06-08-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY:F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,June 8,2015—6:30 p.m. Birmingham House 301 North Ballard Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Ulmer, Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Harris, Board Member Kinser and Board Member White present. Board Member Jones arrived to the meeting late at 6:45 p.m. Staff members present: Parks & Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the City Council changes to the Fee Ordinance on Wylie Recreation Center fees. Board Action: Superintendent Diaz began the meeting by reviewing the City Council's recommended changes to the Fee Ordinance on Wylie Recreation Center fees during the May 12, 2015 work session. Staff is in process of updating the fee information based on the recommendations by the City Council and then presenting that to the Board for further comments. The final amended version of the Fee Ordinance on Wylie Recreation Center will then be forwarded for a future City Council meeting review. An updated Wylie Rec Pass Comparison chart and Wylie Rec Pass Comparison Definitions and Verification chart were both included in the Agenda Packet showing the "current" compared to the "proposed" revisions, according to what the City Council approved and/or recommended during the May 12th work session. In regards to the Wylie Rec Pass Comparison Definitions and Verification chart included in the Agenda Packet, the following amendments were requested by the Parks and Recreation Board: • Wylie Rec Pass Comparison Definitions and Verification 4 - change youth age 7— 17 (shown as 16). • Wylie Rec Pass Comparison Definitions and Verification 4—Omit"family"term from definition. Superintendent Diaz noted that he received an email the day after the work session from Council Member Dahl stating that after further thought on the issue he felt that the household number should be changed to an unlimited number. The Board and Staff did not agree to that recommendation and felt that not placing limits on the household number would open up a host of negative issues including but not limited to lost revenue due to excessive use of the facility, as well as the inability to police the legitimacy of true household members as stated. Board Members included comments that they were not aware of any similar facility without household number limitations and that the standard household number in surrounding cities is limited to four. Superintendent Diaz addressed the new wording for the"Auto-Renew Eligible" concept explaining that this choice will allow patrons to pay as they go for the same price as a monthly renewal but they will also have the option to set up their membership as an ongoing renewal using a credit or debit card. The Board agreed that eliminating the term "family"and changing it to"household" does improve the dynamics of the membership. Not requiring a membership for children ages zero to six and increasing the age requiring a membership to seven is also anticipated to improve membership sales, as well as offset many technical issues for both patrons and staff. The Parks and Recreation Board felt that any changes should go in affect for the new calendar year; however, at the discretion of City Council. Board Member Harris made a motion, seconded by Board Member White, to approve the amended version of recommendation from City Council changes to the Fee Ordinance on Wylie Recreation Center fees. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Review upcoming activities for Parks and Recreation Month-July 2015. Superintendent Diaz explained that the third year is approaching wherein the City Council officially proclaims July to be Parks and Recreation Month as in accordance with the nationwide governing body known as the National Recreation Parks Association (NRPA). He explained that several activities supporting this proclamation will take place at the Wylie Recreation Center and Wylie Senior Recreation Center. Staff is preparing many activities, including new ventures such as a family bike parade and a learn to skateboard at our city skate park, all focused around the NRPA 1980's era theme. • Birmingham House Tour. Superintendent Diaz stated that most of the vendors the Birmingham Trust was using have been notified of the sale and staff is working to maintain services such as standard utilities, lawn maintenance and cleaning services. Mid-year funding has been approved to continue staffing and operations connected with the facility. Permanent staff and specifics to operating the House have not yet been determined Superintendent Diaz requested the meeting adjourn at this point in order to conclude the evening with a tour of the Birmingham House. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member White and seconded by Board Member Kinser. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. for the tour of the Birmingham House to proceed after the meeting. ATTEST J net Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes June 8, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2