07-24-1995 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Monday, July 24, 1995 7:00 p.m. Municipal Complex CALL TO ORDER OATH OF OFFICE ACTION ITEMS: fA 4 "1 . Discuss and Consider recommending approval of a request to have an all night Men's and Co-ed Softball Tournament i , 1400--- 2. Discuss and Consider scheduling public hearings on 11 the Park Development Plans DISCUSSION ITEM: 3. Discuss issues relating to development of the Multi- Year Capital Projects Program funded with 4B sales tax 4. Discuss Wylie batting cages STAFF REPORT 5. Project Status Report CITIZEN PARTICIPATION f-9.' \ ADJOURNMENT >41 Posted this 21 st day of July, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. 1 7--- ..„ , - - '''\ ei-_---c. -a- cD,P-' N.Af--`1'--:: 2000 HWY. 7E5N. - P.O. BOY :--; WYLIE, TEXAS (50S-c, ;214) 412 S100 • FAX /442/:, ,2 : .::.• 7, A A 30x iR,77 •i x ;),:,,i Vi.,, :•••; )I-,,,2;:, y ),:: re..,, ,;s 0', ;', :rnarric, (‘,:- . ioflow.n<:, dates, fields and times. Sur,days, August 19, 26 - Sa6;. :•:ys, ), 23, 199'3 - Saturdays (..:;; ,p,..:- "t'ilThas. ',;dridgc.: H,'•::-1-:;.•,s: ():: ; a.p-: i :00 p.m. ‘. ,:: :-e ;c.s., lo: .:1 .,:: r.Igiv, 'ournan-icat July 29 - 30, 199:3 (9:00 a.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. •.,‘ ;..,, I)efo:-el 'ie Par'Ks and Recreation 1'..,card and the City Council on July 24 ,;-: 2.‘•:, ';').::, 1- •.;. :.(.: 'j / 1);- approval. cee ;.::: :.‘.:h o: ihese iournaments will he S100.0 2:-.r field and should he paid 7 days :;: varice of 1vave any , :e..;‘,:ons please contact me at 442-4700. S;;iccrely, ,,,-------, • -\—, (, r \r, __.. i :;',".•;.'r;;-.',C7 ';L'1',1, .': :-' . : ::(1 Rc:Tcation Dept. -' m:ke (.';) --s_.-- ' r,-; Sr;:.::: ,,y.-, .-,,.;:v an . ' --.:..-esion Stand V' ' -`):,-1"° i ' To .. nT-t . i' di 1 _,L)/X/1 7--i---- rom al;--thitr-- (\i'i.)-(ilL0i/) t cia 1 )i ftin - , , L a , - I I , 60 IP , to LU-t-LL0. JW Je C i_.i , 9 ,_ - o yy,vy . . , . akkAL,r (1 ) ) ry6 L cyyD (66(0) � � 0�3 , I� -) O' {'i'La (J( <<�( � ' ui� x� � 1i �. Th E�ID oaAm �+� � 1 ( - '‘ ( jj M , 1 q Co (,,,<a-f- D . , s xq " J Q ) IggJ COED (Sat ) .m(AA) q , 10615 niV n5Oci-1--) p t rr\/\U-t,, 4-3, 1 (i 6 J- ( E ) j . 6-)K_ J. , r C kit_ i1, w i jui% a WYery • 10 n/ .1.6 C prn _ 5 DO Q m . v,D -v._Jc C C,ca tt_ Li t t..6- . j_f\rn_ - _-)-0---vA LUJJ ,\,s; 1- j4cro_., Loq3\- (i. ,---(L 1 ,/, , , _ J __/1 _ ---Th-71/ft , 4.0 - i PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Agenda Communication for July 24, 1995 ISSUE The purpose of this item is to discuss issues relating to development of a Multi -Year Capital Projects Program funded with 4B sales tax . BACKGROUND The long range Master Park and Recreation planning process , which would be the basis of a Multi-Year Capital Program, started in April and will conclude in September. Priorities must be established to ensure that the 4B funds are put to the best use possible . There will be insufficient funds to meet all the demands and needs . Establishing funding priorities will be a challenge . What these priorities are will tell alot about what the city is today, and will provide an outline of what we want the community to look like tomorrow. The 4B sales tax funds are for park, recreation, and library needs . The attention of the Park Board and staff during the last 8 months have focused on the Immediate Need Projects completed in Community Park and issues relating to the new community park site. The purpose of this item is to discuss parks, recreation and library projects that will be considered for funding using the 4B sales tax funds. Those projects include the library expansion and community center renovation(old post office) . How each project relates to one another in terms of funding, development, and construction will be discussed. The relationship between the new community center and the current library/community room is a good starting point. The new community center will serve as the new meeting space for the Senior Citizens . Planning will begin soon on the expansion of the library into the community room meeting space . The community room currently serves as the meeting place for the seniors and is the location of the Parks Department Administrative offices . The library expansion can not begin until the Community Center renovations are completed. The library expansion and new community park athletic field projects are eligible for grant funding. A submittal will be made for a $500 ,000 grant from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife for the new community park in January of 1996 . A grant for the library expansion will be made in March of 1996 . All of these variables are important to understand as they relate to the 4B sales tax cash flow and when projects will be scheduled for construction. The date that grant monies are available will dictate the construction schedules for specific projects . A project, for example the community center, may be given higher priority because of the practical need to have it completed. No one project stands alone without any impact on other projects . These are some of the issues that need to be understood before the process of developing the Multi-Year Capital Program begins . The attached table of PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULES has been prepared as a concept . It has been prepared for means of discussion only. It is not necessarily a recommendation of staff . FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS N/A LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS N/A STAFF CONSIDERATIONS N/A Attachment: PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULES 1L4J Prepared and approved by MEMORANDUM DATE: July 21, 1995 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Mike Collins, Acting City Manager/ SUBJECT: 4B Sales Tax Project Schedule - FY96 - FY97 The City Council, accepting the recommendations of the Library Board and Park and Recreation Board, agreed that 4B sales tax funding be spent during FY95 on a project list of immediate and short term needs. Approximately $460,000 in projects were identified for funding. Available cash enabled almost $290,000 in projects to be completed during FY95. These improvements would be done before any long-range major improvements or new programs would be considered. The time has now come to consider major new capital programs. These projects could include: Library Expansion; Community Center Renovation; and, the Central Park Athletic Field Complex Development. The attached cash flow chart and preliminary project schedule have been prepared to show the city council a proposal of how these major capital projects could be completed, utilizing a combination of funds. This proposal would look much different if the projects were completed on a pay-as-you-go basis. Many assumptions were made with regard to revenues and expenditures. Revenue projections were made assuming the following factors: monthly sales tax collections totaling $22,500 monthly or$270,000 yearly; receipt of grant funding - $50,000 for library and $500,00 for Central Park in Wylie; ability to borrow $96,000 in July of 1995, and $150,000 in October of 1995, and $425,000 in January of 1996 from Reserve General Fund as bridge loans; ability to borrow $1.5 million in April of 1996. The city's financial advisor indicates that April is the earliest that debt can be issued with the most favorable terms from the Bond Rating Agencies. A consistent record of sales tax collections must be established because that source will be pledged towards repayment. Expenditure estimates were based on discussions with architects/consultants that the city has hired to complete conceptual designs on the three major capital programs. The following estimates are total project costs, including design and construction. A projected cost for expanding the Library by 4,480 square feet and remodeling 6,960 square feet is approximately $115,000. The estimated cost of the Community Center renovation is $140,000, which includes $80,000 for the purchase of the building. The projected cost of the joint use athletic field complex - Phase I - is $1.5 million. Mayor and City Council Page 2 July 21, 1995 The $1.5 million loan will be used for a combination of payments. The general fund will be fully repaid. An analysis of the cash flow shows that the 4B Sales Tax Fund experiences a cash flow problem until debt is issued in the third quarter of 1996. Reserve General Funds borrowing is necessary as a bridge loan to finance the purchase of the athletic field property ($315,000); final design for the athletic field grant application - $120,000; purchase of the old post office and related roof repairs - $80,000 and $15,000 respectively; final design for the Library Expansion Grant Application - $10,000. Expenditures for final design for the Library and Central Park are necessary to meet the grant submission deadlines in the Spring of 1996. The cash flow and project schedule are not set in concrete. However, the timing of certain expenditures relating to the grant submittal are beyond our control. The completion of the library expansion triggers the need to finish the work on the new Community Center. There are funds that can be identified for other capital improvements and land betterments to existing facilities. These issues and others relating to the Library, Community Center and Athletic Field will be thoroughly discussed at the worksession. • PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULES TIME ACTIVITY May-June 95 Service Center - Concept/Site Plan June 95 Community Center -Concept/Site Plan July 95 Community Center - Schematic Design City Council & Public Meetings July 95 Service Center - Schematic Design Summer 95 Central Park (Athletic Fields) - Concept/Site Plan Summer 95 CommunityCenter Private Fund Raising Fall 95 Library - Schematic Design Library Board, City Council & Public Meetings r-3. )4- Fall 95 Central Park - Schematic Design Park& Rec Board, City Council & Public Meetings Sept. 95 Community Center - Bidding Phase & Contract Sept. 95 Service Center - Bidding Phase & Contract Oct. 95 Library - Concept/Site Plan Oct. 95/Jan. 96 Community Center - Begin/End Construction Oct. 95/April 96 Service Center - Begin/End Construction Jan. 31-July 31 , 96 Central Park - Grant Process Texas Parks & Wildlife Mar. 31/Aug. 31 , 96 Library - Grant Process Texas State Library Assoc. Sept. 96 Library - Bidding Phase & Contract Oct. 96/Feb. 97 Library - Begin/End Construction Nov. 96 Central Park - Bidding Phase & Contract Nov. 96 Texas Parks & Wildlife - Plan Review Dec. 96/Nov. 97 Central Park - Begin/End Construction • ATHLETIC FIELD PARTICIPANTS SEASONS: FEB-APRIL/SEPT-NOV 15 MARCH-JULY/AUG-NOV 15 MARCH-JULY/AUG-NOV 15 SEPT-NOV 15 YR Soccer Spring/Fall BSY Spring/Fall BSA Spring/Fall Football 91 294/300 679/35* 332/205 Played at another site 92 308/362 705/15* 348/230 Played at another site 93 318/378 637/33* 330/594** 129 94 370/428 730/0 **634/697** 95 95 489/NA 744/NA 543/NA NA %Changes `94 vs `91 +26/+43 +8/-100 +91/+240 %Change `94 vs `93 -26 `95 vs `91 +66/NA +10/NA +64/NA *=Youth usually do not play B/S in the Fall BSY=Baseball/Softball Youth This was a select group of girls that broke BSA=Baseball/Softball Adult away from the W.S.A. **=These higher numbers reflect when the W.A.A. began playing in addition to the W.S.A. NA=Not Available