07-13-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY i F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,July 13,2015—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Ulmer, Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Harris, Board Member Jones, Board Member Kinser and Board Member White present. Staff members present: Parks& Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes. ELECTION OF BOARD CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR Board Chairman Rose was nominated by Board Member Harris and seconded by Board Member White, to be re-elected as Parks Board Chairman for the 2015/2016 term. A hand vote was taken and passed 7-0. Board Member Kinser was nominated by Board Member Jones and seconded by Board Member White, to be elected as Parks Board Vice-Chair for the 2015/2016 term. A hand vote was taken and passed 7-0. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 11, 2015 and June 8, 2015 meetings. Board Action: May 11, 2015 Minutes-Board Member Kinser made a motion, seconded by Board Member Chesnut,to approve the minutes from the May 11, 2015 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. June 8, 2015 Minutes-Board Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Board Member Ulmer, to approve the minutes from the June 8, 2015 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 2. Consider and act upon vendor application for the Wylie ISD Council of PTA's for a "Back to the Future Back to School" event at Olde City Park on August 29, 2015. Superintendent Diaz explained that the vendor application is for a new event and he therefore invited the Wylie ISD Council of PTA's President, Suzie Kennon of 2905 Sachse, Texas 75048,to the podium to address the Board. Ms. Kennon advised that the event is planned to take place in Olde City Park on Saturday, August 29, 2015,from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm, with no alternative date planned. She advised that the event would be moved to an indoor Wylie Independent School District(WISD)facility in the event of inclement weather. The event's purpose is to encourage community unity, and it will include 75 participating vendors, multiple speakers from within the area, high school and Civil Service Representatives, along with an anticipated 400 people in attendance. Each local-unit PTA will sell spirit items and offer carnival-themed games for children. The Council PTA Board will provide a dunking booth and coordinate food sales. The Council PTA Board will coordinate with Collin County Environmental Services to obtain a health permit. This is anticipated to be an annual event. Board Action: Board Member Ulmer made a motion, seconded by Board Member Harris, to approve the vendor application for the WISD Council of PTA's for a"Back to the Future Back to School" event at Olde City Park on August 29, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 3. Consider and act upon parkland dedication for the Stone Ranch Phase 2 Development. Superintendent Diaz introduced the Applicant, Jim Douglas of Douglas Properties, to address the Board regarding the proposed Stone Ranch 2 Development. The initial phase of development was approved by the Board in February 2015, but Douglas Properties acquired additional land and wants to combine it with the originally-approved dedication item. With additional development acreage, the new minimum amount of parkland dedication and fees required for Stone Ranch Phase 1 and 2 would be$480,000 in fees, 12 acres of land, or a combination of both land and fees. Earlier this year, Douglas Properties was approved to install $314,950 worth of park improvements and to dedicate 1.87 acres of land to the City as parkland for Stone Ranch Phase 1 Development. Douglas Properties is now proposing to install $493,475 worth of park improvements and still dedicate 1.87 acres of land to the City as parkland. Attachments to the agenda report include a conceptual plan for park development and an updated list of parkland improvements and costs. All park areas will be dedicated to the City of Wylie and accessible to the public. Maintenance of the park areas will be performed by the developer and eventually the homeowners association. Mr. Douglas reiterated that the platting of the Stone House is a separate City-owned lot and not included in the1.87 acres of dedicated parkland. He also advised that Douglas Properties plans to add landscape to the perimeter of the Stone House and that an additional park bench area will be added within the small piece of parkland on the south corner of Ballard St. and Virginia Lane. The Board inquired on possible plans to install a sidewalk along Alanis, to which Mr. Douglas explained discussion with the Engineering Department was still underway regarding the City's timing on widening the north side of Alanis. Board Action: Board Member White made a motion, seconded by Board Member Harris, to approve the parkland dedication for Stone Ranch Phase 2 Development. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 4. Consider and act upon parkland dedication for the Kreymer Park Development. Superintendent Diaz explained that this same development site had been previously brought to the Board for consideration by Douglas Properties back in June 2014. Fred Phillips, the current developer with Amalgamated Properties of Addison, Texas, proposed to satisfy the parkland dedication requirements through a combination of land dedication and improvements in the Kreymer Park Development. Mr. Phillips advised that the parkland dedication is comprised of 6.4 acres of heavily-wooded land located on the west side of the planned development. The plan is for the developer to utilize this land as parkland containing an eight foot trail, park benches, picnic tables, trash receptacles, pet stations, a pavilion, bike racks and landscaping, all dedicated to the City of Wylie with public access, but maintained by the homeowners association. The homes planned to back up to the trail will have decorative wrought-iron fencing and a low water crossing Minutes July 13, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 will be installed on the north side of the trail to cross an existing creek. Trail access will be positioned between lots and from adjacent City right-of-way. Mr. Phillips noted that the parkland area is not in the 100-year flood plain. Board Member Kinser asked what measures were being taken to preserve the area's natural habitat. Mr. Phillips responded that the planned lots should have minimal or no need for tree clearing and the trail loop will be carefully staked out avoiding the removal of any large, quality trees. The Board questioned and Superintendent Diaz confirmed that this parkland area is indeed within the City limits. Board Chairman Rose questioned and Mr. Phillips confirmed that the benches and trash receptacles will be labeled with the City logo and be modeled after the ones the City is currently using in order to keep within the City's standardized theme. Board Action: Board Member White made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jones, to approve the park- land dedication as stated for the Kreymer Park Development. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 5. Consider and act upon recommending to the City Council changes in the Fee Ordinance on Brown House rental fees. Superintendent Diaz stated that the City acquired the Brown House from the Birmingham Trust in May 2015 and that in order to start accepting paid reservations from the public, a set of fees needs to be recommended by the Board and eventually approved by City Council. Staff researched rates and fees of other similar local facilities and developed fee recommendations. The Board requested that the fee structure include the kitchen facilities in rentals, and that this should not be a separate item. Board Chairman Rose suggested implementing a specific and separate Wylie Independent School District(WISD)fee for the culinary arts program offered at the high school. The Board discussed various fee options for hourly rates, resident/non-resident rates and possible higher fees during peak rental times. Board Member Kinser inquired about allowing alcohol during rentals. Superintendent Diaz stated he would look into this option, but specific policies would need to be adopted beforehand. Board Member Kinser inquired about any anticipated percentage of cost recovery. Superintendent Diaz responded that the department might be able to establish the goal of recovering the cost of staffing, but this would take some analysis. The Board discussed possible issues pertaining to the limited amount of parking located behind the Brown House and along Ballard Street. The Board shared several opinions of the staff-recommended fee structure, some feeling they were too high and others approving of the suggested amounts. With no clear recommendation, a subcommittee was formed and appointed to serve on it were Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Jones and Board Member Kinser. It was suggested that the subcommittee meet two or three times and then present recommendations to the full Parks and Recreation Board. Board Action: Board Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Board Member Kinser, to table the item to a future meeting to be scheduled after the subcommittee recommendations are received . A vote was taken and passed 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • No discussion items. Minutes July 13, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Jones and seconded by Board Member Kinser. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. ATTEST 9-te/vt-e-t 7-\r-:-.4-0-16ef9-- (E Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose,Parks Board Chairman j Minutes July 13, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 4