07-19-1995 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Minutes from Park Master Plan Meeting
Wednesday, July 19, 1995, 8:00 p.m.
Council Conference Room
The Park and Recreation Advisory Board met in a worksession on July 19, 1995, at 8:00
p.m. in the Council conference room. Janice Neely, Dan Chestnut, Kerry Carothers, Janet
Lamb, Biff Johnson, and Jerry Hougan were present. The oath of office was administered
to Janet Lamb and Biff Johnson.
J. T. Dunkin consultant for J.T. Dunkin and Associates gave a presentation on the future
outlook on neighborhood parks. He presented different concepts and an overview of all
the potential areas for parks. He stated most parks will be about 8-10 acres in each area.
One alternative plan is to tie in the parks along the greenbelt, flood plains and power lines.
Approximately nine neighborhood parks are planned in the Master Plan. Dunkin also
explained that the connection of roads to allow easy access in and out of Wylie is crucial
for future growth.
Jerry Hougan asked the question, when two community parks are finished, will that be all
the ball fields the City of Wylie needs? Dunkin said he would look into the future needs
for Wylie.
Next month, Dunkin will present possibilities in developing trails. Dunkin requested
numbers on the amount of users for the organized programs in Wylie. Biff Johnson and
Chestnut will get information to Mike Collins by Tuesday, July 25, 1995.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.