09-09-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board NOTICE OF SUB- Ati}LG LA I-v w 1 4 87;0, COMMITTEE MEETING Meeting Agenda September 9, 2015 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Public Services 3rd Floor Conference Room 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dan Chesnut Board Member Emmett Jones Board Member Bobby Kinser Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. A QUORUM OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS MAY OR MAY NOT BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE TAKEN. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Review of the Brown House facility fees. CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 4th day of September 2015 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Deposit Hourly Rate Minimum Other Additional Info Staff recommendation $ 300.00 $ 100.00 3 hours Mon-Thu Resident (capacity 40-50) $ 125.00 4 hours Fri-Sun Resident $ 300.00 $ 125.00 3 hours Mon-Thu Non-resident $ 150.00 4 hours Fri-Sun Non-resident $ 50.00 per hour Photography session per hour rate (use of outdoor/indoor) Birmingham Trust I $ 500.00 $ 100.00 4 hours Photography Sessions: $35/hr for inside house access $ 200.00 $ 150.00 3 hours Package 1- Resident rmers Branch Historical Park $ 300.00 $ 250.00 3 hours Package 2- Resident (Capacity Varies) $ 200.00 $ 75.00 3 hours Package 1- Non-Resident* $ 300.00 $ 125.00 4 hours Package 2- Non-Resident* $ 150.00 $ 200.00 3 hours Wrap around Veranda and front yard (capacity 100) $ 150.00 $ 200.00 3 hours Barn and surrounding grounds (capacity 150) City of Carrollton $ 200.00 Alcohol deposit A.W. Perry Homestead Museum $ 100.00 Special Equip Deposit $ 200.00 Photography-3 hours, $75 additional hour $ 500.00 Photography-10 hour day rate $ 200.00 $ 60.00 4 hours Resident- Mon-Thurs City of Dallas-White Rock Lake $ 200.00 $ 76.00 4 hours Resident- Fri-Sun Big Thicket $ 200.00 $ 70.00 4 hours Non-Resident- Mon-Thurs (Capacity 50) $ 200.00 $ 70.00 4 hours Non-Resident- Fri-Sun $ 400.00 Alcohol security deposit $ 50.00 Alcohol permit application fee Ball-Eddleman-McFarland House $ 500.00 $ 1,450.00 4 hours Fri-Sat $ 500.00 $ 1,950.00 7 hours Fri-Sat $ 500.00 $ 2,400.00 10 hours Fri-Sat Fort Worth,TX $ 500.00 $ 950.00 4 hours Mon-Thurs evenings and Sun (Capacity 70) $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 7 hours Mon-Thurs evenings and Sun Privately owned property 2 hours $ 150.00 Bridal Portrait-during business hours 2 hours $ 200.00 Bridal Portrait-weeknights and weekends )n-Residents are required to use$1000 worth if business with Farmers Branch hotels. A$25 per hour fee will be deducted from all deposits for reservations taking place before or after the Historical Park's hours of operation. City of Farmers Branch Rental Agreement Historical Park Use Agreement Introduction: The Farmers Branch Historical Park is a museum operated by the City of Farmers Branch as a division of the Parks and Recreation Department. We appreciate your consideration of our facility for your event. Please keep in mind that our primary function as a museum is to educate the general public about the history of Texas, Peters Colony, and Farmers Branch. In planning your function, we hope you will explore our rich history and have a most successful wedding, reception, picnic, or meeting. The City of Farmers Branch is pleased to offer the 1890s Church, 1937 Dodson House, Gazebo, Commercial Kitchen, and grounds for the use and pleasure of those renting these facilities. Rental of these buildings or grounds does not mean exclusive use of the entire Historical Park grounds and its facilities. We encourage rental activities that are consistent with the variety and beauty of the site. In recognition of the fragile and irreplaceable nature of the structures at the Park, we believe that sensible rules are appropriate to ensure the continued condition of the Park and its historic structures. Reservations will be taken up to one (1) year in advance. Scheduling for the next calendar year opens the first Monday in August of the current year. Reservations will be made only after renter has read, agreed to abide by, signed the contract, and paid the rental fee/security deposit (see page 14), and/or provided written documentation of meeting *hotel/motel requirements if applicable. *Hotel/motel requirements — Non-Resident renter must use a minimum of $1,000.00 worth of Farmers Branch hotel/motel business and pay rental rates (see page 14) to qualify for use of the Historical Park. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 11 3/09 Hours: Monday — Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Noon-6:00 p.m. Park Closed: New Year's Day Easter Thanksgiving Christmas Day Please make an appointment to view structures or submit paperwork. Events will not be scheduled before 8:00 a.m. and will end no later than 11:00 p.m. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: I I 3'09 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS FEES The rental fees/security deposit are due at the time of reservation. (see page 14) Reservations will be made when rental fees/security deposit have been paid and all paperwork, including official written documentation of Fanners Branch hotel/motel usage, if applicable, is complete. DEPOSIT The rental fees and security deposit are deposited. Security (see page 14) deposits are refundable seven (7) to fourteen (14) working days after the scheduled reservation and;or when all conditions of the contract are met—non-damage to facility or museum property, cleaning, trash removal, decorating requirements, and rental equipment removal. All refunds are subject to the final discretion of the Historical Park Superintendent. CANCELLATION If rental agreement is canceled in writing thirty (30) days or more POLICY in advance, the security deposit and rental fees are refundable. If written notice is received less than thirty (30) days prior to the event, the security deposit and all rental fees can be forfeited. If paying by check and the check is returned (insufficient funds), reservations will automatically cancel. The check writer will be held liable for non-sufficient fund charges in accordance with current City policy. HOTEL/MOTEL If hotel/motel rooms have been cancelled, the reservation is CANCELLATION automatically cancelled and the above stated cancellation policy becomes effective. It is the responsibility of the renter to notify Historical Park staff in writing if a change in hotel/motel selection has occurred. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 1 1%3'09 4 LIABILITY All renters agree to pay for any damage done to the facility, grounds or furnishings by themselves, their guests, caterers, or employees during or pertaining to their rentals. A signed contract covering this aspect will be required at the time of rental application (see General Statement of Understanding page 19). If damage should occur, notification will be given to the renter as soon as damages and replacement, repair and/or clean up costs have been determined. If replacement, repair and/or clean up by Historical Park staff is required, the renter will be financially responsible for the cost of the replacement, repair and/or clean up not covered by the deposit. The City of Farmers Branch is not responsible for anyone injured on the premises, personal property left on the site, or rental equipment. For the safety of guests and visitors to the Park, aircraft such as helicopters, hot air balloons, etc. will not be allowed to land or take off from the property without the written approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation. ALCOHOL Alcohol may be consumed during Historical Park reservations and at designated special events with written approval of the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department (page 22). The following guidelines must be adhered to: • Alcohol beverages shall be brought to a city facility and served ONLY by a contractor/vendor/concessionaire appropriately licensed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. It is the contractor's/vendor's/concessionaire's responsibility to abide by all applicable laws/regulations/licensing/permitting. • Either the sponsor of the event or the contractor/vendor/concessionaire who will be serving/selling alcoholic beverages at the event must carry or obtain a Liquor Liability Addendum to their General Liability Policy and have such policy endorsed to name the City of Farmers Branch as additional insured on the policy. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: I I'3'09 5 ALCOHOL Insurance requirements are as follows: General Liability Coverage: $ 1,000,000 per occurrence $ 2,000,000 annual aggregate GiL must include coverage for the following: a. Must be on a per occurrence basis b. Must include Medical Expense limits of not less than $10,000 c. Personal and Advertising Injury limit of not less $1,000,000 d. Products and Completed Operations limit of$2,000,000 aggregate e. Fire Damage, any one Fire limit of$1,000,000 The above insurance shall be in addition to any other insurance coverage required by other City policies or ordinances or contracts with the City. In the event any other policy, ordinance, or contract require greater levels or additional insurance than this policy, then the more stringent requirement will control. • The event sponsor shall be responsible for ensuring that intoxicated individuals are not served additional alcohol beverages. • Consumption/service of alcoholic beverages will only be allowed in a specified area defined in the permit issued by the Director. • Any time alcoholic beverages are served, food must be made available by the event sponsor to attendees of the event. • Alcoholic beverages will not be authorized at an event where the attendees will predominantly be under 21 years of age or under (e.g. children's birthday parties, high school graduation parties, and similar events), which determination shall be solely at the discretion of the Director. • The Director shall have the authority to require one or more off duty Farmers Branch Police Officers (or, if insufficient number of Farmers Branch Police Officers are available, one or more law enforcement officers, as approved by the Farmers Branch Police Department, with a current TCLEOSE certificate), as determined by the Director based on anticipated attendance at the event. Attendance exceeding the anticipated amount may require additional Police Officers and will be at the discretion of the Police Officer working the event. The cost of such officers shall be solely the expense of the event sponsor. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 11 3/09 ALCOHOL • The deposit required by applicable rental policies shall be doubled for events for which the Director has issued a permit pursuant to this policy. • Alcoholic beverages shall not be brought to a City facility or City park by an individual(s) or event sponsor for personal consumption, even for ceremonial purposes; provided, however, a single bottle of champagne, wine, or other alcoholic beverage may be brought by the wedding party to a wedding event for which a park reservation has been made solely for a toast between the bride and groom. This does require written permission of the Director, and intent to conduct such a ceremonial toast must be indicated on the rental application (page 18). SMOKING Smoking is not allowed in any structure. Fireplaces may not be used. CLIMATE While our structures are climate controlled, there are limitations CONTROL due to the age of each structure. Staff will attempt to make you as comfortable as possible within the acceptable range of temperature for that structure and in consideration of contributing factors. Tampering with thermostats will forfeit the right to receive a security deposit refund. DECORATIONS Interior furnishings (including pews, equipment, displays, sofas, chairs, pianos, organs, wall decorations) may not be re-arranged or used outside the rental structures. Decorations should be pre- assembled before being brought to the Historical Park. The use of tacks, staples, tapes, or adhesives of any kind is prohibited. Floral wire and/or ribbon are permitted as long as no nails or tacks are attached to structures or furnishings. The renter is responsible for leaving the facility in its original condition. If cleaning by Historical Park staff is needed after the rental, staff time will be deducted from the security deposit at the rate of$25.00 per man hour. Flames of any kind are not permitted, including unity candles. However the use of battery or electric candles is permitted or regular wax candles if not lighted. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 1 1r'3'09 7 DECORATIONS Fresh flowers, plants, and balloons may be used. The renter is responsible for ensuring that live plants have a dish under them so that water will not damage the historical structure or furnishings. While it is not permissible to throw rice or confetti; birdseed and dried flowers may be thrown outside but must be cleaned up. Archways, chairs, and tables may be used on the grounds. However, the renter will need to meet with Historical Park staff prior to the reservation for suggested placement. Fireworks are prohibited on the property, except for certain special events hosted by the City of Farmers Branch. REHEARSAL/ A one-hour rehearsal may be scheduled during Park hours at no SETUP/ charge if using the Park for a wedding; after hours and additional DELIVERIES time can be scheduled in accordance with the rental rates (see page 14). Rehearsals that run over the allotted one-hour period will be billed for time used. The renter or event representative for your party must be available to accept and inspect deliveries. Weekday deliveries can be made during Park hours. Weekend deliveries cannot be made before 12 noon and cannot interfere with scheduled Park events. Any theft or loss of rental items at the Farmers Branch Historical Park is the responsibility of the renter. The City of Farmers Branch assumes no liability for loss or damage of rental items (tables, chairs, serving equipment, etc.). RENTER WILL PAY FOR STAFF TIME AT THE RATE OF $25.00 AN HOUR, INCLUDING HOTEL(S)/MOTEL(S), IF TIME OTHER THAN NORMAL PARK HOURS ARE USED. (Staff time will be deducted from the security deposit) DRESSING The Dodson House (if not being utilized by the rental party) may be utilized for the bride to dress in for one hour (reservation time) for a deposit of$100.00. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: II i3'09 CATERERS Limited (drop off service): All caterers who are providing catering services at the Historical Park are required to provide the City of Farmers Branch with proof of General Liability Insurance in the amount of$1,000,000 per occurrence, and Automobile Liability Insurance, $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit and a signed catering agreement (page 21). The City of Farmers Branch shall be named as an Additional Insured on each applicable policy. Such proof of Insurance shall be provided prior to the catered event. Full-Service: All requirements of limited catering and proof of Workers Compensation Insurance, per State of Texas Statutes. It is recommended that caterers make an appointment to view and assess the Park Facilities and grounds prior to the event. ENTERTAINMENT/ Music is allowed during your event (harpist, string quartets, and NOISE bands). Bands can number no more than five pieces. Music can be scheduled on the grounds no later than 9 p.m. and must not be disruptive to the residential neighborhood in which the Historical Park is located. (PLEASE NOTE: Amplified music may be allowed, but only with the written approval of the Director of the Parks & Recreation Department.) CONFLICT/ The Superintendent may cancel any scheduled reservation should EXCLUSION the activities planned be in conflict with the stated rules or special activities of the City of Farmers Branch, or if they detract from the public image of the Farmers Branch Historical Park. The Farmers Branch Historical Park will always attempt to accommodate the renter in such matters. The City of Farmers Branch reserves the right to exclude any group or individuals it deems unacceptable. No illegal activities of any kind will be tolerated on the premises. All rentals at the Historical Park are of a non-exclusive nature— rental of structures or grounds does not mean exclusive use of the entire Historical Park. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 11 3 09 9 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles are allowed inside the Park at times other than weddings at the Historical Park Superintendent's discretion. Only one (1) automobile is permitted on the main pathway during weddings, receptions, or events to deliver the bride, groom, or wedding party to the Church, Gazebo, or Dodson House. The vehicle must enter at the Farmer Branch Lane entrance only. Deliveries for functions to be held at the Park must be made during Park hours and only two (2) delivery vehicles are allowed on site at any given time. NO EXCEPTIONS. PARKING Parking is free and is limited to a capacity of 59 cars in designated areas by the Farmers Branch Lane entrance. Vehicular traffic and parking is prohibited on the Park grounds and pathways. Please inform the Historical Park staff at the time of reservation if overflow parking is needed. ANIMALS No animals are allowed within the structures at any time (except service animals aiding the impaired). INCLEMENT The City is not responsible for weather and recommends having a WEATHER back up plan in place for outdoor functions, including rental of an POLICY indoor facility like the Dodson House. Refunds will not be given if any facilities are rented but not used. CLEAN UP Renter is responsible for all clean up and related items. All activities including clean up are to be completed during the scheduled reservation time. Renter must properly dispose of all decorations, litter and other debris. Trash must be bagged and left in designated area. The Historical Park staff will inspect the facility after rental is complete. Failure to comply with any of the rules & regulations may result in forfeiture of deposit. Failure to clean up or remove items, personal, rented, or otherwise, will result in staff time being deducted from the security deposit at the rate of$25.00 per man hour for clean up. LOGO The name of the City of Farmers Branch, Farmers Branch Historical Park, logo, trademarks or other distinguishing marks may not be used by renters, except when denoting the address on invitations, maps, etc. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 11 3/09 10 FUNDRAISING/ No organization or individual may use the property for purely GAMBLING political activities, raising funds, or recruiting members for any organization except for approved City of Farmers Branch activities. No gambling for monetary gain shall be allowed. PHOTOGRAPHY The Historical Park may be used as a backdrop for photos/video AS PART OF A prior to and during a rental at no additional charge. However, no SCHEDULED images will be taken inside any structure other than the Church RESERVATION and Dodson House. Please contact the Historical Park staff to schedule a photo shoot prior to your reservation. NON If you are not utilizing the Historical Park as part of a scheduled COMMERCIAL reservation, the Park as a backdrop for family portraits or PHOTOGRAPHY professional photography shoots. Professional photographers shooting family portraits or non-commercial images will pay an annual fee of$100 for the privilege of using the Historical Park as a backdrop for business for the ensuing 12 months. Professional photographers must schedule appointments with Historical Park staff to ensure there is no conflict with other renters or pre- scheduled events or activities. After hour shoots are available at the standard hourly rate (see page 14). COMMERCIAL The Historical Park may be used as a backdrop for commercial PHOTOGRAPHY photo/video shoots. Security deposit and hourly rates (see page 14) will apply. Additional permission must be obtained in advance if any image of the Historical Park is used for promotion of a project. Permission will not be granted for images to be used as a symbol or logo. The Historical Park will be presented with a gratis copy of the final work. No more than one vehicle will be allowed to park inside the main grounds of the Historical Park; and then only if the vehicle will be used to facilitate changing clothes for the project. If a vehicle will be needed inside the main grounds during a project, Historical Park staff must be notified at the time of reservation to ensure that there are no potential conflicts. All additional rules and regulations will apply. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 113%09 I' SERVATION POLICY & PROCEDURES Reservations are encouraged by individuals, businesses, hotels and organizations Private Rentals: Residents Person making the reservation must be a resident of the City of Farmers Branch and show proof of residency when making reservations. Residents are subject to security deposit and rental fees (see page 14). Farmers Branch Businesses The business must be based within the Farmers Branch city limits. Payments made by check from the business must have the Farmers Branch address imprinted permanently on the face of the check. Businesses paying by cash or credit card must provide a copy of their Farmers Branch water bill. Farmers Branch businesses are subject to security deposit and rental fees (see page 14). Hotel(s)/Motel(s): Hotel(s)/Motel(s) within the Farmers Branch city limits are not charged any facility rental fees for hotel conference/business usage. Non-Resident Rentals: Non-resident individuals and/or organizations not based in Farmers Branch have the ability to utilize the Historical Park by using a minimum of$1,000.00 worth of business at Farmers Branch hotel(s) /motel(s) and paying security deposit and rental fees (see page 14). Business can include room nights, catering and room rentals. Confirmation of reservation consists of payment of security deposit and rental fees (see page 14), a signed rental agreement, and written verification of $1,000.00 worth of business at Farmers Branch hotel(s)/motel(s). Confirmations not completed within 48 hours will result in forfeiture of the reservation date. Non-resident employees of businesses in Farmers Branch are eligible to make personal reservations only as non-residents. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 1 1'3/09 12 Farmers Branch Non-Profit Rentals: Farmers Branch non-profits are defined as Farmers Branch based groups with a 501(c)(3) status. During operating hours non-profit groups are not charged an hourly fee but are required to pay a deposit (see page 14). Non-profit groups pay private fees (see page 14) after operating hours. Non-profit groups may reserve the Dodson House or Old Church on a quarterly basis, with not more than one reservation per quarter. Non-profit groups other than Farmers Branch churches, schools (public and private) and scouting groups must present a roster each quarter with a 51% Farmers Branch residency. Payments made by check must have the non-profit's name and Farmers Branch address imprinted permanently on the face of the check. Proof of residency is required. All reservations are subject to the General Regulations. Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 1 1I3,09 13 e nKa I ,"�ateB: Deposit Operating Hours After Hours Rental Fees Rental Fees Resident 02O0.0U for l $|5U.0O per hnur/3 hour minimum $l50.O0 per hour/3 hour minimum for xtructurc/unmondy for l structure/grounds | structure/grounds $]0O.00 for 2or $25O.00 per hour/4 hour minimum $250OO per hour/4 hour minimum more structures for 2or more structures for or more structures Additional fee n[$25.00 per hour deducted from the deposit for staff time Non-Resident $200.00 for | $75.00 perhoun9 hour minimum $75.00 perhouo9 hour minimum for (Hotel/Motel) structure/grounds for | structure/grounds | structure/grounds $3O0.0O for 2or $\25O0 per hnur/4 hour minimum $\Z5.00 per hour/4 hour minimum for more structures for or more structures 2 or more structures /\ddidnnu| fee o[$25O0 per hour deducted from the deposit for staff time Non-Profit $20O.00 for | Waived $}50.00 per hnur/3 hour minimum for structure/grounds i structure/grounds $300.O0 for 2or $250.00 per huu:N hour minimum more structures for or more structures Additional fee of$25.00 per hour deducted from the deposit for staff time Revised and Funnco Branch City Council Approved: | |G0A 14 Farmers Branch Hotel/Motel Information •• • .• •• '.1•5201: d 311:• - • • • • ..41. rnlyita • I U 11 www.visitfarmersbranch.com/MeetStay Historical Park Facility Information ADDRESS: The Old Church in the Historical Park 2540 Farmers Branch Lane Farmers Branch, Texas 75234 3"; 11,15V 1.4 ' OLD CHURCH Capacity: 75 - 100 people (approximately) Pews: 16 - 8 on each side 2 small & 2 large in back room Stage: 9 ft. deep x 20 ft. wide Center Isle: 63" x 30' to inside door 63" x 40' to outside door Entry Table: 44.5" x 17" Temperature: Climate controlled 1 5 Revised and Farmers Branch City Council Approved: 11'3/09 Robert Diaz From: [hip Nami <[nami@pGPTX.ong» Sent: Friday, August 28' 3OlSl:l7PK4 To: Robert Diaz Subject: RE:Alcohol policies atRuthe Jackson Center Robert, We actually have a liquor license so all alcoholic beverages must be purchased through us. VVe are similar toa hotel or restaurant m that vain. I will tell you that many facilities that don't hold their own license require customers to use a licensed caterer to provide alcoholic beverage service at their venue. This helps to regulate the service as a licensed caterer must abide by all TABC laws that govern alcohol service. The other option available would be to allow your customers to provide their own alcohol which | would advise against. Mainly because there is not real regulation in that scenario. Feel free to call nneatnny direct number below if you'd like to discuss this further. Best ofluck, � General Manager The RUth8 j2CkSOO Center 3113 S. Carrier Pkm«/. Grand Pr8i[i8, Tx. 75052 972-237-7501 — off ice 8rcDOD From: Robert Diaz [ l Sent: Friday, August 28, 3015 1:06 PM To: Chip Namni Subject: Alcohol policies atRuthe Jackson Center Good Afternoon Chip, | got your contact information from Kim Chapman in Farmers Branch. We are looking at opening a snna|| rental facility in an old restored home in downtown Wylie. I am just inquiring about your alcohol policies,we are starting to review these types of policies with our Parks/Rec Board and need some local examples. | appreciate your help on this,thanks. ThOn�< you for SUC)po�f�ng ili�-� WYHB' - o��(��� ������, ����E � Parks mnd Reo/eo�ionSupedntendont CilyofVVy|�e P72-b� d34l �