02-25-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, February 25, 2008—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Board Members present were: Dan Chesnut, Benny Jones (arrived at 6:49 p.m.), Brandi
Lafleur, Donna Larson and David Willey. Absent members were: Board Co-Chairman
Frankie Delgado.
Staff members present were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks
Superintendent Bill Nelson, Parks Asst. Superintendent Robert Diaz and Board
Secretary Charlotte Rice.
1. Consider and act upon approving minutes for December 17, 2007 and January
19, 2008.
Board Action
Board Member Larson made a motion to approve minutes and Board Member Willey
seconded. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
2. Consider and act upon a request from the Wylie High School Theater Booster
Club to sell tickets to a banquet to be held at the B.P. Community Center May
2, 2008.
Minutes—February 25, 2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Staff/Board Discussion
Dan Chesnut abstained, declaring a personal interest in the Booster Club, as a family
member was a part of this group.
Board Action
Board Member Willey made a motion to approve and Board Member Larson seconded.
A vote was taken and passed 4-0 (Chesnut abstaining).
3. Consider and act upon a request from the First Baptist Church of Wylie to sell
concessions at Community Park for opening and closing ceremonies for the
spring 2008 Upward Flag-Football League (dates to sell items TBA).
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz said that the First Baptist Church had originally
wanted to take concession money as a fundraising mechanism, but that the issue would
be discussed further with church representatives before Mr. Diaz would consider taking
the idea to Council. One problem discussed was securing a solid volunteer base to man
the concession stand.
Board Action
A motion to approve was brought forth by Board Member Willey and seconded by Board
Member Lafleur. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
4. Discuss development agreement with Creekside Estates HOA for park
improvements at Creekside Estates Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Two citizens—Gilbert Tamez and Marcia Rodriguez—from Creekside Estates HOA were
present to discuss the potential for entering into a Reimbursement Agreement with the
City for irrigation improvements in Creekside Estates Park. Tamez brought site plans
consisting of three options with proposed participation amounts as follows:
A) $27,000 put up by the City with $12,000 put up by the Creekside HOA
B) $33,000 put up by the City with $12,000 put up by the Creekside HOA
C) $60,000 put up by the City with $12,000 put up by the Creekside HOA
The board discussed the site plan. Public Services Public Services Director Mike Sferra
said that City Manager Mindy Manson and Mayor John Mondy had attended an HOA
meeting and were aware of the options. Citizen Tamez stated that he hoped to have
standard irrigation and sodding by fall of 2008. He noted that since the park's inception,
it has grown in popularity. He iterated that the Creekside HOA was eager to partner with
the City to fund other improvements for athletic fields, (as once they are irrigated and
depleted of weeds then they will be used even more).
Creekside Estates HOA was willing to put forth their own money to obtain the
improvements illustrated, and would be agreeable with a later reimbursement from the
Minutes—February 25, 2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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2008-2009 fiscal budget. Board Member Willey agreed that Option B would be a good
choice. The rest of the Board was in consensus that Option B was worth pursuing.
Board Member Jones arrived during the discussion. Staff said that they would refer the
consensus to City Management for further action.
5. Recap priorities from the 2008 Board Retreat.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz reported where staff priorities lay for the year. The main priorities included:
design and planning for Recreation Center groundwork, completing an updated Parks,
Recreation and Open Space Master Plan and construction of Founders Park
improvements. The Master Plan proposals are due February 27, and Parks
Superintendent Bill Nelson said that ground should be broken for Founders Park by mid-
summer. Mr. Diaz added that staffing the Recreation Center would be brought to
budgeting for fiscal year 2008-2009 and that a recreation supervisor would hopefully be
hired by this time next year.
6. Discuss development of disc golf courses.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Nelson said that an Austin-based, disc golf consultant would be visiting for a one-day
assessment of three possible park sites for installation of a disc golf course. The three
sites are the 17-acre Hensley property adjacent to Founders Park, Parkside Estates
open space, or open space in Bozeman Estates. Board Member Willey added that the
City of McKinney installed a disc golf area last year and that the response had been
overwhelming to the point of McKinney contemplating building a second one.
7. Recap discussion of the Recreation Center Enterprise Plan.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz said that anyone who had further comments regarding the Enterprise Plan
(which was discussed in full at the January Board Retreat) should make any comments
at this time. None were added.
8. Update on Founders Park Project and Recreation Center.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz said that the two tiers of recovering expenditures were the same as when the
subject was discussed at the January Board Retreat and that he would request a
Council work session to present the information to Council and receive their input. Staff
anticipates that the Council may need to revisit the proposed fee structure and adopt the
appropriate ordinance as completion of the Recreation Center nears. It was offered by
Board Member Chesnut that the City consider approaching the high school, asking them
to pitch in for the cost of building the parking lot if the course is located near Founders
Park, the school district will doubtless be using the parking lot periodically (especially
during football season). Mr. Sferra said he would talk to City Manager Manson regarding
sharing costs with the school.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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9. Discuss the options to fulfill the requirement for public art at Founders Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Sferra suggested that board members submit ideas and input regarding potential
public art features to be installed during the construction of Founders Park. He
emphasized the importance of making a decision so that it could be included in the bid
package for Founders Park. Board Member Chesnut suggested placing art between the
two concession stands as there was a large open space and long walkway. Board
Member Larson suggested a sundial. Other suggestions included the placement of
public art near the proposed traffic circle, drop-off area, or plaza. It was decided that
Carole Ehrlich, the staff liaison to the Public Arts Advisory Board, attend the next Park
Board meeting to brief the Board about the process of securing public artwork.
A motion was made by Chairman Hiney to adjourn; consensus of the Board was to
adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:17 pm.
Anne Hiney, C ' an
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C arlotte Rice, Pa k and Secretary
Minutes—February 25, 2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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