05-21-2015 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes 47: Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Regular Called Meeting May 21, 2015 - 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 CALL TO ORDER The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Chairman Anne Hiney. Board members present included: Lynn Grimes, Lisa Green, Britt Volker, and Kathy Spillyards. Board members Gaynell Reed and Margaret Boyd were absent. Staff present included: Carole Ehrlich, board liaison; and Craig Kelly, Public Information Officer. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Update regarding the Public Art Project for the Public Safety Building. Staff Report PAAB Liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that Sid Henderson had been in contact with staff reporting good progress on the sculpture. She reported Sid plans to meet at the foundry mid-June to oversee the patina application and could have the sculpture ready for delivery by the third week in June however the foundry is willing to store the sculpture until the base has been constructed and the piece is ready for delivery and installation. Ehrlich reported this could happen sometime in July/August 2015. The dedication could be planned after that time. Ehrlich noted she would keep the board updated as progress was made. • Update regarding the Bluegrass on Ballard scheduled for June 27, 2015. Staff Report PAAB Liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that the City has received 10 food vendors and approximately 35 craft and multi-level vendor applications. These include some not for profit organizations. She told the board staff anticipated many more in the coming weeks as the event draws near. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the Wylie City Council to fund the 2016 JazzArts Fest in the amount of$25,000 during the 2015/2016 Budget Work Sessions. Board Discussion May 21,2015 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Regular Meeting Minutes p a 2 • Chair Hiney opened the item up for discussion. She reminded the board that during discussions on May 13, 2015 during a special called meeting the board asked that the item be placed on the agenda for further discussion and consideration for proposing the event for 2016 and costs associated with the recommendation to the Wylie City Council. Vice Chair Grimes commented that she had recommended at the May 13th meeting that the board wait a year and have time to plan a different direction for the event that would draw more visitors. Board member Spillyards agreed that the event was not attended well and without additional funding for staffing, advertising, and other elements, the event will not grow and make money. It may even take seeding funds for a couple of years to grow the event. She stated if the funding is not there it would be difficult to make this type of event work. Chair Hiney stated she felt without charging for a music event like other cities, the event would never make money. The amount of elements needed such as staging, sound and lighting, and artist fees for music events require a lot more funding than an arts and craft show. Vice Chair Grimes noted that unless this event was given the funding needed, it would be a waste of money. Grimes stated the board has two very successful events that are proven to put money back into the funds for the purchase of art. The JazzArts Fest has not been able to make a return on funds spent. Board liaison Ehrlich stated that the three events are very different in respect to the money raised, the intent of the event, and staff time. The Wylie Arts Festival has raised enough money over the past couple of years, not counting 2014 to purchase the sculptures for the Public Safety project. This event generally makes between $15,000 and $18,000. The funds for the event come from the Hotel Tax which is a correct usage of those funds and promotes visual arts with many artists showing their individual art. The Bluegrass on Ballard is a very easy event and the only board/staff responsibility is to facilitate the vendors. This event should make somewhere around $6,000 this year. The JazzArts Fest in the past has been unable to produce revenue and without additional funds on an annual basis, will not allow for additional staffing and other elements, which are required for this type of event. Board member Spillyards stated that perhaps waiting a year or more for the JazzArts Fest and concentrating on building the Wylie Arts Festival, which is already successful, would be a better use of the funds. This would also not tax staff more than the event is able to afford. These additional funds could be used to rent a big top for more vendors, do more advertising, and/or bring in additional features to the event. This would also allow some additional staffing for the event if needed. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Grimes, seconded by board member Spillyards to refrain from recommending funding for the 2016 JazzArts Fest to re-structure the event and/or create a different event to focus on the arts. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board members Reed and Boyd absent. 2. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the Wylie City Council to fund the 2015 Wylie Arts Festival in the amount of$20,000 during the 2015/2016 Budget Work Sessions. Board Discussion Chair Hiney asked if some of the funding that the board was not requesting for the JazzArts Fest could mil be recommended for the Wylie Arts Festival to build the event. Board member Spillyards recommended that the board reach a little beyond a tent and include other May 21,2015 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Regular Meeting Minutes P a 2 a 1 3 features for the event and additional advertising. Spillyards explained because this event is already successful, the board should recommend a reasonable amount to grow the event. The board had some questions regarding the tent and asked staff to check with the church to insure they were agreeable with installing a tent. Board Action A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by Vice Chair Grimes to recommend funding for the 2015 Wylie Arts Festival in the amount of$35,000 to grow the event, during the 2015/16 Budget Work Sessions. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board members Reed and Boyd absent. 3. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes from the May 13, 2015 Regular meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison) Board Action A motion was made by board member Volker, seconded by board member Green to approve the minutes from the Public Arts Advisory Board's May 13, 2015 meeting as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board members Reed and Boyd absent. PAAB Liaison Ehrlich regretfully reported that three members of the Public Arts Advisory Board would not be seeking re-appointment; one of which is a founding member of the board (Kathy Spillyards). Ehrlich requested a small reception prior to the next regular meeting to say goodbye. The board concurred. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the board, a motion was made by board member Volker, seconded by board member Green to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5- 0 with board members Reed and Boyd absent. ne Hiney, Chair Carole Ehrlich, retary