09-28-1998 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Agenda Communication for September 28, 1998
Discuss and consider establishing a policy between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent
School District regarding the acquisition of property for park and educational purposes.
Over the past few years, several steps have been taken to secure the relationship between the City
of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District (WISD). Cooperative agreements have been
developed with regard to the joint development and use of the new park, the crossing guard
program, and most recently with the Student Resource Officer and the DARE program.
Specific to the parks system, there are two primary policy documents in place. Within the Parks
and Open Space Master Plan are a series of goals which address the future of the city's park and
recreation system. Of these goals, one specifically addresses the desire to continue to identify
opportunities for joint use facilities between the WISD and the City:
Continue to develop cooperative efforts between the City and School District for joint use
a. When feasible, plan, acquire and develop joint use sites for park and educational
b. Establish annual meetings between the City and District for discussing community
growth and programs which can be undertaken to benefit both entity's objectives.
c. Assist, when required, to protect future school sites which are agreed upon as the
park acquisition plan is implemented.
Five specific park and open space elements are recommended within the Plan. These include
neighborhood parks, community parks, trails, open space/corridor preservation, and a park/school
concept. As stated in the Plan:
A planning and development approach taken by some cities and school districts is the
concept of having a joint use site. When planning parameters interface properly and a site
is situated where it can function both as a neighborhood park and elementary school,
several benefits are gained for both entities by the purchase of the site for joint use. The
facility can become the focal point for the neighborhood where both recreational and
educational facilities are available to surrounding residents. The combined site reduces the
total area needed if separate sites were purchased and each entity can make maximum use
of the recreational opportunities and share in the maintenance of grounds and equipment
The growth currently occurring within the area has placed an emphasis on the importance of the
joint planning efforts and on the need to further fine tune policy regarding the acquisition of park
land adjacent to future elementary schools. The City has two basic options available in order to
acquire park land; 1) purchase identified parcels of land based on the Master Plan, or 2) through
the platting process, require the dedication of park land per the Parkland Dedication Ordinance.
Which option to pursue is going to vary with each separate circumstance. There are opportunities
to jointly develop property with the WISD without the need to jointly purchase the property. As
an example, the two tracts of land recently purchased by the WISD for elementary schools are a
part of larger proposed subdivisions. Through the platting and development process, the City will
be able to receive dedicated park land adjacent to the new school off of FM 1378, without the
need to purchase land jointly with the District. The other property acquired by the WISD on
McCreary Road falls within a subdivision in which a considerable amount of park land and open
space has been set aside. In that circumstance, the Park Board recommended that the developer
pay the fees, rather than dedicate the land. The fees received will then be applied to enhancing
the open space within the 10 acres purchased by the WISD. Another example would be with the
possible elementary school site adjacent to the Woodbridge Subdivision. There is an opportunity
to utilize the old landfill property on Alanis for a park, if it is possible to locate the school site
adjacent to the existing City-owned property.
The issue of primary importance with these, or any other circumstance, is that it is imperative for
the City and the WISD to communicate prior to either entity taking any action. If the efforts are
not coordinated, the opportunity to optimize the use of land for both education and open space is
In November, 1995 the City of Wylie and the WISD both approved a Resolution which
established a working partnership, stating that "the two will actively support each others missions
by communicating and cooperating at all levels of their organizations." The Resolution also put
in place a Joint Action Plan which sets out specific goals pertaining to the joint development and
use of the new park/athletic field complex. The Action Plan is intended to be a flexible and
dynamic document to be changed as needed. In order to specifically address the issues of the
acquisition of park land near new school sites, it is recommended that the Joint Action Plan be
amended as shown on the attached.
Financial Considerations
Other Considerations
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the Joint Action Plan.
Draft Joint Action Plan
Prepay b Approved by
Adopted, November 14, 1995
Revised, October, 1998
Purpose. This Action Plan aims to:
A. secure the relationship between the Wylie Independent School District (WISD) and
the City of Wylie by formalizing present and new policies and programs, and
B. provide for the continuous improvement of services to the community that help
fulfill the missions of both organizations.
II. Goals. The following goals represent the joint action agenda for the WISD/City
A. Complete jointly, the planning and development of the Central Park area which is
comprised of a multi-use athletic field complex, the WISD football stadium, a
tennis center, and hike & bike trails.
B. Provide safe access for school children to and from their schools, and safe, healthy
environments at school sites that promote learning.
C. Meet together as governing bodies and exchange information, develop new plans,
and consider new programs on behalf of the citizens of Wylie.
1. Jointly approve a Conceptual Plan for the Central Park area on or before
December, 1995.
2. Prior to the acquisition of land, by purchase or dedication, the City of
Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District agree to meet and
the affects of the acquisition on each entity's Master Plan; and
the opportunity and method for joint development and use.
3. In preliminary meetings with developers, staff will pursue the
Park/School concept, where applicable.
D. Enter into a Joint Use Agreement, as necessary, for new projects and programs.
1. Jointly approve a Joint Use Agreement for the Central Park area on or
before January, 1996