. 00° 1 4 ' 01 " 575 . 00' 2. 51 ' 1 • 1 7 ' 2. 34 ' Ni 2° 25 ' 49 "E COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS points of tangency, and ongle points in public right-of-Way „ 4 . 1 2° 23 ' 1 5 " 600. 00' 1 29. 72 ' 65. 1 1 ' 1 29. 47 ' N1 8° 44 ' 27 "E unless otherwise noted. OWNER 6. N 46° 16 34 W 15. 14 7 . S 35° 35 ' 16 " W 24 . 99 ' 5 . 01 ° 28 ' 22 " 5700. 0' 1 46. 53 ' 73. 27 ' 1 46. 52 ' S86° 33 ' 00"E 4. B.L. - Building Line 8 . S 42° 36' 52 " E 15. 15 ' 6. 26° 13 ' 58 " 475 . 00' 21 7 . 48 ' 1 10. 68 ' 215. 58 ' N1 1 ° 49 ' 06"E CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT , INC. U.E. - Utility Easement 9 . N 43° 1 8 47 E 31 . 47 7 . 152° 40 03 50. 001 1 33 . 23 ----1 97 . 1 7 N40° 45 43 „W 8750 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1735 D.E. - Drainage Eosement. 10. N 53° 29 21 E 14 . 18 ' 8. 102° 18 OS 50. 00' 89. 27 ' 62. 08 ' 77. 88 ' 532° 51 04 E 11 . S 36° 13 ' 05 " E 14 . 18 ' 02° 49 ' 29 " „ DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 S.S.E. Sanitary Sewer Eosement 9 . 5841 . 00 287 . 96 1 44 . 01 287 . 93 582° 46 36 E 214-691-2556 12 . N 71 ° 24 12 E 21 . 61 ' " C.M. - Controlling Monument10. 06° 59 45 5841 . 00 713. 18 357 . 03 ' 712. 73 S77° 52 00 E a - Street Change 13 . S 48° 41 ' 27 " W 15. 31 ' 1 1 . 03° 41 ' 38 " 5997 . 00' 386. 63 ' 193. 38 ' 386. 56 ' S77° 51 ' 10"E PREPARED BY 14 . S 33° 46' 50" E 29. 65 ' 12. 105° 57 ' 09 " 50. 00' 92 . 46 ' 66. 30' 79. 84 ' N35° 46 ' 12 "E CORWIN ENGINEERING INC. 5. "Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds 15 . S 36° 21 ' 06" E 15° 87 ' 13 . 15° 51 ' 00" 300. 00' 82 . 99' 41 . 76' 82 . 76' N83° 19 ' 44 "W ' is o violation of City Ordinance and State LaW and subject 16. 5 75° 24 ' 14 " E 12. 33 ' 200 W. BELMONT, SUITE E to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits." 17 . N 65° 32 ' 38 " E 15. 87 ' ALLEN, TEXAS 75013 972-396-1200 FEBRUARY 2015 SCALE: 1"=100' SHEET I OF 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING, a tract of land situated in the L.M. Marshall Survey, Abstract No. 594, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part of o 209.3886 tract of land, as described in Clerks File No. 20121231001666860 in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING, of o % inch iron rod found at the most northerly northeast corner of Creekside Estates Phase VI, on addition to the City of Wylie, os acre tract, as described in Doc. No. 2013-406, in the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THENCE, North 01° 17'54" West, for a distance of 305.07 feet, to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a yellow cap stomped THAT we the undersigned do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as "Corwin Eng. Inc."; "CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE VIII", an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the THENCE, North 88° 44'46" East, for a distance of 1518.84 feet, to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a yellow cap stamped public use forever the easements and right-of-ways os shown hereon. The easements, os shown, are "Corwin Eng. Inc.", in the West line of Jeffrey Drive (50' R.O.W.), being on a curve to the right, having o radius of hereby dedicated for the purpose as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other 300.00 feet, o central angle of 17° 39'59", and o tangent of 46.62 feet; improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements and right-of-Ways os shown. Said utility easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and THENCE, along the west line of said Jeffery Drive and with said curve to the right for on arc distance of 92.50 feet accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using some. All and any public utility shall (Chord Bearing South 05° 45'47" West - 92.13 feet), to a % inch iron found with o yellow cop, of the point of tangency; have the right to remove and keep removed all ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other THENCE, South 14° 35'46" West, continuing along said west line, for o distance of 206.79 feet, to a 1/2inch iron rod improvements or growths, which in any way endanger, or interfere with the construction, set with a yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", of the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a radius of 525.00 maintenance or efficiency of its respective systems on utility easements and all public utilities shallot feet, a central angle of 20° 44'50", and a tangent of 96.11 feet; all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon said utility easements for the purpose of removing all or part of its respective system without the necessity, at any time, of THENCE, continuing along said west line and with said curve to the left for on arc distance of 190.11 feet (Chord procuring the permission of anyone.. Bearing South 04° 13'21" West - 189.07 feet), to a % inch iron rod found at the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the right, having o radius of 525.00 feet, o central angle of 09° 55'39", and a tangent of 45.60 feet; WITNESS MY HAND AT Texas, this the day of , 2015. THENCE, continuing along said west line and With said curve to the right for on arc distance of 90.97 feet (Chord Bearing South 01° 11'15" East - 90.85 feet), to o 1/2 inch iron rod set with a yellow cap stomped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", on a non-tangent curve to the left, having o radius of 5865.00 feet, o central angle of 00° 07'40" and o tangent of 6.54 feet; CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. THENCE, continuing along said west line and with said curve to the left for on arc distance of 13.09 feet (Chord Bearing North 74° 18'17" West - 13.10 feet), to a % inch iron rod found; THENCE, South 15° 37'53" West, continuing along said West line, for o distance of 50.00 feet, to a % inch iron rod found on a curve to the right, having o radius of 5815.00 feet, a central angle of 00° 12'28", and a tangent of 10.55 feet; THENCE, continuing along said west line and With said curve to the right for on arc distance of 21.09 feet (Chord Bearing South 74° 15'53" East - 21.09 feet), to a 1/2 inch iron rod set With a yellow cap stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", on a curve to the right, having o radius of 525.00 feet, o central angle of 21° 27'07", and o tangent of 99.44 feet; STATE OF TEXAS THENCE, continuing along said west line and with said curve to the right for on arc distance of 196.56 feet (Chord Bearing COUNTY OF DALLAS South 20° 02'00" West - 195.42 feet), to a % inch iron rod found with a yellow cap at the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the left, having o radius of 525.00 feet, o central angle of 03° 23'29", and o tangent of 15.54 feet; Before me, the undersigned , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day THENCE, continuing along said west line at 12.51 feet, being in the north line of said Creekside Estates Phase VI, and continuing for a total arc distance of 31.08 feet (Chord Bearing South 29° 03'49" West - 31.07 feet), to a % inch iron rod found personally appeared known to me to be the person whose Home is subscribed With a yellow cap; to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. THENCE, South 66° 20'22" West, departing said west line and along the north line of said Creekside Estates Phase VI, for a distance of 7.74 feet, to o 1/2 inch iron rod set with a yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", on a curve to the left, having o radius of 5585.00 feet, a central angle of 00° 47'29", and o tangent of 38.57 feet; Given under my hand and seal of office, this day of , 2015. THENCE, continuing along said north line and with said curve to the left for on arc distance of 77.14 feet (Chord Bearing North 74° 50'14" West - 77.13 feet), to a % inch iron rod found with o yellow cap; THENCE, North 14° 46'02" East, continuing along said north line, for o distance of 115.00 feet, to o 1/2 inch iron rod set With a yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", on a non-tangent curve to the left, having o radius of 5700.00 feet, a central angle of 11° 20'11" and a tangent of 565.74 feet; Notary Public in and for the State of Texas THENCE, continuing along said north line and with said curve to the left for on arc distance of 1127.78 feet (Chord My commission expires: Bearing North 80° 54'04" West - 1125.94 feet), to a 1/2 inch iron rod set With o yellow cap stomped "Corwin Eng. Inc."; THENCE, South 03° 25'51" West, continuing along said north line, for a distance of 115.00 feet, to o 1/2 inch iron rod set With a yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", on a non-tangent curve to the left, having o radius of 5585.00 feet, o "Recommended for Approval " central angle 00° 55'13" and a tangent of 44.85 feet; THENCE, continuing along said north line and with said curve to the left for on arc distance of 89.71 feet (Chord Bearing North 87° 01'46" West - 89.71 feet), to o 1/2 inch iron rod set With a yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc."; Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Dote THENCE, North 37° 52'15" West, continuing along said north line, for a distance of 12.94 feet, to o 1/2 inch iron rod City of Wylie, Texas set With a yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", on a non-tangent curve to the right, having o radius of 575.00 feet, o central angle of 00° 14'01", and a tangent of 1.17 feet; THENCE, continuing along said north line and with said curve to the right for an arc distance of 2.51 feet (Chord Bearing Approved for Construction North 12° 25'49" East - 2.34 feet), to o 1/2 inch iron rod set With o yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc."; THENCE, North 77° 27'10" West, continuing along said north line, for a distance of 50.00 feet, to a 1/2 inch iron rod set With a yellow cop stamped "Corwin Eng. Inc.", on a non-tangent curve to the left, having o radius of 625.00 feet, o Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date central angle of 03° 45'18", and a tangent of 20.49 feet; Accepted THENCE, continuing along said north line and with said curve to the left for an arc distance of 40.96 feet (Chord Bearing South 10° 40'11" West - 40.95 feet), to a % inch iron rod found with a yellow cap; THENCE, North 81° 12'29" West, continuing along said north line, for o distance of 121.90 feet, to o 1/2 inch iron rod set With a yellow cap stomped "Corwin Eng. Inc."; Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Dote THENCE, North 14° 15'58" East, continuing along said north line, for a distance of 99.04 feet, to o 1/2 inch iron "The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the rod set with o yellow cap stomped "Corwin Eng. Inc."; foregoing final plot of the CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE VIII, subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the day of 2015 THENCE, North 19° 17'21" East, continuing along said north line, for a distance of 211.84 feet, to the POINT and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alley, parks, OF BEGINNING and containing 20.551 acres of land. easement, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2015. FINAL PLAT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE OF KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, WARREN L. CORWIN, do hereby certify that CREEKS I DE ESTATES I prepared this Final Plat and the field notes from an actual and accurate survey of the land, that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance City Secretary PHASE VI I I with the subdivision Regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. City of Wylie, Texas OUT OF THE L.M. MARSHALL SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 594 IN THE WARREN L. CORWIN CITY OF WYLIE R.P.L.S. No. 4621 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER THE STATE OF TEXAS CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. COUNTY OF COLLIN 8750 Ni CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1735 Before me, the undersigned, a NotaryPublic in and for the State of Texas, on this dayDALLAS, TEXAS 75231 9 214-691-2556 personally appeared WARREN L. CORWIN, known to me to be the person whose name is PREPARED BY subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. CORWIN ENGINEERING, INC. 200 W. BELMONT, SUITE E Given under my hand and seal of office, this day of , 2015. ALLEN, TEXAS 75013 972-396-1200 FEBRUARY 2015 NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS SHEET 2 OF 2