12-08-2014 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet {t
a Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
S1411 or WO
Regular Meeting Agenda
December 8, 2014 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers
300 Country Club #100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Matt Rose Chair
Lisa Ulmer Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
David White Board Member
Jeff Harris Board Member
Emmett Jones Board Member
Bobby Kinser Board Member
Robert Diaz Board Liaison
Shohn Rodgers Parks Manager
Mike Sferra Public Services Director
Janet Hawkes Board Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie
Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website:
www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted
on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.
Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their
name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not
allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
December 8,2014 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 10, 2014
2. Consider and act upon the recommendation to amend the FY 2014-15 Acquisition
and Improvement Budget for a project at Community Park,located in the Central
• Subcommittee update regarding Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget
Assessment Report.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 5th day of December 2014 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was
contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
CITY OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 10,2014—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Ulmer,Board Member
Chesnut,Board Member White,Board Member Harris,Board Member Jones and Board Member Kinser. Board
Member Jones left the meeting at 7:51 p.m.
Staff members present: Parks&Recreation Superintendent,Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,Janet
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 13, 2014
Board Action:
Board Member Harris made a motion,seconded by Board Member Jones,to approve the minutes from
the October 13,2014 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
• Subcommittee recommendations for future Parks Acquisition and Improvement
Fund projects.
Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the Parks Acquisition and Improvement(A&I)Fund is
typically a fund that is budgeted as part of the regular budget process.The 2014/2015 Fiscal Year began
on October 1,2014 and continues through September 30,2015.
The fees for the upcoming Creekside Apartment Development are$800 per unit and those fees are
required to be paid prior to issuance of the project's certificate of occupancy. He stated that staff will
pursue obtaining a target date for completion from the developer and provide that information at a
subsequent meeting.
The phase two addition of the Wooded Creek development,located off Lakefield Dr.just west of the
Parkside Development,includes fees totaling approximately$30,000 as well as the dedication of a trail
The Alanis Crossing developer has already paid the parkland dedication fees owed,totaling$159,000.
An additional$150,000 is expected after the completion of Alanis's second phase.
Although it is possible in Fiscal Year 2014/2015, $88,000 in development fees for the Covington Estates
Phase One development is expected to be paid in Fiscal Year 2015/2016.
Westgate Townhomes Development,which is a planned development of ten acres,located south of
Chili's on Westgate Way,will owe the City$156,000 in development fees. Those fees are expected in
Fiscal Year 2015/2016.
The Mansions at Wylie Seniors apartment complex located in the City's southwest area just behind the
Target,will have development fees of$256,000,and those fees are expected to be paid in Fiscal Year
Developers for the Dominion of Pleasant Valley and Kremer Estates Phase Two offered land dedications
and improvements in lieu of fees so no funds will be received from either of those developments.
Subcommittee members met in October and November and individually turned in a ranked list of park
priority preferences. It was agreed that the priority of future potential projects should first be to
designate $75,000 toward the installation of baseball area bleacher covers in Community Park.
Superintendent Diaz stated that a meeting is set up for next week with the Wylie Baseball/Softball
Association(WBSA)to see if they have any funds allocated to assist with the purchase of bleacher
covers. After discussions with the WSBA Board,a recommendation to the City Council from the Parks
and Recreation Board would be necessary in order to allocate funds to the Community Park bleacher
cover project. Subcommittee members concluded that the second project priority should involve the
Wylie Municipal Complex Trail by adding a six foot concrete connector from the Complex Trail to the
Smith Library parking lot and to add enhancements to the old FM1378 road bridge.
A finalized project priority recommendation list from the sub-committee will be brought back to the
Parks and Recreation Board at the March 2015 meeting for review and recommendations prior to the
start of the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year budget process.
Board Chairman Rose stated that the construction of additional spaces in the parking lot at Pirate
Stadium adjacent to Founders Park is estimated to cost an approximate$250,000. Several Board
Members agreed this parking lot is very much shared between park users and Pirate Stadium spectators,
and they supported the idea of the City approaching the Wylie Independent School District(WISD) and
asking them to participate in any future expansion projects.
Superintended Diaz updated the Board on the Municipal Trail Project progress. He stated that the trail
contractor,North Rock Construction,has installed silt fence,taken core sampling and began grading of
the trail with minimal disturbance to the existing trees. Concrete is anticipated to be poured in just a
couple of weeks in the eastern meadow area off of Brown Street.
Superintended Diaz explained that Sidewalk Bond money is being transferred into the Municipal Trail
Project account in order to pay the contractor's invoices,and staff will in turn request reimbursement
from the County to replace the borrowed Sidewalk Bond money. He also said that part of the$10,000
tree allowance was saved due to fewer trees needing removal near the planned trail;therefore,some of
the saved$10,000 could possibly be used for the upgrades on the old FM1378 bridge.
Board Member Harris addressed the need for playground improvements at the Olde City Park and
suggested the Parks and Recreation Board consider pursuing a vendor to spearhead a fundraiser to raise
needed funds for the project,as was done in the funding of the Pirates Cove Playground a few years ago.
Some organizations to consider approaching would be the Downtown Merchants Association,Blackland
Prairie,American Legion and Rotary Club. The Board took a verbal poll and all agreed with Board
Member Harris's suggestion to pursue a vendor who will sponsor fundraising for Olde City Park
improvements. Superintendent Diaz agreed to obtain clarification whether pursuing this idea is
acceptable for the Parks Board to do. He also noted that the Parks Board would need to provide
conceptual playground ideas and plans to the vendor prior to the launching of a fundraising event.
• Review of the Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment Report.
Superintendent Diaz noted that the Wylie Recreation Center's four year anniversary is approaching this
February 2015. A consultant advised staff to revisit operational and fee related details every two years,
Minutes November 10, 2014
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 2
thus Ballard*King was contracted to do an assessment for the Wylie Recreation Center and met with
staff in the summer of 2014 to review their findings and recommendations. Ballard*King's assessment
was then presented to the City Council during the September 23,2014 meeting. The City Council
provided staff with direction on the primary areas of focus and priorities they wanted for staff to pursue.
City Council asked staff to make two lists from the recommended items on the Assessment Report:one
list of"want-to-do"items and one list of"can-do"items. Superintendent Diaz presented the Board with
a slideshow highlighting Ballard and King's recommendations for the Recreation Center.
• Forming a sub-committee to review the Wylie Recreation Center Operations
Budget Assessment Report.
Superintendent Diaz requested two,preferably three,Board Members form a sub-committee who will
meet with him monthly,for approximately four months,and review the Wylie Recreation Center's
Operations Budget Assessment Report. Board Chairman Rose and Board Member Kinser agreed to
serve on this new sub-committee. Superintendent Diaz agreed to contact Board Member Jones,who left
the meeting early,and ask him to serve on the sub-committee as the third member.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Harris and seconded by Board
Member Chesnut. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman
Minutes November 10, 2014
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 3
Parks and Recreation Board
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Meeting Date: December 8, 2014 Item Number:
Department: Parks and Recreation (Park Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: December 4, 2014 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: 2
Consider and act upon the recommendation to amend the FY 2014-15 Acquisition and Improvement Budget for
a project at Community Park, located in the Central Zone.
To approve a recommendation to amend the FY 2014-15 Acquisition and Improvement Budget for a project at
Community Park located in the Central Zone.
The Parks and Recreation Board developed a subcommittee to discuss use of Parks Acquisition and
Improvement funds for potential future projects. Subcommittee recommendations were reviewed and discussed
by the Parks and Recreation Board at the November 10, 2014 meeting. The highest ranked project was to use
Park Acquisition and Improvement funds for bleacher covers at Community Park baseball fields.
Recently $159,000 was deposited in the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund Central Zone account for the
Alanis Crossing Phase 1 Development. In order to utilize those funds in this fiscal year a budget amendment
must be made.
Staff met with Wylie Baseball and Softball Association President Lance Wallace about the possibility of the
WBSA contributing to the bleacher cover project. Lance notified staff in November that they would be able to
contribute $25,000 to the project.
As staff was working with the shade cover vendor at Community Park it was discovered that the bleachers were
not replaced at Cooper Field. New bleachers were purchased for the other three baseball fields following the
completion of the initial improvements. Staff is recommending using Parks Acquisition and Improvement
funds for new bleachers at Cooper Field in addition to the bleacher covers.
Attached to this agenda report are quotes from USA Shade for bleacher covers and Hunter-Knepshield for new
bleachers at Cooper Field.
Here is the total cost of the project with the WBSA contribution included:
USA Shade $61,178.00
Hunter-Knepshield $11,730.80
WBSA contribution -$25,000.00
Total $47,908.80
Page 1 of 1
Page 2 of 2
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RD December 4, 2014
City Manager
Fabric truct r . �..
A Brand of Shade Structures, Inc.
Dallas Date: 11-28-2014
8505-A Chancellor Row
Dallas,TX 75247 To: Robert Diaz
800-966-5005 Phone
214-905-9514 Fax Fax:
REGIONAL OFFICES Phone: 972-516-6341
Arizona Pages including this cover page: 9
2628-B W.Birchwood Cir.
Mesa,AZ 85202 Project Name: Community Park — City of Wylie
480-446-0066 Phone
480-446-8679 Fax Quote Number: Al E110256
1508-A Ferguson Lane
Austin,TX 78754
512-836-5500 Phone Attached is quotation for shade structures as we discussed. Refer to the above
512-836-5600 Fax quote number with any questions or comments.
1085 N. Main Street,Suite C When you are ready to place your order, please initial all pages of the proposal
Orange,CA 92867 and sign the last page.
714-427-6981 Phone
714-538-2440 Fax
Do not hesitate to call me for further assistance.
927 Enterprise Way
Suite A
Napa,CA 94558
707-257-7296 Phone Sincerely,
707-257-7297 Fax
Las Vegas e4t e-2
6225 S.Valley View Blvd.
Suite I
Las Vegas, NV 89118
702-227-5273 Phone Andy Enright
702-227-5132 Fax Regional Manager
Phone: (972) 354-6556
Note: This message is intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed,and contains information that is privileged,confidential and exempt from disclosure
under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient,or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient,you are hereby notified
that any unauthorized disclosure,distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please notify us
immediately by phone and return the original message to the above address.
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing °° Shade Structures,Inc
Address: USASHADE /�
�u P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box560168 % ' & Fabric Structures , pun Ports
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
This is a legal agreement — Please read carefully. Complete and initial all pages
Purchaser: City of Wylie Date: 11-28-2014 Sales Rep: Andy Enright
Contact: Robert Diaz PO Number: Phone: (972)354-6556
Phone: Director Quote No.: A1E110256 Email: aenright@usa-shade.com
Billing Information: Shipping Information: Jobsite Information(including site name):
2000 Hwy. 78 North 800 Thomas St,
Wylie,TX 75098 Wylie,TX 75098
Contact: Robert Diaz Contact: Contact: Robert Diaz
Phone: 972-516-6341 Phone: Phone: 972-516-6341
Fax: Fax: Fax:
Email: robert.diaz@wylietexas.gov Email: Email: robert.diaz@wylietexas.gov
8 Option 1 Structure Size 25'x15 ` lst unit: $9,266.00
Hip Shade Structures Number of Posts 4 Units 2-8: $7,416.00
25x15x12 Number of Fabric Tops 1 unit
' 61111� Fabric Type ShadesureTM
PI Fabric Color TBD Total: S61,178.00
, /// i' Steel Color TBD
Price includes:
II�% �� ���,, Post Attachment Method Drilled Pier/Recessed
t`� �''','( Entry Height 12' Structures,installation,
f 11 engineering, site
, Wind load 90MPH
1 ,, layout,concrete
�� Snow load 5Lbs/Sft cutting,dirt
II li,h4, )A,i,, mommdby,,, ,, ill
Notes: removal,line
i� jt rm'I' locator, shipping
and handling
8 Option 2 Structure Size 25'x15 ` 1st unit: $9,720.00
Slanted Hip Number of Posts 4 Unit 2-8: $8,070.00
Shade Structures Number of Fabric Tops 1 per unit
25x15x10'/13' Fabric Type ShadesureTM
f11�1�1, � Fabric Color TBD Total: $66,210.00
1 /olio' ii d '%L
i,, Steel Color TBD
11„I Post Attachment Method Drilled Pier/Recessed Price includes:
Entry Height 10'/13'
Wind load 90MPH engineering, site
Snow load 5Lbs/Sft layout,concrete
Notes: cutting,dirt
locator, shipping
and handling
Proposal—SP1 Page 2 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing °°u Shade Structures,Inc
Address: w�i �� P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box560168 % ' & Fabric Structures Sun Ports
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
2 Option 3 (Pavillion Area) Structure Size 12 5x12 1st unit: $6,173.00
4 Post Hip Number of Posts 4 Unit 2: $4,523.00
Shade Structures Number of Fabric Tops 1 per unit
12'x12'x8 Fabric Type ShadesureTM
Fabric Color TBD Total: $10,696.00
Steel Color TBD
pppp w ���� Post Attachment Method Drilled Pier/Recessed Price includes:
11�„I 11 41_1 e nd VI 11 I n JPd/
Entry Height 8'
1��40114 y4 Wind load 90MPH Structures, installation,
engineering, site
Snow load 5Lbs/Sft layout,concrete
Notes: cutting,dirt
locator, shipping
and handling
2 Option 4 (Pavillion Area) Structure Size 14'x14' 1st unit: $5,733.00
14'x14' Number of Posts 1 Unit 2: $4,083.00
Sin'le Post P ramid Number of Fabric Tops 1 per unit
ail"r� aii
,���������� a �a ,,,r� Fabric Type ShadesureTM
." Fabric Color TBD Total: $9816.00
;, Steel Color TBD
Post Attachment Method Drilled Pier/Recessed
Price includes:
uaiia��ir� liI a Entry Height
"� ���� `1y� �/1//�i/inl�il��i ---�- "..-'1 Wind load 90MPH Structures,installation,
engineering, site
Snow load 5Lbs/Sft layout,concrete
Notes: cutting,dirt
locator, shipping
and handling
Proposal—SP1 Page 3 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing Shade Structures,Inc
Address: U SAs N M L /// P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box 560168 ,' & Fabric Structures Sun worts
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
Total for Access/Misc Items: $
Unit Total See Above PAYMENT TERMS:
Accessories/Miscellaneous NA (1) Upon execution of the Agreement(Deposit)
Shipping/Handling Included (2) Upon delivery of Sun Port(s)
SUBTOTAL See Above (3) Upon completion of assembly/installation
Sales Tax I % Exempt (4) Other(specify): Net 30
Assembly/Installation Included NOTES:
Engineering Included Price reflects Buy Board Contract 423-13
❑ Purchaser is responsible for Permit Submittal ❑ ® Underground obstacles
❑ ❑ ® ❑ Dirt Removal
Building Code ® ❑ Concrete Cutting
Type of drawings ® ❑ Concrete Truck Access
#of sealed drawings ❑ ® Fencing
Calculations Required ❑ ® Special Inspection
Notes: ® ❑ Permits (see Permit Requirements)
PRICING INCLUDES ❑ ® Prevailing Wages&Certified Payroll
YES NO ❑ ® Union Wages
® ❑ Assembly/Installation (based on a single mobilization) ❑ ® Removal of existing structure or poles
® ❑ Shipping and Handling ❑ ® Curb Repair
® ❑ Engineered Drawings ❑ ® Landscaping Repair
❑ ® Sales Tax ❑ ® Electrical hook-up or trenching
❑ ® Permit Submittal ❑ ® Site Plan Approval
❑ ® Permit fees ® ❑ Site Survey
❑ ® Accessories ® ❑ Bobcat Access
❑ ® Coastal Primer ❑ ® Liquidated Damages
❑ ® Payment and Performance Bonds ❑ ® Other special conditions (noted below):
❑ ® ® ❑ Anchor Bolts Included
Proposal—SP1 Page 4 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing Shade Structures,Inc
Address: S r� �� P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box 560168 ,' & Fabric Structures Sun worts
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
1) Proposal:The above proposal is valid for 30 days from the date first set forth above. After 30 days we reserve the right to increase prices due
to the rise in costs of raw material,fuel or other cost increases.When applicable, Shade Structures, Inc. reserves the right to implement a
surcharge for significant increases in raw materials, including the following, but not limited to; fuel, steel and concrete. Due to the
duration of time between proposals, contracts and final installation, Shade Structures, Inc. reserves the right to implement this
surcharge when applicable.
2) Purchase: By executing this proposal,or submitting a purchase order pursuant to this proposal(which shall incorporate the terms of this
agreement specifically by reference)which is accepted by the SA Shade&Fabric Structures(the"Company"),the purchaser identified
above("you"or the"Purchaser")agrees to purchase the Sun Ports brand shade structures("Structures")and the services to be provided by
the Company,as detailed in the"Structure Pricing"and"General Scope of the Work"sections of this agreement,above,or in the relevant
purchase order accepted by the Company,for use by Purchaser or for installation by Company or Purchaser on behalf of a third-party who
will be the ultimate owner of the Structures(the ultimate owner of a Structure,whether Purchaser or a third-party, being the"Owner").
3) Short Ship Claims: Purchaser has 15 days from receipt of the Structures to file a short ship report in writing to its sales representative.
Company will not honor claims made after this time.
4) Standard Exclusions:Unless specifically included under"General Scope of the Work"section above,this agreement does not include,
and Company will not provide Services,labor or materials for any of the following work:(a)removal and disposal of any materials containing
asbestos or any hazardous materials as defined by the EPA;(b)moving Owner's property around the installation site;(c)repair or
replacement of any Purchaser or Owner-supplied materials;(d)repair of concealed underground utilities not located on prints,supplied to
Company by Owner during the bidding process,or physically staked out by Owner,and which are damaged during construction;or(e)
repair of damage to existing surfaces that could occur when construction equipment and vehicles are being used in the normal course of
5) Bonding Guidelines: If Purchaser will use or provide the Structures and Services for an Owner other than Purchaser(including,without
limitation,as a subcontractor of Purchaser),Purchaser will include the following statement in Purchaser's contract with Owner:
"The manufacturer's warranty for the Sun Ports brand shade structures is a separate document between Shade
Structures,Inc.and the ultimate owner of the Sun Ports brand shade structures,which will be provided to the ultimate
owner at the time of completion of the installation and other services to be provided by Shade Structures, Inc.. Due to
surety requirements,any performance and/or payment bond will cover only the first year of Shade Structures, Inc.
6) Insurance Requirements:Company is not required to provide any insurance coverage in excess of Company's standard insurance.A
copy of the Company's standard insurance is available for your review prior to acceptance of the Company's quote.
7) Payment:Terms of payment are defined in the"Pricing Details"section and are specific to this contract. For purposes of this agreement,
"Completion"is defined as being the point at which the Structure is suitable for its intended use,the issue of an occupancy consent,or a
final building department approval is issued,whichever occurs first. In any event where Completion cannot be effected due to delays or
postponements caused by the Purchaser or Owner,final payment(less 10%retainage)is due within 30 days of the date when Completion
was scheduled, had the delay not occurred.All payments must be made to USA Shade&Fabric Structure, Department 41349,P.O. Box
650823,Dallas TX 75265. If the Purchaser or Owner fails or delays in making any scheduled milestone payments,the Company may
suspend the fulfillment of its obligations hereunder until such payments are made,or Company may be relieved of its obligations hereunder
if payment is more than 60 days past due. Company may use all remedies available to it under current laws,including but not limited to filing
of liens against the property and using a collection agency or the courts to secure the collection of the outstanding debt.
8) Lien Releases: Upon request by Owner,Company will issue appropriate partial lien releases as corresponding payments are received
from Purchaser, but prior to receiving final payment from Purchaser or Owner.Company will provide a full release of liens upon receipt of
final payment. In accordance with state laws, Company reserves the right to place a lien on the property if final payment has not been
received 10 days prior to the filing deadline for liens.
9) Site-plan Approval,Permits,Permit Fees,Plans,Engineering Drawings and Surveying:Site-plan approval,permits, permit fees,
plans,engineering drawings and surveying are specifically excluded from this agreement and the Services unless specified under the
"General Scope of Work".The Company does not in any way warrant or represent that a permit or site plan approval for construction will be
obtained.Sealed engineered drawings that are required but not included in the"General Scope of Work"will result in an additional cost to
Proposal—SP1 Page 5 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing °°�u Shade Structures,Inc
Address: U SAS N bk �� P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box560168 & Fabric Structures Sun 1—orts
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
10) Manufacturing&Delivery: Manufacturing lead-time from Company's receipt of the"Notice To Proceed"is approximately 6 to 8 weeks for
standard Structures,and 8 to 12 weeks for custom Structures. Delivery is approximately 1 week thereafter. Delivery of Structures may be
prior to or at start of assembly.
11) Returned Product, Deposits and/or Cancelled Order: Within the first 45 days after shipment from our facility,all returned
product(s)and cancelled orders are subject to a 50% restocking fee. No returns are available following this 45 day period. All
deposits are nonrefundable. All expenses incurred (engineering, site surveys, shipping and handling, etc)are the responsibility of
the purchaser, up to notice of cancellation.
12) Concealed Conditions:"Concealed conditions"include,without limitation,water,gas,sprinkler,electrical and sewage lines, post tension
cables,and steel rebar.This agreement is based solely on observations Company was able to make either by visual inspection or by
drawings and/or plans submitted by Owner at the time this agreement was bid. If additional Concealed Conditions are discovered once
work has commenced which were not visible at the time this proposal was bid, Company will stop work and point out these unforeseen
Concealed Conditions to Purchaser or Owner so that Purchaser and Company can execute a change order for any additional work. In any
event,any damage caused by or to unforeseen Concealed Conditions is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser and Company shall not be
held liable for any such damage.Soil conditions are assumed to be soil that does not contain any water, hard rock(such as limestone,
caliche,etc.), rocks bigger than 4 inches in diameter or any other condition that will require additional labor,equipment and/or materials not
specified by the Purchaser or Owner in the bidding process.Any condition requiring additional labor,equipment and/or materials to
complete the drilling or concrete operations will require a change order before Company will complete the process. Price quotes are based
on a drill pier footing.Any variation will incur additional charges(i.e.spread footings,concrete mat,sand,water,landfill,etc.). Costs for
footing and installation do not include any allowance for extending below frost lines(the additional costs for which vary by geographical
13) Changes in the Work:During the course of this project, Purchaser may order changes in the work(both additions and deletions).The cost
of these changes will be determined by the Company,and a change order form must be completed and signed by both the Purchaser and
the Company,which will detail the"General Scope of the Change Order". Should any change order be essential to the completion of the
project,and the Purchaser refuses to authorize such change order,then Company will be deemed to have performed its part of the project,
and the project and Services will be terminated. Upon such termination,Company will submit a final billing to Purchaser for payment,less a
labor allowance for work not performed but including additional charges incurred due to the stoppage.No credit will be allowed for materials
sold and supplied,which will remain the property of the Purchaser.
14) Warranty; Limitations of Liability:
• Company warrants that all Company-supplied labor and Services will be performed in a good and workmanlike manner.
• The warranty set forth in this Section 14 will be the Purchaser's sole and exclusive warranty.
• The warranty set forth in this Section 14 will run from the date of performance of the service by the Company,and any warranty claims
brought by Purchaser must be brought within 30 days of the date of performance of the Service giving rise to the claim.
• Purchaser's sole remedy for a breach of the warranty set forth in this Section 14 will be the re-performance of the Services,or if that is
not possible or practical,the refund of the price of the Services that breached the warranty.
• Purchaser shall notify Company in writing detailing any defects in Service for which a warranty claim is being made.
Proposal—SP1 Page 6 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing °°�u Shade Structures,Inc
Address: USASHADE P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box 560168 & Fabric Structures 1: n Ports
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
• For all Structures installed by the Company, Purchaser must sign and return the"Customer Checklist and Sign-off'form to the
Company within 10 business days from the construction completion date,or Company will not be held responsible for any warranties
under this Section 14 or any damage to the Structure.
• The warranties for the Structures are contained in a separate document between Company and the ultimate Owner of the Structures,
which will be provided to Owner at the time of completion of the work.
15) Indemnification: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Purchaser shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless the Company and its
consultants,agents and employees or any of them from and against claims,damages,losses and expenses,including but not limited to
attorneys'fees, related to the installation of the Structure or performance of the Services, provided that such claim, damage,loss or
expense is attributable to bodily injury to,sickness,disease or death of a person or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, but only to
the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Purchaser or its agents,employees,or subcontractors or anyone directly or
indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim,damage,loss or
expense is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate,abridge or reduce other
rights or obligations of indemnity that would otherwise exist as to a party or person described in this Section 15.
16) Warranty:
• USA SHADE provides a limited warranty on all USA SHADE-supplied labor and materials. No other warranty is implied.
• The warranty set forth shall be the purchaser's sole and exclusive warranty,and is void if structures are not paid for in full.
• The warranty is void if any changes, modifications,additions or attachments are made to the structures without the prior written consent of
• The warranty is void if the structures are not assembled in strict compliance with USA SHADE specifications.
• The warranty will be void if regular maintenance is not performed. This is particularly critical in regions where dirt/sand may cause abrasion
of fabric.
• The warranties below are effective from the date of sale,or,if assembled by USA SHADE,the date of construction completion.
• USA SHADE reserves the right to repair or replace any item covered by this warranty.
• Purchaser shall notify USA SHADE in writing,detailing any defects for which a warranty claim is being made.
• USA SHADE shall not in any event be liable for indirect,special,consequential,or liquidated damages.
• USA SHADE specifically denies the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability.
• No signs,objects,fans,light fixtures,etc.,may be hung from the structures, unless specifically engineered by USA SHADE. These items
may interfere with the fabric,voiding the warranty.
• The warranty shall be void if damage to the steel frame or fabric top is caused by misuse,willful or intentional damage,vandalism,any Act
of God(i.e.hurricane,tornado, micro/macroburst),including, but not limited to,ice,snow,or wind in excess of applicable building code
• For all units assembled by USA SHADE the"Customer Checklist and Sign-off'form must be signed and returned to USA SHADE within 10
business days from the date of construction completion,or USA SHADE will not be held responsible for any damage to the structures. The
warranty will also be considered null and void until this checklist is received by USA SHADE.
ShadesureTM Fabric:
• ShadesureTM fabrics carry a 10-year limited manufacturer's warranty from the date of assembly,against failure from significant fading,
deterioration, breakdown,mildew,outdoor heat,cold,or discoloration,with the exception of Red and CoolbrellaTM fabrics,which carry a 3-
year limited warranty. Should the fabric need to be replaced under the warranty, USA SHADE will manufacture and ship a new fabric at no
charge for the first 6 years,thereafter pro-rated at 18%per annum over the last 4 years.
• This warranty shall be void if damage to the fabric is caused by contact with chemicals, misuse,vandalism,any Act of God(i.e. hurricane,
tornado, micro/macroburst),including,but not limited to,ice,snow,or wind in excess of the applicable building code parameters.
• All fabric tops are warranted for winds/gusts up to 90mph and prior to snow or ice accumulation.
• All fabric curtains,valances and flat vertical panels are not covered under the warranty.
• Fabric is not warranted where it is assembled on a structure that is not engineered and built by USA SHADE.
• USA SHADE structures are designed to eliminate friction between the rafters and fabric. The warranty will be voided if any modification or
attachment is made to the rafter(s). The fabric will wear/tear should any object be placed between the rafter and the fabric,voiding the
• Labor for the removal,assembly,and/or freight will be covered for a period of 1 year,where the structures supplied and assembled by USA
SHADE are defective. In all cases where the structures are not assembled by USA SHADE,or its agents,all labor for the removal,
assembly, and/or freight will be at the customers'expense,and the warranty will only be applicable to the repair or replacement of the
defective materials.
• USA SHADE reserves the right,in cases where certain fabric colors have been discontinued,to offer the customer a choice of available
colors to replace the warranted fabric of the discontinued color. USA SHADE does not warrant that any particular color will be available for
any period of time,and reserves the right to discontinue any color for any reason,without recourse by the owner of the discontinued fabric
Proposal—SP1 Page 7 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing °°�u Shade Structures,Inc
Address: USASHADE P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box 560168 ,' & Fabric Structures 4un Ports
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
Colourshade®FR Fabric:
• Colourshade®FR fabrics carry a 5-year limited manufacturer's warranty from the date of assembly, against failure from significant fading,
deterioration, breakdown, mildew, outdoor heat, cold, or discoloration,with the exception of FR Red and Coolbrella TM fabrics,which carry a
3-year limited warranty. Should the fabric need to be replaced under the warranty, USA SHADE will manufacture and ship a new fabric at
no charge for 5 years.
• This warranty shall be void if damage to the fabric is caused by contact with chemicals, misuse,vandalism,any Act of God(i.e.hurricane,
tornado, micro/macroburst),including,but not limited to,ice,snow,or wind in excess of the applicable building code parameters.
• All fabric tops are warranted for winds/gusts up to 90mph and prior to snow or ice accumulation.
• All fabric curtains,valances and flat vertical panels are not covered under the warranty.
• Fabric is not warranted where it is assembled on a structure that is not engineered and built by USA SHADE.
• USA SHADE structures are designed to eliminate friction between the rafters and fabric.The warranty will be voided if any modification or
attachment is made to the rafter(s).The fabric will wear/tear should any object be placed between the rafter and the fabric,voiding the
• Labor for the removal,assembly,and/or freight will be covered for a period of 1 year,where the structures supplied and assembled by USA
SHADE are defective. In all cases where the structures are not assembled by USA SHADE or its agents,all labor for the removal,
assembly and/or freight will be at the customers'expense, and the warranty will only be applicable to the repair or replacement of the
defective materials.
• USA SHADE reserves the right,in cases where certain fabric colors have been discontinued,to offer the customer a choice of available
colors to replace the warranted fabric of the discontinued color. USA SHADE does not warrant that any particular color will be available for
any period of time and reserves the right to discontinue any color for any reason,without recourse by the owner of the discontinued fabric
NOTE: ShadesureTM and Colourshade®FR fabric warranties cover fabric tops up to 40'in length. Fabric tops over 40'in length are covered by a non-
prorated 5-year warranty. Additionally,fabric tops made from other fabric types(i.e.Sunbrella®)will include their respective manufacturer's warranty.
Shadesure and Coolbrella are trademarks of Shade Structures,Inc..
Colourshade is a registered trademark of Multiknit Pty.Ltd.
Sunbrella is a registered trademark of Glen Raven Custom Fabrics,LLC.
• The structural integrity of the steel is warranted for 10 years.
• Workmanship and powder coated surfaces are warranted for 1 year.
• This warranty shall be void if damage to the steel frame is caused by misuse,vandalism,any Act of God(i.e.hurricane,tornado,
micro/macroburst),including, but not limited to,ice,snow,or wind in excess of applicable building code parameters.
• USA SHADE warranties its sewing thread for a period of 8 years.
• The thread will be free from defects in material/workmanship and will not be damaged by exposure to sunlight,weather,or water.
• This warranty does not cover damage from fire,cuts,vandalism, misuse,or any Act of God(i.e. hurricane,tornado, micro/macroburst),
including,but not limited to,ice,snow,or wind in excess of the applicable building code.
• Labor for the removal,assembly and/or freight of tops with damage caused by thread will only be covered in instances where USA
SHADE has assembled the unit. In all cases where units where not assembled by USA SHADE,all labor for the removal,assembly
and/or freight will be for the customers account and the warranty will only be applicable to the repair or replacement of defective
17) Assembly/Installation:
• Company will notify Purchaser of the scheduled assembly date.Owner agrees to have an owner representative meet the assembly
crew at the job site on the scheduled assembly date to verify the exact location where the Structure(s)is to be placed
• Labor for the removal,assembly and/or freight charges will only be covered by Company in instances where the Structures supplied
and installed by Company are determined by the Company to be defective.In all cases where Structures are not installed by
Company,all labor for the removal,assembly and/or freight of the Structures will be Purchaser'responsibility.
• Installation prices are based on a single mobilization charge. If additional mobilization is needed,there will be additional charges.
• If the requested Services require Company access to Owner's premises Company will be provided access to the Owner's premises
free and clear of debris,automobiles or other interference Monday thru Friday during the hours of 8am to 6pm,and Company will have
access to water and electrical facilities during installation. Additional charges will apply if utilities are not easily accessible.All
automobiles will be moved prior to Company's crew beginning any installation.
Proposal—SP1 Page 8 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailing ' Shade Structures,Inc
Address: USASHADE P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box 560168 ,' & Fabric Structures 1:1n worts
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
• Company will not be responsible for moving or repairing any underground utility lines such as electrical,telephone,gas,water,or
sprinkler lines that may be encountered during installation.
• Any additional costs incurred as a result of hard rock conditions requiring extra equipment, utility removal or repair resulting in delay will
result in additional charges unless they are detailed on as-built site drawings provided to Company or marked on the ground and
communicated to Company in writing prior to fabrication and installation.
18) Installation/Assembly on-site: Where installation/assembly is part of the Services, Purchaser must provide the Company with a detailed
drawing prepared by or for the Owner showing exactly where the Structure(s)are to be assembled as well as detailing any obstacles or
other impediments that may cause the assembly process to be more difficult.Any fixture(s),e.g.,playground, pools etc.,that the
Structure(s)is/are to be assembled over must also be detailed,along with their peak heights(if applicable).
19) Site/Use Review by Purchaser: Company relies on the Purchaser to determine that the Structure(s)ordered are appropriate and safe for
the Owner's installation site and/or intended use. Company is not responsible for damages or injuries resulting from collisions by moving
objects or persons with the structure post. Company can recommend or supply at additional cost, padding for posts from a third party
20) Preparatory Work: Where installation/assembly is part of the Services and in the event that the foundation or job site is not suitable or
ready for assembly to begin on the scheduled day,a delay of order notification must be sent to Company at least 4 working days before in
order to allow Company to reschedule the project. In the event that Company is not notified and incurs an expense in attempting to execute
the assembly,a re-mobilization charge may be charged to Purchaser before Company will reschedule the assembly.
21) Delegation:Subcontractors: The Services and the manufacturing and assembly of the Structures may be performed by subcontractors
under appropriate agreements with the Company.
22) Force Majeure:Impracticability: The Company shall not be charged with any loss or damage for failure or delay in delivering or
assembling of the shade Structures when such failure or delay is due to any cause beyond the control of the Company,due to compliance
with governmental regulations or orders,or due to any acts of God,strikes,lockouts,slowdowns,wars or shortages in transportation,
materials or labor.
23) Dispute Resolution: Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this agreement must be settled by binding arbitration
administered in Dallas,Texas by a single arbitrator selected by the parties or by the American Arbitration Association,and conducted in
accordance with the construction industry arbitration rules.Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction
24) Entire Agreement; No Reliance: This agreement represents and contains the entire agreement between the parties. Prior discussion or
verbal representations by the parties that are not contained in this agreement are not part of this agreement. Purchaser hereby
acknowledges that it has not received or relied upon any statements or representations by Company or its agents which are not
expressly stipulated herein, including.Without limitation any statements as to the Structures,warranties or Services provided
25) No Third-Party Beneficiaries: This agreement creates no third party rights or obligations between Company and any other
person, including any Owner who is not also a purchaser. It is understood and agreed that the parties do not intend that any third
party should be a beneficiary of this Agreement.
26) Governing Law: The agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.
27) Assignment: Purchaser may not assign this agreement,by operation of law or otherwise,without the prior written consent of Company.
The agreement shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the Company and the Purchaser,and their successors and permitted
28) Materially Increased Costs:Company reserves the right to implement a surcharge for material increases in raw materials,including but
not limited to fuel,steel and concrete. Due to the duration of proposals and contracts, Company reserves the right to implement this
surcharge when it determines that raw material cost increases warrant it.
Proposal—SP1 Page 9 Initials
PROPOSAL Remittance address:
Corporate Mailingu Shade Structures,Inc
Address: r� /� P.O.Box 204691
Dallas,TX 75320-4691
P.O.Box 560168 ,' & Fabric Structures 1: n worts
Dallas,TX 75356-0168
(800)966-5005 A Brand of Shade Structures,Inc.
Executed to be effective as of the date executed by the Company:
Signature: Signature:
By: (Print) By: (Print) Andy Enright
Title: Title: Regional Manager
Date: Date: 11-28-2014
NOTE: All purchase orders and contracts should
be drafted in the name of Shade Structures, Inc.
Proposal—SP1 Page 10 Initials
IV,4i it'i
P.O. Box 260677 * Plano, TX 75026-0677 DATE November 24,2014
1.800.451.4138 * 972.867.5739 * Fax:972.867.7250 Quotation # 14-6875
Bill To: Ship To:
City of Wylie Same
Attn: Robert Diaz Quotation valid until: December 20,2014
300 Country Club Road# 100 Prepared by: Barry Tredway
Wylie, TX 75098
Comments or special instructions: "Buyboard"quote for aluminum bleachers
auanit Catalog# Description Unit Extended
2 Bleachers Kay Park Model#BLRA5A21V4F41-IC 4,556.00 9,112.00
5 Row Aluminum Frame Bleacher -
21'Aluminum Plank,Double Footboards,6"Rise -
Vertical Rails -
2 Install Installation Charge 1,200.00 2,400.00
1 Buyboard Buyboard Discount (1,031.20) (1,031.20)
NOTE:These prices do not include footers for the -
bleachers -
Buyboard contract number#423-13 -
Sub TOTAL $ 10,480.80
Freight $ 1,250.00
TOTAL $ 11,730.80
If installation is required,the following will prevail. The customer is responsible for the offloading of equipment. The above quotation is based upon site access for heavy
equipment and normal soil conditions of 2000 PSF. If during excavation of foundations necessary per manufacture specifications,condition exceed normal,our contractor shall
notify the owner immediately. This shall include all types of rock vegetation and/or any unforeseen hazards. There will be additional charges incurred to clear the area and/or
the abutment hole so that installation can be completed. No soil tests,licenses or permits included.
Copy of tax exempt certificate must accompany all exempt orders. Customer is responsible for paying applicable sales tax direct to their state,or submits copy of tax exempt
certificate with order.
Service charge of 2%per month added to all costs,including attorney fees.
Quote is valid for 30 days.
Authorized Signathre
Authorized Signature of Purchaser Date: