04-21-2015 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes Wylie Planning and Zoning
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Wylie Planning& Zoning Commission
Tuesday April 21,2015—6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Chair Ron Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. In attendance were: Vice Chair
Dennis Larson, Commissioner Randy Owens and Commissioner Jerry Stiller.
Commissioner David Williams arrived late. Commissioner Mike McCrossin and
Commissioner Diane Culver were both absent.
Staff present was Jasen Haskins, Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant.
Commissioner Larson gave the invocation and Commissioner Stiller led the Pledge of
Chair Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the
Commissioners, Chairman Smith closed the Citizens Participation.
Commissioner Williams arrived.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 7, 2015,
Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller and seconded by Commissioner Owens
to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5—0.
Minutes April 21,2015
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Regular Agenda
Item 1
Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Streamline Electric developing a 3,843
square foot one story office/warehouse facility, generally located at 2801 Exchange
Street, Lot 37, Block C of Regency Business Park, Phase 2.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Haskins stated that the site plan will construct a 3,843 square foot single
story office/warehouse use for Streamline Electric. The property located on
0.6609 acres within the Regency Business Park Phase 2, more generally
located 2801 Exchange Lot 37, Block C and is zoned Light Industrial. An
office/warehouse use is allowed within the Light Industrial District.
At the back of the structure, the applicant proposes an overhead door and two
doors with no concrete drive or sidewalk at this time. The applicant proposes
to use the doors as ventilation.
Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations are required by
the City Engineering Department.
Board Discussion
Mr. Bryan Rogers, 511 Rustic Trail, represented the engineer for the subject
property, stated that the two man-doors will have a 3 x 3 cement pad, but no
current plans on providing a concrete drive to the overhead door at this time.
The property has several utility and drainage easements, and concrete drives
are allowed if approved by the utility firms. At this time, the applicant has no
plans to have concrete drive in the back.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Owens and seconded by Commissioner
Larson to approve the Site Plan for Streamline Electric. Motion carried 5 —0.
Public Hearings
Public Hearing 1
Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon a change in zoning from Corridor
Commercial (CC) to Multi-Family (MF), for multi-family residential development on 10
acres, located north of S.H. 78 and east of Eubanks Lane. ZC 2015-03.
Staff Presentation
Minutes April21,2015
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant submitted a request to withdraw the request for a
rezone 10 acres from Corridor Commercial (CC) to Multi-Family (MF) for multi-
family residential development.
Public Comment forms were mailed to 11 property owners within 200 feet. One
comment form, representing two tracts of land was received in favor of the request.
No comment forms were received in opposition.
Public Comments
Chair Smith opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the
Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Larson, and seconded by Commissioner
Stiller, to accept a Withdrawal for Zoning Change 2015-03. Motion carried 5—0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larson and seconded by Commissioner Owens to
adjourn the meeting at 6:17PM. All Commissioners were in consensus.
atAttA) D. VAviik
Ron Smith,Chair
AMa Briley,Adminis tive Assistant
Minutes April 21,2015
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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