04-13-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY;F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,April 13,2015—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Ulmer, Board Member
Chesnut, Board Member Harris and Board Member Kinser present. Board Member Jones and Board
Member White were absent from the meeting.
Staff members present: Parks& Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,
Janet Hawkes.
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 23, 2015
Board Action:
Board Member Kinser made a motion, seconded by Board Member Ulmer, to approve the
minutes from the March 23, 2015 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
• Update on progress of Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund projects
and project recommendations for the FY 15-16 Budget.
Superintendent Diaz opened discussion by reviewing the list of received Acquisition and
Improvement(A&I)funds as well as potential A&I funds. He also addressed potential projects to
complete. Comments and Board priority are included below, although the Board expressed
wanting to discuss the below options one more time at the May meeting before final
recommendations were made to staff for the FY 15-16 budget. In light of the upcoming budget
meetings, the Potential Items to Complete list was prioritized in order of importance discussed
initially by the Parks and Recreation Board Subcommittee members:
Potential A&I Funding:
1. Funds received in Fiscal Year 2014/2015:
Creekside Apartments west zone $201,600
Wooded Creek west zone $ 37,500
Alanis Crossing central zone $159,000
2. Proposed revenues for Fiscal Year 2015/2016:
Covington Estates Phase One central zone $ 88,000
Westgate Townhomes central zone $156,000
Mansions at Wylie Seniors west zone $256,000
Hunters Cove east zone $177,000
3. Proposed revenues for Fiscal Year 2016/2017:
Covington Estates Phase Two central zone $ 88,000
Potential Proiects to Complete:
o Community Park bleacher covers-central zone: This project is in process and
expected to be completed by the end of April, weather permitting.
• In process, can be removed from the list.
o Additional trail at the Municipal Complex(6 foot portion at trail head)-west zone:
Funding of this project will come out of the sidewalk bond money. In consideration of a
future project, the Board would like a cost estimate for potential solar light installation on
the new trail. Superintendent Diaz advised that future grants to extend the Municipal trail
will be pursued in order to continue that project.
• In process, can be removed from the list.
o Upgrade bridge at Municipal Complex trail-west zone: Our current operations budget
will fund this project.
• In process, can be removed from the list.
o Community Park parking lot(landscape and lighting)-central zone: Although this
project never went out to bid, looking back at the initial construction documents, the
original estimate came in at approximately$200,000. The Park and Recreation Board
requested an updated cost estimate for the Community Park parking lot. Staff will look
into piggy-backing this project with another similar City project in an effort to obtain a
more favorable cost. The landscape and lighting portion of the project will likely be
pushed out to another fiscal year due to lack of funds.
• High priority(first on the list).
o Founders Park scoreboard-west zone: The Board feels that this is a high priority
project preferably to be completed within the current budget year. Staff will pursue
possibly fund matching with the Wylie Football League in order to try and efficiently meet
this goal in this fiscal year.
• High priority.
o Replace Olde City Park playground-central zone: The Board feels the estimated cost
is very high to replace the playground equipment and would like to see details of what
would be included as well as possible options. Preferred options include adopting a
specific theme for this playground as it is a key park located within the historical
• Low priority.
o Founders Park parking (Stadium and east area near Service Center)-west zone:
Additional funds are necessary for design and engineering to get this project to the bid
stage and then lighting would also need to be included. Possible bond project more than
an A&I project. Wylie Independent School District is pretty tied up with their bond funds
so they are unlikely to contribute funds. Staff could approach WISD on this prospect.
• Low priority.
o Replace Pirate Cove playground-west zone: The playground assessment came back
good with only the swing sets needing replacement. Staff tries to keep the mulch in the
playground's foundation.
• Low priority.
o Sign program at all parks-all zones: No definitive estimate on expense to complete
this project but would be done in a similar way to the bench installation in our parks.
• Gradual project, high priority as funds allow.
o Trail connection at Southbrook and Twin Lakes parks-central zone:
• High priority for fiscal year 2015/2016.
o Playground and benches at Creekside Park(added grant from Creekside HOA)-
west zone: The Board supports the Creekside Park playground project with matching
funds from the Creekside Home Owner's Association. The Board asked staff to provide
examples of the playground type being considered.
• High priority.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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o Trail connection from Sage Creek to Wooded Creek(added from staff)-west zone:
No cost estimate yet but should be included in the next fiscal year budget. Complicated
process because to connect these two trails, easements would need to be obtained from
some of the Sage Creek and Wooded Creek residents. Board wants staff to pursue a
cost estimate.
• High priority for fiscal year 2015/2016.
o Upgrade signage at Municipal Complex trail (interpretive)-west zone:
• Gradual project, high priority as funds allow.
o Community Park restroom-central zone: The Board sees this as a very low priority
and would like to consider a possible removal of the project idea due to the high cost of
estimated construction.
• Low priority.
o Founders Park restroom-west zone:
• Low priority.
o Map sign at disk golf park-east zone:
• Low priority.
o Development of Braddock Park areas (additional practice fields)-central zone:
• Not discussed during meeting.
o Solar trail lighting at Municipal Complex trails-west zone: $6,000 per light. Wants
staff to pursue estimate but considers this a future project.
• Low priority.
o Solar Community Park parking lot lighting-central zone: $6,000 per light. Wants
staff to pursue estimate but considers this a future project.
• Low priority.
• Recommendations regarding Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget
Assessment Report.
Superintendent Diaz first presented the Board with the requested chart showing resident/non-
resident pass sale percentages since the grand opening of the Recreation Center.
The Board expressed the information presented below is enough to have some discussions with
City Council. They want to focus on three main areas: full time staffing, a five year capital
improvement plan and fee modifications with an option for a five percent fee increase.
Superintendent Diaz went through each item and discussed with the Board their priorities and
1. Hire a full-time Front Desk Manager and adjust other full-time staff responsibilities
The Subcommittee and Board felt this was the number one priority in order to maintain
quality customer service and improve retention rates for memberships.
2. Develop a five year prioritized capital improvement plan:
The Subcommittee commented that the beginning of the phase out of older fitness
equipment began the process of addressing capital equipment but that a plan must be
considered for the facility itself. Some capital maintenance items are addressed in the
current budget i.e. gym floor maintenance, minor painting. The subcommittee and Board
feel that staff needs to work with the Facility Manager (and City Manager)to develop a
capital improvement plan internally.
3. Drop the credit card surcharge for on-line program registration:
The Subcommittee and Board felt that eliminating the current credit card surcharge from
customers paying for programs online was needed to increase the usage of online
registration. Another benefit would be less staff time devoted to registering patrons for
programs improving front desk customer services at the recreation center. The Sub-
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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.11 committee and Board also felt any cost increase incurred by the City for dropping the
surcharge would outweigh the increased usage.
Revamp the one month membership fee to function as an auto renew option at a
lower rate to serve as a long term month to month fee alternative,with an added
family option:
The Subcommittee and Board reviewed all the fees and various staff options. Their
recommendations to address this issue are in the new fee options page.
There should be an across the board fee increase of approximately five percent
every two years:
The Subcommittee and Board added a 5% increase option as part of their review.
Consider the elimination of the resident/non-resident fee differential:
Details for a fee increase option were included in the comparison chart. The Sub-
committee added the 5%fee increase option as part of their review but they felt that
the resident/non-resident fee differential needed to remain placing the larger burden on
non-residents using the facility and potential loss of revenue for non-residents paying a
higher rate.
The Board agreed that after staff clarifies the development of the five year prioritized capital
improvement plan, they are ready to move forward and address their recommendations
regarding the Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment to City Council in a
May work session.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Harris and seconded
by Board Member Ulmer. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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