08-19-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY:F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Minutes Monday,August 19,2015—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club,#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Harris, Board Member Jones, Board Member Kinser, and Board Member White present. Board Member Ulmer was absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes, and Renae' 011ie, Development Services Director. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 13, 2015 meeting. Board Action: Board Member White made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jones, to approve the minutes from the July 13, 2015 Meeting. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 2. Consider and act upon clarification of parkland dedication for the Kreymer Park Development. Superintendent Diaz stated that this item was initially approved by the Parks and Recreation Board at the July 13, 2015 meeting. City Council subsequently tabled the item at their August 11, 2015 meeting requesting additional clarification from the Parks and Recreation Board on certain proposed development details. City Council's questions were as follows: 1. Were entry feature items included in the developer, Amalgamated Properties' parkland item cost estimate? 2. Is the developer including the .15-acre parcel on the east side of the development as part of the parkland dedication? 3. Does the proposed trail area and open space comply with the 2010 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan and 2012 Trails Master Plan? Question 1: Superintendent Diaz explained that the original cost estimate provided to the Board by the developer totaled $321,280.00 because the proposed entry feature items were included in with the required parkland dedication items. This led City Council to request clarification, whether the value of these items should or should not be comingled. Therefore, to clarify this point, the entry feature items were removed from the cost estimate reflecting a more accurate total in the amount of$215,020.00. The parkland dedication improvements totaling $215,020.00 in combination with the 6.42 acres of land dedication will satisfy the parkland dedication requirement. Question 2: Superintendent Diaz clarified that the .15 acre open space area in question was indeed not included in the 6.42 acres of land dedication. Question 3: Superintendent Diaz confirmed that the location of the open space and proposed trail is within the recommended guidelines of the 2010 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan and the 2012 City of Wylie Trails Master Plan. Board Action: Board Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Board Member Kinser, to approve the clarification of parkland dedication for the Kreymer Park Development. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • No discussion items. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Kinser and seconded by Board Member Harris. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m. ATTEST 90/Y-1-a / > 2 6 Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes August 19, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2