02-18-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation CITY:F WYLIE Rec Sub-Committee Special Meeting Minutes Monday, February 18,2015—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Public Services-3rd Floor Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Meeting began at 6:36 p.m.with Board Chairman Rose,Board Member Jones and Board Member Kinser present. Staff members present: Parks&Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes. A QUORUM OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING WAS TAKEN. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Continue review of the Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment Report and the City Council directives regarding the Report. Superintendent Diaz provided the Subcommittee with documentation requested during the previous Subcommittee meeting: a Wylie Recreation Center(WRC) Rec Pass Fee Option Comparison Chart,a WRC Rec Passes Issued chart and revenues for memberships and classes. In regards to the WRC Rec Pass Fee Option Comparison Chart,the Subcommittee consensus was to narrow down and present two of the listed options to the Parks and Recreation Board. They agreed to include the No Increase option and the 5%Increase option. The Subcommittee embraced the idea of changing the adult pass to age 18 as well as omission of pass requirements for children ages zero to six. Discussion continued regarding elimination of the three month pass option and replacing it with a revised auto-renew monthly rate option. The revised auto-renew rate will be lower than the current offering, averaging out to almost the same discounted rate as the current three month rate. Superintendent Diaz explained that patrons would continue receiving the choice to pay for any increment of months they wish (i.e. 2,3,4 months,etc.)when paid in full at this lower monthly rate;however,the primary focus was to offer the public a more affordable monthly auto-renew option. The Subcommittee was in agreement to present this idea to the Parks and Recreation Board as they considered it to be a very positive change likely to result in increased revenue. After reviewing the WRC Rec Passes Issued Chart,the Subcommittee agreed that having e a separate resident/non-resident rate was needed. Staff did explain that the primary benefit,however,to implementing a one rate fee and abolishing the non-resident rate would be the opportunity to open the option of offering online purchases for Recreation Center passes and memberships,therefore,eliminating the proof of residency requirement. This change could free up and/or lessen the need for additional front desk staff,thus reducing overhead and increasing revenue. Superintendent Diaz advised he would compile the Subcommittee's final recommendations and create documents in a finalized form for presentation to the Parks and Recreation Board. The Subcommittee agreed to this and to the decision to meet one final time for review prior to submitting their recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Board during the March meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting ended at 8:23 p.m. ATTEST: r J 1444_ Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes February 18, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Sub-Committee Meeting Page 2