08-22-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, August 22, 2005 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North ors rso.r, Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 with the following Board members present; Anne Hiney,Brandi Lafleur,and David Willey.Board Member Benny Jones arrived at 6:43. Board members Eugene Garner and Ronnie Rogers were absent. Staff members present were Mike Sferra,Public Services Director,Bill Nelson,Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz,Assistant Parks Superintendent,and Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary. It was a consensus of the Board to table officer elections for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson until the September 26th meeting. i x a There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. p _ I O.&fl •}. .. �<;:; , io- ' .:_ i`, u' a yea, 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the July 25,2005 meeting. Board Action Board member David Willey made a motion to approve the minutes. Board member Anne Hiney seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Eugene Gamer, Benny Jones, and Ronnie Rogers absent. atl rti iw tii „M", NI, ;I NA „ z,f.V 4 10'0 °'„ 2. Staff updates on the following: Board Discussion Board member Anne Hiney discussed the need for clarification regarding animals allowed in the parks. The Board was in agreement that notice should be given to WISD to clarify that city parks are not to be utilized for the maintenance of animals. Staff Comments Public Services Director Mike Sferra and Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz discussed Council changes to Chapter 78 of the Code of Ordinances. Mr. Sferra stated that Council requested a public hearing for acceptance of the updates. Board member Benny Jones arrived at this time. Minutes—August 22,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 Mr. Sferra discussed concerns expressed by Council pertaining to changes made in the chapter. Mr. Sferra noted particular prohibited acts and Section 78-103 regarding feeding of animals. Some members of the Board expressed concern in regards to Council's interpretation of the changes/updates. The Board suggested replacing "animal" with "wildlife" in Section 78-103. The Board suggested scheduling the public hearing for September 12th as a special called meeting. Mr. Sferra discussed the Sage Creek Phase 8 street connection and stated that Council approved the third option presented. Mr. Sferra discussed the proposed parkland dedication by TXU and displayed potential location. Mr. Sferra discussed the Bond Committee report. Chairman Chesnut discussed his participation on the Bond Committee and informed the Board members of the items discussed by the committee. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the Board with updates to current park development projects. Mr. Nelson stated that underground drainage for Olde City Park had began; dirt work would soon be completed in most of Eureka Park; construction of picnic pavilions would soon begin in Eureka and Riverway Parks; and sign installation of monument signs at parks in progress. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz updated the Board regarding WISD issues. Mr. Diaz discussed his meeting with Coach Ball, the Athletic Director for WISD. Mr. Diaz expressed Coach Ball's concern that local Wylie leagues available to any child should be given priority. Chairman Chesnut stated his concern regarding exclusion of any group. Mr.Diaz discussed the local community education program. Mr.Diaz introduced Benny Jones to the other members of the Board. Board Action With no further business, Board member David Willey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40. The motion was seconded by Brandi Lafleur.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Garner and Ronnie Rogers absent. Daniel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman SUBMITTED BY: Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary Minutes—August 22,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2