01-17-2008 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE a Minutes Regular Board Meeting January 17, 2008 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Chairman Matthews. Those in attendance were: Patsy Robertson, Polly Harrison, Kathy Spillyards, Ashley Burt and Kathy Welp. Board member Warner Washington was absent. Staff present was Carole Ehrlich, Board Liaison/Secretary. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the November 15, 2007 Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Harrison to approve the minutes for November 15, 2007 as presented. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with board member Washington absent. WORK SESSION ❑ Consulting recommendations and direction from the Public Arts Advisory Board regarding the creation of the Wylie Public Art Polices and Procedures. (Architectural Arts consultant, Sharon Leeber) Sharon Leeber, art consultant and President of Architectural Arts reviewed with the Public Arts Advisory Board areas which she recommended be incorporated into the Wylie Plans and Procedures for the procurement, installation and maintenance of art work. She explained to board members, that in her opinion, the plan did not require a lengthy and wordy document but rather one that was straightforward and understandable for the board, staff, Council and the public. Something that plans for now and also plans into the future; so future generations can build on the plan. To leave a footprint, of sorts for future generations and to leave a memory and history; to enable those that follow, and not handicap the progression. She reviewed suggestions for the vision for art within Wylie and took suggestions from the board. She explained, the focus of the vision, would be further explained in the mission statement. Among those goals would be to clarify how CIP arts money needs to promote integration of public art with architecture and landscape architecture in existing and future projects. She reported that the board would develop a local and regional artist's registry program that will help utilize the skills and experience in school programs and community arts programs. She explained, the document needed to assure that the urban design and community development goals work harmoniously with the public art program. Ms. Leeber commented that the framework for the document includes detailed recommendations that she would need to produce, and that is built around the City of Wylie. She explained that the document would first be written in rough draft for everyone to read and comment on. Ms. Leeber reviewed for the board the areas that would be covered in the plans and procedures document. They included the: Process and Procedures: artist registry, selection options, selection process, to make a plan for the artists' selection, contracts, and title to the art. She reported that there were procedures that could be placed in the document that would assure any art commissioned would finally upon completion be owned by the City and not the artist. She explained that this was an important part of the art selection. If the artist owned title to the piece, permission would have to be obtained from the artist prior to moving or repairing or de-accession of the art work. Program Administration was another area that would be covered in the document. She explained that it would include the art budget, maintenance and conservation; noting that 15% of each art project should be put aside for future repair and maintenance. Insurance is another item that needs to be covered in the plan. She reported to the board, that she would recommend a section for memorials and donations of art, setting forth guidelines for accepting pieces of art, and staying within the regulations of Ordinance 2005-57(Donations to the City). Chairman Matthews commented that he was very interested in knowing when the board could get started. He explained that the timeline for the new buildings was out 2-3 years and wanted to know if there was something the board could work with in the near future. Board liaison Ehrlich reported there would be funding for art at the new Fire Station which would break ground sometime in February. Ms. Leeber commented that this would be a good project to start with and would give the board some insight into the process involved. Board member Welp asked if timelines could be incorporated into the document for some projects. Ms. Leeber replied that timelines could be set for some projects like the Fire Station but was best included as an addendum to the document. Board member Spillyards asked how much needed to be set aside for an art consultant on projects. Ms. Leeber replied that the smaller the project the higher the percentage. She explained that a good rule of thumb was between 10% and 20%. She explained that the larger project with more time to complete would be on the lower percentage and smaller projects with less time to complete would run higher. Board member Welp asked Ms. Leeber when she thought a timeline could be set for the production of the document. Ms. Leeber replied that around the middle of March, she would have a draft document for the board to review. The board could, at that time make any additional revisions to the document and it would then be completed in draft form by City staff and be ready for the recommendation to the City Council. She reported that in the meantime she planned to hear input from citizens and businesses in Wylie to acquire a feel of the town and the spirit of Wylie. She explained that she will be teaching in Germany during February, thus setting the March date. PAAB board liaison Ehrlich reported that Craig Melde, Principal for ArchiTexas and architect for the new library, recreation center and city hall will be attending the February 21st PAAB meeting to present the design for the three buildings and give suggestions for spaces to place art work. January 17,2008 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT Board Action A motion was made by Board member Welp, seconded by Board member Robertson to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with board member Washington absent. The next board meeting will be on February 21, 2008. Steward Matthews, Chair OF !N vo SEAL• Ca le Ehrlich, Secretary January 17,2008 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 3 of 3