08-23-1995 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet AGENDA
Special Worksession - Park Master Plan
Wednesday, August 23, 1995
8:00 p.m.
Municipal Complex
1 . Discuss issues relating to Public Hearing Schedule for
Monday, August 28, 1995
2. Discuss FY95-96 Multi-Year Financial Plan for Wylie
Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corp.
Posted this 18th day of August, 1995 at 5:00 p.m.
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TO: Park and Recreation Advisory Board
FROM: Mike Collins, City Manager)
DATE: August 18, 1995
SUBJECT: August 23, 1995 Meeting
Two issues will be discussed during this special Wednesday meeting. The first issue to
be discussed concerns the scheduled Public Hearing on Monday, August 28th on the Park
Master Plan. The primary purpose of the Public Hearing is to provide an opportunity for
the general public to suggest programs, activities, and initiatives they would like to have
included in the Park and Recreation Master Development Plan. A brief overview of the
presentation to be given by J. T. Dunkin at the beginning of the Public Hearing, will be
provided to the Park Board on Wednesday. Each Park Board member needs to identify
which groups and individual have been contacted and invited to attend the Public Hearing.
A revised 4B Sales Tax Project Schedule will be presented for discussion. Several Park
Board members made specific suggestions relating to the extension of loan payments to
the general fund used to finance purchases of the new athletic field complex property, and
old Post Office Building (new community center). The result of these loan payment
extensions is that approximately $400,000 in additional cash flow is available during FY96
for specific capital projects. These funds could be applied toward the completion of the
Library and Community Center projects. A copy of a memo, dated August 16, 1995 and
that was previously sent out, is attached.
The 4B Sales Tax Project schedule represents the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities
Development Corporation's (WPRF Corp.) Multi-Year Financial Plan (The Plan). This
document is required to be adopted by the City Council and the WPRF. The Plan provides
guidelines for the projection of revenues and expenditures contained in the annual
corporate budget. The Park and Recreation Advisory Board's input is important in this
Please call me at the office next week or at home 680-9179 this weekend if you have any
questions or comments.