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05-20-2013 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet
; Wylie Parks and Recreation Board ofigri NOTICE OF MEETING • VV `4,a P Regular Meeting Agenda May 20, 2013 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Public Services Conference Room - 3rd Floor 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Matt Rose Chair Jim Ward Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member Jeff Harris Board Member Lisa Ulmer Board Member Emmett Jones Board Member Jeremy White Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Mike Sferra Public Services Director Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. May 20,2013 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 22, 2013 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon a vendor application from the Wylie Women's League for a craft and vendor fair at Olde City Park on October 19, 2013 (rain date of October 26, 2013). 3. REMOVE FROM TABLE: Consider and act upon parkland dedication for South Ballard Avenue Development. 4. Consider and act upon a revision to the parkland dedication in the Kreymer Estates Development. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Community Park contingency fund update. • FY 2013-14 Budget update. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 17th day of May 2013 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed CITY E WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,April 22,2013—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Board Chairman Matt Rose,called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Jeff Harris,Jeremy White and Lisa Ulmer. Jim Ward and Emmett Jones were absent from the meeting. Staff members present: Board Liaison and Parks and Recreation Superintendent,Robert Diaz,and Park Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Wylie resident Tikisha Johnson,Director of Communications for the Wylie Youth Council,appeared before the Park Board on behalf of the Wylie Youth Council to thank them for their continued support over the years. Ms. Johnson advised that the Wylie Youth Council's Family Fun and Fitness Day is scheduled for Saturday,May 25, 2013 from 4:00pm-8:00pm at Founders Park. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 25, 2013 meeting. Board Action: Board Member White made a motion,seconded by Board Member Harris to approve the minutes from the March 25,2013 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. 2. Consider and act upon parkland dedication for South Ballard Avenue Development. Board Action: Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that applicant,J.J. Singh,in attendance of meeting,is seeking approval for the parkland dedication for the South Ballard Avenue Development and is proposing to satisfy the parkland dedication requirements through a combination of land dedication and improvements(funds in lieu of land dedication). Mr. Singh proposes 116 lots on 28.32 acres(4.09 lots per acre);however,the minimum parkland dedication required in terms of acreage is five acres. Funds in lieu of land dedication would be assessed at$2000 per lot;therefore,if the developer chose to submit funds in lieu of land dedication,the amount would be$232,000. Mr. Singh met with staff to propose installing park improvements and dedication of 2.8 acres to the City of Wylie as public accessible parkland,which would initially be maintained by the developer and eventually the homeowner's association. This conceptual plan for proposed dedication park areas will be similar to the approach used for parkland dedication at Kreymer Estates and Lewis Ranch,both Board approved in 2011 and late 2012. J.J. Singh,on behalf of Megatel Homes,presented the Board with two separate open space tracts,valued together at$80,000 and advised them he was open to suggestions for amenities. Tract One(1.5 acres) would include an eight foot wide trail,children's playground,benches,landscaping,irrigation,lights and a bike rack. Tract Two (1.3 acres)would include the same amenities as Tract One except it would not include a children's playground or bike rack. He advised that the trails in Tract Two of the proposed subdivision will connect to city owned property to the west. Board Chairman Rose inquired about the pond on Tract Two. Mr. Singh advised the Board that he would know more about the pond area as the development moves forward and an engineer is hired to direct them on those issues. Board Member Harris asked Board Chairman Rose if a precedent had been set from accepting 2.8 acres in lieu of five acres. Board Chairman Rose responded that it was permissible to accept land and improvements from developers in order to meet total requirement. Superintendent Diaz advised that several years back,City of Wylie ordinances were changed requiring a five acre minimum to aid in avoidance of pocket parks within our city;however,this particular proposal is unique in that the homeowner's association will be responsible to pay for and maintain this particular park. Board Chairman Rose and Board Member Harris both expressed their concerns of the developer's plans for the pond as well as the less than five acre land dedication. Board Member Chesnut expressed concern over the land cost of$80,000 being included within the $232,000 amenity planned expense,and he added that typically land value is not included in this amount. Board Member Chesnut proposed a motion to deny the plat of 2.8 acres in lieu of fees. Board Chairman Rose asked Board Member Chesnut to clarify whether he wanted to deny in lieu of fees or to simply deny the proposal totally. Board Member Chesnut clarified he wished to deny the total proposal because the $232,000 is to coincide with developer's exact amenities. Board Chesnut's motion was not seconded and therefore removed from the table. Superintendent Diaz then clarified the questions requested to be answered from the Board: specific pond plans,detention or retention,and more details regarding the amenities planned with the fees in lieu of dedicated land for developing the dedicated areas. Board Member Harris made a motion,with Board Member White seconding the motion,to table the item for the May meeting in order to allow Mr. Singh time to answer questions regarding the pond in Tract 2 and details on park amenities. A vote was taken and passed 4-1. DISCUSSION ITEMS • None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Ulmer and seconded by Board Member Harris. The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.by unanimous consent. ATTEST: Janet Hawkes, Park Board Secretary Matt Rose, Park Board Chairman Minutes April 22, 2013 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 11111 :()()P ARIAC,,r; A l's1 I) ilf,,,.'EC 11 Eili:111,01N 1 CITY OF WYUE 300 Country Club,Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098 illy 972.516.6340 11111.1111,1111111111101,1111iiiii111111111111111 111,111111111111„1111111,11111111111111,1111111011111111111111;111111111111,11h11111111111111,11111111,11111101111111,011111111111,1111110111Hrpoll1111,11111111111111.111,111111111111101111110111111111;111111.111111111111hyroo1141111111111111111, 11,11111111,191 1 1„ 1 1 11011,1 111111 .111 1 11 1 11, 111110 1.111.1,111,11111111,1 11111 1111111 11111:11111N11111.1111 III illool11111111111111111111111111.1,1 111,101111h II 0111,1101,111,1111111 III III 1111,11, 01,01111.11111101 1111.11110.11111111,11111 1,11,111,11111111 1111 dill; 11,111,1111 111,11111,141111111111111111"111111101111111111111111111111141 mitHell ovviiii11001111111 11111111,1111,11,111111111;111 11 IllIploil 11,11 ,IIIIIIIIII 1 ilqii iii 1 ill 11 0111111111111111111,111„1111111111111,11;11111„1111111 10111110v „11 holo111111111111111:1111,1111,11. 1111111111451111111 1 1 11.111111,11r11111011111,11.11111111111,11,11111111111111111 1111 111111141E 111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111 —I 111111111 IN0 II)letRIREGioRATIII 8 IN11010111)iii:4:111,11;,i4i1,;iotirii,10161,,iii;leuidiiiiiiiiilhoelildhli4liiriso7 ill i4111164,iiiii(ilizeilig.ot,i4 4114,411w.iiiii1,111441111/610:1.011 11 111 1111111:114 II 1 11011 11111,1100000111111 1111:0111 1 11 1 II I IIII,L LI,111 iiIIIIIIIIII:11prh1111:1,11 IIIIIIIIII 11 1111111 11111111 11 1111 hi 1111110(r11121;rillilfroloilllIrdoh171111.1"';1 li. 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NtieArtffr 1 . 6:00 m < „nn; 00 ( p II Anticipated Number in Attendance Event Target Audience Specific Items to be Sold IN F MON NM MANX=WWI WM, NNINI IN,NIIII MINN VI/Nfi,NAWN NNNNN nynnem ma 1,1 NINNPNNININ N NO MUNK ININEINININNIMINNINWMINI.,NI,'MN,M1NNIN INNENN.,NNIN,NNONMININNANYANNEANN/NM.NO,/INNINIANNINN NMI.,NUN/N.4111N.1,1,M1 IN 1.1 N MINIM/VI NNW NANNANNYLNANNIIINIIIIPININ Rh N.W.I NUNNINPREINIIINMENIIIIMININ V ININNIMINA NN NNINN/N/ NN N.11% NOTE: If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the location to be sold,the vendor must contact the City inspections Office(972.516.6420)in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products.An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Section 78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states:it shah be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars,tobaccos,cigarettes,fruits, candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center facility;provided,however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,or wares and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city. Rev.7.22.11 Parks and Recreation Board AGENDA REPORT „,„1:nw, w,9cn.. Meeting Date: May 20, 2013 Item Number: 3 Department: Parks and Recreation (Park Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: May 13, 2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Remove from table: Consider and act upon parkland dedication for South Ballard Avenue Development. Recommendation Motion to consider and act upon approval of the parkland dedication for the South Ballard Avenue Development. Discussion The Applicant is seeking approval for the parkland dedication for the South Ballard Avenue Development. The developer is proposing to satisfy the parkland dedication requirements through a combination of land dedication and improvements (funds in lieu of land dedication). The current parkland dedication requirement is five acres per 100 lots. The proposed development has a proposed 116 lots on 28.32 acres or 4.09 lots per acre. The minimum parkland dedication required, in terms of acreage only, is 5.8 acres. Corresponding funds in lieu of land dedication would be assessed at $2,000 per lot. If the developer chose to submit funds in lieu of land dedication,the amount would be $232,000. The developer has previously met with staff and the Park Board (April 22 meeting), and was proposing to install park improvements and to dedicate 2.8 acres of land to the City as parkland. A revised concept plan was sent to staff on May 13, 2013 showing a dedication of 2.1 acres (previously 2.8 acres). As stated above, based on the number of lots, the amount of acreage owed for this development is 5.8 acres; therefore, the developer is now short of the minimum acreage by 3.7 acres. In order to meet the dedication requirements due to the shortage of total acreage, the developer would need to complete $148,000 of improvements or fees in lieu of land in addition to the 2.1 acres of dedicated parkland. This item was tabled at the April 22, 2013 Park Board Meeting in order to allow time for the developer to bring more information regarding the detention pond area and for staff further to clarify the parkland dedication requirement calculations. Due to the revised plan further limiting the number of acres and the fact that future parkland is in close proximity to a future park site (closed Alanis landfill property) staff is recommending that the Board deny the parkland dedication and cost of improvements for the funds in lieu of amount of$232,000 for the Central Park Zone. Attached to the agenda report is the revised conceptual plan for park locations and planned development documentation that defines what the developer will provide in regards to dedication of property and the types of improvements he proposes to make. All of the park areas will be dedicated to the City of Wylie and accessible to the public. Maintenance of the park areas will be performed by the developer and eventually the home owners association, This is similar to the approach used for the parkland dedication for Kreymer Estates and Lewis Ranch that the Board approved in 2011 and late 2012,respectively. Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD May 13, 2013 City Manager 911 Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 20, 2013 Item Number: 4 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: May 16, 2013 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 5 Subject Consider and act upon a revision to the parkland dedication in the Kreymer Estates Development. Recommendation Motion to approve the revision to the parkland dedication in the Kreymer Estates Development. Discussion Douglas Properties Inc., working with Tipton Engineering, is requesting input from the Parks and Recreation Board on a proposed revision to the parkland dedication in the Kreymer Estates subdivision. The Board first reviewed this development on the east side of Wylie near the intersection of East Brown Street and W. A. Allen Blvd at the September 2011 meeting. At the September 2011 meeting the Board decided to accept approximately 8.38 acres of parkland and approximately $200,000 in park improvements including hike and bike trails,pavilion, and playground. The updated dedication will create a complete development of 101.545 acres. Based on 101.545 acres and a total of 274 lots, the funds in lieu of land would be based on 100 lots divided by 101.545 acres =2.70 lots per acre. Parkland fees for developments with 2.70 lots per acre are assessed at $3,000 per lot. The maximum parkland dedication would be 274 lots x $3,000 = $822,000. The total amount of dedicated parkland required would be 13.7 acres. The updated dedication proposed by the developer will add an additional 17.82 acres for a grand total of 26.2 acres of dedicated parkland. The developer has spent approximately $352,550 on park improvements and they are proposing to spend an additional $701,550 for a grand total of$1,054,100 in park improvements. The developer will be in attendance at the meeting to review the conceptual parkland dedication and proposed list of the additional park improvements. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD May 16 2013 Page 1 of 1 42RRY EASTERL NG TRUSTEE JUSTICE LAO18 SHOP INC C9 6L-8482 4,3 a92 C S,I 6 O ADDITION a MELL Dl JUSTICE 7 44 O 385 ACRES 5' B I 5 ORES 1B.aJ_ PEs ON 11-N-I\ ?ma V t213PcS R 2.] V L 2115.PG 56 V L Z, 9 PO 222 VOL I03 PG.416 SNIT FIVG STa'R N L 90.4 j p Tf. EAST BROWN STREET �°j� N� s EAST BROWN STREET TO P e'E,583DTA 1 r z SHILOHBAPTISTCHURCH '1 Ie �J'A R a SUBJECT 16 ©40G12161 y- 1 o , I ys�h CT i 3 3 2F ._ oH.g li 71:% Salo 6 1 t: Aili j �Iar„ w� BOO I I 0° � CI ID�N. e o oAKsaD ON t\o_a Z T CAD c.I lilt = CO w I4_ _ °o w ,o F o . P. `-- FAIRVIEW DR y --�--�- 0 0 I ).'%i "1. :.' \ Airi .. J, ,,1 9 9,,,,k,r'" i 01, 4111P11'#N,,,,v\ I ! F4tiiii » 1 �; ilmil LOPEN SPACE c 26.201 ACRES ,3 >3 ,6 _ � i 4„, ® 11.000 L.F. HIKE&BIKE TRAIL `E`\a EAST oArc sT. B OPEN SPACE IMPROVEMENTS 1J I \ / ;441 I.� (®DENOTES PAVILION) 'E 13 16 a ® 2,i ® E (.DENOTES TOT LOT) OAK STREET �.,. 1 O as J L AGDs oN (o DENOTES PARK BENCH) R I ® 6 P (®DENOTES PICNIC TABLE) 0 lel ( Ed DENOTES DECORATIVE PAYERS AT �.TGyi_ aR. SURREYlal TRAIL CROSSING) IIIIIIII (0 WORKOUT STATION) s wT-e { N 11111 = ( PEDESTRIAN WALKING BRIDGE) 5? Ts P T HI 11111 EXACT LOCATION OF THE HIKE&BIKE TRAIL&PEDESTRIAN WALKING J VD REVISION ,e r9 q zz1.1 BRIDGE TO BE DETERMINED BY THE DEVELOPER AND CITY OF WYLIE ',PEE, M.RC.CT.A i 3 6RE'LaTOFLOTS 19 0 I 1 \ \�, RASHCREEK E T T E ' O OT SO R C4B PG CC �� IIIII E X 'VOL. CCT. RUSH CREEK.DRIVE o1P -- - I® CARRIAGE LIL ill‘ o^E T. 44 ,vo' tit% I64 ri;-, :.C.PG 1111 Z 1 gl 'En KE.•,.'- Ill Eli Oil 26 ,. ..3I ,20 0 20 2a0 a \,' F.�. \ .`, STRIOGEa�ITICN S!RRE1'CIR. GftPPHC SCPLE TANGLEW'JOD DRIVEaoa1 1l\110 „. I3� ,w _ goL P.t 2 3 < 5 6 f p 3 - T y,4 I 3l fY SI j O u \Z Q MIFF,4410r ,:,k, 1 k _ -- --_--_ I® BXHISBIT F. 2�® 1413 „ 10 9 e T a 10 v a Tkill nas-awaaae� CITY OF�� KREYMER ESTATES o WYLE CNOL"~COUNT TEXAS saeaa �; �� �� �� -- "�-�- • 12aA'3' G Eg 101.545 Allr ACRES 7," .') pCEDER CREEK DRIVE O W � e v r 1 3 >a s 16 ,a ,a y 2 2r z z c 4 \ ,00< J1 74 RESIDENTIAL LOT 8I ,,, LLij j 1 9,14,968 S H. OPEN SPACE LOT S DEVELOPER: DOUGASP INC. E 22 K16E 0 I CB-551a39W ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: PANO. X 0 WIN ADDITION HE,HERWOOD ESTATES s RLoc,A LoT1 se TIPTONENGITEERINd n� �o1i n�` :as 3a V?2A-AS.Pa.88F eET72)�22 o G.4•.L.PG.'73 I,R,O,O.R II411 FO 6 Rrm Na.F 1]SBHo T FOXWOOD LANE .. N 1 I,J WIv00 1 I lA,, MAY, 2013 V) U / [ III _1—I_.I E,' Z n NMBae rarer A. \ L ,a RO, — _/ PROPERTY uaxrs 8 ',.,. / LOCATION W Cti UJ _ Bennie Blakey& / ,I Z Nickles Peter Amos Blakey _—'IN '4 o:No.sr-0.9 / crya. ,. ver ma.4 zrs tea ti e� u x Doc I.00-0001592 Outeaxke ?gI u c (POINT OF YJ U� --- mx�.- a r.Y 5BB°IB61•E- IBEGINNING� ar/z'wr / -Z Lu / '106.� 1n'mr N® x as ui 5P9'1912'E-fp9agO s/C'� r/e'wn I`( WOODBPJDGE PROPER11E5,LEG` '''- 4V 1 o LOCATION MAP ® ® A A A A A ® A A A ® A A v A ® A A A A ,Aii tN4 Open Space/Park or/r wr m ® Proposed Street,50'R.O.W.(Typ.) ® Q++n� t1.5 Acres Proposed S / A U\Jl Proposed et,50'R.O.W. .''50'R.o.w. , y 'RV-� / � x�� e NM n, 11.1 m ro'N+ 0 U \.G N r 3Ts Ac4uI 3oN oxro M. nae.Neu, Bxzm zvxa0 111 CC �. APPROXIMATE P e or •.e. S ON SURbc,O 50'R.O.W.'-�38 r rasrxc are w _.- LOCATION OF -� _ .. W ✓T R P C S N a I t V ,00 -_-" • HIGHLAND OAKS zor P b J V I �"/ CU - I 1� A A A A A ;, CU Ll qq J / r' _ __ 24'TEMPORARY ACCESS N + 0- 83 A DRIVE TO BE REMOVED V } r/r wr NBTLYIgW..1JH38T IIIIInIIIIIII 11111 g, WITH CONNECTION TO �'Q" ~a- B2 I (in-s ass'c rm.ay r/a m` I,aBs HIGHLAND OAKS DRIVE >00 0 o tAt -' / O ' saw' IN PHASE 2 Q N z C..) HIGHLAND RIDGE DRIVE oNr B1 9 rsi O Z / 8 U a 80 ® a I 2 4 =h 0" J9 _ COLONIAL ACRES ESTATES A. "E%HIBIT" �. W14 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION Qv go 78 -- I�� 8 Bank Site Acquistion Corporation Tract a tract of land situated in the H.Douglas Survey.Abstract No.292.City of O Wylie.S of land COLONIAL 1 e 3 .. the subject tract tieing more particularlydRecords. s. Collin County. Issue Dates:(a wxe airs,mry (0x cpt Waco described . _ 5/6/13 _________ .______ nokheast comer of the subject troot and for the southeast corner of a tract and being on he west line of S. Ballard Avenue (a variable width public , THENCE S 00.18'11.'Yit 725,1 feet along the common line thereof to a I2.iron qJ 4 wp stamped SpIARCFNc xf for ties sauthaoet coer/of the o O 060' /8".iron rod round vr the n passing at . recorded in Volume 6,Page 39 of the Plat Records.CoHin County.Texas.passing 1nT SUMMARY n (a --wayl p continuing along . north line,C,onio/Estates a total distance of 1783.87 rev to o l iron rod 50'x 120' 68 59% A 60'x 120' 46 41% 1 to 25 wcav I I,mber eI-o 017, "'arid s vmpen�e",ue,reto'ded'n Botamenf 33.02 feet along the common une thereof to a s/8' a= • 11161 _ 9 _ tapp.e nq BENct ng'5,IAt+SPNc" set for the northwest • 4.1 D.U.A f m �e2 1 a treat conveyed to • - Nick.Peter,recorded in volume 1996,Page 215 DR., . THENCE S 59.15'51.E.733.25 feet along the common line thereof to a 1/2'.iron rod found fob the southeast comer of said Peter tract and for the southwest BI y damee er y recorded in `;tole. 1' 1W' --_--_— 0ocumenl Number 94-0024429 ORCci, prawn y: Checked, THENCE S 89.16.22.E,along the common line thereof.passing the common By: -- RAW wrtn the n b1 tmcl canto g q a teat ar 281 1 acres a Iona. Sheet 1 TYPICAL LOT CONFIGURATION • of 1 • OB µ12-,07 2 �, LEGEND DE- Drainage Easement PDE- Private Drainage Easement . PrBL- Building Line S.H. No. 76 UE- Public Utility Easement - House to face this street IT; 100 50 0 100 200 A _Indicates Street E Brawn Street Nae Change 31 m m SCALE: 1'=100' ®- 5/8"Iron pin with a yellow cap Bearings for this plat are based on the bearings SUBJECT ,/and monuments found marking the east line ors stamped Westwood PS TRACT w the subject tract deed recorded in Document/ 0- 1/2"Iron pin found Z.• 20112280001399910(OPRCCT) E.Stone Drive CM- Control Monument 1 JR 0 rc 4 5 EUB EASTRIDGE ADDITION L. J LOCATION MAP N.T.S. LANE 1/2 "an ph Oh an w LrRFPc 1s r u c�stanped RPLS 461J 1 10 - LL GWG 8CN `� ;� CNL....................j6 D' 9 7 Li 10 K DON S'M09404slcRT ALLEY ' Y N Q Ji 9J-0094943 y U D In z?'� _Gi' iE GARY&MILLER O W.A. ALLEN N m� z 1.83gACREs i BLVD. 65'ROW n N'�, m Vol..422_.PC.1388 OQ�° .`. �� o PLACE OF CO ®• �5'Public Utility 9�31NNING L Q i Easement ❑ N �r,J' W z J 11111111111 STRIDGE ADCII ION4'f•'''' Imm ©q —-- naa- - _ 10 ORB L Pc.931 15 2 '�` 5'UE w -imer- -m ._,Aar 50250'S2' IJR —VUE �L ® �'iaoi-+ mn'- m _ _ixier•_ w twwzor Block s .' z > V. �' liJ '.. am�a[��gsAb< 8e6sy(?8 s a o mac• z�M tt m.._ SVE J ;i 0a ka1�t'�.w�t' a ae a �; n ;4 a � - � s ma ma:� ms� mar me.' xie� mm• w. -_ J LLI k u"-,..a x !a--iN �.,—e,-4® 1...,v.ru a a'1 •a p s a ' ' u". . an me.' 1—' /e' 4 a mn [~,y'a _ nos[BR--eg. at'9'se,4juP8tlYet}8 a 1xa ) . s N a s� m xsr found 1 r 8 wear as aw e.1 -mm m� final— a K� ae�" i> R ae"wr ^ewrr R w®"`ea">• ` ;:& — L———� 1 U1 ead. 0 •n1•w a LYNDHURST m i.vr ,me. J-me.- me. B y.6 ar _mil r LAW' iaWs �ORIlE IOWmN 'mJe me 1 92rr~, ,Nat2. yq r N 'W yra.-_ mm n, i &\ rdewatSTREET 10 Public Utility s w esmOW Easement '® ea" * ""'"* i m me. ro mrna k0'�xm r s�STONEGROVETypical Public Utility Easements Z 'n.m o rnoAAA.. aa+ 5. r sa 2 Ng 1 A aE a� — ,G,rra o PH.e 1 O$„ ww. � ebwXtryw4erer `x: "w"`;emar.rka 'wwr M1 Alemr ReYi,@A w s= I$ aw-W�� a cRec,Pc.1T3 (where shown) w.p an.iemuka ° t a 0 N 0250Br E 6326Y a' I a - avr k a w j. i 1. salt i Dy mum• xia n6 �• �� m cf z BJ a 4n- s 5 To $ �r a n • w . me m 'a,. rsvr�@ a we e.� sg c 1' �', Block c m gO_ ix 8� - Qr ar 8 sru e 8 w a w ,co '�XiSr•y. aY 6' a w zF. awr 7� �\ ,�,� a p ewr.r"gaewwr mu.4 emw arr.r m e.s to Fri w M"F "lA '�� L B o q w spa ;a m .,P M+ 7 can • S w RIVE w -t e._ 1-me.- xi r_ zr_'_ .,�a x 4 -1 I T' a _I Street P, N �� N 1�425i1E ® 1 Ir__ __ _� 11 ON,. � a =Tvulcrc yr c usrn vxA1�� .s g d d I \\ E16R76 .� m^'w�1" - me.• /v. P r1M 5151 �p 1 � _ Sidewalk Esmtt ----J I I BLOOMFIELD HOMES LP I 1 © z >� �- cc TURF DEUELGP99910 \ I / l x_ s `r b_'s °' a �w'p " 16« N 1356'IYWI Typ• 'FUTUREDEVEL'JPNIENT I \ I / / s a 8 �' I- eu.4..;e.!:..4,r'AewRR 1n.: f It 5e+ 6412' i I I i \'1 77 / / / O e� �$ �' ' 16p yeJ�T. 1 _ N0r41bYw I I I I II I I I I I I 7 N 025042*E s 2*v.wsr s...'u.e/ � N 12AB256"w46'� T7. oocuSiI/ENT ozone 221oco zl9030 ----i L--1--JI LL--1--11 JI �777 S87ri878•E `�•'} • '�i i NB370JYW r�, r T-- /2400 0 �N ��J xr4'•4a4'4i•E FINAL PLAT �\ zeeAo�,,,- � F �� ,,,t 6L60 KREYMER ESTATES PHASE x s1s1,9 w vv ���,, N a2'E �1•w BEING 20.5634 ACRES OUT OF THE ;%, FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 "�i N 587554'W s 0677.41.w CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS � 54 RESIDENTIAL LOTS CURVE TABLE MARCH 5.2013 CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE ARC LENGTH CHORD SEARING CHORD LENGTH ^- OWNER ^- Cl 50.00' 16525'23" 144,36' N 4259'48"W 99.19' BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P. 1050 E Highway 114 w Suite 210 n SOut coke,Texas 76092 C2 5200' 2907)6'10" 25116' 5 5756'44"E 57.z8' 617-416-1572 CJ 50.00' 29006'10" 25116' 5 5756'44"E 5728' 5695 North MacArthur BM.. NOTICE: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and AM TIPTON ENGINEERING sate 500 Teats ving 750.8 C4 250.00' J52'45" 16.93' 5 851256"E 16.92' bounds is a violation of City ordinance and state law and a division of Westwood 972 226-2967 is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building Eng.Finn Na F-11756 1/2 C5 225.00' J52'45" 15.25' 5 8512'55"E 15.23' permits. rhovosOtiptoneng.com ism snAIE CF WAS X NOW, THEREFORE SNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: CDWIfY OF COLLIN X "Recommended for Approval" OMENS IER/pf61ff That,BLOOMFIELD HOMES LP.,acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designated therein above described property as KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 1,an addition to the City of Wylie,Texas and does hereby dedicate to the Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission Date 5010C public use forever the easements and rights-of-way as shown thereon. The easements City of Wylie,Texas Wises W.OMNF/0 NOES LP,k Isis owner of a east of land*,stet ar Ms F,axao a La Pare Snag Abstract Na 684 City Of 1191%COO shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purposes as Indicated. No buildings,fences, Cooly raw monk,to Not Spada Ninety deed nodded h doomed Men*2tf22 0013999J0 of Me Oh*Pabik Records of Cobh Candy ram trees,shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon,over (ONRCC5 Ns*Met bed beam mars pot daily Nwksdd a khaw or across the easements and right-of-ways as shown. Said utility easements being Approved for Construction' hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to B<OIWNO IN a point or Iw sat Nord Nat 358708 an bort roomed to Mam9dd Haws LP(f 2011228 01380910)ad on No moth No of East use or using same unless otherwise specified. All and any public utility shall have the full Bore Shed(a 80'ROW ad d the aedMeet awns of Mil 3p fed wore WAS of lone aew/N to he sty Of Iysa by Me Dead rem*h Doom* right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings,fences,trees,shrubs or Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date Man*20090826001074120(MCC*a 5/8'ion ph dM a ysla cv dewed NMset d smd'S s come,bare With a PI cod berm Sill'fY 21'N'- other improvements or growth which may ha any way endanger or Interfere with the 39485 Set a J/Y ion ph fa*wan a om stamped*PAS 4673 bean S m'52'48'G a Oda*of 7eaos fed(NOW Mad LCf207012159(052497- construction,maintenance or efficiency of Its respective system on the utility easement and 19999 het kr ROw)ed shine I/2'Lan ph bed rib o op ate coed IMLS 4613 Noe N 69'DO'se E o Bslmce of21376 ML all public utilities shall all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the sold utility easement for the purposes of removing all or part of Its respective 'Accepted' HENCE S 02'50'4Y N(dam 0m met Eon of said Moo**Maros L P.bast ad pad*okay S.coed rim d o tract clod coney*to Cary systems without the necessity at any time procuring the permission of anyone. *the,onarehy to the Nwraty LMd WM Vesper8 tM renerded h Deranevt*Met 99-00185 6(0°ROCr)ad proceed*deny Me red cow of Sot toWye MN* 1467.07 het t lad Me MO al*OkaS The *6 of Stone bar Of 11*�k 7 a IRed Plot remake Of ijRe to he�d Rot of Cadet G Page 173(tt%C1C'5 o 3/6'iaa ph fond at caw. Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date WITNESS MY HAND this day of 2013. THENCE N 86'58'tee It okay the ewe Ike of add Mooed*lanes LP(f 201122 001518910)bat eV o arch bw of see.Stow One Peon/ The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie.Texas,hereby certifies o sdd 407e�to Ms sa.,Maeet caw d 00W Oka**Homes LP(/20t72ffiMJ399970)bet add comer bang d Me oppradneta ceder* that the foregoing final plat of the DON DYKSTRA subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the THENCE h o earthy&stew dare he mooching;of he ceaew of Ifooseerklit Oro*M dog he easterly Mw of o bast of ad canyad to day_of 20_,and the Council,by formal action,then and there 760h hraaat PSMere*Ltd move*to the Oat remake h Doormat Maher*60617 R722Y6A(0 RC:CT)oil the wcdoy are of eN accepted the dedication of streets,alley,parks,easement,public places,and water and hood Howe L R bad Me kneeing sewer lines as shown and set forth In and upon said plat and said Council further authorized By the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his none as herelnabove subscribed. N 13'S8'IY W e stem of 6M71 feet Witness my hand this_day of A.D.,20_ N JO'56'48'W e*tome of 15168 feet N 02'41'07'16 a Arfexr of 4864 bet THE STATE OF TEXAS )( City Secretary N 22'OW 56'le e Bdaxs of 6157 fat City of Wylie,Texas N 6r 20'37'NI a*tame of 5147 het COUNTY OF TARRANT )( 114.43'4I't a Mow o St60 leek N 8l'2'aI'M!a dims of 66Q ad; BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared DON DYKSTRA whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was N 37'JY 05'It a eft**of 117.37 het the act of said BLOOMFIELD HOMES,LP.and that he executed the same as the act of such partnership for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein N 0T 26'47'S a Adam of26.20 het stated. II 29'3Y 26'E e drhece o 8499 feet N 5.1.21'SYC a chore of 3896 feet GIVEN UNDER MY HAND SEAL OF OFFICE,the day of ,2013. N05'77'W'R e defence d5td0 feet M se'2S'54'M a distance a 5085 hat PENCE N 54 27'36'E Imo*Me hprodnda ovate ox eryst eves Me matey Ike twit Wide hawNot P rbvafp us bat and Notary Public In and for the State of Texas he rate*Des of mid B0mn6Nd Hogs L P.bat a Mame of 17131 led too 5/8'iron ph dM a odor as dowse NNtwxdPS art at cans, THENCE S 87'tee M'C a Adam of J24a0 fed to 0 5/B'few par dim a*stow row stamped NNtaa8S et of coon SURVEYORS L2.1CI'EPTCATE THENCE N 02'50'42'E a Bekaa d 75.T0 fed to o 5/a'h o ph dim aye*cap slam*Nbehe8S eel of amen THENCE N OY 43'26"E a data,..of I69.76 bet to a 5/8'he.ph to aye*av okayed weelwMPS ad et coma; I,Gregory A.McCall,Registered Professional Land Surveyor for Tipton Engineering,a division of Westwood,do hereby certify that the plat shown hereon accurately represents the results of an THENCE N I6'01'56'E o*love of 22623 het k o SAY he par dim eye*cow doped Nbs[wo8S eel of cones; on-the-ground survey made In February,2013,under my direction and supervision,and further certify that all comers ore as shown thereon,and that said plot has been prepared in THENCE N 02'50'S5'E o data,..of 63367 het k o 5/8'few par dim eye*cow Mowed NNLeodPS eel of warm accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Wylie,Texas; THENCE N 06'50'J8'N(o*tome of MA.46 fed toe 5/B'ion pin WA aid*cop stomped Weelwo0S set of come. Dote This the Day of ,2011 IEMDE N or or 4Y E o*ow of 16125 Ad to a pant an Me mobs He of cad E Mn..Street(f100 01074424(DAT0TA to e 5/B'lean ph la 0 Jdaa' p dmlyd NbdeemPS ed et acmes TIPTON ENGINEERING POKE S 8g'SP'4E 6 daIaepp Me ad d I d East bow Street saan a ba ofled float 46807 to Me ee of Bryivdy oh the*Het bad cork*, a dMsbn of Westwood 804744 SW*Feet or 205634 Acme of Lod Gregory A.McC0I Reghtred Professional Land Surveyor No.4398 FINAL PLAT THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF DALLAS )( KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 1 BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared Gregory A. BEING 20.5634 ACRES OUT OF THE McCall,whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said TIPTON ENGINEERING,a division of Westwood, FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed,and in the capacity therein stated. CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY.TEXAS 54 RESIDENTIAL LOTS GIVEN UNDER MY HAND SEAL OF OFIf ICE,this_day of ,2013. MARCH 5.2013 — OWNER — BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 1050 E.Highway 114 w Suite 210"Southlake,Texas 76092 817-416-1572 5805 North MacArthur Bad., TAN TIPTON ENGINEERING Suite 500lots Texas 75038 a division of Westwood (972)228-2987 Eng.Firm No.F-11758 2/2 rhovosetiptoneng.com Nee EXHIBIT A KREYMER ESTATES Wylie, Texas Tipton Engineering, Inc. 09/21/11 Description Unit Qty Price Amount PARK IMPROVEMENTS 6 ' Hike and Bike Trail LF 1,400 25.00 35,000.00 2 ' Extension Hike and Bike Trail LF 1,640 10.00 16,400.00 Irrigation LS 1 36,750.00 36,750.00 Tot Lot EA 1 40,000.00 40,000.00 Pavilian EA 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 Park Benches EA 4 1,200.00 4,800.00 Picnic Tables EA 2 1,500.00 3,000.00 Total Park Improvements $160,950.00 Construction Costs of Improvements $160,950.00 Engineering and Construction Staking $19,314.00 Total Amount of Park Improvements $180,264.00 PARK LAND DEDICATION Park Land Provided 8.38 acres Park Land in Floodplain 3.73 acres Park Land Out of the Floodplain 4.64 acres CS5031 EX1-111 IT A KREYME, ESTATES Wylie, Texas Tipton Engineering, Inc. 09/21/11 Description Unit Qty Price Amount . ,PARK IMPROVEMENTS Phase II 8 ' Hike and Bike Trail LF 3,000 41.67 125,000.00 Retaining walls for the H & B trail LS 1 15,000.00 15,000.00 Irrigation LS 1 50,000.00 50,000 00 Tot Lot EA 1 41,500.00 41,500,00 Pavilian EA 1 43,250.00 43,250 00 Park Benches EA 4 1,625.00 6,500.00 ionic Tables EA 2 2,250.00 4,500.00 Underbrush and hand clearing LS 1 25,000.00 25,00040 Grass seeding and Sod park area LS 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 Engineering / Staking LS 1 16,800.00 16,800.00 Total Park Improvements $352,550.00, PARK IMPROVEMENTS additional phases 8 ' Hike and Bike Trail LF 8,000 41.00 328,000,00 Retaining walls for the H & B trail LS 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 Irrigation LS 1 62,500.00 62,500 00 Pedstrian Bridge LS 1 100,000.00 100,000.00 Park Benches EA 6 1,625.00 9,750.00 12 Station Fitness Station LS 1 42,500.00 42,500.00 Underbrush and hand clearing LS 1 55,000.00 55,000.00 Grass seeding and Sod park area LS 1 35,000.00 35,000.00 Engineering / Staking LS 1 43,800.00 43,80 .00 Total Park Improvements r----ffl- 5t1000 Total Amount of Park Improvements $1,05, ,11 0.0 , PARK LAND DEDICATION Park Land Provided 26.2 acres Park Land in Floodplain 21.56 acres Park Land Out of the Floodplain 4.64 acres CS503113 „,)1 ,1,11,111111111,1111111iiiiiiiifirifillitiortliffiltilior,, Afff?; 11i i ?. ifilconli?ofigisjitt,ipalipinprommillool, ,/ il „ii;11,i).,/,(;10)}frotaiiirt‘P,4fididditi, 14,,,, ,,k,k,„,,..1/41„11114,,,,,,, 1 111111 1,111111,,,,, 141114111 * 11 0,1'1,111111,11,00/1.0fi, •0 ,/,(40 i 0 44 11,1, 11 9 i /000' ,,11 , jj l' 'e''''H'Il'''' ' '14L414:1'"'' ' /f ',I," „,'Ord J11111 9 10 014,'1"19100°01'"Jj 1)111J 011919111111119',1"91119 ' 1„ J9 d,/141?0994111J,11,) 00004 f '' 4;1, 1', 1,,n, 011„ 11) e,,11!,111 11111i11,u1,11101 '4,114 i,''""°P141a''1)11,104,4, 'li44 V,271 ' ' l''711,f111.11:111''' 0':0;7z>:00; i, i 0'li 1,11111151):5;04 ,:',!, 0 5p0, ',j'50H11,Ilp 54, ' ,•5110'',0"1,11,1:11 5 110gli', Hill„ ,,0000i00%,0000 ,,f,'00 ,,,,,; 11111111111111111111115,,I,,,jp','50 ,, 4/5'10'04'4 1 1,111,1!111,:l'11111'''1,5':,,'1411'':111',11C114"'1,V115'511,11,:','',1''11111'''''''''I'lliiir'iluul:t111111'11'1'1,1',`,'„5,,,p)p' ,„4.,- 7/0„, 11111 , 111 veto 55505pre,0;ji,:ilil"):,,,E001,15:11,1„50ni0:0„2:1:5:5:50:1://0,;°:/5:0,,„50,5405:';///,/,/j/01055:11 ),,,,,,,,,,y(f), 0://ellf,01,111,1,;00,401,/,/i 5;„1,0010u/1150f050/:0:0v02,2:09//,,04„,0/n,000:,710,:0,0)00;0,5,!0x0,50;:05,00,5500,),00,i0,00,4:7:5i,,,:020100,,50„f0„5:ii0,5,0:00f,1$00:4005,/,r00::::i/0;:10//!, 4, 11114 , 00 0 lirri 1 0 f1 / ; 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11,11,111,, 4,1,,,1,1,1,„.0,1, ,,,,,111111,„,.,.,, ,,411,,,,,,,,,,,,I 7 1(1'/,/1''14/,,!°(!(((17(1 lif111#'°410# ?/474;1101„if/7(11101lik',I111„7;171111:101' ' ''I!6J III1'('III'''Il'I'111'1'Il'1111i,1 ,,,, f ,1°'7 2%j III ' '1141111[11144111111;11,1711t11777111 iiiiiY;11,1471iligliff'4(4(1°01147"'°I "I''',(1(' 111 I111/k,I'11'111110 41071Y,,,P0 / "11111'11,?1,1,',,,,,u1.,;110111111110111111uoil) 1,1,1,10, j,/,/,11101„),(471,/,„, ,,/„/,,/,,,;,/,/1 / 4/,'I' ?,4,(e''''' /0")! 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11111,11147,7m11111-1,00,111„,„„1111111111111111,1,)11„1„/„1„1,,,I,; l'''',.°::<'1171.11'1'10:, 76 ,11,111111,11r,li''t',',° 61;11#,1)*011,ig41,11:1446,1 i,,1 1,0;„i/ , (r1/1„ 11,11,1111111,1„:111„„11„1 : 111)1A,.„j,,,,,-.1--„,,,,,,,,..., , ,,,/1111111,1 ; ul ,,1„,1,. 1„1„:1,1111,11,11,11,11,11,1,1„11„1,11,1,111,1,1,111 ii 1 ,„ „,,,11„11011100,11;1,111.1 ,,, ,ift1111111111,„01111111.1.111111,11111:11111„1111 „,,,„„01411110;1,,11,1,4,'411111II4fil,,0 I f I''''''1'10,0',W1"40 if 4 )4!) 'fill"'l''''Ill'I''I':1'n 1 loolor1,11111'11'1111711' '11'1'1' )•4 .414.0.1., A :44.------ 111,11„,u11„,, t:, n,,,,,,,,111,,, , 1111,111,,nu. I ,,, ,,,J,j111jJ/It 0,,d f f Ajjk fle„"0119 911JAJJ1j1v1111'„ W91107101,710441(j„ 0/'1 149 0 4,,, 4;y„ ,N111,, lu Illu!!!1-71,1',114141' 1,111,4 g,,,,,4,,vr,:4 4 )! ,l,k ,,upyilw,k„111,1111,,,„111,,1„N,1111,,,,,,, ,,,,,outoopit ,;„, ),,„„,1,1;1111,11,11,„",1 P i i 0 11„ii0101400/,Iiiip0110,0010:1000000r0,,01„, f(iltil)1)1416i00,0rolth11110 1 ( I Ir'-‘00000,0 t,tottott t 0 y 1 'tito t0' tilli ,''„111,1111,g111910'ilii", - ' iwg0000000 ,000,i)4ir.•.6•,, t 4 4-'''''4.7 '1/ 1 14 Balance Beam- ' '' ' . Enhances botonce 11,70i0000011! ,„,111 ,111,1„0.00000000,0 'II'l' 11,1„0100 t1001„'„'01 0ititittilitritt: 1010i4,01,10001110 4i t,„1„0„etttttittl„,,,,,o, %fr 160.016 Dip Station 0, •Developes triceps and shoulders t; l'10101011,1ii'',h 01'0:111,:'1:01;:1 Iti'''1'111111'till;1;„'„I'I'll';',0'it 1//tY 111'11P1',"')/111,117V44,1 P 4 44' 4 # l',( ',/, ( , , ,A,,,4 00,41,4 0 I)f„'6'iiiiiii74ill!'1,1111 11111;I'vi;1,, liVifl 6 fl,16 ,1,611'6,1,16fIld1,1,6'6'146)i,6 466, 66. 66 / 446666 ^ 11 141,,i,,,,,,,,,,,61U 111111•11?og10111,11/11,,,,,„, ,; 1 1 400,p111110 0 r erk4kleiliiiiii Ai um, i liht 1/ p /044:19411[//j"(911(101 019'1 0?41'411irtir'100/J;111111r11'1""1:11/0/114/0/411?1d'''70; !I''''''I 11111;1100[0°°/f,0/4/1400„ 41,,,•,, jjg19,,,,,1111A,4A1011134,lidj9111t10'," 7,1911j111,10i,110itily1"jol,119,1191.1:10m11,1d,d001:71911991100/ d,T„j11i,11,1jjf / riojiirrl4t„,1,19, /11 // ',, 2,,Aj1111111119/'r,/,%,y 0, „0/,4„//;,1%, 4,,,(0 0000 101,00,0 00000000000000,0 0,000 „0040e,100,„0,,, v r, 1 H 1(10 iIIIIIIIV AI'll TN y.;#1,,,$, ,,,,s, ,,, ,f,„il, ,,o(1,11ri„i,e,,,,, ,;II I%/i,/,',/i:p%4',,//fd,p)10//9,/,•;,;„„r ",,e)',,,,,,,,, /,////6 ,,,z* 2,11,1,,"',,,,o,,,„1,,,,",,,,,,,1„,,,,,,,r,',41,,,,,,,,,,, ,1,1', 1,,,1,§4,1,l''''',0i'it,„,, t„flt/Vt)Ire xtt„ r J,01191,9115,,11911901 111d 1,1%1A,jk 0010 19/„J 11110 JJ19'111JJJII 0/1/1,11g,jyt jj, / , 9/(MPA i?,',11) 1,1,rifiri "III" i.,/tO'it;',;) , ( ' 11,111,h,„p)Lt""",o'i 1/0(511:11;111,,7j, q,,(/)ii v f, 101,fili41,1'410106;/At if;.:,,Iwo-140010000,0g109101'40, 41111141'1011,1! 0 i''','''v// ''Vg 1"11 1,1I' hll'IIIILI l','1 0:1111'111'11111,1111'0001'1161'1\ ,,)/11,1111,11'Ally,h/11,1iiv,"(i e mil orike4110/00/pi,`,1,,i1[ i11//f/iff'i I)1/ill Cr,,11111'I 1111111111111111111111116A,0(AJ!1!,11,111*1117,1111,,,,„i4Aft, 1, , 11111,,1,u11 011111111111111111111,,,,,,,,,,A,W1111 111,,,,,W41,11111,0141,1,111 1 10b 7,411,,,,,,, 11,061 , SI,4)11111/17:1,1,//lit,,,,,i),):E,4,,,/ , ,, 1,1„,m,„,,,,,,,„ tr,,,11, 2 iv 1„,:// 4 Aipolivi,011,10,t011E;,,,,:g 1 I I 11 pj J ,,,,d, JJJJJJJJJJJ1d1116191'"11:''199 119 1'011911Majojaljj.1919919i 4)106 OPS0010)r4 /'*://"/ , 4,11,41440,011,100rA 1,0100 V1ip,ompolo,,it,%;4K/ "',, 11111j/11/1/1 ).(4Y/11/4 /4111 j'14:1[16411111/''''/'''1'11'''11 '''„/6 4 '4? v v 111,1,„,,,,,i:,,, ,f„Ii .,,,,,I..,111,,,,, ',, ",' 111111(7,11111(,q1 1 4 1.'w:11,1,1 , , , . „ /J11,11,11: ,,,, '1'7 a,11„,:„7.10,1104110'10,1,00,01.1:'11111111,01'101111,,I,lk ,,';': /1,;,cl 11 i;g0,0000001,1,04111111g );;,„,',I,.,,,,;;;;;;ooqioo,opl,;,ioo,',:loollpitlf;001;14,1r;0v)///),, , ,, ,,,,,,,,„/.,,,,,/i ri.11.1.,_,,,,,;1,,, y,i /„ ,illplitIF#,:qp,:4iip:1111:41:iii11111111111111111111.1,114110144:0111101,01$1111}110,h ti„:10,04,,,i14 F1/,, ,'",,/ I 1 I ,11110"1111 :1111111:1,111'1111111:75f51,f,IFI:4:14?iltri tV/,/, ANi1,111 C14,4414i,'(''',PiT1,1 !117110.11111.2, l',,IL,41:'"AipgiNgil,111 it 7°,11,,,, ,11,,,',$0,3,1{I,10414114P"',644/V 1 1 1 160-015 Vertical Climb 4 1606317 Rope Climb v/ 1W018 Hyperextension Bench I •Shengthens thighs,knees and calves )!1 [(il Iw/ ,4 •Fri biceps,upper bock,forearms arid hands //,; a Builds ttexibitly m hamstrings and lower hack 1,i4k, 1 j 'r i '110J111111111111111111111111111 7, ;VAVA Z