12-03-2014 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes itt( Parks and Recreation CITY WYLIE Rec Sub-Committee Special Meeting Minutes Monday,December 3,2014—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Public Services-3rd Floor Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Meeting began at 6:33 p.m. with Board Chairman Rose,Board Member Jones and Board Member Kinser present. Staff members present: Parks&Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes. A QUORUM OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMEBERS WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING WAS TAKEN. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Review the Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment Report. The budget assessment consultant,Ballard-King,was contracted to do an assessment for the Wylie Recreation Center and met with staff in the summer of 2014 to review their findings and recommendations. The Ballard-King assessment was then presented to the City Council during the September 23,2014 meeting and City Council provided staff with direction on the primary areas of focus and priorities they wanted staff to pursue. City Council asked staff to make a list of recommended items on the Assessment Report that can be done and another list of items that cannot be done. The Recreation Sub-Committee was then formed to review the Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment Report. While keeping the general discussion broad,the evening's sub-committee meeting was designed to address any specifics or questions Board members might have and then to pursue an action plan. After Committee review of the Budget Assessment Report the City Council inspired goal is to come up with a"can do"list and a"want to do"list of recommendations. The Sub Committee can then subsequently address in general the things they think are important to review and staff will in turn do the legwork to research options for suggested potential changes. • Review the City Council directives regarding the Report from their review at the September 23, 2014 meeting. The committee consensus was to look into the acquisition of another full time position for the rec, enhanced marketing,additional and more visible signage at the complex,rec absorption of current online registration service fees,adoption of a restructured fee schedule to include replacement of the existing three month pass with a comparably priced recurring monthly payment option,and updating the facility and adding a 2"d aerobics class room for a long term goal. Also in consideration was an across the board increase of membership fees with possible implementation every two years,reduction of class registration discounts,changing membership requirement to begin at age seven,increasing the"adult"membership age to 18,doing away with the resident/non-resident rate differential,hiring more in-house program instructors rather than contracting out,revision of the current corporate pass program, and development of a five year prioritized capital improvement plan. ADJOURNMENT The meeting ended at 8:26 p.m. ATTEST: Janet Hawf es,Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose,Parks Board Chairman tri Minutes December 3, 2014 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2