04-13-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet OF WI,
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Regular Meeting Agenda
April 13, 2015 - 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers
300 Country Club #100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Matt Rose Chair
Lisa Ulmer Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
David White Board Member
Jeff Harris Board Member
Emmett Jones Board Member
Bobby Kinser Board Member
Robert Diaz Board Liaison
Shohn Rodgers Parks Manager
Mike Sferra Public Services Director
Janet Hawkes Board Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie
Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website:
www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted
on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.
Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their
name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not
allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
April 13,2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 23, 2015 meeting.
• Update on progress of Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund projects and
project recommendations for the FY 15-16 Budget.
• Recommendations regarding Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget
Assessment Report.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 10th day of April 2015 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was
contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
CITY OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 23,2015—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Ulmer,Board Member
Chesnut,Board Member White and Board Member Kinser present. Board Member Jones arrived late to the
meeting at 7:00pm.
Staff members present: Parks&Recreation Superintendent,Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,Janet
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the January 12, 2015 and
February 9, 2015 meetings.
Board Action:
Board Member White made a motion,seconded by Board Member Chesnut,to approve the minutes from
the January 12,2015 meeting and the February 9,2015 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 6-0.
2. Consider and act upon a vendor application for the Blackland Prairie Playground
Foundation for a 10th Birthday Party fundraiser in Pirate Cove Playground at
Founders Park on May 16, 2015.
Present at the meeting was Anne Hiney,Wylie resident of 301 N. Cottonbelt Ave.,Founder and President
of the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation. Ms.Hiney advised the Board that the Foundation plans a
fundraiser/celebration event in celebration of its 10 year build anniversary. The proposed event date is
planned for May 16,2015 from 10:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m.with an approximate attendance of 100 past
supporters,volunteers,and ROTC members expected to attend. Ms.Hiney intends to advertise the event
by way of flyer distribution through daycares,schools and possibly a magazine advertisement. Ms.Hiney
explained that volunteers plan to decorate with balloons,give away hot dogs,cookies and water,possibly
sell t-shirts and collect donations under the pavilion. Funds raised will be put toward the continued
maintenance and improvement of the Pirate Cove playground.
Board Action:
Board Member Chesnut made a motion,seconded by Board Member Harris to accept a motion to approve
the vendor application for the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation for a 10th Birthday Party fundraiser
in Pirate Cove Playground at Founders Park on May 16,2015. A vote was taken and passed 6-0.
• Subcommittee recommendations regarding Wylie Recreation Center Operations
Budget Assessment Report.
Superintendent Diaz began discussion by explaining that the newly formed Subcommittee had four
productive meetings which lasted approximately two hours each with Board Chairman Rose,Board
Member Jones,Board Secretary Hawkes and himself in attendance each month. Superintendent Diaz's
goal at this evening's meeting was to have the Board provide recommendations to the City Council in a
spring work session this May. Superintendent Diaz explained that staff reviewed the Action Plan then
narrowed down the options showing the short-term,mid-term and long-term goals. The Subcommittee
members then each ranked their choices in a priority matrix list. The presented matrix shows the final
seven priorities that the Subcommittee ranked as the highest priorities from the Action Plan.
The Board discussed individually each of the seven goals on the list:
1. Hire a full-time Front Desk Manager and adjust other full-time staff responsibilities accordingly.
This was listed by the Subcommittee as the number one priority in order to maintain quality customer
service and improve member retention rates. Superintendent Diaz stated that although details regarding
the job description for a new full time staff member would be worked out later,the primary function of the
position would be to handle the front desk, staffing schedules and childcare programs.
2. Develop a five year prioritized capital improvement plan.
The Sub-committee feels that staff needs to work with the Facility Manager to develop a capital
improvement plan internally. Superintendent Diaz stated that a capital improvement plan is imperative for
the Recreation Center because it needs to continue generating revenue.
3. Drop the credit card surcharge for on-line program registration.
Elimination of the credit card surcharge,which is currently passed onto customers during online
registration,will benefit the Recreation center by increasing its use as well as freeing up front desk staff for
general customer service duties. The cost increase incurred by the City for dropping the surcharge would
outweigh increased usage.
4. Revamp the one month membership fee to function as an auto renew option at a lower rate to serve
as a long term month to month fee alternative,with an added family option.
This option will allow patrons(individual or family)to sign up for recurring monthly payments at the
current 3 month membership rate with the option to cancel at any time. A comparison chart was included
in the agenda packet showing a modified monthly auto renew rate for individuals and a household of four.
Also included was changing the adult rate to begin at age 18 instead of the current 17,renaming the family
pass to"Four Pack",and not requiring ages zero to six to be pass-holders. Please note that although
childcare can be separately purchased by monthly pass-holders,the current inclusion of free childcare for
annual pass-holders will remain the same.
5. A. There should be an across the board fee increase of approximately 5%every two years.
B. Consider the elimination of the resident/non-resident fee differential.
Details for a fee increase option were included in the comparison chart. The Subcommittee added the 5%
fee increase option as part of their review but they felt that the resident/non-resident fee differential needed
to remain placing the larger burden on non-residents using the facility and potential loss of revenue for
non-residents paying a higher rate. To date,the fee differential has not proven to affect the membership
numbers. Board Member Rose asked staff to bring the comparison of other fee options to the April Board
meeting for review of justification for a rate increase.
6. Consider increasing the fee for the 3 month passes or reduce benefits.
To keep membership options simplified,the 3 month membership option was omitted as the Subcommittee
agreed that the 3 month pass should be replaced by the monthly auto renew option at a similarly structured
rate. Three months of the auto renew total the same fee amount as the current 3 month pass,and patrons
are permitted to purchase a membership for three months at a time if they so choose.
7. Inclusion of basic fitness classes with the Recreation Center passes.
The Subcommittee felt that his option would be difficult for staff to manage and likely to reduce revenues.
They agreed that the idea of adjusting membership rates and eliminating online card fees would be a much
more beneficial change. Also,adding value to the membership is the flex registration,referred to as
Minutes March 23, 2015
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 2
"Flexreg",which allows patrons to purchase classes they want without being locked into a long term
commitment to attend.
The Board consensus was to bring back to the April PARB meeting an even more condensed version of the
goals list to include only three things: 1)additional full time staff,2)a five year capital improvement plan
and 3)fee and membership changes. Goals number 3,4 and 5 on the current goals list can be condensed
into just one item with numbers 6 and7 being completely omitted from the list.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Harris and seconded by Board
Member Jones. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman
Minutes March 23, 2015
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 3
Potential Projects to complete:
• Community Park bleacher covers-central (project in progress)
• Additional trail at MC (6ft portion at trail head)-west (will be funded with sidewalk bond)
• Upgrade bridge at MC trail-west(project funded with current operations budget)
• Community Park parking lot (landscape and lighting)-central
• Founders Park Scoreboard-west- $17,000.00
• Replace Olde City Park playground-central-$99,800.00
• Founders Park parking (stadium and east area near Service Center)-west
• Replace of Pirate Cove Playground-west
• Sign program at all parks-all zones
• Trail connection at Southbrook/Twin Lakes Parks-central -$46,000.00
• Playground and benches at Creekside Park-west(added, grant from Creekside HOA)-$44,000.00
• Trail connection from Sage Creek to Wooded Creek-west (added from staff)
• Upgrade signage at MC trail(Interpretive)-west
• Community Park restroom-central
• Founders Park restroom-west
• Map sign at disk golf park-east
• Development of Braddock Park areas (additional practice fields)-central
• Solar trail lighting at MC trails-west-$6,000.00 per light
• Solar Community Park parking lot lighting-central -$6,000.00 per light
Potential A and I Funding:
Creekside apartments-west $201,600 FY-14-15 Received
Wooded Creek-west $37,500 FY 14-15 Received
Alanis Crossing-central $159,000 FY 14-15 Received
Covington Estates Ph. 1-central $88,000 FY 15-16 Not received
Westgate Town homes-west $156,000 FY 15-16 Not received
Mansions at Wylie Seniors-west $256,000 FY 15-16 Not received
Hunters Cove-east $177,000 FY 15-16 Not received
Covington Estates Ph. 2-central $88,000 FY 16-17 Not received
Potential Projects to complete:
• Additional trail at MC (6ft portion at trail head)-west
• Upgrade signage at MC trail (Interpretive)-west
• Upgrade bridge at MC trail-west
• Community Park parking lot (landscape and lighting)-central
• Community Park bleacher covers-central
• Community Park restroom-central
• Founders Park restroom-west
• Founders Park parking (stadium and east area near Service Center)-west
• Founders Park Scoreboard-west
• Replace of Pirate Cove Playground-west
• Replace Olde City Park playground-central
• Trail connection at Southbrook/Twin Lakes Parks-central
• Sign program at all parks-all zones
• Map sign at disk golf park-east
• Development of Braddock Park areas (additional practice fields)-central
• Solar trail lighting at MC trails-west
• Solar Community Park parking lot lighting-central
Potential A and I Funding:
Creekside apartments-west $200,000 FY-14-15
Wooded Creek-west $30,000 FY 14-15
Alanis Crossing-central $159,000 FY 14-15
Covington Estates Ph. 1-central $88,000 FY 15-16
Westgate Townhomes-west $156,000 FY 15-16
Mansions at Wylie Seniors-west $256,000 FY 15-16
Covington Estates Ph. 2-central $88,000 FY 16-17
Harris White Chesnut Diaz Rodgers Total
Community Park bleacher covers-central 5 4 2 3 14
Additional trail at MC (6ft portion at trail head)-west 3 1 5 5 14
Upgrade bridge at MC trail-west 2 5 4 3 14
Community Park parking lot(landscape and lighting)-central 1 5 2 8
Founders Park Scoreboard-west 4 3 7
Replace Olde City Park playground-central 2 1 4 7
Founders Park parking(stadium and east area near Service Center)-west 4 4
Replace of Pirate Cove Playground-west 3 3
Sign program at all parks-all zones 1 1 2
Trail connection at Southbrook/Twin Lakes Parks-central 2 2
Upgrade signageattrail
Community Park restroom-central
Founders Park restroom-west 0
Map sign at disk golf park-east
Development of Braddock Park areas (additional practice fields)-central
Solar trail lighting at -
Parks and Recreation Board Subcommittee
Goals from the Wylie Recreation Center Operations Budget Assessment
1. Hire a full-time Front Desk Manager and adjust other full-time staff responsibilities
accordingly. The Subcommittee and Board felt this was the number one priority in order to
maintain quality customer service and improve retention rates for memberships.
2. Develop a 5 year prioritized capital improvement plan. The Subcommittee commented that
with the beginning of the phasing out of older fitness equipment this process of addressing
capital equipment but that a plan must be considered for the facility itself. Some capital
maintenance items are addressed in the current budget i.e. gym floor maintenance, minor
painting. The Subcommittee and Board feel that staff needs to work with the Facility Manager
to develop a capital improvement plan internally.
3. Drop the credit card surcharge for on-line program registration. The Subcommittee and Board
felt that eliminating the current credit card surcharge from customers paying for programs
online was needed to increase the usage of online registration. Another benefit would be less
staff time devoted to registering patrons for programs improving front desk customer service at
the recreation center. The Subcommittee and Board also felt any cost increase incurred by the
City for dropping the surcharge would outweigh the increased usage.
Revamp the 1 month membership fee to function as an auto renew option at a lower rate to
serve as a long term month to month fee alternative. Add a Family option. The Subcommittee
and Board reviewed all the fees and various staff options. Their recommendations to address
this issue are in the new fee options page.
There should be an across the board fee increase for the center of approximately 5%every two
years. The Subcommittee and Board added a 5%fee increase option as part of their review.
Consider the elimination of the resident/non-resident fee differential. The Subcommittee and
Board felt that a resident/non-resident fee differential needed to remain because they felt there
needed to be a larger burden placed on non-residents using the facility and potential loss of
revenue for non-residents paying a higher rate.
RC Rec Passes issuea
2011 Resident 2011 Non Resident 2011 TOTALS
=Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year
=Family 3 Month - _ -Family 3 Month = _Family 3 Month
AdultlYear _ _AdultlYear =Adult 1Year
Senior 1Year _Senior 1 Year g Senior 1 Year
Kid 1Year _ —Kid l Year —Kid 1Year
=Corporate 1 Year . `i� n ( _= Corporate 1 Year =Corporate 1 Year
Adult 3 Month � -Adult 3 Month %—_ =Adult 3 Month
Senior 3 Month -` _Senior 3 Month =Senior 3 Month
2012 Resident 2012 Non Resident 2012 TOTALS
Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year
=Family 3 Month =Family 3 Month — =Family 3 Month
Adult 1Year —Adult 1Year —AdultlY ear
\\.Senior 1Year Senior 1Year _ Senior 1Year
Kid 1 Year =Kid 1 Year Kid 1Year
Corporate 1 Year Corporate 1 Year Corporate 1 Year
211Xi -Adult 3 Month =Adult 3 Month =Adult 3 Month
Senior 3 Month =Senior 3 Month - =Senior 3 Month
2013 Resident 2013 Non Resident 2013 TOTALS
=Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year
=Family 3 Month =Family 3 Month ` 4 = =Family 3 Month
AdultlYear _AdultlYear _ _AdultlYear
=Senior 1 Year �\ =Senior 1 Year �,._ =Senior 1 Year
Kid 1Year =Kid 1 Year Kid 1Year
Corporate 1 Year -- — Corporate 1 Year — E Corporate 1 Year
5. =Adult 3 Month =Adult 3 Month _Adult3 Month_
-Senior 3 Month -- — =Senior 3 Month _Senior 3 Month
2014 Resident 2014 Non Resident 2014 TOTALS
=Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year =Family 1 Year
.E..Family 3 Month .E..Family 3 Month _ Family 3 Month
AdultlYear — =Adult 1Year _ —AdultlYear
=Senior 1Year — =Senior 1Year �\ =Senior 1Year
Kid 1 Year =Kid 1 Year — =Kid 1 Year
Corporate 1Year =Corporate 1Year =Corporate 1Year
224X1 AIIINHIMAgil ==Adult 3 Month _ =Adult 3 Month NIM =Adult 3 Month
Senior 3 Month _Senior 3 Month =Senior 3 Month