05-11-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY:F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, May 11,2015—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Ulmer, Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Harris, Board Member Kinser and Board Member White present. Board Member Jones was absent from the meeting. Staff members present: Parks& Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 13, 2015 meetings. Board Action: Board Member Kinser made a motion, seconded by Board Member Harris, to approve the minutes from the April 13, 2015 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 2. Consider and act upon parkland dedication for the Kreymer Estates-East Development. Developer, Jim Douglas of Douglas Properties, approached the Board to discuss proposed plan revisions to the Kreymer Estates-East Development. Formally referred to as the Wilson Creek Development, located east of W.A. Allen, this item was previously reviewed and approved by the Board in August of 2014. Mr. Douglas is resubmitting this development as Kreymer Estates-East instead of Wilson Creek, again proposing to satisfy the parkland dedication requirements through a combination of land dedication and improvements. He proposes to install $477,425 worth of park improvements including engineering costs and clearing. Mr. Douglas also proposes to dedicate a total of 6.99 acres of land, 4.97 acres out of the floodplain (valued at$198,000)to the City as parkland. Included in the revised plan and parkland dedication is the improved positioning of the eight foot hike and bike trail, trail directional signs, brick paver trail crossings within the neighborhood, a brick paver trail crossing at W.A. Allen, trash receptacles, pet stations, park benches, new rod iron fencing around the cemetery, hand clearing of underbrush in Avalon Park, park irrigation, grass seeding/sodding of the park area and a playground with concrete edging. The park will be City owned and HOA maintained. Board Action: Board Member Harris made a motion, seconded by Board White,to approve the parkland dedication for the Kreymer Estates-East Development. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1.3• Update on progress of Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund projects and project recommendations for the FY 15-16 Budget. Superintendent Diaz opened discussion by reviewing the list of questions received at the April meeting in regards to the Acquisition and Improvement(A&I)funds received and those expected to receive. He noted that included with the June Agenda Packet is an updated list of items the Board had expressed in the previous meeting that they would potentially like to see completed during the FY 15-16 budget year. Potential Projects to Complete: o Community Park bleacher covers (central zone), project complete: Approximately $100,000 balance in central zone funds after completion of bleacher cover project. o Additional trail at the Municipal Complex(west zone),six foot portion at trail head will be funded with sidewalk bond. o Upgrade bridge at Municipal Complex trail project(west zone),funded with current operations budget, in process: Decorative iron railing is being added along both sides of the existing old 1378 bridge. o Community Park parking lot(central zone), project estimated at$210,000: This is staff's highest priority on the list. Using the existing construction documents, an updated cost estimate of$192,000 was obtained from GT Construction. Staff padded the numbers to come up with a $210,000 anticipated project total with plans to budget a majority of the funding from A and I and the balance 4B Parks budgeted funds. o Founders Park scoreboard (west zone), $17,000 in operations budget to match Wylie Football League(WFL)funds: WFL Board advised staff they were considering purchasing a scoreboard. o Replace Olde City Park playground (central zone), estimated at$99,800.00: Superintendent Diaz presented several samples with prices for preschool and grade school age playground equipment. After viewing example presented by staff,the board now feels that the estimated $99,800 for two age appropriate playgrounds is a more acceptable amount to budget for as opposed to just one playground being installed. o Trail connection at Southbrook and Twin Lakes parks(central zone), $46,000 estimate: Was not discussed in the previous Parks and Recreation Board meeting and will therefore be revisited at another time. o Playground and benches at Creekside Park(west zone), added grant from Creekside HOA, $44,000: High priority project for staff, who would also like to decrease this amount to $33,000 as to match Creekside's donated fund total. Staff presented an estimate of$73,000 for the entire project. o Trail connection from Sage Creek to Wooded Creek(west zone), grant project added by staff: City portion of property has been obtained, but staff is still in process of looking at how these trails will connect. o Solar trail lighting at Municipal Complex trails (west zone), $8,000 per light including installation, 8-10 lights: Staff would like low energy LED solar lights to be strategically placed at points of reference as well as shaded trail areas. The Board commented that they would like staff to pursue funding in the next FY budget for lighting on the trail. o Solar Community Park parking lot lighting (central zone), $8,000 per light including installation, 10-12 lights: Would like low energy LED solar lights for security purposes but will consider gradual light additions as funds permit. Potential A&I Funding: 1. Funds received fiscal year 2014/2015: Creekside Apartments west zone $201,600 Wooded Creek west zone $ 37,500 Alanis Crossing central zone $159,000 Covington Estates Phase One central zone $ 88,000 (pending) Minutes May 11, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 2. Funds NOT yet received 2015/2016: Westgate Townhomes west zone $156,000 Mansions at Wylie Seniors west zone $256,000 Hunters Cove east zone $177,000 3. Funds NOT yet received fiscal year 2016/2017: Covington Estates Phase Two central zone $ 88,000 • Prepare for City Council work session regarding recommendations from the Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment Report. Superintendent Diaz began by presenting a summary of his goals for the City Council work session as well as a simplified list pertaining to the Budget Assessment Report. He noted that staff amended the final report with only small cosmetic changes so that the comparison list would be easier for Council to read and understand. Superintendent Diaz advised his intention is to explain to Council during the work session the process of how the Parks and Recreation Board and Subcommittee evaluated, addressed, simplified and provided its recommendations in regards to the assessment report. He reminded the Board that they are the recommending advisory Board and the City Council has final decision making authority over items being presented. The Board provided staff the needed direction regarding the documents to be presented to the City Council at the May 12`h Work Session. • Birmingham House in Downtown Wylie. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the Birmingham House was sold by the Birmingham Trust to the City of Wylie and is expected to close on the property May 20, 2015. The Birmingham Trust needed to liquidate some of their assets and approached the City of Wylie about purchasing the property. The house was not purchased using the 4B Sales Tax funds, but a mid-year budget amendment of approximately$75,000 was approved to fund out of the 4B Sales Tax funds to account for the home's maintenance, staffing and other related expense. Two of the Parks and Recreation Board Members, Board Chairman Rose and Board Member Chesnut, met with City Manager, Mindy Manson, to express their concern about the house falling within the Parks and Recreation budget using 4B funds. City Manager Manson advised Board Chair Rose and Board Member Chesnut that although preliminary, the goal is for the Birmingham House to only temporarily remain within the 4B operational budget and eventually to be funded by the hotel/motel and/or general funds. She also stated that the City Council expressed their desire for the historical home to be used for tours and rentals, therefore, staff is looking into all possible options regarding this and the determination of an appropriate job level position to manage the Birmingham House. It is staff's hope that in time, the operation of the Bart Peddicord Community Center and downtown City events could also fall under the responsibility of this position. City Manager Manson also noted that at this time the 4B Sales Tax fund is currently the only option to fund the historical house and that the Parks and Recreation Divisions are considered the best equipped to set up coordination for the type ventures City Council wished to be pursued. The Parks and Recreation Board will be a recommending body for initial setup and fee determination, and although we do not have numbers for revenue, Staff did obtain the Birmingham Trust's reservation fee infrastructure as well as a budget guideline for the facility maintenance, both of which will be used as next fiscal year's basis for budgeting. Two pre-existing event reservations will be hosted by City of Wylie staff at the Birmingham House in May and June. Staff is interested in touring some of the area historical homes currently used for tours and reservations, located in areas such as Farmers Branch and McKinney, in order to stimulate operational ideas. Minutes May 11, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 • Summer Board park and facilities tour dates. Superintendent Diaz presented the idea to schedule the June Parks and Recreation Board meeting at the Birmingham House and to tour the facility immediately afterward. He added that he would first need to obtain confirmation from City Manager Manson and Public Service Director, Mike Sferra. He also recommended the Board similarly hold an upcoming meeting at the Wylie Senior Recreation Center in combination with a facility tour. The Board supported the ideas, and Superintendent advised he would get back with the Board by way of email to confirm his suggestion. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Kinser and seconded by Board Member Harris. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. ATTEST //17/"I *-% Jah'et Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes May 11, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 4