07-24-1995 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Minutes from Park Board Meeting
Monday, July 24, 1995, 7:00 p.m.
Council Conference Room
The Park and Recreation Advisory Board met on July 24, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
conference room. Janice Neely, Janet Lamb, Biff Johnson, and Jerry Hougan were
present. Due to the absence of Dan Chestnut and Kerry Carothers being late, Biff
Johnson called the meeting to order. The oath of office was administered to Tena Sorrells.
Action Items:
1. Discussion on request for All Night Softball Tournament. Tena Sorrells reported
that the tournament is sponsored by the W. A. A. and police will be in the park from
11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.. She also stated each person in the tournament was asked
to bring a toy for Blue Christmas Program. Motion to recommend approval to City
Council made by Jerry Hougan and was seconded by Janice Neely. The motion
was passed unanimously.
2. Discussion on scheduling public hearings on the Park Development Plan. Mike
Collins explained the "need analysis" being introduced to the public. Collins also
stated that the grant application will have a greater appeal if there is a show of
public awareness. Collins suggested that on August 28, 1995, the Park Board
have a Public Hearing to have a presentation by J. T. Dunkin and one of the Board
Members. Johnson suggested an ad be plaed in the paper, and contact outside
interested parties. J. T. Dunkin, consultant for J. T. Dunkin and Associates will
make his presentation to Park Board before Public Hearing. A second Public
Hearing will be held on Thursday, September 7, 1995 at 7:00 p.m.. Johnson
suggested City Council be invited to both public hearings. Motion was made to
have public hearings on August 28 and Sept. 7 at 7:00 p.m. by Biff Johnson and
seconded by Janice Neely. The motion was passed unanimously.
Discussion Items:
3. Discussion of issues relating to development of Multi-Year Capital Projects Program
funded with 4B Sales Tax. Collins gave an overview of the 4B Sales Tax. He also
stated that the 4B Sales Tax Corp. will issue the debt. Collins discussed project
schedules, grant schedules and renovations were discussed . Johnson pointed out
that grant money should not be relied on heavily, but enhance the chances of
getting the grant money by showing that every attempt has been made to get other
4. Discuss Wylie batting cages. Bill Nelson aksed the owners to appear before board,
but did not attend. Nelson stated that they have closed because low revenue.
Nelson will make contact with owners to appear at Park Board Meeting.
A motion was made to adjourn meeting by Janice Neely and seconded by Janet Lamb.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m..