12-14-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes ,(1
CITY:F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 14,2015—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
300 Country Club Road#100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Chesnut, Board
Member Harris, Board Member Jones, Board Member Kinser, Board Member Ulmer, and Board Member
White present.
Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, and Parks Board
Secretary, Janet Hawkes.
Lance Wallace, President of the Wylie Baseball Softball Association, and John Hoffman, Board Member
for the Wylie Baseball Softball Association, came forward to discuss with the Board an enhanced Missing
Child Plan (MCP)that will effectively organize and speed the process of locating a missing child in the
City parks.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 13, 2015
Board Action:
Board Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Board Member Kinser, to approve the
minutes from the October 13, 2015 Meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon vendor application for Wylie East High School
(WEHS) Cross Country Team to sell items at a cross country meet to be
held September 3, 2016 at Founders Park.
Superintendent Diaz explained to the Board that the vendor application is for a new event that
would take place at Founders Park over Labor Day weekend in 2016. Due to the event not being
held during a more active sports league weekend, it will not conflict with the ongoing seasonal
youth league activities. The applicant plans to sell concessions and t-shirts at the starting point of
the race in Founders Park to raise money for the Athletic Booster Club. The Board expressed
concerns over what specific food items the applicant intends to sell, as well as how and where the
items will be sold in the park. The Board requested Superintendent Diaz clarify the applicant's
intent and report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Jones made a motion to table the item until clarification was received from the
applicant regarding concessions. Board Member White seconded the motion. A vote was taken
and passed 7-0.
3. Consider and act upon approval of the meeting calendar for 2016.
The Board reviewed the draft 2016 calendar which shows scheduled monthly Parks and
Recreation Board meetings on the second Monday of each month, with no conflicting date
exceptions necessary.
Board Action:
Board Member Harris made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jones, to accept the meeting
calendar for 2016 as presented. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
• Collin County Grant project update.
Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the City of Wylie was awarded a $500,000 grant from
Collin County to extend the Wylie Municipal Trail in the east meadow portion of the Municipal
Complex. The City match for the grant will be Acquisition and Improvement funds. The project
will include 6,700 linear feet of 12 foot wide concrete trail, a bridge, parking lot, solar lights,trash
receptacles, benches, and trail signage. It is anticipated that the project design will start spring of
2016 and construction to begin in the summer of 2016.
• Acquisition and Improvement Fund project update.
Superintendent Diaz gave the Board an update on projects completed as well as those in
progress. Completed projects include the Community Park bleacher covers, the addition of a six
foot connection from the Municipal Complex parking lot to the Wylie Municipal Complex trail,
upgrades to the Municipal Complex Trail bridge, and the installation of a scoreboard at Founders
Park. Ongoing projects include the enhancement of the Community Park parking lot,
replacement of the playground equipment at Olde City Park, Pirate Cove wood swing set
replacement, and the addition of benches and playground equipment at Creekside Park.
• Acquisition and Improvement Fund Subcommittee for FY 2016-17 projects. r••
Superintendent Diaz recommended the Board form an Acquisition and Improvement fund
subcommittee comprised of three Board Members who will meet two to three times in January
and February to discuss future projects. Board Member Emmitt Jones, Board Member David
White, and Board Member Bobby Kinser volunteered to serve on the newly formed
subcommittee. Superintendent Diaz agreed to contact the Subcommittee Members via email in
order to decide on an agreed date for the initial meeting.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Jones and seconded
by Board Member Kinser. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Jai4t Hawkes Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman
Minutes December 14, 2015
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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