09-15-2015 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning Commission 8, . of � , ",,,,jv_er( ... i ,,,',`" ..-- r 1 .fi t ___,,,=—.„--r, mi., a ..i,,,__ !liI Arr4filrilrgt!' =--43 7,7.---..--.---41,- -... ..,00, -,./ 11111----e—lr-7rI ir,071'...7-- ' _.\\_. Abik‘\ ,,,,,,. �tifl 4�t �fl c� .r= r...L.) ,,, ,a,`,/^ a' -— --11) ..M.:: \....-- � ,i4i. Ach .. , s ,tTt, of Tt e em er Regular Business Meeting OF Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission NOTICE OF � 4d F€NA 6Mgb .1887. cur of,-vsN MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 15, 2015 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Ron Smith Chair Dennis Larson Vice Chair David Williams ......................Commissioner Mike McCrossin ......................Commissioner Randy Owens ......................Commissioner Jerry Stiller Commissioner Sonia Ahmed Commissioner Renae 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. September 15,2015 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from September 1, 2015, Regular Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda 1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for LaQuinta Addition, creating three lots on 10.31 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of FM544 and Sanden Road. 2. Consider, and act upon a Site Plan for La Quinta Hotels, Lot 1, Block A, creating a single lot, for the development of a 77 room hotel, generally located on the southwest corner of FM544 and Sanden Blvd. Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) District to Planned Development-Light Industrial (PD-LI), to allow Light industrial uses; on approximately 2 acres generally located west of Commerce Street and south of Business Way (710 Business Way). ZC 2015-10 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the 11 th day of September, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.w lietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday September 1, 2015—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Room 230 Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chair Dennis Larson called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM. In attendance were: Commissioner Sonia Ahmed, Commissioner Randy Owens, and Commissioner Mike McCrossin. Commissioner Jerry Stiller, Commissioner David Williams and Commissioner Ron Smith were all absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Jasen Haskins, Sr Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner McCrossin gave the invocation and Commissioner Owens led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Larson opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Larson closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 18, 2015, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Commissioner Owens to approve the minutes for August 18, 2015, as submitted. Motion carried 4— 0. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda Minutes September 1,2015 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 2 Item 1 —Final Plat Dallas Agility Working Group Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding Final Plat Dallas Agility Working Group, creating one single lot on 1.1194 acres, generally located in the City of Wylie ETJ at 1725 E Stone Road, north of East Stone Road. Staff Presentation Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is proposing a dog training park. The property is located within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of Wylie, and totals 1.1194 acres. The City Engineer has requested a fifty foot Right-of-Way dedication, for the future expansion of Stone Road as shown on the plat. Staff recommends approval, subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Board Action With no questions for the applicant, or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Owens, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to recommend approval to the City Council for Final Plat of Dallas Agility Working Group Addition. Motion carried 4—0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Ahmen, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to adjourn the meeting at 6:07PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Dennis Larson, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes September 1,2015 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 2 NOIret Wylie Planning & Zoning , AGENDA REPORT 8s7 0, Meeting Date: September 15, 2015 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: LaQuinta Addition Date Prepared: September 2, 2015 Zoning District: PD 2012-03 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for LaQuinta Addition, creating three lots on 10.31 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of FM544 and Sanden Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for LaQuinta Addition, creating three lots on 10.31 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of FM544 and Sanden Road. Discussion APPLICANT: Kevin Patel for Triangle Engineering OWNER: Parker/Schultz Properties,LTD The property totals 10.31 acres and will create three lots. Lot 1 will contain a hotel use, Lot 3 is open space to be maintained by the property owner, and Lot 2 is the remaining acreage that may be further subdivided and used as permitted under PD 2012-03. The plat shall also dedicate the necessary rights-of-way, fire lanes, and utility easements. A Site Plan is also on this agenda for consideration. This Preliminary Plat complies with the applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 09/09/15 Page 1 of 1 lN(Er GENERAL NOTES: 1. Basis of bearing being 5 74°04'35"E for a south boundary line of deed ^,y;1`b j0, � �;499 POINT OF recorded in Vol.5058,Pg.2753,D.R.GCT. ON FND. 'X"F� ` /N COCOA'Fz j0� CM COMMENCEMENT STR 440 E,^ OF • I.R.F. 2. By graphical plotting,part of the parcel described hereon lies within • `-j 9sF�/IiFR (PP) r 0 FH Special Flood Hazard Area(SPHA)Zone"AE"as delineated on the �pC 0TY _/___� ' Collin County,Texas and Incorporated Areas,Flood Insurance Rate k Fy7s4 26''`�C/ ,560 PP C f/J \\ SUBSURFACE LINES MARKED Map,Map Number 48085C0415),dated lune 2,2009,as published by 4 ,, . F �p ( \ y BY "BURIED CABLE" FLAGS the Federal Emergency Management Agency,and revised by Letter of p) - . egDwq(`\ (TYP.) Map Revision(LOMR)Case No.10-06-1838P,effective date 0 U. SITE- m -, ,,.1 MICHAEL E PP �\ December 30,2010.The Surveyor utilized the above referenced ___ MILLIROI�S' `SURVEY, A-563> / ®� CONC'� `..� floodplain information for this determination and the Surveyor does 0 IIPA!if D /\ \ FTF W '� not certify that revised floodplain information has or has not been DUKESTRICKL /\ C8 �� published by the federal Emergency ManagementAgency orsome AND\SURVEY / ,,,�e11 i\ WATER LINE other source. �$ A-84� / // POINT OF i G \ ( •� •MARKER CIRS GAS LINE INLET cONCRFTFpq E 2s7 40 20 0 / / �� � Ni vJ/ / \ �,` � CIRS � `. �LEY LN ' . �' S74° G)SCALEINFEET •OC MED/ N / // NOat on oflCity Ordinance and State'law and is subjection by metes t bounds fines and ® �0 G I R CIRS \ OPRCCT �y l / J� • / / / / � J 0��0� / / L=31.441 O. T \ withholding of utilities and building permits. ``/ �Dc /• r\G// ® \,��� / \` / / 25.\ i \ 2s3 68' I ~ 37S,g3, 6. Elevations are based on City of Wylie Monument CM 3.Elev.-520.31' \ o /.. TEMP. UTILITY EASEMENT G --- 0�04 / P�/ \ 0� •C�,C\� ��/ \ /// / / 10' ONCOR ELEC. DELIVERY \ �'- - , �., VOL. 2693, PG. 956 VICINITY MAP Q/ G' $ / / / / / Q / Open Space shall be maintained by the property owner. F / \� CO. LLC EASEMENT �., VOL. 2880, PG. 301 P • / S 1' / INSTR. 20120725000899560 J.R.F. CM N.T.S Q' / �\ �P A . / �' Ur / - - - �,� VOL. 3326, PG. 330 0 G / • Q1 / / ph / ;,(N/ p OPRCCT • s �, D.R.C.C.T. O GO / • / 0\�0' / 1 / d tx I I / 'FOR SALE" E _ _ g6�� _. LEGEND \ / \6 ��� • / // I/ �(F��4 / ��h I y / SIGN FH - 730.s7' r I.R.F. 1/2"IRON ROD WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED ' �` . / / / //{/ r� /J�� / '� --WV N TBX \` ���\. •'RPLS 3963"FOUND,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 2 / . / /'/ • / 1 •�Cri �,V / I / I I --- ` \ O' \ \' CM CONTROL MONUMENT .Qe: • -� / tI l \�CO �/ / / I ' \ �' \ ® _ • 1/2 IRON ROD WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED / / /• •/ / / / 9° CIRS "RPLS 3963"SET '\ / / �� / / / I ' / ' / / / I I TXC�OT MOH. \ �.9�, \ GW GUY WIRE `� / �� / �/ � l I / / \ \ CM \WM �F \ • \ / � 4" PVC /• / 0� / 7/ji GG I I / \ \ \ � _t• \ PP POWER POLE • J /\ • UP (2) l.,P rXO ` / \ \\ \ ' \\ II t--, Q EBX I. CONCRETE V. ♦ / 0 0 / V sz \ �/ I LP LIGHT POLE PAVEMENT / �,y3 /. PSF.�J \�G • �'4 \P� `� \ \ / \ �O \\ \\ �6 TCB / 10' U.E. (PP) / 0 0 0 p�•\F�cr / p Dt� 1�9' WATER \ / \ ss�\ II \ �, / 0 0 1' P �. \� lQ/\, EASEMENT I / ,I TS TRAFFIC SIGN 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT / • A ,�\0 \0 4, ..k0'A QF' /, F sz \ / \ N \ / I ' CI CURB INLET INSTR. NO. 20121206001556630 / / / 0-0F�Q0000• \r\ h /,t�0 // / \ ) / / \ �. \ / \ _ WV s7&°37'43°E II TCB TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX OPRCCT // / /' �OnO\Q�\`�,X�(s // /� '. // I I / / / \ �1� 1/2" IRON ® ' 56.98' ill �, �[` • i l STUCCO ,N, �P�\ // > / / \ �� ROD FOUND I GR GUARD RAIL • \ \ TRASH AREA / 0 / / y < / / I I / \ Ga �\ I \ / II I.R.F. `7 �`� ^ I SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE \ / i `�'(1�0 / t GO / ��p�, / \ I l \ \ \ " I 1/2" IRON ROD II `S 4j V / / ( \ '� I FOUND & FND. ,IHW HEADWALL \ \ js,O \ / • I X/oOo .'♦ ' / / // \ ' \ \ \ O• TXDOT MON. \ ' II n0 I EBX ELECTRIC BOX \ , \. (pp / .0,1 c ). '`../ / I / b \ , \ \ I 11 n ) C' Ci 0 / } � y� I BEARS \ i I `7 / / / • �0 I \ \ \ / I S 63°05'06" W I III m I TBX TELEPHONE BOX - // H / ���� OQ / / �� I �/ .��� I // \ I \ I ����� I O.44' (1 II a lS I I '''.4; � I TS I WV WATER VALVE // / ®SM �5��• / �PL��� / /1' // '5 I / \ ('�(/� I / I I I WM WATER METER •/ \ / oo'b / 1 / / I / I \ \ t�,( y" �1' O. O 1 FH FIRE HYDRANT // // /\ / 1 'O (0°) O / /I // / // ' / \ \ \\\ YV i 01 0 i' Z ' HELICOPTER / / / 4' <9` / / / ( \ \ ~ ` of MRCCT MAP RECORDS,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS • I.R.F. PAD AREA // / // \\• ./ � �\OC,��, I / // / /// I I '�( \ \ N I \\ II \\ OPRCCT OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS,COLLINCOUNTY,TEXAS / / / / �'V fin), CZ-. R/ / R=1O' I I 0\ A \ N I "' II \I (PP) PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOL.2013,PG.52 / •// / . ' N' c y / II �O� ��� // L=22.40' \ \ O OV \ \ I / / / •/ // �,// �� \ \ o \ \ LOT 2,BLOCKA N I I I II 11 INSTR. INSTRUMENT / / / / ♦ / / / / / N 9O 00'00" E \ 145.14' \ O '\ \ \ I i II U.E. UTILITY EASEMENT / / / • / /� / /• CIRS \ R=l'0' /(1) \ \ 5.901 ACRES (257,063 Sty.FT.) / / / / / - - - ,f / /1 26' MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT L-15\71 /� ` \ \ 0$6� I m rn / I i• I L.B. LANDSCAPE BUFFER / • tb^ / / / J \ \ ` \ N \ \ I n / i I / / /�� / / R=24' N 90 00'00" W 126.15' / \ ` \ \ )> Z / B.L. BUILDING LINE / / • / / L=42.15' ( CIRS \ \ 1 \ ZONED: PD 2012-03 N I m / ' II �' I.R.F.® / / / / �j� / / \ S 90 00'00" E 230.63' \ 26.00' / 61.51' \ N I O\ o INDICATES POINT IN CREEK / / ^^� / °rX� / / R=1O' ® \ I 5'L.B. \ CIRS \ \\ �\1l \ I I I f-z / / Doti /• / y / L=28.51' \ \ �\ \ \ \ I n \ I I c�-X- FENCE / / r`� / ` - - - -C / R=30' \ I \ ! \ o o O n \ I I' (�c�-E- OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE / / / ' IL=15.86' \\ +_ 96� ,� - - \ I oo N (.,.• \ i Il II ~-p-1/ / ! \ 25'B.L c I - \ I n N rTt I crivO/♦ / N 90 00'00" E 86.31' \ \ O' 617, \ c)o o Z / / R=20' \ \ y o o I Z II QP / / / �- 26' FIRE LANE \ I o-D o S 0 / / FEMA FLOODZONE AE / N 90 00'00" E L=15.67 f R=50' \ o {, II 0 II GQ�'\SG (90 / / / PANEL 48085C0415J / i \ 32.33' / N 90 00'00" E 86.31' \L=78.54' O. \ I o / I 1 Z P �Q PS Q;\ / / ^ LOMR: 10 06 1838P /, rn - I- R=24' I \ \ I o / �h��C P\'0I`� / / ,�ti / DEC. 30, 2010 CIRS• , �'� I I J R-24' R-46' I Io \L=37.70' \ \ \ \\ I o n ( III �II \• 0 00 / / / L=15.67' L=30.04' I M \ \ \ \ y y I 9',v66ticP / / / / I rn \ \ ^� \ oaf \ I III \ 0 OD / ed_i rn \ \ 1" li <° � ° �� ? -j m \ �` \ I III C L 41 15' WATER EASEMENT \ P\ �\ QS \h � / / / / / / N/ I- \ o En PART OF A CALLED 34.412 AC. TRACT \ '+ \ II (11 II / / / / ,Nh• \ r N \ (LESS 2.791 A AC. TRACT AND A 3.244 AC. \ i I li < iI OO�Q �5� • / / I / ��/ ` �I ( \ \\ �• \\ TRACT, LEAVING A 28.377 AC. TRACT) \ I \ \\ III\ / / / A:// ��p/ / \ \ I \ \` 'v ` PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD \ I \ W 0 iI / I / /tri / °"/ `` LA Q U I N TA INN & SUITES \ co N of \ \ INSTR. 0PRCCT 20081209001400140 1 \ I P II' / / ♦ / ^� � o,/ rn \ oo ('1 N \ \ I 1/ / l / // /�� °,� 2.452 ACRES (106,793 S.F.) \ w I `\ \ I Ir / / I_ \ \ o o • / / / ♦ / LOCATION BASED ON / ///6 - - 77 GUEST ROOMS \ \o o I FUTURE - ` N \ \ i / 1 l // // �� / 2010 FLOOD STUDY CIRS / o. 4 STORY BLDG BLDG \ N \ I // II I ��S / / / / PERFOMED BY //// / �68 �� \\ N. o \ \ \N \ \ I I ' I _______�\�___.-MIKE BOYD, PE N \ I 55'PSG // / / ® NA THAN D. MAIER ^ �� - \ o , \ \ \�, I F. 0 / / CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. / ^N' / I o N\ '. \ \ I I II 09/ •. / v / / ,�/ • � � o \ \\ \\ r \ I I � Il I R=24' LOT 1,BLOCK A y`'� 0\h / / -�1 �' \\ - _ < ,^� ` 2.452 ACRES (106,793 SQ FT.) \ I N \ \`^ \ \\,., // N\ \ I \\ / / / \I II h /I 0 \ L=49.33' \ �P�\\S 06 BOG / r\ \ _ \ \ \ \ A. \ I \ / II S �0 / / I /ti / - ` N 9000'00" W 141.24' S 86°17'46" W 73.46' \ 10' SANITARY \ \ \ \ I \ I ( I i / \ SEWER � � \\ � � \\ O `� / - \� -- \ \ ) ( II II \� /• / } R • 50' 0. \ EASEMENT / rs6 0• \ _ -- - \ \ I / I / / '�^N j: ` 1 a'� / L=102.7T� 06� 26' FIRE LANE I - - - - _ _ _ - C S Sg- . _ / I� DEED: 54.99' • II I S 86°17'46" W____ 122.14' --- I �\ \ �, \ \ CIRS® / / II / / p 0 CIRS 25'B.L. N 90 00'00" W 143.06' ___- - \ .- / - �- u- 13.31' o _) 438.65' 625.16' J \ / / ) / - 10'I13.95 10' 30.95'---= - L1�F� _ _ _ II / / / ,�0/ / �. - 25'B.L. �`S� R - - - - -A -- pFH - -. .> II / • �/h 10' SANITARY SEWER EAS`EM€N,� N /' _ - - E36- - ' / • / v D // / J f_10' WATER EASEMENT W 56��" CAP - -CIRS - - - - n I i i I w • O /' h1 / .. •GIRS`�- 5'L.B. -CIRS '1' j 5'L.B. ( ® :• - ®- �/ _J l- II / / l / /7D•17 / S 89°tl'31" W-' 112.22- j 1;,-4 _.- II / - - s 14.0 S 86°35'29"W / . ♦ / / ® 50 ClR 2 .54 y� FH 5 as°o3'44"w 6� - �6� CONCRETE PAVEMENT /.• / ` S 80'39\ / J\ , -1/2" I.R.F. • // / ( CjIRS- � ,0•881i' W/'S686�CAP ® 31.06 , _ , W� _ _ -- - - �02 -- �� PRELIMINARY PLAT \ 172.0 i 15' WATER EASEMENT '�-,L FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY . . • / / L _ l \\ \\ // _ � �CM \ h� �/' / / I I 11 CAB. Q, PG. 471 \ / , _- i / cn N / / / MRCCT cn \ / - _ - / REMAINDER OF A CALLED 34.412 AC. TRACT / - _ / 5/8" LR.F.' �o�,, ' , i/ ,,,„ ` a> I \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / LA QUINTA ADDITION \ - - - /' (LESS 2.791 A AC. TRACT AND A 3.244 AC. / W/'3949" CAP / p i L L1I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ♦ TRACT, LEAVING A 28.377 AC. TRACT) // - CM ® / 1 STORY BUILDING / SAN. SEW. ESMT. PARKNSTRS�2008120900 RTI ES, 0 LTD ( // / LOTS 1 , 2 , & 3, BLOCK A LOT 1, BLOCK A INSTR. 20150505000521050 OPRCCT I OPRCCT \ \ \ / ABC Q,ADDITION T�71 • DETAIL MRCCT BEING 5/8" I.R.F. aD' - / I W/'3949" CAP 5/8" I.R.F. S652a 1 = 50 10 . 310 A.0 IRE S o BEARS W 3949" CAP \22• 10' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT S 50 42'12" E /� CM CAB. Q, PG. 471 / 0.21' • MRCCT SITUATED IN THE • I ® 583°44'13"W 85.51' DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABST. NO. 841, ,, - LOT 1, BLOCK A CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS M Z. / BA YCO ADDITION z • CAB. Q, PG. 471 R.C. .MYERS SURVEYING, LLC / i , MRCCT �5 488 ARROYO COURT •• ��°�^��� SUNNYVALE, TX 75182 ® / 5 N I OWNER/DEVELOPER (214) 532-0636 CITY OF WYLIE MONUMENT CM 3 PARKER/S'CIfOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD FAX (972) 412-4875 ------x-----\\ BEARS S 782826" W 2,812.26' P.O. BOX 307 EMAIL: rcrosurveyingc'gmail.com /♦ : WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-0307 FIRM NO. 10192300 •' /-5/8" I.R.F. W/"3949" CAP (972) 442-5114 BEARS S 52 51'45" W 14.81' JOB NO. 314 PAGE 1 OF 2 DATE: JULY 20, 2015 LINE TABLE PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATE GENERAL NOTES: LINE BEARING LENGTH STATE OF TEXAS § L1 518°17'51"W 25.53' COUNTY OF COLLIN § 1. Basis of bearing being S 74°04'35"E for a south boundary line of deed L2 S00°00'001 23.71' recorded in Vol.5058,Pg.2753,D.R.C.C.T. L3 N11°34'53"W 14.01' Legal Description: NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 2. By graphical plotting,part of the parcel described hereon lies within L4 N51°41'02"W 5.00' Special Flood Hazard Area(SPHA)Zone"AE"as delineated on the L5 N38°18'S8"E 16.85' WHEREAS Parker/Scholz Properties,LTD is the owner of a 10.310 acre tract of land situated in the Duke Strickland THAT,PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES,LTD does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property Collin County,Texas and Incorporated Areas,Flood Insurance Rate Survey,Abstract No.841,Collin County,Texas,and beingpart of a called 34.412 acre tract of land(Less and Except a as the LA QUINTA ADDITION,an addition to the Cityof Wylie,Texas,and do herebydedicate,in fee simple,to thepublic L6 N18°20'32"E 15.72' y y p Q p Map,Map Number 48085C04151,dated June 2,2009,as published by 2.791 acre Tract 1 and a 3.244 acre Tract 2,leaving a remainder tract of 28.377 acres)described in deed to Parker/Scholz use forever,the streets,rights-of-way,and other public improvements shown thereon.The streets and alleys,if any,are the Federal Emergency Management Agency,and revised by Letter of L7 574°04'35"E 45.03' Properties,LTD,recorded as Instrument No.20081209001400140,in the Official Public Records Collin,Texas dedicated for street purposes.The easements and public use areas,as shown,are dedicated,for the public use forever, Map Revision(LOMR)Case No.10-06-1838P,effective date L8 570°39'06"E 55.25' (OPRCCT),and being the remainder of a called 0.476 acre tract of land conveyed to Parker/Scholz Properties,LTD, for the purposes indicated on this plat.No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be December 30,2010.The Surveyor utilized the above referenced L9 S70°39'06"E 26.20' recorded as Instrument No.20081209001400130(OPRCCT),and being more particularly described by metes and constructed or placed upon,over or across the easements as shown,except that landscape improvements may be placed floodplain information for this determination and the Surveyor does L10 574°04'35"E 21.13' not certify that revised floodplain information has or has not been bounds as follows: in landscape easements,if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie.In addition,utility easements may also be L11 N17°14'44"E 19.24' published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or some used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement other source. L12 N28°30'09"E 63.74' COMMENCING at a 1/2"iron rod with ayellow plastic cap stamped,"RPLS 3963,"found for corner in the south right-of- limits the use to particular utilities,said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use wayline of Farm to Market Road 544(FM 544)(a variable width right-of-way) at the most easterlynortheast corner of thereof. L13 N21°26'S9"E 40.19' g y) 3. There are no buildings on this tract. Lot 1,Block A of Medical Plaza Addition,an addition to the City of Wylie,according to the plat thereof recorded in L14 N45°53'48"E 18.50' Volume 2013,Page 52(OPRCCT),common to a north corner of a called 21.353 acre tract of land described in deed to The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, 4. All corners set hereon are 1/2"iron rods with yellow caps stamped, L15 N15°33'12"W 24.41' the Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas,as recorded in Instrument 20150429000488760(OPRCCT); fences,trees,shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the "RPLS 3963:' L16 N67°40'11"E 19.17' construction,maintenance,or efficiency of their respective systems in said easements.The City of Wylie and public utility L17 N28°03'45"E 20.23' 5. NOTICE:Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a THENCE South 70°39'06"East alongthe south right-of-way line of said FM 544,a distance of 55.25 feet to apoint for entities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of g y violation of City Ordinance and State law and is subject to fines and L18 N41°37'45"E 33.40' corner at the most easterly northeast corner of said 21.353 acre tract,near the center of a creek,and being the POINT OF constructing,reconstructing,inspecting,patrolling,maintaining,reading meters,and adding to or removing all or parts of withholding of utilities and building permits. L19 N57°28'29"E 29.81' BEGINNING of the herein described tract; their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. L20 N 12°33'42"E 25.03' 6. Elevations are based on City of Wylie Monument CM 3.Elev.-520.31' Thisplat approved subject to all plattingordinances,rules,regulations and resolutions of the Cityof Wylie,Texas. L21 N43°01'28"E 71.30' THENCE South 70°39'06"East continuing along the south right-of-way line of said FM 544,a distance of 26.20 feet to a PP ) g y TXDOT monument with an aluminum disk found for corner at an angle point; 7. Open Space shall be maintained by the property owner. L22 N33°08'10"E 54.66' WITNESS,my hand,this the day of ,2015. L23 N56°12'14"E 30.53' THENCE South 74°04'35"East continuing along the south right-of-way line of said FM 544,a distance of 315.83 feet to a L24 N48°36'08"E 50.78' 1/2"iron rod with a cap stamped,"3963,"found for corner at an angle point; L25 N35°42'30"E 52.25' FOR:PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES,LTD. L26 N45°12'26"E 49.99' THENCE South 75°15'18"East continuing along the south right-of-way line of said FM 544,a distance of 130.51 feet to a - L27 N27°22'56"E 27.32' TXDOT monument with an aluminum disk found for corner at an angle point; L28 N41°43'40"E 44.23' THENCE South 39°39'51"East continuing along the south right-of-way line of said FM 544,a distance of 85.61 feet to BY: L29 N 18°17'51"E 8.55' 1/2"iron rod found for corner at an angle point in the west line of said 0.476 acre tract; L30 N 18°17'51"E 7.31' 131 S 00°00'00"E 31.82' THENCE South 78°31'43"East continuing along the south right-of-way line of said FM 544,a distance of 56.98 feet to a STATE OF TEXAS § L32 S 00°00'00"E 32.69' 1/2"iron rod found for corner in the west right-of-way line of Sanden Boulevard(a 55'right-of-way at this point)and COUNTY OF COLLIN § L33 N 00°00'00"E 33.91' being in the east line of said 0.476 acre tract; - L34 N 00°00'00"E 34.77' Before me,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas,on this day personally appeared L35 S 45°00'00"E 18.22' THENCE South 04°07'04"East along the west right-of-way line of said Sanden Boulevard and the east line of said 0.476 ,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and L36 N 90°00'00"E 62.23' acre tract,a distance of 339.56 feet to a point for corner at the southeast corner thereof; acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. L37 S 45°00'00"E 5.30' THENCE South 86°35'29"West at 54.99 feet passing a 1/2"iron rod with ayellow plastic cap stamped,"RPLS 3963,"set L38 N 90°00'00"E 58.09' Given under my hand and seal of office,this the day of ,2015. APPROVAL BLOCK for corner at the common south corner of said 0.476 acre and 28.377 acre tracts,and being the northeast corner of Lot 1, L39 S 00°00'00"W 41.49' BlockA of Bayco Addition,an addition to the City of Wylie,according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet Q,Page 471 L40 S 00°00'00"W 31.78' of the Plat Records of Collin County,Texas(PRCCT),and continuing along the common line of said 28.377 acre tract and "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" L41 S 90°00'00"E 15.00' said Bayco Addition,a total distance of 625.16 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with a cap stamped,"5686,"found for corner at a common angle point thereof; L42 5 51°41 02 E 10.00 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas L43 5 38°18'S8"W 10.00' THENCE continuing along the common line of said Lot 1 and said 28.377 acre tracts as follows: L44 N51°41'02"W 10.00' My Commission Expires On: Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission Date South 85°03'44"West,a distance of 172.03 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with a cap stamped,"5686,"found for an angle City of Wylie,Texas point; South 45°54'07"West,a distance of 66.37 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with a cap stamped,"5686,"found for an angle point; "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" South 65°28'44"West,a distance of 122.74 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with a cap stamped,"5686,"found for an angle point; SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date South 83°44'13"West,a distance of 85.51 feet to an angle point,from which a 1/2"iron rod with a cap stamped, "5686,"found for reference bears South 50°42'12"East,a distance of 0.21 feet; KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, Robert C.Myers,do hereby certify that this platwas prepared under my supervision from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the South 52°51'45"West,a distance of 116.68 feet to a point for corner in the east line of said 21.353 acre tract,near corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of the center of said creek,from which a 5/8"iron rod with a cap stamped,"3949,"found for reference at a common Wylie. "ACCEPTED" corner of said 21.353 acre tract and said Lot 1 bears South 52°51'45"West,a distance of 14.81 feet; THENCE along the east line of said 21.353 acre tract and along and near the center of said creek as follows: GIVEN UNDER MY SEAL OF OFFICE THIS THE DAY OF 2015. North 17°14'44"East,a distance of 19.24 feet to an angle point for corner; PRELIMINARY,this document shall not be recorded for any purpose and shall not Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date be used or viewed or relied upon as a final survey document.This document was North 14°37'15"East,a distance of 108.99 feet to an angle point for corner; released on 08/18/15 for the City of Wylie's Preliminary Plat review process only. ROBERT C.MYERS North 28°30'09"East,a distance of 63.74 feet to an angle point for corner; REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby certifies that the foregoing Final Plat STATE OF TEXAS NO.3963 of the LA QUINTA ADDITION,an addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the North 21°26'59"East,a distance of 40.19 feet to an angle point for corner; day of ,2015,and the Council,by formal action,then and there accepted the dedication of North 45°53'48"East,a distance of 18.50 feet to an angle point for corner; the streets,alleys,parks,easements,public places,and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his STATE OF TEXAS § North 15°33'12"West,a distance of 24.41 feet to an angle point for corner; COUNTY OF COLLIN § name as herein subscribed, North 67°40'11"East,a distance of 19.17 feet to an angle point for corner; Before me,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas,on this day personally appeared Robert C.Myers,Registered Witness my hand this day of A.D.,2015. Professional Land Surveyor,known tome to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged tome that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. North 28°03'45"East,a distance of 20.23 feet to an angle point for corner; Given under my hand and seal of office,this the day of 2015. North 41°37'45"East,a distance of 33.40 feet to an angle point for corner; City Secretary City of Wylie,Texas North 57°28'29"East,a distance of 29.81 feet to an angle point for corner; Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires On:02/14/2015 North 12°33'42"East,a distance of 25.03 feet to an angle point for corner; North 43°01'28"East,a distance of 71.30 feet to an angle point for corner; North 44°02'11"East,a distance of 85.81 feet to an angle point for corner; North 39°12'59"East,a distance of 108.48 feet to an angle point for corner; North 33°08'10"East,a distance of 54.66 feet to an angle point for corner; PRELIMINARY PLAT North 56°12'14"East,a distance of 30.53 feet to an angle point for corner; FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY North 48°36'08"East,a distance of 50.78 feet to an angle point for corner; LA Q U I N T A ADDITION North 35°42'30"East,a distance of 52.25 feet to an angle point for corner;North 45°12'26"East,a distance of 49.99 feet to an angle point for corner; ]I .II yT S 1.. , 2 , , BLOCKA North 27°22'56"East,a distance of 27.32 feet to an angle point for corner; BEING North 41°43'40"East,a distance of 44.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 10.310 acres,or 10 • 310 ACRES 449,125 square feet,of land. SITUATED IN THE DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABST. NO. 841, CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS A).C. .MYERS' SURVEYING, LLC OWNER/DEVELOPER 488 ARROYO COURT PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD SUNNYVALE, TX 75182 P.O. BOX 307 (214) 532-0636 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-0307 FAX (972) 412-4875 (972) 442-5114 EMAIL: rcrosurveyingfgmail.corn FIRM NO. 10192300 JOB NO. 314 PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE: JULY 20, 2015 This page is intentionally blank OF 144 Wylie Planning & Zoning AGEN DA REPORT Meeting Date: September 15, 2015 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) La Quinta Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: September 3, 2015 Zoning District: PD 2012-03 Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon a Site Plan for La Quinta Hotels, Lot 1, Block A, creating a single lot, for the development of a 77 room hotel, generally located on the southwest corner of FM544 and Sanden Blvd. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for La Quinta Hotels, Lot 1, Block A, creating a single lot, for the development of a 77 room hotel, generally located on the southwest corner of FM544 and Sanden Blvd. Discussion APPLICANT: Kevin Patel for Triangle Engineering Developer: Parker/Schultz Properties, LTD The property totals 2.449 acres and will create a single lot for a hotel use. The subject property is part of the approximately 34 acres of the Wylie Medical Center Planned Development approved in 2012. The applicant is proposing a 77 room hotel in a four story building. The Elevations for the structure call for a tower of approximately 71'. The current Zoning Ordinance allows for a maximum building height of 50' and four stories. However, due to an average four story building reaching a height of 45-50' and the Ordinance calling for architectural variations in the facade, staff has previously recommended approval for buildings whose architectural elements exceed 50' in height when deemed appropriate. The property will have primary access to the site off of FM544 with other access available as the remainder of Lot 2 develops. The Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda for consideration. This Site Plan meets the required site, landscaping and architectural design standards and is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering De•artment. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 09/09/15 Page 1 of 1 >� GENERAL NOTES >,. .„°. .° ..°, '" ..,� 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. �...'�-..,, . :-�, _' _ 2.A PERMIT IS REQUIRED TO CUT A CITY STREET OR WORK WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY.THE PERMIT IS ISSUED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. t .-„.„, ,,, 3. THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS IS TAKEN FROM PUBLIC RECORDS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'SLtt tit: „ " RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE OWNERS OF SUCH UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO WORKING IN THE AREA TO CONFIRM \ � '`�<..,. �� THEIR EXACT LOCATION AND TO DETERMINE WHETHER ANY ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE PLANS MAY BE PRESENT. 0 40 80 `"'-»-, `*- -- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. IF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE DAMAGED, THE _ ', LL ,„� �y/ - - CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF REPAIRING THE UTILITY. RM SCALE : 1" = 40' `-, Q -� `'^ ,-�. 4.,_ 30� ` _ SERVICEELINES WITH THE UTILITIES OR TYPE SERVICE OF ORIGINAL BROKEN CONS RUCTION OR CONTRACTOR UNLESS OR OR NOTEDII ONSTHE ., '• Q ''. PLANS,AT HIS OWN COST AND EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AT ONCE OF ANY CONFLICTS IN GRADES \ 61 VqR�' like— ,„ "'- AND ALIGNMENT. �� T _ \ 26'— 5 ALL EXCAVATIONS,TRENCHING AND SHORING OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF LABOR,OSHA, '` `'° i / -s•"" \1 l D 544 ""`' CONST.SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS.",VOL 29,SUBPART P.PG.128 137,AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO. FJL561 - '' - r SITE �` /r / % / °` �� 6. ADEQUATE MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT EROSION. IN THE EVENT THAT SIGNIFICANT EROSION OCCURS AS A RESULT OF ow�q -� 1 - � '°�� /: /` p ,,, CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE ERODED AREA TO ORIGINAL CONDITION OR BETTER +t0 '' / LIMITED TO TRENCH BACKFILL SIDE SLOPES, FENCES, CULVERT PIPES, DRAINAGE DITCHES, DRIVEWAYS PRIVATE YARDS AND -, 7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION TO ORIGINAL CONDITION OR BETTER. RESTORED AREAS INCLUDE, I der °._ �, t REMAINDER OF/ / PROP.SIGN „^ BUT ARE NOT ¢�,E PARKER/SCHOLZ / ROADWAYS. 1 ' V. t ' • PROPERTIES,L1`Di` - -xr 8.ANY CHANGES NEEDED AFTER CONSTRUCTION PLANS HAVE BEEN RELEASED,SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. THESE CHANGES /• \_ / , MUST BE RECEIVED IN WRITING FROM THE FROM THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SHALL APPROVE ANY DEVIATIONS FROM ' \ _/ :! STATE REGULATIONS. i / -- -..,., ' / 9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE"RED LINED"MARKED PRINTS TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION INDICATING ALL CONSTRUCTION SP .. r` f:/ I WHICH DEVIATED FROM THE PLANS OR WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ADDITION TO THAT INDICATED ON THE PLANS. - / WATER METER&SANITARY / / SEWER SCHEDULE '-- - //'/ LEGEND ID TYPE SIZE NO. SAN.SEW. - ,, - y,, /� BOUNDARY LINE DATA EXISTING BOUNDARY - - - PROPOSED SITE LIGHT POLE 40 EXISTING ASPHALT PVMT.EDGE PROPOSED HANDICAP SIGN / LINE NO. BEARING DISTANCE LINE Na BEARING DISTANCE g �D DOM. 4" s" .7.// L1 S74°04'35"E 45.03' L10 S 89°11'31"W 112.22' EXISTING CURB & GUTTER PROPOSED HANDICAP LOGO EXISTING WATER MAIN PROPOSED WATER METER P M O :/ / L2 S18°1T51"W 25.53' L11 S80°39'50"W 70.17' _ „ 1 IRR. 1" 1 N/A - EXISTING SANITARY SEWER s PROP.CONCRETE WHEEL STOP I / /j:/ �jr 10' L3 S38°1858"W 345.49' L12 Nay°s'16"E 52.45' EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE PROP.POWER POLE f PP W,E, L4 S 00°0000"E 23.71' L13 N 24°24'35"E 72.67' /' / EXISTING CLEANOUTPROP.MONUMENT/POLE SIGN / 5 s so°oo oa'E 230.63' ua N 31°36'3^E 91.96' EXISTING ELECTRIC PROP.BACK FLOW PREVEN TER QMH �.,. ""--•,... / / / ! ,/ •ROP.FH. L6 S00°0000"E 227.96' L15 N 38°1858"E 458.71' EXISTING POWER POLE EXISTING '` PROP.FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION CO F.D.C. v sss°354sw a1.5z' us N51°a1'z^W 500' STORM SEWER PROP.BLOCK RETAINING WALL / s S85°0344W 409T L17 N 38°18'58"E s.a5' EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT PROP.SANITARY SEWER MH OO SSMH L9 N11°34.53'W 14.01' L18 N18°20'32"E 15.72' EXISTING STORM INLET Ft PROPOSED CLEAN OUTSC.O. /` % h/ EXISTING FENCE PROP.ROCK RIP RAP Ell /' , EXISTING WATER METER PROP.TRANSFORMER f EXISTING GAS METER PROP. SEWER LINE 8'W EX.TELEPHONE PROP. WATER LINE 6"SS EXISTING TELEPHONE PAD PROP. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL UGE �'., / ;/ EXISTING FENCE x. PROP. UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UGT / / '/ CALLED 34.412 AC. EXISTING CONTOURS PROP. UNDERGROUND GAS UGT /` —__>i (LESS 2.791 A AC.TRACT AND A 3.244 A0. BOUNDARY LINEPROP. FIRE LANE t~n { / ,LEAVING A 28.377 AC.TRACT) 26' MUTUAL PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES,LTD PROPOSED CURB / ACCESS ESM'T INSTR.2008120900140IES, PROPOSED SAW-CUT - — — — - / PROPOSED STORM INLETS O 0 / 0140 D,R.C.C.T. / ,/ .. $ 'v / / 24'R - 1 0. ,0'R / o PROP.F.H. — —7. -`- Ls -sn..— I LEGEND SITE DATA kb y 9' ®G 1 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT P.U.E. NUMBER OF LOTS 1 I / SANITARY SEWER EASEMNET S.E. EXISTING ZONING PD-"COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR' % "'�. DRAINAGE EASEMENT D.E. /'/j /� 24 "�" - 12 5(j+ . + WATERLINE EASEMENT W,E. PROPOSEDUSE PD-"COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR" • GROSS ACREAGE 2.452 ACRES(106,793 S.F.) / _ 15' .,........„._..,„/,,,,..._„.„„„,,,..... tt... \ CLEAN OUT C.O, PROPOSED BLDG.1 ST FLOOR(FT PRNT) 11,322 S.F. i WE. 16 . j ""`�9' 4'R, GAS METER GM / / :.• —+— ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER ET PROPOSED BLDG.HEIGHT 55' % j ® NUMBER OF GUEST ROOMS(GM) 77 ,/,:s.Nl::NN't / • _ L�]]I y FIRE HYDRANT FH 1 - IIIII HI 1 1 is REQUIRED PARKING(1.25 SPACE PER GM) 97 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SSMH • £ C m :: , \� ut Q 18 2B' ° 18' 43.51' STORM SEWER MANHOLE STMMH REQUIRED HANDICAP PARKING 4 �0 1p�08 / 9 Q I BUILDING SET BACK B.S. TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED 97 / £ 1 3'0'K' 'B '� LANDSCAPE BUFFER L.B. TOTAL PARKING PROVIDE 97(INCLUDING 4 HANDICAP) / , ••`'oj7B37`S✓ LA QUINTA INN&SUITES 55 r PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE PRV PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERAGE 17.82% p @q m ...C. IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 76,038.F.OR 71.20% I 2.452 ACRES(106,793 S.F. 11,5' p PROPOSED 20'WIDE FIRE LANE =4 / / ) b, JPEN SPACE/LANDSCAPE AREA 30,755 S.F.OR 28.80% / FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION F.D.C.FDC / / ;,:a',,,::,'''''''''''''''','''', , 77 GUEST ROOMS C Oy 1 k I FUTURE I STAMPED CONC./PAVERS/ #; 4 STORY BLDG PROP.F.H. BLDG / REMAINDER OF , tttj,�„�,loaaoah��l — tl 10, I PARKER/SCHOLZ F� C.O. PROPERTIES,LTD 'O r �LZ WE v• �► \�'®,III POOL AREA o�5 �>7 r�� ® I SITE PLAN LA QUINTA INN&SUITES ,.' .' / $¢ wo OWNER ENGINEER SURVEYOR `, �j• f c.o. I KARMA HOTELS LLC TRIANGLE ENGINEERING LLC R.C.MYERS SURVEYING LLC F.M. 544(p, SANDEN BLVD • • ,Q�7 R S E 3911 U.S.HWY 80 E 1330 McDERRMOTT RD STE 200 3400 OXFORD DRIVE • „ / ) ,F/ CEt".�+ 'a� F}I ��OS• I MESQUITE,TX75150 ALLEN TEXAS75013 ROWLETT,TEXAS75088 CITY OF WYLIE / j / //L/y'- - ,B ;;' CONTACT:KASHPARBHU CONTACT:KARTAVYAPATEL CONTAC R.C.MEYERS COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS / / B. il II® • � ,„ TEL:614-893-5274 TEL.214-609-9271 / Z9,__ TEL:214-532-0636 • J �L�-- _ �� 10'W E // -Y.=- _ J �.►.� C11� ° t_ E� N0. DATE DESCRIPTION BY - / / _ oF NGINEERIN LLC /TIANGLE / 147or _ 34.9- 114.05 1 08 20 15 1st CITY SUBMITTAL KP —� E�"`T 1j4 LOT 1,BLOCK A BAYCO / / ?•'•• _ _ ./ �—... / ADDITION Cab O Pg. * `+* W.UmnO�ergr com 1i O 1338 McDermott Dive,Suite 2�IXl Allen,TX 75013 : PROP.MASONRY SCREENING '" - 471 M R C C T //'// WALL WITH METAL GATES " 1 KARTAVYA S.PATEL - � / / ,. .. f f` r f• ,,' j , / / - • p��T 97534 :/fit DESIGN DRAWN DATE SCALE PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. /1jUlt, KP RG 08/20/15 A 40. a RAC 029-15 /'� 08 20 2 TX PE FIRM #11525 \•,J( 64 I/ E. ,,--..„_,„_,, 11/11L 544 -----------' PP , Op '4 / � 1281 / �!) F M.564 / • \ PP / / N1 • • ' 0' -2" E /4°4'35" E %'% / / / //16.85'`� o'`� 45.03' / 3l 1,8 58 E STL. EDG.------- trt# .' /1 0 / / / ,I // //evl, :er ....,OkL- / p / / // / / 5.00' ►I 11 -MG. ROSE // / / / / S 18°17'51"W / / / / / / // 25.53' site locationNTS / / // / / 50-0 / / / / / 1-BALD CYPRESS ' / / LAWN TYP. / // / / / / / / „,_,_,,,,,, / / d / / / ,„ ,,„, ,, / // :/ / / , , __ ,,__ / / / / , , , i / , / , , ,,,, ,, , N,, , , , , _ , . , // , ,/, . , , . . , / 7 . ,../ , y v.v. / / , , ,,, „,,_, ,, / / / /..• iii ......„ , / / ,. .,.„ , 7, / , ,, , / , , , , / , ,,, / (---------- --------- ------ ------'-----)A// / 1 / / // // cb4� t: e / �� // / / / O / (Pp ) ,/ / / /// /\\\ / , , \ \ / / / // / g / / / / / / / 4-CRAPE MYRTLE 3-VITEX CS taj /, , / _ / / / // N / / / // / / / 2-DESERT WILLOW 16-PINK MUHLIE GRASS 57-ABELIA W N / / / / / ci LAWN TYP. 1 i / / / / / 0 C / / ( re/ / / 4 \ P�� 4r �- -1" a`30.63' _ AI►._ .•�►ia �►4. / t. vo'ovA:vw�ovw�a '.���ov�a.��owva..'sa�OTdv.:` •o:ovwwdow'o4 oOv::c�w;;Inimilittiiilj v�+�ct�cy_ w:�dov`vo�: // // / / / 0 1 -LIVEOAK ��,.i 411111 a, // / / / / 95-BIGBLUE LIRIOPE �v �' / // / / / 11 -MG.ROSE _, �- a col / 25'B.S. a 75-BURFORD HOLLY / // / / / 2-MEXICAN PLUM STL EDG.TYP. 1 -LACE BARK ELM 4 / / / 130-BB. LIRIOPE :,�;,•;,� ,��:.��, �: 3-CHINQUAPIN OAK i 3-ALTHEA 10-COMP.NANDINA ' 4 R 2-MEX.BUCKEYE re // / / / 2-BALD CYPRESS / / , 7-HD. NANDINA 2-EVE'S NECKLACE 3-RED OAK a // / / LAWN TYP. r 04_ O.r 2-GOLDEN RAIN TREE// / / / / 0 / 404$10101 SEP. 01 2015 ilia Atik r, / / / / , 1 zo, //mAr, voltst.sm$410 - c / -, c ,,,;,‘, 0 mirm 'IMO ,/ / / �III�`► t / 6 IIII 2 m d 1101 m J 9 ro teitoi<o�,.o- ' All OYo'o'o'o'o'o'o // / 0-1/1/ �pF� o� ' :oo�oYo°�o°u°o°�o o�oa'� ii ?-1�'',� o a 40 ,.•r;;,� ;,.•.• * o \ LAWN TYP. - , '� / / O� / 80• / • 6-SALVIA ..,.� A0ALOA&o� ,...�......r..uc.� o 000�o I10 fi / / °ss�o �� e 17-DWF. 4-FATSIA 17-CLEYERA lool,: / / o,,�� (4( / Q, ABEIA 9-SPIREA 13-DWF.VAR./ 2 0 0 ,a ` 1 -JAP.RED MAPLE PITTOSPORUMl3-MG. ROSEiV9-INDIAN HAW. Mv v °fo► / 6-MP.ROSE 120-ASIAN JASMINEco7 7 y V 3-MG. ROSE 12-DWF.CF. - N0 / �o BLDG. FOOT PRINT 1 -TX. MOUNT. \ AREA 11,400 SF. FLOWER $hoWn LAUREL/ FUTURE,AWN.m,, PLANTING BLDG/ 161 E l ( O E77°eL° 4,000 SF. PLAN 4. , w ak ��m� J� - J ��III °��° � I g ��• o ::::17.Z.::°)::::7:1;4,11:1.• q• J1• Ito, � o (13- / °rye // ,�� _ 141 o o B° °uuuo LAWN TYP. a°°: MOHAMMAD A I.3 j''/ o 0" a , /i d • /2___ ______ ry 4-LIVE OAK 6-CROSS VINE d . , �%;, r 8t ••• in‘, / 740 4 � I��AiIC���� 3-LACE BARK ELM 70-ABELIA �` - a `% .......� S 4-VITEXo / 25'B.S. "1 P4" date / I 'I►�1 I 41 1 25 B.S; i_____ __________ _____ ___ _ � � i % � 11� • -- — _J i_ __ - - AUG.20,2015 00000.:kei.a00000000000000000000000. � �� f'4 tr41 a� _5,, ._ __._-- :' _ ;4„... - S 89°11'31" W 112.22' '111� S - sheet o3g'50"W ?0�17 -1 hearooT°'�'o'000. =ot°°:oo ���� :1/ o _� _ WII.Q N 11°34'5 W0 1 I/ EXISTING SCREENING SHRUBS - — - / / ALONG THE ADJACENT PROPERTY LP.01 PLANTING PLAN 6 / (FIELD VERIFY LOCATION) 30 20 10 0 30 " _ 30'. " / / / / / / / SCALE. 1 0 . / / / / / / / / CALLED 34.412 AC. I, CG•h•f YHA A All T�APer A\If1 A 0 efAA All \\ N '4' N. , . t , \va,,r-a, I, . (1\ / planting notes NOTE: (1) TEMPORARY TREE WELL TO BE REMOVED 1.USE�Xf$1t LEDGING(PAINTEDGREEN). AFTER ONE FULL GROWING SEASON. 2 USE 4""G��DEARTTfOREQUNALENTPLANTJNGMIX / ((2) TREE CALIPER MEASURED ABOVE TOP OF FOR BED PREPARATTa aROTOTILLBEDMIXTOTHEDEPTH ROOTBALL 6" FOR TREES LESS THAN 4" CALIPER OF1YMINIMUM. J AND 12" FOR TREES 4" CALIPER AND GREATER. It i% (3) APPROXIMATELY ONE-THIRD OF THE BRANCH 3.ALL THE LAWN AREAS TOBEH)DROMLILCHEDBERMIIDAGRASS. $1 STRUCTURE SHALL BE REMOVED BY THINNING REPLACE ALL THE DAMAGED EXISTING LAWN AREASASNEEDED. r BUT THE NATURAL CHARACTER AND GENERAL SHAPE OF THE TREE SHALL BE PRESERVED IF APPLICABLE . 4. TOPDQESSALL 1HEPLAAITIAIGBEDAREASWIIH3'DEEP FINISH MADE 4. CENTERED BI THE WELL IWRDWOODMIACH,AFIERPLANTIAGOPERA710NS \ ,, 4y\\ 5. THESITEHILLBEIRRIGATEDWITHBELLOWGRADEAUIOM4TIC 4. IRRJGATIOV SYSTEMW/THFREEZESENSOg THAT IS CAPABLE .. y OFPROVIDfNGTHEPROPERAMOUNTOFWAtERFORPARTICULAR y TYPEOFPLANTMATERIAL UDIIDRIPIRRIGATNM+SYSTEM TEMPORARYT�EWELL FOR THEGROL VD COVER AND SHRUB AREAS. SACIffELRN4TRin PR rHAMCOD MACH WITH EXCAVATEDSVILAS & THE PROPERTY OWNER ISRESPO�ISIBLE FOR REGULAR WEEDING, sPECDANDWATERTO - ROMEN SURFACE TO MOWING,IRRIGATION,FERTILIZIAG,PaVING AND OTHER FELVOIS m1R OVE ROOT PENETRATxx1 MAINTANAAp'EOFALL PLANITNGS. THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING \\ MUST BE MAINTAINED INA HEALTHY GROWING COIPA77OJATALL UNDISTURBED SI■GRADE TIMES. S TAPPED MERT fill lis TREE PLANTING DETAILS Zel NTS lia\ i al 1 iii STEEL EDGING r HARDWOOD MULCH FDESH ORME 0 LAWN plant schedule LQ.W 1 t i U'� �A.- ,;;.r +„ .1474" �.-y QN COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE REMARKS TREES I/ax � j�/ 4 Tex Red Oak Querous shumaMii'fexana° S LacebaChinqupp3 Chirpuapin Oak Querws nuehtenbergi 3° 10-12'ht,5-6'sp.,full,matching. 5 Live Oak Quercusvirginana 9"Caliper 1a1z ht,5-6 sp.,11AI,matching. 3 Bald Cypress Texodium d durmS 3°Caliper 10-12"M,45"sp.full,mak�img. revision f NDTE:1 1NANG1AARSPACING / WATERTOEMIRATEVOIDB WM PLANTING SHRUBS r PREPa�D B� NIX MALL 4 ORNAMENTAL(red) S Ile indica 8-10'ht,4 5 �•01F s ROTO11L 12•BUSTING SOL INTO r Crape ge(red) LoebLage teciasp.,singteWnn,fUll,matclirg. OF PREPARED SOL AFTER EXCAVATIONOFSID 2 GOWen Raintree KOeltwtert8 pankuaa 8-10'ht,45'sp.,full,matching. TAWEDTOPREVENTSET'nEMENT 7 YTtex Vitex angusraetes 6-13'ht full pot well rooted. 2 Mexican Buckeye Ungnadia specosa 6'ht fug pot,well rooted. GROUND COVER PLANTING DETAIL landscape area 2 Mexican Pam Chibsmaxicana 6'ht.full pot,wotirooted. 2 Desert Vdilowr Chiorpsia liraaris 6'M.full pot,well rooted. \ NTS 2 Eve's Neddace Sophora affinis 6'ht fug pot,well rid. SHE AREA:104,100SF. 1 Texas Mountain Lwrel Sophore sekwndiflora 6'ht fug pot,well rooted. 0 1 Jap.Red Maple Acer pSmatum 4.5'ht.,full pot,well rooted. \ .t .%t ...1 �t �t OPEN SPACE REQUIRED:20% .9 PROVIDE D:31000 SF(33%) SHRUBS AND VINES \ * Is1 t . t _t r t 1 .�.t 127 Abelia Abelia grendiflore 5 got. 30°-94"ht,18-24°sp.,full pot well rooted;38°O.C. t..'t`°1 b . . t. •� ( ) 75 Burford Holly Ilex burfordi 5 gel. 30°-34°ht,18-24'sp.,hill pot,well rooted,36"O.C. t ` � ` q � li ♦ �' t �\d�`'\ �vt 1 i t� ��t,`.�t .:' BLDG. GROIN . shown t�% tk t i �E •%, : t �•� I' k i�4, � ����`.t 17 Dorf.Abel's Abela grandiflora°Edward Gwcher"3 gal.,full pot,well rooted I 1 . �: t t TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACE 3REQUIRED :00. i�r�� t \ �� o ���ft-i� `� •�: t t �,A v '. `���� PACES PROVE :g& 28 Martha Gonzales Rose Rosa spec. 3 gal. WI pot,well rooted, pLA�N 1 �:t! .. \ 4 �t� �.t , of .ft. \ �t `tr �' 6 Marie Pavia Rose Rosa spec. 3 gal. full pot,well rooted. mar: �t�1 r . tit). PARAINGa DRIVE AREA53700SF 12 Dwf. Fringe Flower Loropetelum cTinense'Nana' 3 gal. fell pot,well rooted. DETAILS t . t. fi �;�� , 1 �f i _ 4/A= t 9 Indian Hawthorn Rhapiolepsis indica 3 gal. fcl pot,well rooted. ....•%„ t� t t• 9 Spirea Spires spec. 3 gal full pot,well rooted. e.s. of real CONrAaaar BALLED& 17 Cleyera Cleyera japonica 3 got. full pot,wag rooted. 'a°'" +0, BIka.APPED t ~"`*qT ibiscus syriacus 5 gd. full pot wag rooted. • s MULCH 10 Compact Nandina NNandina domesti a'Comp�' 3 gal. full pot,well rooted. s t) Mid ' }!,," n 7 Harbour Dwf.Nadine Nandina domestica'Nara' 1 gotl full pot,well rooted. et planting requirement 6 SaMaGreggfi(red) Salviagreggif 1gel. fugpDt well rooted. T t�y��e �''` 8'PREPAREDSte.MOk 4 FatelaJeponka Fatale japonica 3gel. full pot,welrooted. �MA�M iioe 13 Dwf.Var.Piltoaporom Pittosporum tyre Vangala'(Shine)3 gal fug pot,well road. 6 FM544 IRONIAGE 45LF POINTS: 5 66 Pink Muhly Grass MuMalbergia capiflaus 1 gal full pot,well rooted. date SHADE TREES REQUIRED: 1(3'CAL) 6 Cross Vine Bignoani capridaa 1 gal.fug pot,well rooted,staked. _ PROVIDED: 1(3'CAL.) AUG.a 2015 ROTO TILL tr EXISTING nos INTO moF GROUNDCOVERS,&LAWN PREPARED SOIL AFTER SURFACE PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING(93 SPACES) POINTS:35. 120 Asian,asmine Tradhelospemumasiegcum 4"Pots full pot,well rooted, 18"O.C. sheet EXCAVATION OF BED 225 Biiiblue Liriope Urbe muscari 4°Pole hi pot,well rooted, 17 O.C. —11 I I ( \ i III LANDSCAPING INREOUIREDS POINTS :15 Benmidagrwa Cyiniundacctylon Hydromalched WLQ SHRUB PLANTING DETAILS TDT�Po�s.s5 LP.02 UNDISTURBED SIaGRA� NTS LAQU I NTA INNS a SUITES _ Project #6895 - -- = . 041. c>3 U c LIJ w� eie = O W-� ' a . � " ' � =� ,: � U� =of - -_ ■i�i I E'e0 .".:T ss OPP. . . - use I iI �� - - "_= � OYV YNCa < . - b _ _ _"..11,----1:-. - in:-- cu- '- s' -: : 17: -11:1 rSr 00, : .. A s .^ r ", -. e 4. h qq ate. : 3 '* . TYPICAL ELEVATION c I I RENDERING SHOWN IS NOT FOR ACTAUL BUILDING BUT VERY CLOSE TO WHAT WILL BE PROPOSED. COLOR SCHEDULE CULTURED STONE AND STUCOO SHOWN WILL BE VERY SIMILAR TO BUILDING WE ARE PROPOSING _ STUCCO (FINE SAND TEXTURE) -o 0 ODSW-6387 - COMPATIBLE CREAM CO ti >' ch _ STUCCO (FINE SAND TEXTURE) CD co es. SW-6374 - TORCHLIGHT U -p fai W —I to EIFS (LIMESTONE TEXTURE) W ¢ .0(ill) — PAINTED METAL AWNINGS, AND 0 W GO a PREFAB. BALCONY r- co SW-0055 - LIGHT FRENCH GRAY ALUMINUM �C 4) — STOREFRONT, & PTAC GRILLS) - 0 0 0METAL FA IA WHITE C-3 O � O O O � O O Q 0 O 0 ® — EIFS (LIMESTONE TEXTURE) t 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 SEMI-RECESSED II II A501 (S-100) INTERNALLY- ILLUMINATED SIGN (PROVIDE 0 �C-6� — STACKED STONE VENEER Q (MOUNTAINLEDGE) I— d ACCESS FROM INSIDE THE TOWER) 1 W in W (q C 1 c 1 A501 c-3 METAL FASCIA c-S C-3 METAL FASCIA D >- W r H C-3 C-3 Q = C-s METAL FASCIA 0 METAL FASCIA n \i ,..,,,..... C3 14 s. ` ! C3 1 00 siM- (C, n 0C 0I 0 / TRUSS BEARING Q �� i I ie //�r-�� i 4TH FLOOR C 1 C-1 G1 0 ® 0 CD C-1� C'1 C-1 4 C-1 0 ® C_1 CO3 C't I c4 (""��" o i\ Revisions: �I I I I - I 1 3RD FLOOR 0. a e t c-a METAL FASCIA _ _ - SIM. ® c-1 - --= a1 CO O I_J� , __ - , � ..I-b r- - -- �- -_ -- �II , n7o1 SIM. II o C-3 L u IIL��-I�� o I_ 1 I 2ND FLOOR -- - ;E . ' _ � E - - I - r I "' � \- _ �� _ N _ A_ D B l � 1 "_ _ - , - - ` - - ._ �I'� W �'� ak � t _ �� - - - " _ _ - _ —'--I - - �- - _ - , - _ _ - _ - - . __ . _ /� I _ _ I - _ �J1 _ r FINISH FLOOR Protect No: • WALL SCONCE, TYP. Sheet Information: 0 CD 1 0 (S-4) SEE ELECT. DWGS. C-s 3 C-s A501 DRYER VENTS SLIDING WINDOW A501 WALL SCONCE, TYP. REAR ELEVATION ALUMINUM MECHANICAL ALUMINUM PTAC (S-4) SEE ELECT. DWGS. Sheet No: LOUVER -, LOUVERLOUVER SCALE: 1/8" _ ''-°" BUILDING FACADE PLAN A302 This page is intentionally blank itbffiVrt Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission $.. W P 6f1M�tY R8. AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: September 15, 2015 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Date Prepared: September 09, 2015 Zoning Case Number 2015-10 Location Map, Exhibits, Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Planned Development — Light Industrial District (PD-LI) to allow Light industrial uses; on approximately 2 acres generally located west of Commerce Street and south of Business Way (710 Business Way). ZC 2015-10 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Commercial Corridor(CC) to Planned Development — Light Industrial District (PD-LI) to allow Light industrial uses; on approximately 2 acres generally located west of Commerce Street and south of Business Way(710 Business Way). ZC 2015-10 Discussion Owner: Td Linduff Real Estate, LP Applicant: Wylie Economic Development Corporation The applicant is requesting to amend the zoning on approximately 2 acres of commercially zoned land to allow limited light industrial uses and to establish guidelines for such development. The guidelines as described in Exhibit B outline the conditions and uses of the proposed ordinance. The proposed tenant will occupy an existing facility with minor modifications to the interior of the building and some site work to include new concrete areas. Conditions of the PD allow a rear yard setback of 20 feet as opposed to the current zoning requirement of 25 feet. In addition, accessory outside storage will be allowed in designated places as shown on a staff approved revised site plan. Currently the landscaped areas are not irrigated. The applicant is requesting that no irrigation is required and that the existing landscaped/grassy areas are allowed to remain as is. Special Conditions of the PD prohibit certain uses typically allowed within the LI District by the current Zoning Ordinance. Animal Boarding without outside pens, automobile rental, mini-warehouse, and outside storage are prohibited, while contractor's maintenance yard requires an SUP. The subject area has undergone several zoning changes throughout the years. It was originally platted in 1997 under Industrial zoning and then rezoned for Commercial Corridor in 2001. However, the area has remained as Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 light industrial type uses. Therefore the request to rezone back to its original zoning to support how the area has been developed and maintained. Notification/Responses: Eleven (11) notifications were mailed; with zero (0) written response returned favoring the request and one (1) response opposing the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date RO 09/09/15 Department Director I € 1 [4[ 4 i 1 i, � _.tit Fite tilt I 1 I I i 1 I 1 I 1 H Street I tlIM 1 V 1 I 1 I i i - - KB4,m.,1 a:,,d F ; 9 f N yam._ — — J 5„ q i I' b I { �ia'};vl6 f0fC tar.,Y I Ix itrtz I 7. '1&„.4111WITT, K it autr& i : Property , . WI 0 I .S.nMen,,q,ill, far€e i ^ .4 oe '1 1,..",olir11 i __ 71 HMI II i ming =4,,, _Ifrof. �r14. .lir , N�➢alm'.i�r�,`•,[t�''cI `,I-: 3-4cnairir•.ficrk _ - � — F'7�"rrbxst>a S'nr 1 , I r i"^' Unn�ty LIw�W 3e =e a " iiv I 1 P _ f -----, W iiiiifiulaligt ._..._ .�.«--.. -:'Y ._ _.. .. .. - - ELL I I 3� T. I, i I I I I I 1 I I I 7 _ `, iflok t3E4 iow, 11,1E 3S .5. 1 II I ! Y L _ 9 t I i i I ! i d y-�.. 1 I I i 1 1 g i t _ I 1 1 1 r- _ i r 1 I i ; i PP ' J. "-" ` I I I i,,,,g„q.- _ 1 1 I-ff., .:.„...i I I - J _., I I � "" ry I I I d t- "-••- I I I I I i I I - - I I I i ri— i 1 t \ t I 11 g d d M 44 I I { i x I /, -1 I e, ' "`A r '' LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2 5- 1 EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING CASE No. 2015-10 I. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Light Industrial District (LI) set forth in Article 4, Section 4.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of May 2011) are hereby replaced with the following: Figure 4-5—Light Industrial District(LI) Height Height of Main Structure (feet) 50 Number of Stories 4 Residential Proximity 3 : 1 slope from residential lot line Building Placement and Coverage Front Yard Setback(feet) 25 Side Yard Setback(feet) 1.0 Rear Yard Setback(feet) 20 Lot Coverage 50% Buffering and Screening Service and Loading Areas May face a public street or adjacent residential uses II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The following uses as defined in the current Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance shall be permitted by Specific Use Permit only on the subject property: a. Contractor's Maintenance Yard with accessory outside storage (Retail, Personnel Service & Commercial or Wholesale, Distribution & Storage) b. Outside Storage as a primary use. 2. Light Assembly(Miniature Extrusion)uses to include the process of hydraulically pushing material through an aperture at elevated temperatures are permitted by right. 3. The following uses as defined in the current Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance shall be prohibited on the subject property: a. Animal Boarding/Kennel without Outside Pens b. Hotel/Motel c. Financial Institution (with or without drive-thru, Alternative) d. Automobile Rental e. Body Art Studio f. Equipment Rental g. Food Processing h. Motor Vehicle Fueling Station i. Pawn Shop j. Truck Machinery&Heavy Equipment Sales, Service or Repair k. Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir or Water Storage 1. Industrial(Outside) m. Mini-warehouse (Self-storage) n. Recycling Collection Center 4. The subject property shall be in conformance with all regulations of the Light Industrial Zoning District set forth in Section 4.2, Section 4.3, and Section 5.2 of the current Zoning Ordinance (and as amended) in every respect with exception to the uses indicated in Section II.1 and IL2 above. 5. A Site Plan shall be submitted to reflect any accessory outside storage areas. 6. Existing unirrigated natural/landscaped areas shall remain in accordance with Site Plan. 7. Security screening (slats or other material) shall be allowed to screen outside storage areas. 1 ib k iR ti 22 fill rai ,®,»ate„ m.O ..R , el R PFW `satE 1 ;I a:_ f i . 1 - 1 t El jI �.��, Outside �- �� Storage _r. `- avail!, a i r y Y iii Ili g a t k 1 m o n tli 1 I I t' �. # Elg *� I 1 #n ..�.. ...._. as s ! I I . G 1. 7 3 4 O ii i , oy vk 11 az •l'5�� 1136 a ,gyp ) to, as&.: r w«.n.a TilVit itt/1111 A*** , o PA y 8 r a r i Ntof t. Kerwin Court i # t £ ;£ #� , £ t' r r 3�d£� rt at �. 7 £ i e aY""" 4 r 7Tt) t2rr ;�#s r r4 Y t t,kgr k 1' 2j5 t # .,'fi , 5r,£ # t t�t r 3 £ �` is 2 £ t ur ; � t t15:} s; t} l t t t ;r.4�snes .; £ r f # ;�.# r ti�,,,,t: 2 £ ,,,,,,, £ .2t fir £t,S�t� £ j ,t+w",5� � ' Y r £ N: r; , 'I#£ r '££{£ t£## }Ir N}}t Ott � i t£,t #; us £;4 ij ;#� #{t k rzt7 t£Y 3�1t£#£S $ # ts+ <t 5 52555555 455 s f tj,,a, #rr #� ,55,5E£t} I i t£ t#5t # t} £tF5 LJ t 4r # 7 tt{3. tilkirig 4 #ir i t , '"` • ' tj tr tt . a ' #£i '''' n. £ i 4'li-T tit}.: C) ;� £ i ttt ,,,, t r# f#{{ r{#i0 ilIU, { ££#�# #'# s#{ # q.: f 4#2k s7k # t ft s '✓ _ 3 } t i # E7 £ r 1# t t # t # t 2t `"y # * 1 ! L 4 Iff I t ,5555 .'� rt n5 #tt{S25#E#rt£t 12 tf 5w; £5 t52 ttt2 ;t t ££( t?? #t; £ t2 t• k 3t I {£ # t r #t#t #{£,,, ,,t # t, i t ££ ,,tx i {£ 1. £ 7Y '� # ;' ( Y . ;, # £4£#,}t,,,,,S, £f l#£ :t a r#tr�t 5 # t,,, t £ #y t £ r „.{ £0444,040.010.40,, i �. t £.. ' #ti'##'£ �1 z; tt£ U t ' # it # '� ,/tit t , �,,tgi3; #ttr£y t rtt£t£s3thAit# # t St to j° �',4 ',ON£1�{ E£ Vy tb ��'}t3 i,. �;� [..,,r 2 t�r�.la�#£ ##3 (I,tirzttsi 22 i2 i4 fi r L .fir rr,r 2£s s 5'5t s.. FM 544 3 „3 .., ,3 3 3 33: ,_ „„,...... .., ,,„ ,,, ,,„,, (,,,,, , „,.,,.., 3 _, .... ..„....„ 1 .. _ ___ i _ ..., . ,,, ,,,,, ,, ,,,. .,,„ ,A. ,. .ram i i„ f'A..>5,. , 5 t 255..E t'tl «# rh..4, 8 1 1 7 u`. ( a^, a.v (C '4 fr I I ZOO{ OWNER NO TIFICATIONMAP ZONING CASE #2 1 , - 1 PLIBIJIC COMMENT FORM (Please qlp a air use bi acik Ink) Dell Iarta en t of I P1anr it g 300 C our try C lust) Road Bulk kg 'IOC! Wy lies,'Ilexes 71'I(198I I am FOR the requested zoning as explained cm the attr oh ed glut lie ncilice for Zoning Case#2(1151-1 CI. I am ACIA INSIl the re quested zoning as eixplleiineid en the attac hid put lic r eitiue fc r Zoning Case t 20151-10. Dales. Location&limes cif Alarming&Zoning Commission meeting: lue:day, September 151,20151,6:0(I p m Mu n iaiptil C ompleix,310(I Cot n try Club Bout,Building 100, Wylie, ilexes Dates,Location&Time oil City Cciu nc it meeitir g: Tuesday. Sleipltemt er i 3,20151,(:(ICI p m Muni cipad Complex,30CI Country C lut Road,Bu it ding 100, Wylie,Texas Hamer. \--\4N.\ S Ck(COw C rr` aissz G(ali )�1.0 6 k au punt)An II � Ad dress: 70 el - _1 1 k.)S 1 r ASS u...q v� \\/ k.S— c ,c . J � -- Signature: ��_ Date: 0 cL ( C C OMMINTS: 110 /�Y 1 0 p i_CIY1.D.S �a� C—)